OCR Text |
Show ..' v brv ,' cy '.i' r ,i (.i''-- " s'- - i '? - t " ". ,,j t . T .'. ; ",'-q I - ' r! r is ' k. H ' .,,ur - f9 VB j (W , i ..V."-- . rteJ 6' " IH A C'" '''a1' - ' $L'dBSamS&i -- fg wa . r ( : y j ( m'jST ? 0JjAh'-- : H . . .r.W. .Mli H s , tji-w- FI v , SALT No. 39. VOL. I. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. ; LAKE j 'i.' CITY, .UTAH, . tha Cremation of flic Late Hrs. Kcn lliman. ; 4' Wa-jl-- tf utcb Building, Salt Uk dtj. JAMES N. KIMBALL, Offlea TTOHS ET - AT- - T.AW. L Cvrnlck k Ou'a tank, Salt Lika City jl-- M J. JONA880N, S. . ATTOBXET.AT-I.AW- r. O. Box. lA' jlin F.Txuokb. The Spanish .Dcaco Conditions for Cuba . TILFORD 4.HAOAH, --- LAW. Ofltoca In Trnw- ATTORXETS .AT Mala St., ovar Waat-r- a ' Lnlon Telegraph Odlca. Sr. Lions, February 15. Deputy Uuited StnUw Manliala ; have ' yeturvdl front iu rxtesiiiv, .rail nuioug illicit diatill re iu southeast Missouri.' , A larfto number of stills ami mush, tubs have been seized. 5: . The party also captured John Decker, leader of the hand of Ku kliix .who hive terrorized. Cuner-anRipley comities, preventing the collec-lio- u of revenue. New Custom Uouao Rtgalallgag W'askxnutox,' Fehmory 15. Iu order that projieri facilities uiuy be ' given to merchauts, masters of vessels, and 'oth era in the transaction of custom, business, and to prevent certain practices alike injurious to the interests of importers and the Government, tho Secretary of the Treasury has issued some new regulations, one of which is that weigh? ers, gaugers,';, and oil other officers' and in the custom service are foremployees bidden ' to , receive from : ouy importer, shipper, master, owner, or consignor of broker or other any vessel, custom-hous- e person interested iu.the importations of merchandise, any fee, 'compensation, grutuitr, award or periprisite whatever, directly or indirectly, on account of an; service, rendered: orto be rendered in connection with his office or .' employment. - ' -- r Ouchur, a Tin enta, CUy.l LUh. Busina. Ulva Law u general Alattara. Autaiy tautloa to Laud and Mining ' Jl-, voice. in apw-la- M . BENNETT W. ATTOaXEYS-AT-LA- Salt Lake UtT. J. A itNrt, of X. It.f Joum, tK- -r MCKNIGHT, third dour Offlea TTOBXET-AT-LA- of the Beaeret Bank. aaat JA-- tf J. D. LOMAX, TTOBKEY.aT.LAW, Salt Xika City. Vtah jj3.tr K. M. 0RNUM, Lake City, r Salt ATTOBXEV.AT.LAW, Building. J. M. H3--AK- n-t- M. u.f V. O. D, Acuta and Homeopathic puysicia. Mmwfally treatul. J. R. CRAWFORD, - . Hardn, r IlasgvA Madisox,',. Ind., February 15. Beavers, who murdered Sewell at the New f last Fall, ' was .hung at LiUrty" Church und died uliuost simnltune-ousl- y noon SUFFERERS FROM iOOTH-ACHwith the drop of the trap. ' One 8. II. CLAWtOX. Dcutint. Eupoiiuui thousand Hdple were in the vicinity, AJ BuildLig, will extra t witb be great. iit the sculTold wai inclosed. lie made at poeaJoie cares Call auai are litai. liciu.iu-U' , D KXT1ST, Svcoiid South St., office. -- orer the Poet jo-t- to-day- E. . ; fB. t L-ct-li r, aecosd floor. Emporium Buiidiug. The be.t iu the illy. 1. removed to door north of Couuvr ji-building. Try LLyd'a 6uvU. MAKES. jJOOT U FOOTt, Main etrcct. Mil Lako City, three ox tv.. I ialui iluuae. aiKflo attention paid to 'aaiopie IfotUei. au4 all lundaoi'oitiltob. na:u,lea u-- iMn ad: Uia-- liAAUftlf iih'U&u hi; and return Ji-t-ma-.on IwiluWlud lu'. L'lUt'i r rcaaollable. . c watw s llJ. I. Meet carry pKjlPIJS OP tTruiii)! it ; w't g.at Chtier'a aa ornerol r.atft.iV iujiic and 'luiru aoatu tttetii. luiiu Tempi ura iiihiif bigca attend. It. C. fu Juu n. J. Eekjb i Wed-iinadi- ty JvM V t-- j UUiUMUi, jij-t-r oy d, To-d-i- to-da- -, RESTAURAT;- cix-mator-y fa a r. tin-ar- .t it th- - nr 'i;uhv ryil'i.ifK V ltrs!ea run by ll V. .v.i lxm 1 furet l.;i. !i u utiufs , ;i.. i a !;r.rt; it: - S.N i. jo LeLlii vTi V;..:. J.:T t: r-- J.: 1 . . - t- loi-vi- 8. L. VA Cl C C ir. n onl 2 i t 1 gVell piitlvllt sh.1 .. - iOUg-CtjlltlU- d, Ul , ; w 1 6y ' ' ', Jk -- JL ' k- - i . ?.' . ' '. ." . , o 078. - cietf-rcu- cc v e u s ura o 01a - ...... . - ikDEPEIlllENT DAILY to Plnrato Turkojr, ITaa England Pabis, February 15. Tho corrcctneoa of the following from Constantinople is guaranteed: To prevent the Turks from JOHN A. FISHER firing on tho lleet England wn obliged to giver, assurances that it came' for the us well as British protection of Turkish xx sxxodxcixi ' kxascsb . y- : Takes interestik'.v:,. Balt Lsko Miblia that ho to There was. At first some talk of a email tofimat taliww flw.llwMi Philo-Enlia- h party; among the Turks toe BMtAStaK resisting Russian occupation, but perseTO TOB SID1ILB XIOCBE. verance iu this intention is most im- o. m to ed probable. Twe doers conth ef CsImm Whip Iha KpulaNa NswYoxx, February 15. News was received that tui engagement look - to-d- 1.: offio. Varga kCe.w. JSi-t- f . ay LIQUORS. ETC. Mon-ter- o, place on the bth instant at iwego near Cienfuegos, Culw, : ktvevn tho insurgents and the Spani-ilforces, in which the latter loaf : 150. men and a horses, . rides, large number of cavalry ammunition, t WHITS IIOLNE MNRMWMMWVRPnMMRMI GENERAL xar. s MERCHANDISE. .uin a. BUY YOUR ?vr. - LARGE : AND FULL Of the very tol knit STOCK. BF8T m NEWSPAPER r. fl Whoro Thov Aro a rOBHIOK ASS D0K1ITI8 .1 II will CHEAPEST! THE WINES AND WfOtff AHthe Bay LIQUORS ?' f TELECRAPHIO NEWSY - hetul-xUarter- Thp Flupnf ClffarM -- ' 3- 7 ZZ Zl. - Always w hand. Of tho Assoefatsd Prasd. .occupied t - e. ' .. 1. Although Austria lias remonstrated against tlio occupation of Constantinople, she will nut1 abandon her xrascut attitude, if 'the r occupation is accomplished iieuucfully ; and w ith the consent of .V' Turkey. attitude. pucifiti TEA; POT STORE! ri'i Fast Becoming 'f v;: - Zs r ' - . . . r . - CBZQIXAL. Tlio pillar ry?; in lSi-m.- ie! rohe Gno!RflT TORB J policy iu to. iho ; question about to be pni tuisWe-to Purliatiient. The Emperor is uud to be prepared, iu case of nvt-d- , to tender his good ollic-ir- to Eiiglaud and Kii.Hr.ia with A view j the preservation of pence but be is not inclines to im.1 iu v utiy way .as arbi trator,' i. . ft t-- . Pro ta J'r s . Are In charge of able and axperloaoed jinatf. lata, who In the treatment of National and toea ina trr will aamune a tliwaurUy indeueadan All kladsof yW ir.it-- 1 . I . Urnn't tfaut to be Arlill rater. February ready loive a fall and u ot his K expL:nutiou. r Its Editorial Column! EYQLIfiill ALE VAVLTM rf"- - GEifMANY. l-- Jl.ff :i- .'