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Show I A MOUNTAIN 8PECIAL NOTICE. THE ONE THING LACKING. learn bart er trade weeks. Wages paid every night BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Monumant Perfect, Save in One Graduates earn IIS to 2S per week, Small Respect. Whitaker and Dalian, Makers, 134 W fat. frea. Write ua. Mohler System of Colleges, (2 E. First South St, Balt 3rd South Street, Salt Inks City. Many stories are told about the Utah. late Foster Stafford, who was one of City. . -. UYB.TOKitS the pioneer mill men of Fall River, WASH IT AWAY. d Maaa. busiHe was a LAKE; CUTLER BROS. CO. ness man, blunt of speech, and relitaud and uremic pfilsonlng cured were affairs not his suit. gious long Castilla Hot Springs Water does the Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. Two anecdotes tend to illustrate these KRRttiumswascaiMitRRstiticKK work. Rheumatism vanishes at lte touch. For rate apply to C. H. Beat pants on earth, to order, points. DON'T MISS THE LARGE UT South worth, Manager, When the first of the mills which Room 222 MOBILE 13.50. Commercial Club building, Salt Lake now bear his name was nearing comthat runs to all points of Int 36 Main 8t Salt Lake City, Utah. pletion it was found that the buildCity. with s good guide. Fare L00. d was to he a ing affair, and Seeing Balt take Car and Autos some of hia stockholders who had 40 E 2nd 80. an eye toward making the city beautiful, called on Mr. Stafford In a body. Salt Lakt I ... They tried to persuade him to have DR. A. ZIMMliUUX. MOB. (mU RakaeM Vartttvaly WHhMI Vela. Tree Witt Ottw Week. an ornate tower added to the strucSMOKE GRAVEYARD, THE BEST. Men and women to HUJNIBBtfBSMN In 8 If thla paragraph is marked with a red rro?a 11 inuicam (hat joi Sub- scription to ihla paper has been Bottled for three momhH from that date. If marked with a Mark cross it has only two weoka to run, but unless They come, at one ik.Ii.i, to fl. otherwise notified we shall continue a cabin beside the trail In the to forward the paper. woods. Very respectfully. Two men aru visible at this rahln, T1IK PUBLISHERS. one a nuin of 50 or ( hereabouts, with a cliei'iTiil countenance anil a brown I ir. f.eroy'e Tanay musliiclii!, silling on the ixirrh, and French An Talilota. wltn the oilier a younger man. of ItO, may Uihsi- - tnliicls will be, also amiably disposed, nnd with rosiilt In a pleaH-iimuKlaelie a black and closely tu surprise of the same wunis.il. t ri ii: ini'll Van liyke sufsThe liirtisM' Tills in nn Is silling on a stump In rases KiiurJ. I of painful or sup ii limit. Ion feet from ho cabin, In front. presseil menstrua Tlie ,nan "n TA SH Ud?Sawreir o? bmS? lrah Iaantly. eealeil. securely Utah. Main, Holt take City, along abreast of tlm cabin "Want to see a niunntain yard? J. M. TH0MA8 j "Why, yen," gays the leader of the Attorney-at-Latwo men on the trail, a man with no Balt take City, Utah. particular fancy really for any sort Offices, 11 and 12 Eagle Block. of graveyards, mountain or otherTrade Inventions patented. but still not wise, wishiug to seem Wash-lagtosacks secured direct with Impolite; "yes, we'd like to see the graveyard." Well, just step around here, in REMEMBER. front of the cabin, says the rnan on If your local merchant does not the porch, "righA 'round to the other end. carry in atock Temple Brand Kama Head Sweaters, Bego The two men from the trail stepped diaround as directed, and looked about Lily Underwear, aend your orders rect to the sole manufacturer!, Balt them, but without seeing anything; Lake Knitting Works when presently they hear again the voice of the cheerful man ou the n I sulTi-riii- . j S,,. Utah Dental Co.,ml!u& e9890 It 11,00 When they had exhausted their arefiaOO lo U.00 ( Gold M guments Mr. Stafford closed the IncitllllaitillaN laiHiilMIMItlllM All olkor ftlUof eeosatseoiOi I TM dent by remarking: You cannot miiimhMI make me change my mind, cause, 13 d It, gentlemen, towers don't weave cloth!" Previous to his death, Mr. Stafford AKBABTMI e had a of a cotton mill cut Open till 8 p. a.; Sundays. 10 to 8. In granite and placed In his lot at with tots, bumg Oak Grove cemetery, to serve as his tombstone. When It had been put In place, he Invited the late Walter n C. Durfee, another mill Bell Phone 2767 Independent 4444 man of those days, to go with him and inspect it Durfee examined it closely. Now, Durfee, what do you think of it?" asked Stafford. Well, replied Mr. Durfee, "as far aa I can see, it la complete In all but one detail. 