OCR Text |
Show ''I'iry - -- f V v Vat. JL., : t 'iM,t y A M v- I . "' ' : ., . ..! .... ......- - ' ,r - V. . ..., . . " . . . . , : IT .''.f A. ; '...j'wi Slt Vol. I. Lake City Utah, Sunday, April 29, 1906; No. 18. ,W It Lake City Utah-'- -' Notice Is hereby 'given that at a njnatlng or the Board of Directors held Published Every Sunday. ah the 14th day of Marcfi,190G, an of 8 cent .Ter' share was Offlce of Publication levied on the capital stock of the 1, 1906, to U payable-Ma257 Com'l Club Bdg,. Salt Lake Clly. JtGray, treasurer, at 8001 D. F. Walker building. Salt Lake City, Utah. Subscription Priest Apytaipck upon which this aaseaament One yr., 2; 6 Mos.Mt.25; 8 Mos., 75e, I as remain , unpaid on the 1st day of JA8. T. JAKEMAN,.; 3 kjt1906, yill le delinquent and ad- Managing Editor. irflaed for sale at public auction, and, wsldaa payment Is made before, ..will be dold on the 21st day of May, 1906, EDITOR. S. A. KENNER,.... af the hour of 18 oclock M at 300-- 1 LIONEL H. GRAY; Manager. WtF. 'Walker building, Salt Lake City, if(&th, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the coat o adver-ftsln- g METAL MARKET. ' and expense of sale. , L. H. GRAYBecTetary-OfficeThursday, April 12 Silver, 64 " 300-- 1 D. F. Wdlker Building; 8. lead, $5.35; copper, ilt Lake City, Utah.1 ; V' lead, Ural publication, Thursday, 19: Silver, 64 1906.. t April-1- , if 135.85; copper, 18. t publication, April 22, 1906. 'lead, Friday, 20 Silver, 64 . f 18. $5.35; copper, 8 i , lead, Saturday, 21 Silver, 64 Delinquent notice of1, assessV (5.50; copper, 18. MENT NO.. fi. he Rural Republican SAN FRANCISCO: LIES IN ASHES 1 . n, BY THIS BILL BY Congress is Endeavoring to Tako Irrl-- ' gatlon Work Away From 8ecro-tar- y of Interio'r and Create an ' Independent Bureau. . - Paris Officials Exercising Ex treme Vigilance to Prevent Reign of Terror. ..51 rJ , Washington. The senate committee on ' Irrigation has reported favorably the bill which recently passed the house, providing that the reclamation Spanish arid Swiss Anaffilsts'Said .to-- v service shall constitute a Have Succeeded inmuggling r'. bureau In charge of a direcForty Bombe Into Pario-Mnfa- n. tor to he appointed by the president, try ".and, Cavalry Postal atf-- ' i' and who shall receive a salary of :v .. Important Cents . .Tv- J. . m ' ' : ... 16,000 a year:The enate committee amendpd the house hill ao as to take control of Pails. The sirifce MRhstlon haaltnt- -' v j reclamation work almost, entirely out proveil before th&ivernment,h 'mill- VV?T of the charge of the secretary of the tary and police preparations interior, the bill aa amended provid- disorder, and public. uneaztuesslbBS ing that the director of the service been considerably relieved. Alarmists shall have control of examinations and reports, however continue to circulate survey a, and. .shall locate, construct, concerning what may possibly happen . operate and maintain Irrigation works May 1. One report says that Spanish aa provided in toe Irrigation act, sub-e- and Swiss anarchists have succeeded to toe approval of the secretary In bringing forty' bomba Into. ; Parle. of the interior, in routine matter only. Tjje police are exercising extreme vigiThe bill also provides that until the lance and ar shadowing-th,;klef president appoints a director of the agltatora nd watching the centers of " reclamation service the duties of the disorder, office shall be performed by the diThe military precautions include eta rector of the geological survey, who shall receive a salary of $4,000, In ad- toning 2,000 troops In the basement of Grand .Palace, where- the national dition to hla present compensation. The the satoona are being held. Infantry bill aa reported by the committee, it kit is believed, will have the support of and cavalry are