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Show o u iriUhi mK I',' I f jeA&pi flUlilui 1TMklf,b ,;SI.i flilqib Ti W COOPERATION- 7T .I Vj 8ulomiii!! t H A uni teuki combination of the j , ' i i' the Utal j pt people 1 1 Wt ' Si. AnuV ; to become a Kslfsnstainin p j; BatenrAInrUiliti bring brought - - - - $l.WpTlit. people TCt ailltatki, about , Ere long.' the whole, tain J. Andrns ttrrilB lop - . UJ3,- J. v Teir itory will be one solid mass Ms IW, w Angeles Taesday to ,IV'W 4 16 f M oiTopiruiioft.tfcn' the In ordbr to bee cine a people we, must cease cVO ;V. rI BUlGJUfCt in frJn.-.dSitir business with; r thuse , iv I k 1 -i- I r s-fsst . - Jut : -- ;in - A seif-siutaini- j- I VMS.'eACTlUiai ng wbc; irenetbf ns I v! .ts- - iii1 J Jiast Tiiesdaiy e vening Bro. Mb. pftrlane bpened ang-iu- g class at 'Prest. E' Soows : i Co-opjrdw- ; , 4-- i .! 4 1 I ? ; ive m ,ta $ 4. ! lUaUVED. f the. probate judge for stealing .it horses guilty 3 k ; j " i With us. DEPARTURES; the ' 211' inst. V be- co-oper- ate e' icled in our columnsTney fined . been lOO.lSO.and 152. dollars aid; cost of court wbich.iaypears; to be very light ;It would be a great; deal less? expense, to thoj c ounly: to. serve, i them the waythey do .in our neigh!. boring territories; JDduble bar. F- - San .Francisco vis 8alt Lake j i : have-rsevoral- ly. ' 4 A; : ii 4 andcaitieaiidi fouud ?! i B. anU; ! Cactus, ami bupport-thto' ; Such, speak the! cur fri ends ' 'Woolley Esq; business; agent Bn of the ith support are, ,wev can,, .certainly bet SPj Cnefa-liu- e asheetbf soon beeoine wil. it chronAssociation :8tared -- for aery bad items to besue greater .i: 2 t the' home paper, 'this ing .the dose let us' H On tbe Slat inst. Bros. J.O? Angus and lt. M orris asrived froui a preacliiiig tour up the river, firetiirej, correspond : - ( 1 co-oper- ate . KA f j - - 3 i; :i ' Bro. Me. F.irlane is a good vocalist and uiiderstaDdS the fB manntr of teaching music that it child - will; have np trouble .in learning the. beau? ig t:ful art' of imging, : Htr did;:- co-operat- - Mansion. ve W Tr-rilory;eVer- ! E andeb-oprira- is v every thing :lli , :1lf .we'waut merchandise, :I we r.i $xXK R. Sakoiotakvi ACo I should put our 'means into ttii lonORl.) Ass iciation: 'thus Tiiern. How, ;Tq . barring iodt all 'of tbosVJ whose is inter vts ore 'not' with f ns aud Washington! Chan'y io "succeed in" dur growing more rapidly than if we wantshdnld be unied ' ill piunswe1 intlie other any cjuuty tr ;VI a system of trans, ' , 11 Du- - iuesy. ! Wejtreliying in a progress; acting it df we want to 'know ire age, even that time how ouris, county is progressing when modern: civilization from one end to the other, let and sustain a would be introduced in our us : midst; namely,, horse thieves, good home paper. If we want are; u p cattle thieves, and a I great to knoy how times A sustain ft home p per. manTOtheriViceSjo v?. i - north, ybu'Waut to know whaftour Within thcblast twofweeks if friends' on the 'other si Je' of the several were arraigned1 before Atlantic are fixing upisiss-tai- n ,'!) . i 4 I MI ;f 4 i .til i . i i . ! ;i;S ' ij toi uie press of mat- Hv4? bftjpririlijg ue need. Gocid K1 V ' M ; omuseithepubT I Vf r r. 1 j. ? ,- V 3iuo 'n . 'Commuoicatioha should :nct Rl j irto L ! , ??SSPi4 - ti jo i lp. ay cvxiit i a4 . Aldiria ; W Ukinsoc!a.sulr See Company A Civairyncstbl VertisemeMt V d J Company A lnfafitty will drill Ksv lio: t at m. to-d- thati what t.we .. , ' the proceeds to be expended! towards the purchasing of a We learn that me dt. Geo. j fbramhtic 'Association i a r e i .11 . r. ;!l u 4 1 rel ihot guns are ; the best .i dsajl hava any teratiasd with thr ee ,1 duties 5revciititiveswo jo :;.!i 0.' ft t: . Yestetriay Brito, Smh: Atwood, Jacob Okies and Jol, Birch cwent on B(preactiihg Gity-'M- v ! Owing ter in our Ian issue we omit- ' ' ' s ted publishing an 'account of topr m.ihe vicmiiy of Hay-mon- y the d&bbath School lBalls Oil tandiKanarah., in n ihechil-drein'stf, 13 and 12 the We: solicit Jc6mspondanae Woiigipg to Ae StGi;i; from al 1 parts of oar couniy v . SVJCDAT , SCHOOL-BALLS- t 03 u in i r- - X5i ; I |