230-231-2Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Utah "And what's that?" Interrogated Stafford, quickly. said Mr. Durfee, "I Stafford, Eyes correctly fitted and csred for by the year. We are the see any fire escape, and, God don't Call of the let and as care" originators "years' explain. system. knows, you'll have need of one." k Bridft EUROPEAN HOTEL. but work, sftUfcsOttr. ts tM Mart of the Rales Ymt Cnaraitu. FREES Ugh. sky. well-know- Alexander Optical Co. "Look up on the end of the house." As the strangers duly look there 114-11E. 2nd they see the mountain graveyard; in the form of 72 empty bottles of various shapes anil sizes and colors of (Opposite 0 rand Theatre.) glass, wired In pretty nearly uniform Oat flowers and floral work for rows to the building in the gable and jail occasions. In the nnd of the house, the bottles We make a specialty of shipping extending across, so, from the peak of , Write telephone the roof half way down to the ground. (funeral design of them. Seventy-twtelegraph. The two men at the cabin, the sextons of this mountain collection of P- - O. Box 443. IOC. for empty graves, sitting one on the In having your teeth fixed, why not get the beetf cabin porch, and the other on the stump In front, seemed to be all right perhaps it was the bracing mounFOR YOUNG POSITIONS GOOD tain air that enabled them to withMEN AND WOMEN. stand the effects of the "mountain 261 dew." Gtvea hie personal attention to all work doneu Keeps We bare more calla for stenograph' no hired men or boys to practice on you. and prices ers " we can fill. Our business Is WHY YOUNG TREES ARE BE8T. are within reason. Fifteen yean In Utah; seven yearn to lit young women and men for these In earn office. Ml MAIN STREET. positions. We give a complete pracSign, "DIDNT HURT A BIT" BOT. TiL 1ST9-our to Any They Can Easily Be Trained tical course. Write us or call at Desired Form. office, 234 Dooly block, Balt Lake City, Utah, for catalogue, terms, etc. 8TKN0GRAPHNC BUREAU. These are the advantages of planting young trees: They can be trained to the desired form better than old Opening of the Fall and Winter Season 1906-- 7. SOCLBAN keeps your floors free A two oi er trees, Farming. says from duet d tree Is branched and BOOLEAN will not allow dust to fly formed by the has Its head already when sweeping. carpet nurseryman; a yearling tree of the BOOLEAN will make your apple, pear and sweet cherry Is usu look like new. Sometimes the BOOLEAN will, make your floor ap-- ; ally unbranched. THE ARTISTIC TAILOR pear as If scrubbed every day. nursery man has headed the tree too BOOLEAN will save you hundreds of high or has not been careful enough out the scaffold limbs, about dpllars annually byand having Wishes to inform you that he has just returned from the East, and is free and It starting your place clean Is difficult to correct the form now in a position to show his patrons the largest and most varied from dust of the head after It has been started 8end In your orders. selection of uprievdate all wool fabrics in the west, at prices which Is unmistakable an There prefer BOOLEAN MFO. CO.. due chief ence for trees, Lake are well within the reach of everybody, So. Ml So. W. Temple St., Salt ly to the need of economy and effl City. Utah. Suits or Overcoats worth from $35 to $50, from $20 up ciency In spraying and harvesting. The of low heading U advantage single from $6 up Pants worth from $8 to $12 SALT THAT'S ALL BALT greater inconvenience in tillage. TtaU Is much more thun offset by the adCome and see for yourself or write for samples and selftneasures ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND vantages. in the judgment of most ment blanks. M. DANIELS, 57 W. Second South St, Salt Lake City growers. Within ten years the height Manufactured only by recommended for heading apple trees in the east has been reduced at least INLAND CRY8TAL SALT CO-two feet. The bearing of this on the W. Clayton, Manager, matter of yearling trees is that the Salt Lake City, Utah. grower can head a yearling tree where he pleases. GLADSTONE HOTEL. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. Japan's 8ulphur Supply. lake City. 119 South Vi R- tIs .not so essential in wai j Sulphur rooms the day. tarnished by Beany as It once was, but the Japanese would Week or Month. flf You will come to Salt Lake City in October, will you have found it difficult to fight the Kus-- : Rates, 60 cents to 31.50 per dsy. not 1 While there, you will want the cheapest and Special rates by the day. week or slans without It. Three years before the war the yearly output of Japaueso month. best Pianos for the money to be obtained in Utah. They sulphur was alxuit 8.000 tons. There , are detosits in Formosa, but these are to be found at our ware room at No. 52 Market Street, would have taken some considerable half block from the Post Office, Salt Lake Gty, Utah. time to develop; whereas In the Kuriles there are