also strongly posted the geological survey and reclamation kt other Important centers. ... The government appears to be fully service officers,- - and will be opposed aroused to the necessity for. adequate' vigorously by the' secretary of .the inpreparations.. Frequent conferences terior.'' feeld between President It is probable the bHl will pass the are beingPremier Barrten, Interior Minsenate aa amended, as most members Clemffienceau ister ,;and tha military constant generally do not approve the ohlefs. , M during the opposition which has' been manifested policeafoo received 'iwpreaentatlvea of by the secretary of the' interior to .toe day, full utilisation of the irrigation fund. too great lronfsleel, mlnlng and spin'' uing industries; 4r-'KILLED NUMBER ONE THOUSAND. ; MANY FIREMEN - MISSING. A , ' ;J.i fj This Egtimats fo Mads by San Fran Fire Department of San Francisco Al i vV'c most Put Qwff CantmtaefoRy A. 3-- 8; 4 1-- hundreds of others who have contributed to the upbuilding of the metropolis of the Pacific, have not lost heart but are ready to make a new and grander city on the ruins of the old tv ,rvv . -- one. SHUT.OUT f, T y 'Earthquake and Fire Bring Death and Desolation to Gty at the Golden Gate, the Number of Lives Lost Being Esti mated at From 500 to 1,500. While the Monetary Loss is at Least $200,000,000, and May Reach $500,000,000 Residents Are Living in Public Parks and on Vacant Lots. The fire at San Francisco hat been gotten Under control, but only after the entire buainsss section qf the city, had bsn wiped out, but a few buildings on the outskirts being saved. It Is Impossible to eatimato the loaa of life, and the total Iota will probably never ba know. Varloua eatimatsa of the number of dead are made, tha flgurta being all tha way from IS SECRETARY HITCHCOCK 1-- Be - 7-- The mail service of the city was re SPRINGFIELD GOLD MINING DO., An Awful Possibility.' , Three hundred and torafoTS. fifty men are at work in the main of When I was a boy," said an old a Corporation. Location of principal eT0Bth and Mission streets, gentleman, I attended the old Gor-- place of business. Salt Lake City, Utah; Notice. There are delinquent upon whlch escaped serious damage. In- ham Academy In Maine. One Hm && following described stock on acspection by Lieut George R. Arm the Rev. Caleb of Scarbor- count of assessment of two cento per strong and Postofflce Inspector O'Con- ough, Mass., cameBradley to talk to us. l share levied on the 16th day of Jam nell show that all but fifty bags ol was during the presidency of Mr, ;ury 1806- - the several amounts set mall which went through the fire have the names of the respective been recovered and Is now being hand- - Polk, and his remarks showed how 800 to 1,500b led expeditiously. Nine branch offices much h,her Political feeling ran la Shareholders, as follows: those days than now. Ha said, 'If Si- ' No.''.are In operation. ' ...... No.The property loss la estimated Cert Shares. Amt. All trains are carrying mall Into the Ju make good boys you will male at from $200400,000 to 6600400 194 2000 $40.00 city, and thla is being distributed at good men. Some of you might nh WV'.H. Goes 000. A great many buildings the poetofllce, whch was only partially a Washington, some of you a Jeffer- CnaA. H. Thayer.... 25 1000 20.00 20 2000 '40.00 ware gutted and much may be Branch offices under the son, and the Lord knows most any of John Bolt damaged. t E. F. Craig. .. . 30 1000 20.00 of the postmaster and the you might make a Polk. " saved from the wreck. H. A E. F. Craig. . . .114 . 1000 20.00 ' Ne effort hae been made to military are 'established throughout 20.00 Josephine Myers ... 96,1000 the city and the adjacent hills when Identify the dead, and In fact tt A.