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Show 'V r -- Senator Patterson ; WiU r HTot Resign on Any Con' idertioni hatit W " ".4 . - V '.V'4 1 ,. , - - V '' . JL ' (S v FOSTHItf XAflUMIB. n?H ;:;.4 nu t Trebbl f x; .: ' kixici i EGhEGTIC i' .ei y t.Af ft. frmS' ;.iliWwriKf;wsB i "4rw atV: J . r' vr- ;Betwae ;Ss. AaIcaWf.;tW. , Spain iV Bay tl ; aad . '. W's'., A? 'Ml' vl .'wfp4c, v - Imterrlaw wltb BwatarPattannu, - r Jri Washington special tajs: teTSonrepliedto a gentlman .who asked of i lXw Yovk ptrftftoA him Balt ..638 par ton cumncy hit intended remgnStitm f 'll shall soi 1 ; , .If X am Lteniiure Science Odd Aft resign trader any consideration. fool to resign to sick; I rfiouLl wv ; : because Lcanbe here and draw, mjvf 13 J tha ECLECTIC Is to U ia. i a day Now sir; I authorise yon to say inactive withqutbetagduiy and eaurtala-iiuntfr. t--uii .''RairuwnM snmattiVng tr i. w i that I; will not resign, andthoae fellows Alla, Ml! 6 37;Ophlr,63 53 ;OrandPriMt down there will not rob i me jet Of .my conUdated Virginia. coinff to Pennsylvania when itrj 15; HWrprt Ulu., ..sfv : - if b! - - &. - rir- - .V ;. f j r hT i J sif IV. 've. ' .'i' V 4 - jv ' ' ' ' :' . other wUl come .oni. I hare been worn out ? bv hanl ! work' and ;;.harrassed- - by South Carolinianawho wiant situations, ' ' i ; untib.f asi entirely broken down. I not intend to abandon South Carolina if j .b, my f -lV ' my persecutors will .let Aha go back; real own I are in' that.Siate; interests' I' ' - a: :, V :; . ' . Wi Bale T? t?i Total. Ooto Tellov Jacket, W 10!i Cellar. A SSS MO MO l0 ". MAS H n I yjr !' 5 4.00 S'jtf L'tSlfc 1515 K : 575 Bullind, ,.t 1330 Exchequer, 4 Jf Je-ii340 Overman. 23 H 32? f1 ; BBSS Justice, 13 1394 : LO 800 1M gx? ftUse.-I.atin; II ; shamming sickness are conversa this even and to able move,7 tiou excited me And makes me fear a re--1 I except lapse: vtou are. the only person Ben Butler and my doctors whom I have ' seen since' I;! was 'taken . sick:! 'Xn response ; to the suggestion ..that a, ride nciSTPoi said that might bo he was and kill would him, such a thing tremhUng. seized with, ATnddeB fit H'i ' : A CT , ;i-v- 25, -- - 370 Occidental, l.SI 1.15 1.10 .300 Senator. s 7 300 KossOfh. 30 j 4 19Q WoqdvnTa. 1 ,v y 300 Brath Comstock, 601. 365 Andes, 1.05 1.101 h5 390 Lady Washington, 11' 1650 Levlathsn, 40 100 Barth Con Virginia 73 ' ' J i: ' Shrsr, i'i ;v- 750 St. Unds, ?0 S3 . , v 300 leviathan, 40 ',100 OtsnllM,lM ; ' 31 W Benton, 4H 4.00 :' 2350 Boyle,! 9095 - 250 Capitol. 1.70 IE ' ... 150 Banian, 4J0 - ' T . 300 Alps.'.TOV.V-100 Newark. 2 bS it. ' 300 Eldorado 8onth,-- f , 100 Bye Patch, 4 , 1111 65 Northern Belle, - Slsuhattsu, li 11 X 300 500 1SS0 400 Independonsf, S5 Venture, 50 y 8 Prize, 40 45 60 : Homing Stef; Ml Belle Kilo, 13 lift .y , aro Bolns. hl 1.2s i. v M70 ?:: f.r . ; . 1 - 7-- ' ij . 