known to exist the 1 Meanwhile, we will send you list of such used upright richest accumulations of the materia Pianos as the Chickering, Steinway, Weber and Knabe, ever discovered, exceeding even those ' of Sicily. etc,, with prices attached, if you send postaL These islands, though belonging to When you call you will find this is a one price house) Japan, were almost within the clutch' of the Russian bear, stringing out hetickets are attached to each Piano, containing price of same tween Japan and the Kamchatkan and condition of sale. No dickering. We will deliver to peninsula. In this locality the Japan-esc, aided, It Is said, by Amerleans. your nearest railroad station, freight free, all Pianos purs selected a volcano near Moyoro hay. chased from us. Town and country is the same to us, It took one season to pick it out from the others and survey it, but during R lie next nMn an( material the latter ' including a wire rope railway several ; miles long were transported to the PETERSONS DETECTIVE SERVICE spot. With this accomplished the rest was COMPANY, easy and the Japanese quickly pro-- : ' 328-32-9 O. F. Walker Bldg cured all the sulphur they needed, According to conservative estimates Salt Lake City, Utah. 2.000.000 tons of sulphur is now in We are prepared to undertake all 8Kht. The stock Is constantly being proper detective business intrusted to aj,jt.Q ,0 by the vapors which veil this r " corporations and Individuals. endons natural laboratory. Consultation and advice free. Call or . 1316-Ywrite. 'Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell Teaching Monkeys to Talk. The licrpont School located at Dr. W. Reed Blair, the surgeon official-.On no railroad In America is the system of discipline among employes Ki-- I North Temple. Bait take, ' ly attached to the Bronx zoo, has and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher its fifth year. September 17, elded that monkeys cannot talk, degree than on the This school offers as thor- - j cause they have no nose to use as a ough and excellent work in Its lines sounding hoard. Or. Blair has there-a- s ear. hr had in the finest east- - (ore geW(P,i two two rn college. I's courses include adult one and monkeys, Intelligent Elrieution. Voice and Physical Cuwhose faces will 4 lture. Public Spe'iking. Theatricals. baby monkey, upon be grafted artificial noses. The ex- - 4 Write and English Shakespeare. peri men t will be tried first of all upon j' for eirculars. Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago via the Union Pathe baby monkey, who will bn excific and St. Paul line. Through sleepers and free reclining chair eluded from other animals until it Is cars. decided whether it can be taught to THE KEELEY CURE. articulate words. Drunkenness Cured. For tickets and information call on A positive and permanent core' dtofor drunkenness and the opium Hi. Definition, C S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, eases. There Is no publicity, no Is a sork ot art? Oh, sickness. Ladles treated as pri- - almMt Salt Lake City. in the way of a vately as at their own homes. The1 ture orAnythingof piece statuary without Institute. 334 W Bo. Tm-I clothing." Houston Post. it take City, Utah. pie, 627-29-3- 1 SUSStfSttStRSttStUtttRltSlRWUUPR XX Many Racea in Abyasinia. The most Interesting part of the dark continent is Abyssinia. Here the beasts of the field and the flowers of the meadow from the Mediterra-- . nean region meet those of tropical1 Africa. Here the snow capped mountains retain a wild goat; here also Is a peculiar and aberrant dog, and In the western lowlands Is a true wild hoar. Several of the antelopes and two or three species of monkey are peculiar to Abyssinia, as are numerous birds, a few fish, two or three reptiles, and a great many plants. The human races are of varied types and widely different origins, speaking a diversity of languages, some of them as yet unclassified. In the extreme southwest are negro types, In the southeast and south they are handsome or Somala stock. In the north there are Hamite and Semite, and traces of ancient Greek or Egyptian colonies, and dark skinned Jews whose origin seems to ante-dat- e the destruction of Jerusalem. Abyssinia has a history going back to a thousand years before the Christian era. This is a Conference Ad. , II II II Gala-IIamit- II ; II II ' . OSCSSSvsSSwCO New York & . f-- ; I 7 Western Piano Co. Art Enviable Reputation. i. Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul Railway orang-outang- RRItRSRItltRSftMtRWtSRRStSI SRR nt - pic-Keel- 1 -- ) TRUNKS, TRUNKS. liver R. Meredith, Trunk Manufactur- er. 156 Main St. Salt take. WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt take City. . .Ixicated In the heart of the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. First-clas- s in every respect Steam, heat Electric Lights. To be assured of n pleasant trlf east purchase your tickets via the Illinois Central way Rail- aa Doctor's Assistants. north of Scotland finds carried pigeons of much use to him. He has a scattering practice, and when on long rounds he takes several pigeons with him. If one of First-clas- s also between service Immehis patients needs medicine Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago diately, he writes out a prescription, and St. tauis. aa well ns all points in and by means of the birds forwards the South and Southeast It to his surgery. Here an assistant For full Information call on or writs gets the message, prepares the prescription, and dispatches the mediJ. A. FOLEY, cine. If. after visiting a patient, the Commercial Agent. doctor thinks he will he required later No. 75 Wet Seoosd South Street. on in the day, he simply leaves a pigeon, with which he can be called If necessary. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Just Two Looks. He climbed down from the pay car, says the New York Ufe, with his month's wages still In his hand. Sure ye must, be feelln' rich, Pat, with all ye have there, said a by- t stander. And what does that signify to me?" answered Pat. Just two looks, wan whin I get it, and wan whin I give it to the ould woman. Asvon Reversing Things. "Aren't you on good terms with jour relations, Mr. RurallteT" I have been till they all wanted to visit me thia summer, but now they are not on good relations with my terms." Thadc Mam Designs Ac. Copyrights and wiSIns a rtMrh ! PP. 979--s Pigeons i ; Telephone A doctor in the , i "PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. Factory: 720 South Second West Coca-Col- a N. , Manufacturers of COCA-COL- d II II II o II MAXMELD VINEGAR CO qulck-eellln- M, DANIELS 8t Salt Lake City 1 three-year-ol- XX .... sential characteristics throughout the vertebrate creation. There Is a va- B0Y8 AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. riety of conflicting evidence in referMany bright boys and girls are ence to the influence of diet on the de-of cancer. However, cancer log f 5 'weekly after school working for is comparatively rare in hot countries, us. If you want the same chance, send especially in those whose inhabitants us your name and address and we will subsist largely on vegetable diet. With send you $2 worth of our certain exceptions It seems to be prevWhen sold, alent where animal diet is mostly con- Household Specialties. 1 1 for yourself. and us send keep sumed. Black races are remarkably Im- You can do this in one day. We will mune from cancer, yellow races are furnish you permanent work. more prone to it, while the white races Address N. II. Groesbeck A Co., are the most susceptible. It occurs Springville, Utah. when the tissues are undergoing retrograde metamorphosis. Cancer Is unIN B0TTLE8. doubtedly on the increase. The principal Increase involves the alimentary We have established a plant for bottract There are certain district called cancer belts." Such areas are usual' tling title moat popular drink and we want aa agent In every town In Utah ly low lying and damp. Women are attacked by cancer far to handle It Good profits. Write ne earlier and more often than men. at once for prices, etc. Much recent experimental work points Salt take Bottling Go. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. to the cell aa the essential element in the development of cancer. The parasitic theory Is discredited by the Harremember; vard commission. The report of the local If merchant does not cancer fund research your Imperial destroys carry In stock Temple Brand Garall known theories of the origin of ments, Ranms Head Sweaters, Be cancer, but proposes no new theory. go Lily Underwear, send your ordSurgical treatment has been estabers to the sole manufacturers, Balt lished on a firmer basis than ever beLake Knitting Works. fore. Medical Record. DR. WEST Main Street I Mesa Steam keaL Write for Prices. SUte St. A Resume of Cancer Research. William Seaman Bainbrldge states that cancer occurs with the same es- GET THE BEST! o SEr. ReaaanahlaLi CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Iron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Copper In all the Latest Finishes. 32 8. . fac-simil- thzsad Kirch: L WMNSKT .IS. 00 ture. Sal laaA (bail ra4 rubbar) Gold crown, Sl-- HUDDART FLORAL CO. 8 Cl TV SALT hard-heade- Onr-mtiii- a, MtiwtiuwMaumKatatm r . rmtwitk MH vHlioatrtwv SMnlaUaa Bar taMkar aa latte Scientific American. S banSamaatr ItlMtiMad vwllr. Ii aalattoa of an, nHaalMe InaraaL Ti jaar: fnar month L Bald b all j |