-Cutler ..... . .117 1000 20.00 fefe. the refugees are camped. of Taa. Consumption A-- t). Cutler la Impossible to do so, many .118 1000 All mall matter should be addressed Tha worlds of ' tea Cutler 6 8000 to the old street number In Ssn Fran, outside of the consumption bodies being entirely consumed countries In which It . T. Houghton. .. 8 1000 - In the flame. ' cisco. Unless the new address Is pos- Is to be about grown may be taken nd in accordance with law and an itively known. Money orders are being 500,000,000 pounds per annum, valued measures for Extraordinary order of the Board of Directors made cashed as rapidly as funds can be s l'ef have been taken. . Con, cured. The postmaster has completed at $85,000,000. About 90 per- cent, of om toe 22 rd day of February, 1906, so 'v tea exported from Asia Is con- many shares of each parcel of such hae appropriated 61400,-arrangements with the superintendent toe stock as may be necessary will be sold of the mint to convert Into cash papei sumed by people. whila gifts of from 110400 at 'public auction at toe office of the now on hand In toe A1 postofflce. have bean sent by will be paid on demand NOTICE OF A88E88MENT NO. 18. treasurer, 420 South Fifth East, Balt orders money Lake City, Utah, on the 20th day of leading financiers of the country, and represent the only possible meant and everywhere offere of assist1906,. at the hour of 2 o'clock of sending money into Sail Francisco -. April, MlnConsolidated Glance Copper to. pay 'the delinquent assess-uure- t at present. Letters are being accept lng, ance are mad. Milling and Smelting company thereon, without together with toe costs or and stomps Carloads of food are being envelopes Location fo principal of and expense of sale. Mverttolng will reach their destination without corporation. place of business, Salt Lake City,. J'ffir.-shipped.. to the suffering people, 'A. H. PAGE, Secretary. i delay. Utah.' and everything possible dene to East Seoond South, : v Homer S. King, . president of the Notice to hereby given that at Lake City, Utah, relieve their dletreae,' San . Francisco clearing house, to meeting of the Board of Directors held 1908,,.,... as The city will be. rebuilt quoted saying; Of on the 24th day. of April, 1906, an V.The hanks are mareOiap willing runt that there J (,14 to heto SlMr pmpla 'wfMr krev shared levied on it the dapltat stock in the common distress. Chicago poratlon, payable June let, 1906, to and Baltimore recovered from even L. H. Gray, treasurer, at 800-- D..F. Ban Francisco. The number- of greater setbacks. The people of San Walker Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. lng and, Smelting Company, a d-- . Franctoco have always been progrere Any ltock Qpon wWch thla assess-a UoA, location of principal place of lives lost at the result of the , as hard work an.re recognised ment remain unpaid on the 1st bu$nees, Salt Lake Clty.'Utoh. on Wednesday, April 18, and toe to no reason why they of j'ne 1906 wllI be delinquent i Notice. There are deUnquent upon diy Terrible fire which followed, wlllprob-- . and advertised for sale at public toe' following describe?' stock on ao-wi h,elf ,to tion and unless payment to made be- - couht of aasesment. of oBefoqyth. eent: MBow6-ji ably never be known, as undoubte.Vi.m levied on toejMyd ay'of' tore, will he sold on the 26th day of dly many bodies ware burned to ashes, and assured ss to our own standing, 1906, at the hour of 12 o'clock, 1906, 'the bemalt angmnta and many will never be identified. Most of the money that to put Into clr-- June, at 300-- D. F. Bldg., Salt Lake But It Is known that at least 600 culation will be directed Into channels City, Utah, toWalker touaiflZitthe' pay the delinquent asare dead aa the result of toe terrible where If will he most effective In toe sessment, together with toe cost of adat Laurel hill; 28; of business Interests. oLth rtty.TO-S- j , of sale. parte catastrophe, while scores of unidentiTon may state that the poor peo- vertising ' and evpenae - "No Adrorhfoeair H. L. 1000 GRAY, 316 R. Secretary. A.pkwib fied corpses have been dumped into ple and toe jv, who have D. F. Walker Bldg., 361 B. j'StfWart i. ... 