&' S RfTir, and judgt for fount! ve. si-- - llubbia bus notified the Porte that sbo has prevailed upon Greece to uddopt a V-- Wines and Llquorsf IB : Tnvralnfz 7 qiALtity no party ir dmuiulnilLii, pet j Uia liKual or relifdwua. exurpt iiiajr rlttue la i vaxaskT that ejlent YnZ Amu onjcr fiva gallons. P'3 . n:u-.lit- - t r ; A ; pe.-isvfu- ys MAP. V s.. a ETTA ALS AXDWAQXESS '1J;1 BSB 1 Mining Correspondence) Assortment is BECAUSE The Perfoct. Allkiade ef r'-- : . - - IIo an v.-- HOT & FANCY DRINKS .- & Promot-- . BECAUSE Attention Is the Motto. , At the bar. s vsl-iiati- V - The Local Departmont ojK-iie- G.F.C ULMER. U.'. - . s s to-d.i- . yi-ar- th-.-i- r g rirst 23 - . newi-papc- , c i'ost-offiec- s.' rc-lH- 1 . - - iit op-OH- Prk ; - - cf Records pD-itic- . .pv-mou- s - EXOLUH ALE ten eento per glam or fifty caul per (aut. . . gfciu-rotisl- ajqv-avanc- o TC. c . ; pay-Georg- PAALO& - . ; FAtLIKC SICKNESS CtTiED UOU-LAKD- e VK jlAXE.vr cure in every cam. or UEPyXD YOU ALL MONEY EXPENDED.- i All aufferera give them Puwdi ra aa early trial, and J be eonvmee.1 of or lour fur- rii.-lirge nox ilii.oU, iunt l.r 11u.lt hi Kuyimrtof the United ou receipt of price, or by HI learir itauii-l- t'uralive i.w. fr o ex-lim- a, C.O.1). AiIiIkms N-t- r . - as rouiiixs, C33 Fulton afreet. Brook lyn. N. Y - '.y Red Canyon, Rook Sprlnse, I 'L f V - h:ii u AdlflffiW ' , . - " J Au-dtiui- t Vf.: :';V- : " 'V'-vi-i.-- ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. t m . Webor Per week, ...... so Fulton ft ROOBIXK, oiccot. Brooklyn, V. T. I, carrier Aildre all .) . DAILY A W1 Uaaiflie Efitfim naleaHeu aH Mwi et THE INDEPENDENT. Salt Lake ; FOB THE v .t 00000000 JOSH W. KXI. bnaiaecato IIMi; . .U- The only reliable unrSrttir Lnnqt, Aerartori aud Eug Coal. - Lfuico jdfHik alwaya ou baud, au-lull well:t giurauteml. Prlcoa low. Kpe-- l iai attention etveu to the wants of tho pnbllo. Office iu the I'oiga IV-lfiipnen Company, One Copy, one year. One Copy, aix montha One Conr, there montha pit ffi-t- f y ;. if, All lafi-pfrom tbia illuoi that are anilou to be cured elaonld try DR. EIMoXEKM CKLE. B hated Consumptive Them powders. rath. oulyprrpmaU.mkn. tha'i w'ilJ powder. i-are i.DXSl JIFflOS and all direaaei of tho rtlHOAY aND LUNGS 0 ateuug la our faith In them, aud aimIndeed, to'etwrlnee you that are no we wilt forward to ovary huniiMig, tlwj , a FUEbTI.lAL BOX. )id. 'Vu duu t walit yuur ir.oary until rta are perfectly kb I failed of their curative powcra. If roar life la worth aavlng. dout delay in givlmg t&em POWDERS a trial, aa they will lurcty cure you. Prtce, for large box, ffi.Ort, Font to part of he Lotted State or Canada, by null,any ou receipt of price. . Addtoao. AKII g pt-ndiu- : t. e POSITIVELY CURED. e kw.V, J;'i . CONSUMPTION aRia-n-r- cuii-trati- iir , . O' A PER- - (3iTE WILL Sroartor will te rapleto aoofpoofoflMcnt with Home Xowo, fcml the pnbUe may roufldoatly look for inteUt gCnt meutton of every Incident of the day worthy of mention. AO e Local Paper the IND&. PENDENT will be fouud wilheet , a rtvaL P. MABGETTS, Proirietor. JMi 'rt t POWDKltS. SALOON AND LIQUOR STONE, ..v1', ,. ; It ,rf;M Kimball Block, XO IirMBTO tSAGE OF 1R. CELEB aATLD INFALLIBLE FIT POWDERS. To eviuco auffiaeni tint them we claim for them, we will powders will do all POST PAID, a FKKB TRIAL rend them by mall, BOX. As Dr. Goulard 1 the only phyalctan that ha ever aiade till diaram a Mtec atudy. tlmuaaiiuM havu laten aiul a t.i our kuowlnli PKKII. NL.NfbY Cl IlLD by tfao am of tbi-aPEUMAXF.XTLT BY OXE MONTHS u A&aaric'i? , T s n r the bandoof FITS EPILEPSY, fbt - 090clotty.ll - j.