27 , w . i1:; 'WVWtf-- - : f I ,.: 4 'A'" yEWi.YoEE.i Hats V . araaada n ail .y toctlotM the English periodicals, r .. MS ; J : a ': .. . ... - y JS - iv- s v ..V r - v I1 I,,' r . - - gb.- -. : yv y' y-- ' '0 j P' Y: ; ,: ' x : f; Py., l' i 'fe-- yy . ' ,v;y v : , .5 i " ' ; , : p'1 x ' nm at. v s .iV'r '7i c - "' ' sw fc' - -- OTIOX8, . ' "r ;',i V'1 . . ; '' ' ' Ai;thi8sart;nAwTiMCiA?.1 Jovoair VJicC5 . ,l I ; - ba y. " - j I - j fii . mu, ewYSk1!!.3 ZZ ; 107 Si; JA. i ; A-.- -- i5T- - - 'y .7 '. ' Agents for. Duponts Blasting and Sporting, powders s , . ' ; . y ; V1- - . Bciem 'r I : W , y , .' '? ' , r fr . f"-'-- yw ; i,V r V1 '.a:. iTOte. "V.V, - .. s . sjv- - T'y ' s . V. ' t I s Vf' .1yy , A.. 4Xltorlal.laiMwtmenfo f ' ': v ; v , ' ' v :'v - - ' ( -- y'yy. -rtr '.ft . 4' ,f Editorial Pspart sets hr ( laBd Bay L"S!f3r mads as eomprclMaalva and Utsrai ' . ' ' - ' C. y-- 7,- -' Lov ' V wM';.bttgmiied .for ;.f. - T "' : Wi" i' & i t.fs 7; r.T T. - m ' ef- l- ' ( v' .j tl f ! iC'v'n Ks (P p Svy r" i? .W- 'i - f ' t s J, ..as ' . i. IS i-- r ' i f CULMER. , ui. K DAILY IHDEPENDEHTj ici'ERi - i', i1 . t ..vA, .71 svjyi., s- iS-- v;f- - BVEBlr : tMcudsys Sxocpted) - my 'r,w 8 t I. & -- ", . ... s f, ' v!l .. '.i t m V 1 vfcv . ' a, f 3r4 IS ;XSB -h MnreiFetto KOBNZXA, '1 ! 4. :s J.V 4 . a ,f . V- . -. r. WEWSPAPEft BEST lH " -- v- . - ,- - ! UTAH A - All tha It will Every Day ao&taln i promised.w.thMw;!, done, vLld,- - - - ir PUBLISHED 1 ! THE DAILY INDEPENDENT. sh'-!- '..I t. . G. E. - V .... X ,r LOWEST PRICES l; OENERAtifMERCHAND': ;1 - 'U , V liOWEST PRICES ! ? s . i "l'V " di ;3K ttV 3 - - ' ,y I TWMCPs COBplsto M pOMiMi. ' S ... V'i LJ i. -V 3 1 . .T4' ii ' s ,)'. kwY1 ; S' TELEGRAPHIC rs' vrx?- 15 - v "V ' "' ' ... ' . ' y.isf'tf..'-- "'X' v, lif the Aseocfaied without rpoi ring with a Democrat iaTrlal sab9lpttotfor; and any otharf tU The Ketoetta be authoritatively contradicted,; H mgi. containj; moment on or neveZ f he ,&y luma? easy; $Ul I vltiAe I platedit, Itis ai0ruehP does not in- .Ntacribm- - S I City 7- --- ' Jfc-- 1 .7,. ErtT"! i'pinimi; j he. HiwutMj litl S( vj'; v.' " a a1 'would ;wUl And themselves greatly iVA'tT- f- t. AHh Ia44n f, mwarl l J y' -J .. ' A - - iEmyiiul' t '. . .vi1.;- Tba .' . V.' L'V E . v y&ry'y 7. Wfif!' f OkJ t ,rv-- :i; t Preee .T'V, Gwrnmou. 'T- . 36.,Ji: MtYold cliiSiji , ' - - - Yortt Stocks, r'New. rto -- f-.'- 1 frViW. ;. Mir f S5V J y w'' fr-- A V 3614 Alta. 'fi'?. ,i- . nunvABi Tjift IjTKASSWaiUS. JliTO. rf I j th 8.t-Am6- hg -- a.-A- iUv. ' - - - i5'- A - , f. r. - . " - T- ; HilSSliZCiS; i . '.I.'' ' , . ; hv, HlilS3tC8SiSaSfSlS; gVLQTBIZa I VyLCTinNG, TWOTIONB : -- ! r T ,V. ',v7.,kL2. - " s ..A,,-y.- ' JfSwfE j3 overman. 31 j j :'.? ;.4 , ... s , ' ' ffiSNfSFSS Bff'G88S.'S!8 ; .y 'Zfi vjr: - . i ..i ri j - If v - .Kf r IBPOBTEBS, J0BBES3 ASD BETAILDEAIiBB Dt .j i.ykyt 1 -- Tr.