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Show ft?. MONEY i WILL! MAKE MONEY. Red Steer about i.: t.i' 7? years oldr line b&bk, white I" under belly and oil both Hanks, iU at'PYMM'S STbRE andbuy CHEAP for 0 ASH. tail mostly ,whifce, under slope will I on left buy, on COMMISSION for' the people, either in left ear. Brand will receive 81,00. and UPWARDS;' will nip' not legible. Fong feet. ' or AS YI2STj; E n The owner is requested to lit INVOICE PRICES with a SMALL give good per cent prsve property and pay expou-n- e ad freight. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. , will be sold on .thr 2lst of December 1868 at the Also agent for Oarpjnter Go lmprovedllEGS, St. George Astray Pound: PYMM: Give mo call. No 18. : f nffl v. : : .JOHN a St. George, Utah. 6.1m 10 3 w. John Pymm C. P. K CEDAR FrnltJ Niorserr! trees, Mills The choicest fruit shrubs, vineb plants, flowers, Grain? Store. 4 FrOvisi on and The above' new and splendid seeds,- and;? grape, vinos in Mails3 arc now in Reasonable. Meals complete great variety and of rarest s orts. A limited supply or operation at sale. r cedar city, moa CM J. E. Johnson. and are fully able: to comNOTICE! . VEGETABLE COMPOUND pete with the Territory; in : The undersigned keeps con stontly on hand and for sale, quantity and quality. CEMENT FOR An alterative and cathartic us Give a call. for almost all diseases FLOORING, - ROOFING, good A. Beknett and a nd never i mj nrous, warraat -Miller. ed cfliaacious: cleansing heal' l.tf, will make to order 0 YASES,CK1MSEY POTS FOR invigorating and lit preing v I. D. ALLPHIN, STACKS, ; Law. Pine Valley serving,at St. George, Drug at Attorney ANl 8TOVE POTS FLOWER gjld 6 3m Store. LININGS. Give him a call. Terms reaVF kinds'of prosonable, and all . taken duce, ' ETOTOI. W&JOTiSO i ! ' ' David Needham., ly Oie Sorrel Horse about 500 subscribers for the CAC, St.George U.T. O'. 12 years old, 12 or 13 TUS; come and dont be afraid Notary Public. 4 Ths undersigned will attend to the, hands high; white down the If the .people of tho Southern aeration of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, face; under lip white, wh ite Mission, wilt make up the ubove Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, Bridle, Collar and Saddle number, we will agree to furOontraets, and all' other Of&sial Busiwith the latest news marks, 3 white feet, Brand on nish them ness' .required of a Notary Public. week fail Flouring ' Dyjr ; Goods , Grocery,! , ' ; . 1 . 1 1 iJJfc i u 00 ! 4 - - - - Good , Boneset Pills. . . I , . ? r , . , OiJSce at Rio Virgen left hip p3 , and heart on left every thigh. Times rooms, St George.-If not claimed and expenses E. Johnson, Notary Public.paid, will be sold at; the St, J - George, Estray PIONEER TIN SHOP ty. Bj C. L; Riding. 28 1868 7lf without. CoraaBeys 1 Come Girls !! Como Old Como Young III! Pbund, Nor. and help sustain the little to-defra- John Pymnr expenses. Oo.P.K; fal- low. It will only oost you $2,00 a year K V |