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Show :i ' ' J- ... ' - " ; ,: S' -- -T rzs .tL .I -- . vjff.: ' Vy " y.v " V . i EVENING TELEGRAM. ' - ' . "V ',aW W. CARJPNTE!. ,4 HttXa AJ JifS Jiiuy ,'fii wITTTTiSTlITrSTTtiij Sj ; y 22 . , San Francisco, 7. cjty has .ben ccitf ucted eRnSeHS-- bbthairtWff ntf ifi tio cntsviire S &if if 9Tt- s. . io? l3r,AdvertislngHatcs'-r7lanth iA lc ; : . . , iis - BaTy-y.- express their confidential feafs rying the day. , ; At 50 cents pcrMontrChi variably ixr advance. t5JT"Distributioiv hours fromy to 8p;itt. EJ h JCP t-- '. . I partis Published every evening, (except Sunday,) by J. ;; f il.lM HRwV;npue wHiqyy;! rV ftTyd leaser fldf rtwrr """"""T" . . r- -' iHfli -.. ' ,i ivi.fiiiiijjf Lm ' I DAJILT ,SK0I33;S v! ?? - , " ." ' - per hWfio'ire'aildi tiprestbeen'eihibidl aliiJot1;& the bei'en Sn thec?Tty bae VeitP!1h constantattendsnce-atthe-polls.Tli- e Aae' yd vote is very heavy, probably oyer forfkeir suhscnpliontio iheTeltgram paid ty thousand opponents of the now art respectuHty invid' iobainnd set Constitutidh are con6 dent it has been tie "A. . 0 . thnrtidebMiffi t cv. ,&?"& defeated i n'tHfty:ftfif2 ten to twelve tliousand" majority. ,; While 'ii . ."t.r4'i.? v?? !iHW- - iuine feeling tbw iiuM dQubfcVjihat the mqority.is heavy. Advicea from 4 Specliltu the Tkleorax. the country indicate' large majorities V'. t t' v. against it in the populous Counties of ;sL ELECTIOHS. Alameda, Santa Clara, Sacramento, San Francisco, and others; but not enough has been election on day;; being received to warrant any estunate as to the,.question of tbe adoption or the tfae generalresult. , , cw Constitution, the Stoclt Ex ! . . . ' ili v: .... v : 1 . . '- To-morro- w h&nges. - Banksand public offices? . closed ntdfatiise8s LiMU.---The;Ojbp- M thiscify, by ended. ' c Crowded pablio neeiings againsr tlie ionsiitutio . l re been held every night for. weeks Ity will probably be over; tea thua1 ' " - ffeeraHy . us frohi'theintenbrvre . roughdu,tthe;Stite and anunpfeoi- state to with too 'Why ao oted amouht rdf perrfohal'firguineht yet meagie s )Mirnked'lhrohdnrthe ellyjdd- - curaoy the result there, but', the: prea. v. ' v ; is eh several minor diiturbaneaa VI- -' m- - .' v-v- . |