1000 , 2,50 of toe dlVtrlcLcwto Offlce, 800-trenches, unknown, graves, for the suffered loss by fire should not be Salt Lake City, Utah. J? 2X0 Chinese quarJsffSfMahy41vea 272 B. .1000 Stewart tbsl.USeiudln ake of preserving the publio health. needlessly alarmed. There will be ne 1000' - - 2.B0 have been losMK Qmaer sooHqMr First publication April 29th, 1906. 373fB. J Stewart.. on ol for the payment part there pr abouMO 875? aw Market ' sdglng Tha monetary loaa aa toe result of pressure 1906. Last ktreet B. 2000 640 jft May 20, ; Ibfihjap ,J8tewar$ 't.i.i-the banks. We will waft. We expect fle parts at idtest bC pbllapeed, and bouses thesa 540 mktty 376IB. j: Stewart the earthquake and. subsequent fire fo cooperate In every respect, with toe r 2100 " 6.85 from the earthqiiakaKvThere fo little wwever toat these 18441.B.- - Stewart .. la simply appalling, being placed at people who must build the new San NOTICE OF frbm. tbeir. 8.50 chance that, half of .the Umats.LUfo separated 1000 , 826 F.U More? as futgldy tfrom $200,000,000 to 500,000,000. Be- Francisco." wlll thegf JCjoto eol had 60W.-C- l 3.15 1250 bulldfngs lapsed opporfenity San Francisco to having a taste of Copper Glance Consolidated Min 214 lAda M.Marietta lla V. Watt, western manager of toe 18.50 5000 Brfeach martial law. When darkness falls up- lng, Milling and Smelting company, a 25? a. it Danleli.L , 1000 8.50 Royal A Queen Insurance company, on toe desolated city, every Inhabitant corporation. Location of principal 1500 8.75 and one of toe moat prominent insur- of toe homes that are left standing are place 'of business, Salt Lake City, 275 jr; J Gardner 25.00 Neat Trick Tun .10000 B. Dasxo ance men on the coast, was asked if farced to grope their way about in Utah. 2.50 Sheets ; vi- - . aa to to be Notice to hereby given that at Warsaw, yMhingtojU-Th- e; lie would hazard an estimate on the darkness, and when cooking 2.50 1000 98 McCurtaln .& toe In held Board Directors of of must be done on fires built It ; done. meeting nnditar. fofooftck Carriages 1rtffnsliliiriyf 90 A;1 8. McCurtaln i financial loss. He said: 5000. 12.50 the yards, aa no fires are allowed In- - on the 23rd day of February, 1906, an 112 SritMed danneifokifit ?poUc the gea propriafYilli; 25.00 jit 4L. MeCnrtaln 8. My idea la something like $200,000,-40,.10000, elde toe houses. This rule to made to assessment of 4 cent per share was 50.00 to the prison here.aL8tctask W I have heard other Insurance men 117 A. B.tMcCanahsJOOOO a prevent a further spread of the flames, levied on the capital stock of toe cor3.20 toe place figure at $500,000,000. We and In order to save aa many homes poratlon, payable April 2nd, 1906, to aftd.pfodiMgr ,fal.sejwf morning day 10.00 lonT know. It la simply too big for as im ' H. Gray, treasurer, at 800-- D. F 239 Br. no chances are taken. L for the der possible, Blkfoet'lpdisjl 2.50 T ,any human head to figure at tola Schmitz has Issued the fol-- Walker Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, 130 A.. Mayor ,tiorffitepato( 42V6 Klme." whcKetaHiyion which citizens Any stock upon which 'this assess-arproclamation W.i 2.50 the amea&dnt After four days of chaos and such lowing i 1000:, saying Jthat; they.fnl ment may remain unpaid on the 2nd 157 R. RodenV-- J to observe: Instructed 12.50 5000 L terrible destruction of property and hu174a4 foysj vjdlng the Jotsou to dfadeiyilThe them he will prisoof afraid famine. Toy 1906, not There of be April, day delinquent man suffering as has seldom been wit- willDo ner. were - delivered fo toc men,whol ulfcomdlM be abundance of food supplied. Da and advertised for sale at public auc-n- 225 K. uvjohpaon . . 