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Show -- MW' pei&n tjipiifcgn eer il ?..' hcaViifrfom) H toGfr WWcnt, rattww-.- ., ithdaf old ojiriweaty wkotrtfc SecratWydfirmid Jips?ech: on hituthat oxir jewjHddtonUS,, irunamhifOdl - forrtir 0ff&ej)v3fbUrdh UtpT.fr titjcob- - resumption ambextta-q- n tinlfcsa fofl Territory, vlnai eatioryor cbirfflViwhi 1 - Lou in.$ 5 l itiohal honor, .r had liberatior. -- oi2 ydffltfT taiJidrid ( IfeiandY.Vould'follow hostil- sr obeying 2 nfc? wraw ' Awinformdlpiiptiqj;-ofm$ f fw .1 1 -- ; tpajritjr?6lV umbtrsof bohe shdhearirir Hjttu3 .'Preati' ij; Youngs ana, party . ai,tohi 0 nominates, ooand id ateior the ed.vf , i:-w- :ri ;;Y obtain- - ww; mu la.iNsc) uvt JSS sC neighbors? Cotlttti cawrishiaRi ( Montreal..;, 8r ljd :neejjnga: 18$ evening, throiie,&otesull was flnd Uii afiprnoon. i!V iorday; to the Myr,i4 ; u li 1 ciThe inundation i getting, $Iq9 onqugh,,ftrf 4,jt, of VValkorp luckily net glutting ions: are ;beingnaent;in boats him, j f .CorlettiB f rienda took alreadyex-ceqdirtha- t'. 1 86frur: Proviso liid ufferiug.?tUnuea hjinro tho)lxp'v V'! ' U , r ;;o! Latc TeftgraTmsT j?im untiLqigh.JwIin; r tbfy Repoit a fair prospect for war' furaishedhiih i !a c horsey: and errfiamage 'to property, in very belweoritHe" United Stales ' and assisted !hinf 1M ,Arnwf toecapgrAi' Buem'ents ;'of: build-!! Jears.' Ugfii are filled -- 'S- with-waterferi- W r Mn -- ! d ,V;; 'iteY6rk'2l.rt:-- ?c 1 : - i Irani bonds pt the ,Umoo P.' U es -- mal meeting) lirectoys-o- forelectfon of; the company, will f ritUi'karM t t Heralils special says The;l ay he '. Spanish' Minister, fhasj Gc r HfdoQa,S.ecretaryf Fish i .and & lemanded a proclijnalian till ?P ;ainMiijFmbusVering xpfed-.Tti- ous : M , t vi C u ' -- i i -u I Ml Tim PereCry promptly ue-- f Sajrlijg -- . I the mnsur- -j Vent have a- - prorldonal got- -; dw no S feiibn froa Mjari binddruigpeisois rm in puking iemniv up' tUeisrJ bna .obssaj 35 iffkc Bpultifa llibutflry Mni prb'mtMd- - full1 lj,!siitb - KUitita for Um uiiulti to 13 .aucir, .a.,, r- , - -- W our 1 ' 1 heir e;iVow O '..f-tra- to-d- ay ck . ; only leight hour staging jeWeen'Cbiegp and, San Francisco, it is expected (bat the last rail wilf be laii.tbis: week, and the enUro ioad:6pcned to General 'business by llayv-itti. The Company intend to lay ten This snr- miles passes any1 previous days work, iurtrack aying. ATIfe iCentra ! Company liava'purchaied tlietrack ofthSo Union Pacific west-V- Og-d- n, whifi i is; graded. Thfi transfer is tlreacy. mae. . Passengers AU the first moatgagedand. , . 1,1X1 1 Spain pveCitbaf' : U San Frpn'ciSed. 22. fc.,were taken yesterday v Boston parties! " This pro-idfunds sufficient to com--Pi lletatrad equip the road, and r he Denser branchy Tiie nn-- ! vBtl f rl t .wmnf fotf ' - ' i it .i' aa f hension was; issued ri place d ria" the haiias ;bf the: pabperoflicor,, I who'mrriodi1 earciis him, tely Wo h ave not lipard! of thp officeis returned it; : - taterdar 1 : f will return withjhitn i Such characterscihuot hatosoveff- ; arrived herev.l&st' eysnibg'seven ayd halfdays fromv Chicego, six aud a hatactbaltrgy elling days .Salt Lak&23. t ! Telegrers frbai Be.mr states that the Indians are collecting East of thfeiSevjefrtfof Raids on Prrowan. Beaver, Roand valley, and pro&ly other plpce. ? quite riiTfoa-- , '. cnviiu-- . ; r. f Snow reached. his pltff'Vfate ItiuhTda good healtli; 0; Rrsstu hotnirflbi evenings In Sdwi cfov&z--J f eHrr hnsUiou9 personuarF staying around town, ard-uuia number have been fe 1a i Iin lu wtuauT?, seen p a sstngjtf irqh wlpf 0 wl ingarouml nrieg" . tK&L pmsent luetutemptea tlilp-Kfr- l W Cillzar tobfneif JUo Iron , City .Ij appear weh.ll tbpSrofjiJfija, jui thaticlerabld.atftp 'of PMtsptripncfi:ba$: pxwejty bad a tfopte.lhU;nfc$bvistW c cb ct n.Tt4 anj others are not to be -- 5 -- ; hfii ill Y fl Ui ll i a- - |