- r v-- sy Street South s g . A -- y. ul-ou- sy s PENDENT. jk. . - j'V.i ; - In-i-idei- Arrangement bar ban mada with and tollable rorrnqamdeiita In the several eant fir it Itera rr.lativa to the eate. and naught of Impratanee uIuIbk late, tnnoplrlng alh the millaac will Le euffrrad le without mm tt-tsc- ' -- S - Properly, - For faaallT nao. . s 1 Pr leas ara tha BE0AU3S Tha IOW0dt - i.i pro-pec- L7ndit5e, (tyei'til, v OYSTER PARLORS FRANCS. In, Coxstaxtixople, February 15. to tho Namya Paslia ' has gone. charged to Russian eudeavor to disuado Grand Duke Nicholas from occupying Constantinople. The Russians on Friday morning the' Humidie redoubt, which is of the Constantinople : line of.de-lensjuirt Iw-J:- w.-- ii .'a J -- c.:r;-!i-j- - s . ;! - . HAST le fatlafiod. AURlirkt. Co IK Turkey ; uvi-itory- Wok4 . : V-- ;. ljxub - w OF REMOVAL. SADDLE DOCK - lu-gct- : jl-t- - THE DAILY : INDEPENDENT. SEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE Pr Cento QB r: TURKEY, w.r- A Uanrrat Paaca Aaanred. Arraugvuit.-utrigidly excluded. imil::r' to tlmso1 cicii in luciuctatum ot Z ' :Ly jv Err. Lix, liVb.'uury 13. A w.ir he body v.i,i-'duco- i D:iioi vA( U:J-- a. 31.. (S.iturd.iy) the Senate rceiviMl from Sc, Petersburg, yvsterday, 'still nipnit; in tiho.; h' iiuuutfii. i ti.'i ill HfJivi-.t.i- , 14 Oil make its- u that Genuau iniliience hoili'S lor the feiliT In' Cicii, ; .if . ('ll- thllty ill dinluem-bai .he U, lli. it caiii-Jjili'.n IJ,' Have the pjiunn fo orfi-- In th-- ir (i.ijvit:. I'iimaii is Tnure that ;Sit..-u- l d;idii Lite it Jtilv nil m t f 4ll Ml lIi ilb iti ot ;is; ci.r l.Nf btlc.'tli.ii of ' lo-datiu. IS? eu expcrniicut iil.ut-'Uexpeiiicut ilio (h tn.c' inia. ituu iijr.! d, iitw ' cxisimg (ouiiaiy convinced ; thiise attendant that creiiio- -' t Was ill dual Vine wo aid Court tnia hot the only iuiptiul lion is the quickest und most pcuiipmtc no, bj- reached iu an uour or two. ,v.;. v plucu all idea of any t ooltip arising le-- t Bnsliipm and siiniutry way of treating the deiiJ. ween them entirely out of the question, llwuss. Elecil re Franeliisa For tVomen. also otfe-r- a; aurc guarantee for the lmt 15. Mr. Washixotox, February Bosicx, February. 15. In the Maine Stephciis, Chuirmau of the Coiumittee Maiutuineucc of feucral peace. Klegntii uCKiiiciic.'H, llovus-- j oi ileprcaentutives tiMlay, n bill on Coiu.igc, Weights and Measures, rewas reported to give equal SPAIN. n soluiiou KUlhuriziug the I a ported FI si eCo! (agcfi, rich's.! irrispetlive of sox', und grunting to invite an international women the right to vote in lnumcipai monetary com mission t consider und Opening ot tlao Cortoa. Alfonz-- Midria, elections, 'v?- CTieisp February 15. King umlorai rates or relative the scHsiuu of tho Cortes t Uranti 'an ISI Death Uajr. iu coinage at.d legal tender powand presented the Queen to tho repre: St. Lions, February 15. l'or the ers ot gold and silver. Deferred. n:id of tho nation. In tho c.nirso sentatives comuiiitet-iu MviioUitM were L. This of John murder .Love, being i'ruluy, his of stated that the- treaty u Abl naculled 137 ol over spoechie; a iu John J lor a, t;f reports i, private county, jam of tlio Unite-.