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Show ' ,'i 0 4 V f - m - . V v u-aJ- A-id '': i" ; ii ' i - T Times Office, St. Geo: ' t V! . . ,m ' .2 . . - ?5teitwM iC'l iJf r, . "W vi- .; A--4-- 1 r BtW nV';.. MV: 'hJu tfiFf; - n' . - ! ,f 1 ...- - - r,- - - -- - - T " ' whin .ltwaz rawi; andiawyl !? kern aw' isonl gQodfor,ehil- - UP" ftotholesJn vhw socksfek V dranacd joungiejhoiindste w.; regaiarly called darning,i ancfl eat; vhqiftr stummaks are like a muke thy self genraU useful c V l;: V tA r .$; I j? :. nutrnjEgrgter.V 't ; : -- -'- puUuhed ercnjSA TURDA tifUtmomat the f 'Bv.IObokob, Utah, OeMBgr ,. 1,. ?- ' k fi i i jli-i Tt. - .B 1 T9 S Jk j J T - good thing .Tfwpjyeal ;; this pbut foreign: ;nut iz its kan be kpt . jnto 2.I jkulljtha s ft. .and and dsbft9 and airegiinent oft , r and kettles in short be Lsnaae , into, f kjos, and i pole r ihe v cry tiiinn except rJ muftconfessj'thadd lqokkVncl iaid on d efedd flat 'stono jWha t is then Co binde r JoihBMlin gionKpker- - jyhen hi the side oy aineddow spring fcWWtt doing v ; biit ' kant i rfrihkrufc or them A ; ' f ' deed? Usc;;i .. ,J" ; ,. iyv ' -.t ',!"?. xnsSQlfy without thinking! that if --Pnlike l'aot at this vei-Kikernats grow up in the air the hadn't bin k u t i n 2. what a 0 0k4hiPSftlrin in a.hpl kljrmike wijOTorthe' SOmS hing thaTrood be to whan, abowt jiO fee6 from the s , . :. f'TsJ . l.,'X-- ; ; Us 5- ,!r 1 ,' ' . ij . ' thtpnkys. Ihi hudraV i: mbm ,, ." ' ' y " may oause. of j . w WU1W some;poor 'victim of love, taking a dose of suicide ' gro ai Stop, girjj. and think, ere in'the shape of sour bread and with a gotd (Jesi ?Tt 8ku11 fc.w is top.hte. A; few short I h a r.d dumplings! Or eause v .7. I I them, a n b soon will JT end Leap Year pirn to bust his left eallas bv i. ' A kakarnnt .ft., nd en ?b you unmarried theunmerciful ttrobbing oi skalpt, rssemblesan old teapln bta heart Poul,ng precious ball, only a littll more round I every time he sees' I , 1 a negros bed duz I . ! T, ut.. I II . 7t i u,,;. . Pud pimng prevoking preposessing mej or can 'I eoncientiously at tew-- 1 pficeleu princesses: pan a e, I stand before womans' I reflect think, a rights eociety and' boldlvde-i- S? aleep. pets phase, moment hi ia it ere t o 0 lata to cl&remy iehoranoe' of Lean' openeJ ode way. ttun tnthe'r- On 'the end-of- . the q . he' lff .?ut 2 0 ; I L1?. to Pop to ny o n e I ral)t Tli milk in t!ia kf ifirnu. b ?;U jVUn,: PaSltl to be mar ' 5 . I think fitl ' onl nafer bin explain 3ii Jir u;:': ; . ; riy.. yetand Chd i to Or iii thocirclo of my nc rezon iz bocauie nobody . (tt oofaiis remain sin ere f asked me, few do it. ffe m6 B particular: whkt qnaintanee can I boast of usln, Whenever the pkilofloferzgiv w the reason I am not spliced my Leap Year Driviltee' Aa vpi l.shail reply tew the kon to some crood crearura Ha T whn Sf Ko " . ?) is -- . i n ui iia uuuger, digest az one ov Sek-- 1 f'THjt "w -- wiTBa am pos- wniug I Rewards letters o? S tate. AQ mending h i s ahem tiveand 'would not be afraitf0 I and koker be mite I'Biled good if pants putting a button or to bet a speckled muslin1 fiuin U warnt a i n retarw b j grate dcel bettor j two on his skirt, or stepping Cootirtced oh third peqe. 1 w.ww - . , |