5000.12.50 to. eajotnjibe .Chaidd'Dlt nessed In all tha past ages, during I500t- 1.25 then drove away- - i At.d JU I. water except for drinking Don and unless payment is made use . any ' fromlMmthefotofd of 'V ..;.-- . 1000J 244 rtages were dlfoqvjkMd which time almost the entire business ."A; H.' Obfod -on toe ot 24th sold will Do i he not fore, etoplf day light purposes. cooking portion of this great city and many any Area in houses, stoves or fire April, 1906, at the hour of 12 oclock, 801 E.vA, Hartenstein ,71000- i 2.50 9.66 302 B, A. Hartenstein of Its most palatial residences were Bepa.to place. Do not use any house closets at 300-- D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake l'.25 destroyed, either by earthquake or fire, under any circumstances, but dig City, Utah, to pay the delinquent ag- - 357 EA. Hartenstein .. .600 sottos, and to s brief army instqe ine ivemciCTy, a the flames were brought under control sBeechFcrr'clsariy no further. taaceoftho'pdll. or vacant lota sessment, together with toe cost of ad- 358. K. A. Hutenstein . 500; 445 cloaeto in Jn some portion! of toe city and bad earth if possible yards 297 Frank Newton' of 0 ,J40 of sale. fes and chloride lime of expense prisoners' mpnwhoJfod oi vertising burned themselves out In other places using other disinfectant" An in . accordance wfth ldw an&;or-o- n cned toein-.- ; - J'--i-; Lb H. GRAY, Secretary. otlHrehlfo for lack of further fuel to feed the some . '.sirder of the 300-D. F. Walker to Office, are taken Bldg. Thus being precautions Jiungry maw of the fire demon. disease and the danger of pes- Salt Lake City, Utah. Finger Cut Off Whifo Ss'U'y JJn- But what vast and terrible destruc- prevent In paying this assessment all stock tilence. tatemenYmsde, by a high functionary iL tion. Few of the magnificent buildnecessary "will ba stock aV must be presented for inspection. Boundaries. District Burned of the prefecture of police, the mllW-- . Passfog office' ot .Colorado 8. 4ubHc Auction at toe ings of tha city are left standing, and 25, 1906. sold First February publication street , not a landmark that made the city In toe section north of Market a Denver tary and police sire prepared to meet the BecMary,- 801X). FV WaiStBuIld "toiouch this city Tue$&iy Last March 25, 1906. district to practically famous remains. Nearly every house the ruined mgr He" , said , gtraake;.QHy(,Ufoh,i)ntoe fo Rio Grande tralqouni' T every eventuality May L.. . bounded on the west by Vannesa In the city Is damaged. tsssYfleA was a San tbe police Canvass .showy that 80,000 , NO. 25. 24th iaytaKAprl l; r9Sfat ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF her o paredU In blocks the ghere tow The work of relief for the eufferere 12 K, fo par many although denSqikNjriisaw-menfname men hav- stopped work, j of which ' to going forward as rapidly as possi- flames destroyed squares to the west tojjpeon, together wlthfofoCosta yanofoca: refugee whriiild he The Vanneee ble. The homeless are now being of that thoroughfare. BLUE JAY EXTENSION MINING wfo flits' Loa; flfwoie bandage number the. disorderly element, tion ' these Locasupplied with food enough for their avenue line runs northerly to Green- Company, Ltd., a corporation. while not exceeed 20,000. Against oney left lianfC gjftaald 'thatfloor can be massed 42,000 to 45,000 troops. pressing needs. Carload after earload wich street, which to a few blocks tion of principal place of business, ot she ley taconicfoaljipoa Jhe Then the boundary . 