- Slates with commerce of ugy wds hang ut Corih-igeLais, ivle., v ture..;. ' for Approval.. He The' llonse is iu Cbaimittco of : tin. would lw th-' presented The murder, wits caused by j thiiiikcd - army and navy a lull lor paying At onuccouutoi attabuubui-- J icmsie. Vnoh.dincu--Hiuthat Ct--j eunjitUtion. und the nation for il sucii-fice- s, Aides was dosed with wiiimy the 000 lo p.iy Sodlherh hnui cotraviovs b cxerti-jjtrusted that Cuba would bo unl loreuuou, and wus p?wlaue during his loro the war. x went speedily pacified. Atli-til from to the the thc'iuorniur hour.'llou. passage gallows. lie j W have also a few pic.-cof Lov-- . confessed having into (Xuumitteu. of the Whole, lltsiker .tiT in the. choir, on the privato ' calendar, RUSSIA. the .first being the bill which npplits un Conttlf Iona ot A'ence for Cuba tUL ESTATE F8S SALE CHEAP, Osuaan Paakn Denies. r aiipiopriatiou of 375,'XMl, mode by act ' Havana, Fcoritry 15, A ' St. conmull to. 01 Fktf.rsilbct, February 15. The Cuiigrcssj pay Southern On the liwUIImrnt flan. printed in th? interior of the i:uud has Uolo that Osman Faslia has nnuoimivs un.l not was which' distractors, tilficii.l lOil iibliJlcd the iWiiig its editor that given pwitive assnr-iucdated uiiiuiimously by the Commiltce ou patch received from Lkiulqaorttrs, coudi-liuirt of word is trntli there in the a not ::mu J 0.1:1, February 10, on the is to prisonexsof war. of .d Mr. Cannon.: liu waa mhl hisvruclty X alwuys for ':?:? 2caa and riogotiato 8niy. Ariid.i lK:UCe: Tlie Islstul of Cuba to. The NareheadiMl Itualan to payment claims of that char- -' acter.'-iOn Itflil at liiwwi ratsa. reserve thu sune jAniticai organization St.Petsuslcbo, ; Fobriiary 15. The l In debate it npv-arcithat no report jiuxge miya all the newspapers und uluiuislrutivM coucc&aiuiis' as IJI ilTo liil-U- ,' f : bad bvJ male ou u;o bill, atul W; ddell puiut out tliiit the British fleet has cu- said it did ; no uppiojui.a looney but j lered llio r Dardanelles In epitc of the A bivuu-- l for nil iiiji.ci pa-l,- i Soarchinei lb-t:fur iho xp. itditurc of wii.il was Sultan's : pretest and is consequently 1 it y tll'.u4 uituuiitli-iSince !:$, and lust y ar. Cousiilcrablc violating the. treaty of laria wnU-an- : those itir und.r Mah s (ivlilty. auil 1- ,li- - ienl prisoners, and giiuTdt par- opposmuu was (luvciopctl oa tho part ot ISulfrurlan. Autonomy Donlifful.-"- ' : , dt-others. und don to rtera fntoi fid Bragg, .Tiionipxon the floor Waiwtcb liues,. St. I kxkksedeo, February 15. It is f CutUivc. pffi; ' Third Liberty to be 'ivt-- siavt-- s and ' 3ir. 'Thompson a:d iu restoring tha Kfnted. that the peace ugulialions are CLiumueu wi'diiu tLc insiugL-u-t lines. ' fliuiiauts pruporlj, .this. Gowrunicni now pr.ictic.illy interrupted for, since lmr thirc should th Fourth No person rccuguiziug, ' by hud lurlod of tha British inen-of- to indieutc war iu the Hcu of Miirmor.!, tha Turkish line somewhere be drawn a vinua ot this treaty, Kpauish huthunly, tlAILET, lain cM T clrrk in Purveyor can be 'obliged to do war that a cridia is plenipotentiaries declare the complc-tuutuss to the c.i.iiuig gcik-rutuoBtna of koabsi aut ru!i, teitcu lm committee autonomy for Bulgaria is iuudmitmblc. uclion . the .Without crime. the a in