- iyil I jt'1 produettva than ably richer and oikv.A which the reader cad '4 ' A Vj . T-- j1., i i?.' .. vfy 1: been e.tiltwith AcCording to the I to so will tratedtpfectt Ea ilRriSiaai bargain, The documents con-1 (tains aFLnc Steel Engraving on soma:. j also be ., rclieil upon to furnish y the intnwst osnally suhjort of general 'I ncctionfrtweeu the. miqnicMeniee in the and eachyaar hfd. a I portrait x Timiie and the bromides en- umea contain twelve or . erf thoso sngrav- -' Grant r; antt Stanley jbmInge, which are. of on ef, naentod : of r by tho best artists, T1 .. fort to relievf tba party are ansravtnto of ponsanont TilWb in that the bargaining dliegcci cpnicitj and add much to tha it thin examination is proposed to bemad. veueas of 'the It i suid that proof . will be brought to Hagailna. , ?: r y show that ; he viMtinj? '.statesmen pud certain promises : to - Packard and ,fhe li ."i Returning Hoard (Which :,havei not been "'X : : u- fulfilled. In fact, the whole proceedings ' vp iftvV jr N , .: ' A ' ;. overbo to .V ; statesmen is YV of the visiting 4 ? , I them with hauled with the Mi Savage, 150 January jP. to- showy that, the facta relied upon ' .. 'i J 441 :lisiana ! and KlitfviBcdiTlTSfc Cnssannvw .;jS - Grown 13 ISO Tallow JahH r7 ' ' vd ;r-- V-.- 2Mi 2 bs 1 , r 1 . .r J!Svs 'ly'jif.' , ,-- it;.:-,- - CS-J 1 r ; ' AJta,"35 : .V STII " -.- ig . fv L' -t (be PriidaiislTtle And ceeaahmally fraca those of Eranoe sad a literature Nxw t Yok January 8. jLIferald's I omnany, and covermore . - 5. . ', '' - - ..; .... Jf . ' 3-- A f. W all of Ohio. The7 impression ia that Gkiiudor jConld.;.will not rsonallv, offe the resolntion, ' but that ' ' xnay j fw done by Senator : Howe of Wisconsin' or Senator '.Janca of Nevada; and that; its language: will Jc carfully drawn' as'tomake.itjTi .1 Southern Democratic : j against itZ :It. ;i"liufeftwer; claimeAthat ThunnC-- and McDonald; ,cT I Senators"W f Ihe'J n.Iidary - Coin wwii.'rtfc J-T-. Xlftvis of IlUnoiA whftl counted neutral aU 'political issue,1?; will sapport the on " I rp61atoh, Th ojixiHon anticipated 4 J is from Southern Democrats entirely ; - : 3.iw Golden Chariot, 75 y Pleiades, 4lf :ffn Leeds. S.W 3A3 3,40 iV Tiptoii.6odsdli MU'fTiM, 40 ' 7 ill I - J : . A Oarfield Ti-".. .... : ;.-- t.TO 1.63 1-- ;v j. . r r - v fv;- - . ' - 37q Per, 1JW ,5 Birhtel, 10 .y - 1000 Modoe7S0 45 ,'j .630 Grand Prise. 1414 14 13V: 3000 Argents,' 1.65 0 . ;y y f 1150 y Nsvejo. TS W W- iaao - in-voi- ' . Hnaaey,j.-gi- 135 - X's . , ? V; v Hayes, bat it i assert that it does Senator Stanley JIathewa, 8ecre-tarv-.: Shrnnau And Congressman John Afienaaew Board. 850 Iefrooo,-7- : y - feat not attempt to implicate ;Iresident r -- - ' I , r I .fi' ; . 780 Enreica Coni 37 37 b5 650 Jackson, SJt 3.40 1 ' -. y if:.:-, . IdtefftlOfC, . . . Jj0 Vf-V- - - 300 Sakter, 10 ' , y : 300 Konumentsl, 30 15 1300 Troian. 