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Show . i 1. v irith the deserved dearness, the . - sues which Oe President should ..be confrbnteatnamelyfwhethervornct ; troops should ipapVcase e "used to . : 3 jf. , ,H preem;pea(?iSe pofisi; $ ,7 ."'I?:.- ,:!iAsjUm yv! ys central-cor8late - . -- r - . Tbeepnblican n mittee in session last night adopted: e86Tuliqnf lie ar tily. approy ing the veto of, thevehny &pproprjlat ion bill, favoring 'the thorough organisation of ' tber choice for1 President. 'honewa of importance' TKjgre is fromNatai1 On" April7 S tire colonial force' 'unsuccessfully1 hssulled the 4 X ' - ' . ' . ' .. t , . . , Wells an opportunity to pue himself of the contempt in which placed himself yesterday. There-- ; ujtfofeentkmun took the the witness-stanstating that he lyould try to answer- - the questions If possible. Th pOurtYbppster read t&e questions do the. canoidatys fofmjtrrisge 'tiresr a green ipi cn at that timeV ' - Answar. At what time?. -- I have - performed . that ceremony without fueh at the bedside of the Ul --'S li; r't " ?dyUigi Qi (By atty .VanrlJe.) Do they wear a green apron at marriages in tbp Endowment Douse? Mr. Hagan tieire obejl tothf Introduction of Miles case the prose, testimony relating to ' cution had dosedits . evidencV, and ,wishe ito know whether the yritnsswas 'teing' examined on the matter of contempt or in regard to the case for which he was on of the atiorneyg for the defense? - The court roplied? toth 'Iie' defense objected and the court ovetvrnledathe objection. : 7he question was. again put, when, the witness declined, to answer, atating.that he was under, at d, -- 4 : . . sirdhg hold of Basuta Chief Moiroti. Sacrd.obllgation They losttwo officers andsljc e friend- hewas now required to reveal. ah Chief officer hilled and Natives ly : ,1'henve are. to understand Attorney Vanzile t . t oi ti i c" 2iWeh4wduhdetf.i! ?fr;a;c? that you have taken an .oath not to reveal what 1 v c- 3i t , 1 . - 1 ?!(!! takes pisteintheEndowmedt'lIouse?' 'Aot , T did say so I Said a Sacred obA cqrrespopdisnt' at Paris 'states " Witness.'I consider as sacred as an oath taken in ihat thd Russians ;ard very 'much' dis aligation, court of justice. pleased at, the Ozarsacifonin prohib? .The court said that the witoesa had not purged iting the7 selection of a Russian to 'the himself ofcontemptbut was pgqiq costdnpt. throne of 'Bulgaria The : CzArhoW-Witness; I'considerany person who reveals the evert declaVed he would not accept Sacred ccremonies ofthVl&dowfnent House, a iher responsibility of the Panslovis'f falsifief and aipWjurer1smd;it has been and is a principle of my life aeverfpletray a friend, my agitation of "which Bulgaria' will be! re!igictn.ny country or my God. It seems to me the centre; in the mean time he' would ' that this is a sufficient reason .why I should not be L ' ' , J ' it retain tbe power ,;of acting against ihelfliu cpntmnpL, , .rij no I that tills theh cdurt 'Thd ia his' explaioed yvas legal Biilgar i'.itself,' should t forebodings f bad which declared been uestion reastm WHythe be realizeda P I , I should not be answered, and though . not relevant t ,- -I London, 3. i b .disposed to.be vindictive Qrsevere, the dignity (1) The Lbndotf and ' Westminister of the court must be maintained, and 'was about do-lars Bahk yesterday tooE fiye million to pijanpunce the, sentence when Judge Sutherland Unitecl States four per cent .bonds interposed 'and requested time to prepare ah argument on the case to which the court at length conat foupand-a-hdl- f making'in all$35r sented and fixed the time for the hearing at seven 000,000, United States 'securities this oclock this evening. . v ; ; bank lias recently purchased . aftercase concluded this in .Evidence the Miles noon and arguments commence at nine o'clock SaltLAke,3. This morning according to'tfie order of the third Monday morning. ; ' , , v J .if if ' district court the case of Counselor D. H. Wells it n ;;:j ;r was postponed .till 3 p. mat which time Counselor our received dispatcher last evening y c Wells appeared in court with hit counsel J G.' Having Sutherland and Judge Emenson stopped the pro concluded to publish them this"mornizig Instead ol of tle Miles cue 'and gave Counrelor. letUnr then lay over till Uodda? ewnl,. Ed. ' . - 9 ft ' i ea P . - 4 .4 ! - 4 I ' I 1 r v- , mu 1 J ' 4 . i A. t 1 . -- r . k |