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Show PUBLICAN SUNDAY, AUGUST SUPPLEMENT 2G, 1900. SUPPLEMENT. THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH -- Agricultural College all have heard of it, aome have Been it, and the entire citizenship of the state has indirectly profited by and through it, but how many are familiar with the fact that in this school the State of Utah possesses an institution which in the sixteen years of its existence has made a record for educational efficiency and general worth that places it high among the schools of its kind attaining a rank second to none of its age! The supplements facts calculated to enable the people to see the instiThe Agricultural College is all tution as it is in all Us splendid this, and more. It is a school magnificence facts calculated to among schools, one that any rich and populous state might well be suggest to them the advisability proud of, one that the farmer and and desirability of patronizing with the instimasses generally in any other and state would guard with jealous tution this year and each succeedcare. It is a school that reflects ing year. A SCHOOL OF SCHOOLS. . higher and better thoughts. As nn meiit of those who may be inter- incentive to nobler ambitions audrsted. the desire to conquer in the fight BUILDINGS. of life, the physical surroundings s while a physical enof the College are unequaled. vironment is helpful, and a good MORAL ENVIRONMENT. moral eivirnument is essential, Having noted the superb physi-- ! Doth combined will not make a cal environment of the College, school it takes buildings, equip- , f first-clas- i iug lies the Experiment Station building, a brick structure 43 by 35 feet, and on around the brow of the hill come the Presidents residence, the residence of the I)i. rector of the Experiment Station, and finally the Dormitory, a y brick structure with a setting that causes it do appear to marked advantage. four-stor- This entire complement of is connected by well buildings kept drives, and all are on the brow of what is known as College Hill, w tin'll curves slightly to the east. All of these buildings face the west, overlooking the city and the panorama mentioned above. Ilow many know that at the St, Louis and Portland Expositions the work of the students of this in stitution, in competition with that Would not even this extent of from many of the great institutions of the country, was given building inspire one with the ides that there is something real, somethe highest awards gold medals. thing substantial about the instiHow many know that from a tution! SINGLE small and poorly equipFARM AND FARM BUILDINOS ped building of sixteen years ago, the institution has reached a magHowever, the foregoing build nitude requiring twenty different ings are hut scarce half the exbuildings! tent of the College plant, and we How many know that the farm now take a look at the barns, and grounds, and entire complevarious experimental buildings, ment of buildings and equipment, orchards, and meadows. represents a value conservatively estimated at about $450,000, and First, note the Conservator', a hower of beauty in a building, 90 presents such an appe'a ranee that the beholder, even though he be a by 25 feet; the veterinary hosworld-wid- e filled is y traveller, structure 18 by pital, a 42 feet. From here we go to the with enthusiastic admiration! How many know that the Colgreat barns. There are four of lege opened in 1890 with bub 22 these, all frame and model in evMAIN BUILLING AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. students, and that in 15 years the ery respect. These are the delight student body increased to more of the farmers who visit the big summer exclusive ENVIRONMENT of s PHY8IGAL than 700, note its no less perfect moral en- n.ent, and teaching force to make school. They are designed for inthe intelligence anl progressive-nesschool students! & most vital considof the people of the state, any educational inatitution worth structional and scientific experiFirst, take a general view of the vironment, and is 6 strong factor in dispel-in- g institution a physical environ- eration when it comes to select- while. Go with the writer to the mental purposes, of course, and at ' the same time are supposed to certain erroneous ideas en- ment! " Located "on a- bench "o ing an educational institution to base of the College hill, walk with inception this institution nag had prove valuable "obj ecr lessons ter and still numbers amOng its fac- tertained in other states in refer- foothill of the Wasatch range which you will send your boy or him around the well-kewinding visitors. The II. rse Barn is 60 by ulty educators of national reputa- ence to Utahg purported disbelief overlooking the city of Logan and girl Logan is a city of 8,000 in- pathway to the brow of the hill, 60 the Cattle barn 106 by feet, tion; that the Agricultural' De- -. in the education of the masses. the whole of Cache Valley, the habitants with not a single house and' there in a setting of, trim barn 94 by 41, and the 104, Sheep lawns of large extent, beautiful view is, inspiring beyond words, of partment of the College, especial- This school is so five and but ill 65 saloons, barn repute, distinctively by 31. These build- and great flower beds, Hog and such an one as is not the porly, has attracted favorable attenshrubbery, masmore condition that a for the with their equipment, are compares inthe United of, by, and tion now in all their gorgeous beauty, ings, throughout than favorably with that of any is in- tion of any other educational' ses that its success worth something near $55,000. note the magnificent structure, a States; that experiments perform- controvertible stitution in the United States. To west. of size in or east its the Utah that city proof disseminated ed there and cut of which appears on this page. one and a half The Poultry building, removed ad- the east and but The city is remarkably free from of unmindful the not is in resulted have : . of the the main Ibis milea to the rear of the instituis through bulletins a short distance from the but building of giving vice, vicious allurements, or at--i a gain to the farmers of Utah of vantage and desirability built is of It the College. tion the picbarns, is a