60 65 5 Solid ; ''''' u ,i ' ; . ; J r I . EAGLE t .VVM.JENNINGS & SONS. v Washington ipBcialwyl., Fersonswno p claim,to speakfwith kturwledge ,bf what JI ftpyyy''-is going to be done , when . the Senate - t " afrit!, meets, awortthat SenatorCont I Hilg will either offer binuelf or will have offered a .carefully g drawn resblhtioii 1 3-reciUng that there are grave accusations; made upon apparently good, authority; to involving the right of thfe President . ... the office held byihim",' nd that f such . accusation onght to be set at rest by j 'p,py0p:wyl-.'yyy,'- - ,U ?v.yA J 4e EMPORIUM ! : -- 1 ' ' . - llill for Farther Eumlaation Into I v,v t :; je -f.r- ' ' -- 1 A. ' L "iv . .v a VsM,s5jl-- '&'- ,ST tf '., ; . .1 . rti.V1 3. B0 loo Bok Island. 1S ?tf w ' - y t - : f S '.ViJi ; 4660 A1U. r .. 371 b5 i ;:T06 Julia. 1.S5 3 1005 Caledonia, AW 4 S.T5 4 h3 46SS Silver Hill, d la dAO 4.10 d.tO 4.65 3.M 4.70 ' 580 Barton. 50 60 , : . New York, 3.40 235 ? -- -! .''Tv : - r ' . . , 4.M $ i aims Xevd, ' ' L V.. tjr ri Sarj wj ' Z . K aoChollar.M't :. ' 10 Alpha, Ula S10 Belcher, 8 SH , 475 SicnaMevada.fi.1; CaUfornia, 3SH ' So-.:- . 7 1930 Imperial, OS 1ST Con Virginia. 37 b3 Ml Opblr, SSi elO . i- ' j,-.- A i r ' s ' a i r ; '&:,,vvy 'AirJ5v- - i -- H.' - ; J EAGLE J.-'- f r : r j? J , -- AM I I 3fc. X ; - , .HWi i Aii ' , .- (onii 1 J Jh , 1 r k , ; "'X eitnntlam M B j. fl Wht ' Us' V T VV- f'- - f 4 JJA ,.,-- j w-- 1. the President plications arefbeingmadeto ' 'I " ' i ' .J ft ' . ' i I w V,4 , : wg:.. 'Is ' f. sf -- - : - ' - As.' nViV::" :fyy'r;:yP.: C.l If MX mm. Its Editorial Celumna OWBST HpBIGESV; 35SSJ?SS rty - ;v- ItJiwesTPRICES 1. ; r r, v5rfe matters wiUaaaumaa tonarfSTOring no party ee. denoaninmtloo. ya. litlrsl or religious, axeept ta tha axtauft that Ua virtues may recammend. rKxnxxv is our motto. "Bn ." PBT.TnW, Entsl lahav. '1- -. - . ... ;t . , y.. : .' i.. V: ; ' i ' Tlio Lbcalf Departments :? aflisto.sjs. - ;fry , ?j-- fcaudsof a corps of eflirfaat Bmrio will be replete with Bonatook toe SatoOl-ge' public may eonfldertly mestioa of rvery tscitaitsf mentloa. As tba day worthy oftMh INDB- - -pa LmwI I'opvr XKJENT . will bo Zouad without a rtvaL' ' ',V ' - .,s i s' ' fm C, laths x;. ?, s nt . . . r t. s . , A.',. A.' - 3 t 7 ' li- - - ; tr J .'? ?A- v,4 'irt1-- - TV?-- t .'t j. , ? V t- - " ? f d . i't-V- Vv 'r 1; er i: ' VOS2XOH lAKpJ DOHMTKT ;S .4 Mining Correspondence ' i1' I- - 'j camps far letters rvtaUwto tba mining later- without mendbu In tha columaa of the X2I1k pendent,. vY'. 'yys a A I' ' ' P: .,i S' ,s s r' ' !& Vf - . to fCt L'N - . . . ,.v) i. 1 , v Cp., V - I :x - ;. ,; . TERM8 OF:; SOBBCRIPTldl. k Oaa Copy, on yeir.. .. -- months.., Om Copy, throe Oaontha..., ,,,One Copy, six Per week, by. carrier., .y. " ; - - JOHN -- - W ,. ., - mJy . - 1- Li-- 7. T , ?K j ?. ,v Le |