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Show I' ; This admission to tbe directJEETln order that the dispatches we ory, it is surmised will be tne death receive this evening may not lay over knell to the Iowa pool. He has also, until Monday evening we will issue it is believed, been buyjngfinto tbe apotherutfraber of the Telegram fction. lo-morro-w Chicago and Alton, and it .was morning, so ij can be obtain- yad last evening. that he and'Gould weje ed about 8 o'clock. a ' Editor. ,4 scheming toestabiisb VcloSe alliance between tlmV'lme and theKansas 8UB3CRIBE FOR THE Pacific. . t JXiyEN.It.lS .INSTRUCTOR ! ,1 183- Mormocs in. charge of elder It is the published It is equally and childreh to grown people. It Is Pratt, arrived .yesterday and left for interesting' of the to children, but there is adapted capacity and . . all about mah. it. It does pot contain frivolous; English nothing . They filled witlilnslructive is but reading matter form the first company that has ; ar- - news, as interesting to read at one time As another. The first volume published j as interesting now as ... ,med this ' year. t when just Issued,, fourteen years ago. It treats 5? ' . - I . - - best-taper- " . : ; ; V The Times W ashington special says that the whole quCstibti of tlie". use of upon religion, science, hisldry, biography, natural history. and such other subjects 'as are of interest Saints. - It also contains beautiful to Latter-day.- .. illustrations. ' v Hereafter e&cH number will be bound in a handtroops and federal official! at election some colored paper cover, which will keep it from will come up in Cdngressih a contesi- -' being soiled and. torn, and enable the subscribers their to preserve papers for binding. A bound edseat case from Kw York. Eichoff volume of the Instructor is pqe of the most useto books Einsteh's a biases his 'claim; and ful ; interesting person can have in his .simply; a Vi slur upon the fact that he was defraud- -library. - Subscription price of Instructor, (postage included,), 55cts. ed of theelection thrbiigh the interfer-ehc- e Three months,. ...... v. .. .4... Six months,.-Ji,o ; v of federar officials: ? k ' " - 0 A Vfc . a V- s M . ..; lC . i Hariusburo, a.. i ! t The investigation of charge 8 of corf ' rapt means employed to pass the Pittsburg riot bill through the lowejr lbrancti of the "Legislature Is contin- I v,s 'hed todayivi',-7- ' 1 ... ..., f $2.10 .. Bgck lumbers' oClhc present volume can be furnished j pr subscribtions can commence with One year, the current number it preferred. Office, South Temple St, Salt Lake City, Utah. GBO. Q. CANNON, Editor and Publisher. . -- Salt Lake, 3. This morning, Counselor Daniel Probate Court thefjnited States Marshal by Judge WASHINGTON CO., D. T. Letters of Administration havjng i'l- - VH. ;Wella was placed, ina custody of - - OP - k . t Ol Hl Emersonl who adjudged jum in dontezhpt because he declined to an-- ! been issued to the undersigned by the giver questions propounded by- Dis- Probate. Court of this' County j upon trict attorney P. T. Vanzile 'in rela-- j the Estdte bf Commodore Perry Listion to the secret ceremonies- of the ton deceased,; 'lair ' persons having - claim's1 against said Estate are hereby Church of Jesus 'OhTist'bfJi&tter-da- y the notified to' present them duly authenHe is - to appear-biefoSaints morn- ticated,' withinfour months from date court at 10 oVlock ing to show cause why he should hot hereof: ' and all persons owing said be punished for contempt; meanwhile Estate ar e requested to settle their he is at liberty on parol. indebtedness forthwith. re to-morro- : w.' - . . Balt Lake,, 3. here that the U. S; preme Court has granted a new hearcase ing, in the Reynolds polygamy It rumored Su- Elizabeth R; Liston, Aiim Moses F. Farnsworth, $ T. Apr. IS, 1879. St. George, ; |