whols abd VulUl SUten.8arr;yor of tua public lautla ' V' ; 'T i' ' roso.. r. ' for ctxUt win. All fo bill II. Filth The to leave Ghldings, persons OREECI desiring CIVIL EXniXEEB AXD HCCVETOU-XOTA-- J.Y the inlaid to be furnish.! niciinK lo do of Texas, $2,957, due luui us mail FCULtO A NO KaAl. KliiTi: 1C1 vitiaouL between Siiuni Fo und San Auto Greek After tho Turk. BiitlKiilll.A.NP ACEt uuchiug cither mi A3iU AfAullNUY. Texas dt ii uiii, strd. years before tha war, Anucxs, February 13. Inconsequent city, ac- - of the rcceiit iiiriHsucres in .. the Greek of each forco to was rwporLsd favorably, and bL'apitul.-iiriand Hums, Attends proaijitSy t iEa-- Vhdjonrm!. mid the entry of the oa uiiitiLU)iU.-provinces of Tiu qww, lion the pre, tae pl.e-Otcad ntlag ir I ii " Bri-id- i r arni.i v.jil On .apfleet' into the- Dardanclies, tlie j mrcainaiM. Iraouijte al rtoau of all UoU. i vi-f.j ' ; tv XiRiiiftuii, rievtMa Xhe tip;jiisa Giucral-iu- Gr.ek Government feel themselves jnsti- fflLU DOUM 4i3.l Jdtir.r, t lf.nl " -ad15. .' of It is reported j fled in aiiawee ill Jcl'e. Liiief, lor lau purpuaa Thessaly and Epi Yiissi, T'ebuafy ttHilalliy Itiaiai I ca-- 1 of oteu-- r uf Fin ancs, ris. ' Gen. Giivos is to tnke couunuiu i t iilvsc - that the I iliuisler ronceruibg laud ?uistloi- -, wliea aliouii iijon ' ' 10 give iroo acixtui to rouda 1 will prhcccd to London on a apccini mis-- . of the forces ' iul Western Grtcce, aud fa ?. cjudu'.oiis, land. -- Main arv-t- , f rat do-i Colont-hvfctaaud laion. Ccrcneos is lo eoaimsud the Sal ! ' Ship ON VlrastMtiw Loxdox, Ftbruary 15. Tha steamer Chilian.from lew Orleans for Liverpool, sighted the bark ' Otto George, ou the 7tu iust.ou fire. Two men were seen ou board, but the sea was too heavy-trescue tiieui, The Cniliau lust a life boat in the attempt. Sr ' ''.I... . -.- 1 CUll-scieiili- study; to w Licit I u.iVo brought entire honesty and singknen ol purpose, uud upon which F h ive spin: 'whatever ability God has given me, is i.our to separafeus; whilh(.v this is to ov rnd-- that isunph-.tuud im;:, uiumi yi thought, whilhOu all other, uuu as i ndu-vt-i more imporiuut sUbj-cts- , bind us - s I25 033133PIS ; . n-j-- - S-.- Lord Derby' Protest. Lord Derbys . I Lnsvos, February 15. proUst against liu &un occupation of Coiiatuntiubplc is published. it is very, decidedly, worded. It demoustratas that the e itry of Dassiau troops would .be a viulution or thearuiintic and might provoke disorders causing great danger to Christains, whfeh the Russian Government ' deprecates.-I- t concludes; Her Majestys Govanment caiinot acknowledge that thoj jlisiatch oi the British slaps to CousUkUlinople bus any bearing ou the entry of the Riissian truojm into the city, which latter measure thry consider uncalled (for by. any circumstances of military or other necessity, and the consequences Id which may be most disastrous to tho whole population of tho cjty. Lord Dkrby has also telegraphed Lord Lpltus, under date of February 13, I hut he Juki expressed to Count tiehou-vulof- T the Governments earnest hope that the Russuu troops would not make any movement towards Gsllipoli or any movement of a nature to threaten communications f the fleet, us any such movement wtuld be regarded iu r England as compkimising , the sulcty of the tlet-t-, and iu tke present state of public reeling, he covld not answer fort he consequences, which might be most serious. ,: -- DEAL - . t.i , I.