structure 25 by 230 rugged peaks take the Agricultural tractions calculated to ?i humblest u liberal and hundreds of thousands of dollars ; even the and cut brick of is white tower atone, in student from his work. The feet, and 100 feet ou each side is The Agricul- turesque Wasatch range city GUO and that, through the College, practical education. and 200 feet deep, devoted to pens. Here are to be feet and their long grandeur magnificent boasts of one of the four temples tural College is a most potent, if farming has been raised to the found all the standard breeds of to a height of of the majestic strength dein factor the not the greatest, staite, a spacious tabernacle fifteen To dignity of a profession ; how south the feet. 10,000 chickens, and under the experiin the heart of the city, ten ward velopment of this states latent e many know these things! mentation of Prof. Dryden, who miles, to the north twenty-fivforces, and at this time it is a meeting houses, three sectarian western to and the returns this year after a two miles, sturange inthe know How many that churches, and two other higher strong and healthy institution, fifteen stretches that miles, porinstiyears vacation, the experimentdents and graduates of this stitutions of learning, as well as possessing the buildings, equip- tion of Cache of other those than within departments easy a Valley ing that has already attracted tution rank with those of higher ment, and working organization of city schools. splendid system also Mechanic r. world-wid- e Arts. contains It Alt hill. view of the the attention will be College educational institutions in other calculated to enable it to do its The citizenship of this city is on the the offices, various base of the hill, 500 feet below, chapel, big instances in and Btates, many most effective work. This is high moral and intellectual a have attained extraordinarily ad- the kind of school that en- nestles Logan City, and to the plane, and the moving spirits in with a seating capacity of 1500, and reading room Considering the extent of these ihe citys business life, the various spacious library vantageous positions in competi- ters vitally into the life of south Logan river, a mighty farm drill the hall, rushes buildings, their perfect moon department, its way through schools and the religious organidairy tion with the world! the individual student, into is and The deling, together with the high building the valley, marked in its course by gymnasium. zations, have combined with sym- a most How many know that in its the ideals of every commun-bred animals which they house, it structure. imposing pathetic councils and officials genreach, Ui in Utah, luxuril? 'K would certainly appear that uo present location this institution it, within a great dmtence To the south of the Main Build a. well a. in moat other .tit.., it silver thread. In erally to make this a city of high rests upon a aits possessing small stress is laid upon the agrithe valley ten a model college town, and ing, with but scarce ten rods bephysical and moral environment is the kind of school that meets towns are easily discernible, and ideals, cultural side of the College. have been singularly successful in tween, lies the Mechanic Arts unquestionably beyond compare the educational needs of the pres- irrigated and dry farms, each in their efforts. The city is progres- Building, a likeness of which apBut in this respect there are still ent time. their different coloring, appear as sive to a marked Knowing these things, for each This the on following pears page. other to mention the degree, owning things The College begins its seven- a gigantic checkerboard. Beyond paragraph is but an incontrovertwas electric and water own building completed during orchards and small fruit section itg light ible fact put interrogatively, how teenth year on September 18th, the confines of the valley, rise systems, possessing miles of paved the recent winter, and replaces of the farm, covering about ten many realize that the Agricultural and the school has never yet en- range above range, and as one walks, attractive residences and the one of about the same size de- acres. The old orchard is indeed College, with its present extensive tered upon a new year with great- gazes upon the wondrous pano- well-kebefore fire Colthe At by immediately of a stroyed a new and one properties. thing beauty, buildings and grounds, splendid er possibilities for good work, and rama extending fifty miles to the lege itself there is a poise the opening of the school last year of several hundred trees gives dignity, miles to and equipment, magnificent student for results advantageous to the south end seventy-fiv- e is an artistic building about great promise. lu close uplifting influence sind proximity incomeduand and the the north, the soul is stirred to tenee body, strong faculty, young people general 250 has a by 230 feet, and is devoted that are certain experimental plats, upon regularity parable environment, is in truth cational interests of the state. It speechless admiration, then to wonderful effect upon the clusively to work along the nuJ to the east, running almost to an institution of such magnitude is well thaf the people of the state enthusiastic appreciation. StuThe moral environ-- ; ferent lines of carpentry, forging, the base of the mountains, ire. the and worth as. to demand the should know and realize at this dents, especially, readily acknowl- ment of the College is sueh as snr- -' pattern making, foundry work, on which graze the thorheartiest admiration and warmest time the importance and worth of edge the inspiration rounds but few edueational insti-- ' carriage-building- , and machine oughbred cattle and sheep. Cerappreciation of the people of this institution, and it is the de- of the view and confess its marked tutions. and will tain extensive sections produce unquestionably work in wood and metals, Utah sign to present in this and future influence in directing the mind to commend itself to the the of Buildnorth Tn judg-! the Main luxuriant crops of alfalfa, three good two-stor- ' pt . i i , i ; toi-re- nt, " if . pt , insis-jTh- is ex-mo- st s ever-prese- nt i COLLEGE SHEEP BARN AND CATTLE BARN, FROM NORTH-EAS- T. S11EEP BARN AND CATTLE BARN, FROM SOUTH-WES- T |