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Show ? V nlsiiop Hunter, laid Wutfiwes corner stone kind Bishop Hardy pronounced dedicatory prayer. F. W; C6x, Presf. of the High Priests Cfciorum. corner, stone, and Sanpete Stake.laid north-wes- t, offered Prest. Petersen dedicatory? rayer. H. ,S. i Eldredge, Prest. oif First Quorum of corner stone land, John Seventies, laid north-easoffered Van Cott dedicatory, prayer. The ceremonies . lasced bout two hours, after VC t i . . - 'tV mm - SCROLL-SAWING- t ; t W.aUf tf r f , ' . m!-1- AeJ,O RIPPING 1 General Wood and Scroll- -; sawing, Ripping &cs, 'done on short notice Iron-Turnin- g. igi 'i ): and rso'nablo Bendlctionby Bp. Hunter Street 2nd rendered Band Brass North Manti Choir and Nephi East of v -Warbin-Haidy.:1 m, singingand music for the occasion. No accidents ' . t.ti 4000 people were happened. Between 3 and exf and ell before after rain present. Showers of ercises. Harmony and 'good will-- , prevailed. The stars and stripes were unfurled to' the breeze C. W. BENNETT, , ? ; ' upon the site and elsewhere; .. i" 1-- . A towri.fj : . . s' 4 t - ! i : , , Bread, Biscuit and Oracker ( THE ST.CO-OPERAT- - QEOttQE .. . MERCANTILE IVE W8TiiTet.oo.ra Capital Stock More extensively among; the masses: of the' people, offers to receive the STOCK COMPANY IVE at its Gash Valuation, as $5 ft I! 'a SHDo!k IN THE ! , t .. . , t . MOQir AB.R1B j CARPENTER & BUILDER. : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. UT AH. . OAMAAM CO-OPERAT- ' 8T. GEOROE, . 1 . . ? CAPITAL STOCK i , exchange. Ogr GIVE HIM A CALL.. t Being desirous to distribute !!! of the ($t. George Bakery.) Flour, Grain, Butter, Eggs &c. taken in - EAEBgg i I respectfully give nbtice that I shall quit work in St. George on the last day of April, for this year, .1879. Huviz g just redeived New Instru! ments! 1 am not only prepared to give satisfaction. to one, but to all, in Am Quite small amounts will be received. ST O RE bretype and Photograph Pictures. For particulars apply to, .James Bqotb. HENRY EYRING, Secy. 1879. April 11, 1879. April 10, |