-- iiir - ; - CSMTrJAL 1 ;; ' ! -- t iit cere-uionv'w- ., .'? r Rnaalaue Deeomlng Excited.' Viexsi, February 15. There is great anxiety at St. Petersburg, particularly among tho Eugliah residents, on account of the critical situation. Tho Kusjiaa natiouol feeling is becoming excited. ' ENGLAND. . ' SALT aAiid LtiOCS V.'. ' Le-m- i Lot-l- - . FRANK ASSaYES, ' fail coulestdn. BcUTt rs lull confession is published.' He states that money was his sole obin tuurd cling Sewell; that he struck ject th-- . latter while asleep and then fired the church where they were. '1 44 "i"--Another llodjr to bo Cremated. . Wascxxotox,' Pa, February 15. The train bearing the renmius of Mrs. Den Pittman, of Cincinnati, destined for ue's Crematory, arrived here shortly alter 11 o'clock Ihis iiiurnifi j, Mr. Iilt man, the husband of the deceased lady, and Mri l'lympton, ol Cincinnati, wrero tho only p:irtins who accouipiOiitd the corpse. The casket won placed :iii a which pzoi'ecded to the furnace. The cremation will begin "at 2 o'clock and occujty .about two hoars.' .The lie cundnctcit in a. strictly pri- Viite niunncr,: no one; being nil wed- uc- cess to' thi building except Mr. Pittiuuu und the parties in' charge. Tlie lire, which was vturU-- ycstenl.iy o'clock, Imu morning' at .Luil-pii:,il- ur- cs ut 12:Uj nuched a beat of 1 luv lihaiug liTln- Uiii.iii(H'iii:i(J,.iiai u'-- rtsao lv aid itc r.Jgiiv.i d . u. t A hi.--, by tho conddibn o iu-c- . uumocr of uri.-- rt Sk'ii;c-u- , mill a'uoil teat oi uisapuiicx ment is nruiiit sted ut the airou siand taken by Dr. Lcuioyne against the admission of the press. LatilB Tlic- cremation of the femaiu of Mrs. lhiujamia 1'itiuau wus succcok-full- y iiccoiupliahed this' afternoon, tic operation iasiiog two hours. All sti.iiigf-iand newspsp r representatives acre ji- -t . - . 'A . c 1 f jaa-t- n e .;. - ' -- AUSTRIA. Spaninb Force, v . . - . Of-A- c, Xo. 73, si la trhtniK, to Taylor lioUao. side-ratio- . HARKNESS. Office cer the Main & - ' ; Washixotox, Februiiry lo. A number of bills and petitions of ho ' public im;iortauce were presented, and can was resumed of the Silver bill and lugalls spoko in favor thereof. Wiudoin. reported with umendments the.beuute bill to authorize the Washington & Sioux Falls it. 11. Co. to extend its road into the Territory of Dakota to tho valley of Sioiix Falls. Flaccd on calendar. '.'Armstrong presented a petition Trom of St. Louis the Merchauts-Exchangin favor of the paseugo of the bill to nod to comcompel the Union' iac-ililaws with ot certain Congress in reply gard to pro rating with brunch roads Ingalls reviewed the history of gold and silver standards,- and .said gold was the most treacherous of inetuls. He denied bonds were payable in gold alone The East was arrayed against tho .;Wcst and South combined in this matter. . It was. bondholders against boudjatyera-Th- e West and South, iu asking tno pasasked less ttiuu they sage of this tall, would ever ask ' again. He was astonished at the moderation of tho .West when he thought of its services. Mr.. Allison took the door to close the debate, and mode an alio argument in support of the bill. Iu closing lie said tins