20,000 Infantry; 10,000 car-- v of supplies from eastern points and from the bay. the- Jobhy, of 'to gt rfoncU hotel In namely, rrom sister towns of the stricken city goes over Telegraph hill and down .. 10.0Q0 to 15,000 republican , and airy' . T . San Franrisoo, the third finger ot her guards and police, with large ; addL are being received and distributed, to that portion of the shore that faces was off hand cut and.ahe lett foas and it to believed that suffering from Oakland. tionar reservea . Tlie polire wlll en-Practically everything inrobbed tof rlfiga that she had wore cluded between Market, Vannesa aw lack of food will not be great. deavor.to localize tor manifestation 80 1s about there.- young woman The greatest danger - that how enue, Greenwich and the bay to In the Place De La' Republics, whlcfo. tfore of'age and-- almost prostrated to' V kJteCii'r'1 threatens the residents of the stricken ashes. On the east side of Hyde street U toe great labor .center.-- ' with grief and Indignation.' Some ot the reasons city to the breaking out of a pestilence, hill the fire burned down to Bay street ''"'rvvf,viSKTof RussisnPsaswhich may be caused from Inability and Montgomery avenue and stopped Ruthless trade with us: Slaughter days ;RaUread . Rato 4 Bill Will - Pass to preserve sanitary requirements at that Intersection. All south of Man We auk only live ahd Jet Hve ants by Coesacfca-'some to with can ' he done But everything that excep street, i'iWrtlfoit'Amqadnfont. perhaps and give live and let live terms slatidkfor- ;v. occur'JlMis Veroneeeh, Rnssla.-T- he In toe vicinity of the Pacific being done to prevent such an Absolutely guarantee eorfoet. proofs TTlnldsd.' Xfola Judge' Cowan r olg ; This section U of no rence. Vast armies of men will be Mail dock. Is gone. ; on and measurements, and .asants'atjjdfwltza April, ForJ Worlh, TPi. qn- - 'fuesday Vingd imitations. "S put to work at once to formulate meas- bounded on the north by Market street preclpltatedjliy! way, tkpDotlng from Washington to MnnkV Macklnxle, ures of protection for the public health. end runs out to Guerrero street, goei .Always liberal with tod traded' woman In a crowd jftraptmg to y.-RIEGER A UNDLET,v ' That the city will be rebuilt, greater out that street two blocks, turns west president of the- American National a i f 7; ' who .resides take grain from tof' municipal war g . ' Livestock,. association, The WhlskeyM9rchaata."and grander than ever, there to not the to Dolores, runs west six blocks U ; : f ji i after a Canvass of the senate house. Men of neighboring ;vlllgea; . --y that shadow of a doubt. No sooner have Twenty-seconhere, street, taking In font 4 if '. ' . f he was satisfied that the railroad yatd joined the local peasant armed wlto the smouldering embers cooled than blocks on the other side of Dolores t !1JI .would pass without 'any amend- an army of men win commence the The fire then took an' Irregular coarse Implements Ipd .toe local guard. . i - .. as like Men as out for work of reconstruction. Judge Cowan la- representing farm southward, spreading flreo whQ reinforted was cossscks; Senta. py Natlonal Livestock at if street and going down James D. Phelan, Isaac wuggenbeim, Twenty-fiftrepeated volleys,, killing nineteen and eodatldn at Washington. Herman Olerelch, W. R. Hearst, and that way to toe southerly bay shore. Injuring fifty peasants ' i a Burned Saturday. ' op-49s- - ct - - . H.-f- - - - . .' Fal-llerl- es, English-speakin- g r-. -- Y . - I i '- - - double v.. . 1 - '4;. s'. w earth-quak- . auc-,T- h 1 1 wage-earner- s ' 1 V-- -' v-- V . I - -- I srilftfo I -- 0. k 1-- . - 1 e apgoorfjlOOO 4 . -- ot - I be-an- d -- v'" . - I 1 .... miO ; - 1 ooBiQU , . . - av-ehu-e, T-- 2w-lo- ar - .. - . f Te ' . - r . rt , ' V ,r - - - d v. - - h . i y . y . . :T, ! ' rT?' ;k. . - ' r r . V 4... - ii a Y . - 1 , $ |