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Show iie hal uelof re' ran cips 4vofe rro& Sto- -: Puaaii'sGn j paignrsv ' Splendidly UlumittitedUH Hhgai8&; V 1 . ft -- q j walk Oonn i lf . J V.-- ? r :' m.: 3c. C'i ''Sf This : H I . , gv ;.iBreech r Loading, - mesTo ,T f ;.w l r fellow wtll be amt to wll ii) .irate,,.; j r, . .,ljr .'H io V3 V " Toe the uny addres oe Year Lwaut 20ii4. ,of Iiiistura .," .J.CV-- . -- fiaTr .v. s, iced and BUQJJedar .Picket wry low price of.1 - cen ' lvive OiV.and Young ,sliniilvl Morns. V i! ry . ' .ft.,.. r .? : Jr. it.-T- lt be sure to ,ple&ee lwnl ,;r A for JR wnts, Ssotipiil Address A, Fry,tNut -- dverVis ; dro. i CJolAlfS' Nayaiot; Again , i. i: r Li'Ji 11 u I nave a qurnber K,pf god ; i!-:7ff- I i . 0- ' J Ht rr " i it.. ;.r V' Atfverli- f i reid' i A ? Wot ice i - 1 - i- ! ni , '"';1 ', 5 o cents per u)df;U'ue.i:keep,' iwS ea inserted All per3ii$ kauWiu thYin?: line apcimeita live cent. uni .iVlUor wie,.; h ; pj .. UBtf KNT' KO:nV, celrea indebted to m aiV I: Address r to call . and , settle THE STAB,. All.--mil- , Mich, KLiOUlNtt' Ri)0'KiG. nn1,! D ,!i ffPI1.-..forthwith ay i wishjLu. biUnoe t . ,, J. I' Its raWlP will as accounts make, tQ.orler . possibit; 1 V - i;G.I-.;KtV ii O: ; ASSd, CdlM i 5 V .1 U L MieitU ! ) "m . I V ; , tei f.e-ra$a- : , i- . 5 1 : , hforcHpbn!C&8i4n, III. tlil- - 4 ?r ?! V AND tur; : i ' JL - w '1' -- : : -- - - s)t TOE i ".im;t price -- ' J- - i v;; 1 S ij one fcr4l subecfibjjrs year. i.dpy ofjhe piper tqute publiib; ; Y M re. til 7 u;:jOS 1: 'tand v Hr tV J Ux i M : fV . .iLfJCAfiii'fl rv .,.v, ' . " i';. r Pai1icr 'Sample copies John Pjrma Co. P. E, lit 5 ii IO pw r k B OY cPv 19 . v pf.-pr- v 1 ' 1 '- - r 7. 1 i. st 9 And 0 WJ:il I t JOBiu a'tf. A Mitt hly :P;ipajp 'foir "ttiily instruction aiid'ambseneht u Iho Young. ('. VV Oivly 26c'euts M . . , V.' H fuse ; ; U,.' fi rr i C- - I pr ahnuia ; ubrey, HArrison-Sreet- 1 1 J r Jtfi NiurTdac, V i'j L r: r .i - (.(-.- '' Pmiti Wurserpt ! t to seer wishes t any k . . - oTiSSv 3Mf I.Qeorge Mhy 8ih IX rt . I wirc G (JOTjfO ! . Dhirtr norH(i west 'heroes of UivittiB Uiliiri orTwihy May 2otkiri869 all iierybni wish its to attend at Jacob ;M.ttAV,rfP6iffd ble, r Ofte.i ot th cheapest and " OeierrioliciUJ, seal by best SM pid on re Jeipt' rot i pipers puhlihittvli; ;Vy I Club .prici wilhhe: h - Tbre .will re-poiw- David Needham l - r ut A copy of ike vbioV vdl ba sent vto tho elitpf; rwho;Vfwill, pnblislft ith;' aeovr toy nuer with; tbit notice apdfo'nrar l avtnxricef, ST0V1 duce takeQ r voltfuiA.12 ' . and all. kinds 4 i i : ; Uire hiin.4 ciill. Terdi, SU ffew;Xtirk7&U lpn.ll 1 . 'i JFeir RBHtlitcu Msrei. B J Uiif ft Uii. lo Murray an -- ' "STAKJICSr1 o 6 JKfeWaiipfi.ii; . , ; Tlie.-.-- 10 i choicest Uran'tra shrubs,vinBV,pluntiJflbavn sscdsiir.C!id- - gp9yi(Ms fii 4 n Tariety and.of sortr. A liaited supply for 3D SaoiBurStrcer9 sale. ? B astost. Mea- K. KSl'eO'S. t V |