demand for remonetization of silver is not locsl in character, (lot not originate iu the West, or in the Mississippi Valle; for the purpose of securing pujivr as a circulating medium, but lias the approbation of the best minds and thinkers of all civiiized countries, and is just now exciting ns deep, interest in other countries us our own. Mr. Lamar said he had ' a painful but necessary duty to perform, and had read the resolutions of the Mississippi to Legislature iustruetiug their vote for the Silver bJl. lie suid there was a gn-u- gull here between the, resolutions and his conviction. ;Ue spoke warmly of his love to iiis.iMtdppi and of Lis snare iu educating' her youthi' lie had cudeavorvd to impress on. them tne behef that. truih was omter than false-hoohonesty berier than . policy, coury age better than cowardic. my 1 must be lessons co'ufrunt me ; y true or ftdse, honest or e tinning,' faithful or uidaitutui to uiy people. Even iu this hour oi their lrg&ative disjdeasure ami., disapprobation, 1 csmiut voto us taM! tunoluiions .direct. 1' canuot and will 'not uir& tho responsibility which iiiy position impjM. My duty, us I slc it, I will (!; and i will you ugainst this bill, Vli?u that is done, ray 1 espou-ejodit- y is emicd. ily rcu.-ou- s lor my vote . snail be given : to lay people, wiii it i'lnn le lor tUein o' d.leruiine if. ; ndiivicuc-- j lo sf vouviciiifit iia; .uy .Hi-- . JiOi-- i (tl:iiU-- ; lcpr i.lU-ivUU Oi liiitk'iUi M Uj) .mu su:jjv-ct- , ,u uLi u I u.tv fa Illicit OlitUlm. Bald jl-U- Uta. HesalCr .'.;; V. ? ; -- u Ii Caban, InsurscutH lVhlp tko CONGRESSIONAL NEWS. . Mima U. XaIOHX GILCHRIST A KAjCHN, . CKia. X. I, r Uab - AUMUti i- -- . tub. Bank, Salt Lika City. v s' - i - Intoxicated Murderer Goes to the Gallows. An Office oppcwdlU Buuiaa Short Disposition of the Shorl-Hun- tl Slants lYlll. Me-- ,"' ' - ';.- Rk vA'''."Aw Awi . -- . p-- i 'A "iSSk. "J Ten thouHatid men, Cretan insurgents-of tha Garde ; Mobile, are under arms at Athens. Tlia general assembly of Crete bus renewed ; its declaration of annexation' to Greece. The insurgent have gone to VautoH to uttuek the Turks. T hear tiller; has left Caui-- tu rciuforse the .. garrison of Vauto., -- . 8. H. LEWIS, o - - s FOREIAH NEWS. Eighth The foregoing .' bases to be considered general for all departments : v. of this island accep ting these ' proposi; V' tions. Lord Derbys Protcnt to the , The , Spanish troops have received ; Gorcrnmeat orders to suspend operations, remaining on the defensive. Guides have been dispatched to make Austria Wont Object to Oe known these conditions to all insurgent " , cupatioAof Constan--tiuopl- e. : bands.-'-- . 4 'V. ., Arranging fttr Peace.; Havaxa, February 15. Captain Gen- cral Jovellor left yesterday for Nuevitus IT the Porto to confer with General Mar he 11 oz Dam That pos, it is supposed upon defiuito urruuge ivaiing. .' ment for peace. ! MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. A v.;- FEBRUARY SATURDAY; MORNING, 81 IH' ' '? v 5y ' '" ;V . r1. i h11 i- - . , ,'C fr. ? ., - Rt. ; INDEPENDENT! . t A. GOULD, Mainatn Agent. - Which la iha I IBBT '' mffint; V- ' ' ' "' IH UTAH! :.j- (v .'rt.1 f- - 9. Vr "rt, - ..4 1 : 1 ro Jv,. .AT. : l ViMf- . Z J . X i " v - . y . :t j- ; Tf ; r ; - 5 -- ', i pc 'k V- , 'y.i 1. ..1 JV ; - 4$ |