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Show ? : - 8Bar' tut v price, t '...',,-l.1 then kiiotiro ; : m .. ,7, , , vyvf v ''. - TTTvy ,..,;j,,aiwai,i H.-le- ??" 1 ' &.xow riir rl ' .r - . To dreamer thnt, reuare barefopCsigcifiea thaV lhe shoemaker has promi.ed;ia hiTeyeurihees I a 4 4 Wj M 4 I w.JI . 4 T? to : must write to please everbddy, and Jbave ajUrge amoulief subscriptions due. . c To ; d resin. ' that you dp,nt like hard. Werk. is a vcry true fc .' m Ik done hbkl v -- ill 'dream?, (.Cr,vrh''' .. To dream:w young good omen and meansyou must ask-hsVifit-iss- -- e ViTo dream uhst yonhstegot a recsipt fer yohr tazeli fs'd 41 TtOt-illhi!.e- ; Thefarriir hasnotimeto are not awake- j scnsible dreamt. msrktt st a disoc his surJ Ts dream thaty outre cold, very , DTo dreaihL thpr yohO wdta Hu fruit, wine aid tkolsssesi signifies that you have kick-- ceffin with tbehead toward Hs mty have one or s kalf ed olf, the bedclothes . " ; simply ; denotes that it deem, fat beve that rhe Xo dream tha- t- the bugs you, is a wooden contrivance that ... ? ,;V.. .week.'j;v) To dream tbat you, are an sdilor. f signifier thatyoti . I - J - . . -- uf t . ti i To drsa& tkut yqu eifc a thririnr shews that Sip1 an inclination te; steal. I W 5 J ;r.ys: tj wwmrigggi! full of beoifits may be enjoyed by it-i- sc t, one should ever be.1 eTe7 jpr ' grumble -- i V - a: i A ', :r An ingenious Yankee V f If ihe liome priceof a busy inventing a machine" for pound of butter is ' fifty separating the kuotifrom. ceuts j Jahdl - the profits knot twenty-fiv- e the lunber, - that-th- e cents, besocurea uny- betui'.iudiuto- nutmegs to himself this increased val- and cured hams for the pe in the way of pfofits.v If fit- - (I --( WgSis;?3flU ferhis beef at " . jura market i , ;?; .f Folly. hm ftnd the profit' of that P. 8 forg it.to iay ilmt bedfislOKW- - i Wot the la! chareone.ivwjier 0 v i I leosVr ;ofr the .lObu't rarti: h dpatfei 111 :the; profits! of--; eact ri'TlbW" ' CO- : ' t autmal and vsold !. Mia usaided in his labors, accord ingpurdhasedy to the s teck he may finds the tislis of opprratiuh own in the compiny.:, Jgo. so numerous and bt verified as to preclude the possibility Dreams vAhd Their of his engagiii r in; many, o 0jluterjpietatiens,: !:n The hai: whieb tnw.'j'in hJ,di i . . T:drcsmrthat':youVai!ji; , ; asleep is.a sure.sign that you - r:Vr? -- k , sell, but the opera-lion- biter is .a sign' , that- the bed- almost ' csrpentetr can anj too small 'to justify him stead neeusr sczldiag mud make.: v. j abroad them his and hTdriring -. cleaning. To drejsm that you are golima is airtadj too mueh To dream that you are in ing to , buiid, : iiidicates v thkt r.; to admit of him leayjag love is a- - certain sign that) y ou had better: v erder your home. Hehainotliing but what T. ctnsd to bs cracked lumber three years jbfiforsr, is cash at some price, bit the J? ; hand;v-';- , ajiiue,.. -- is hot at his market To dream of brssd and ...To dream. that reedy you suh'k his and ?too door, surplus molasses indicates there is scribe for the Cactus, dsneta K small (o induce 'him. to seek i I at niarkst. . that youjare a geuttemsn of E0JflcV S isUhs abroad. :Wht To dream that yeu are the first stamp. remedy? - . Let di have a I " with a small Stream; i Entering If xnsrcintile assbciatibn Lst denoteaTtkat wmo one r :i 1 J!."0. is this company buy.and f ia v harejot bee. af water: paj lealing yiur wishes t is - ot-su- piid A ; ; I- co-operati- i ve . i 1 1 nr merchandise every cemmodi Taidream that tha Tagei for sale offered and through ditch ta bui-temean ihat ij ' its agents market each product you musrgoUe work ia the in that place which' will pay morning; K A ic lw,edI?r W d, it 8 9 f I l! $ ?el ?' a 4d!pt5T ,; All of .those whs ars ; . 7 co-ope- r- if riF-- ttbf need fear this arrange, It' mantas it creates .i hom -- L 5 market foralllussurpju To dream that you are rea. I . ding a Wowed newspaper, mTestigation says to himrajl profit i I i jitfd securessale in distant and lurisiiig by a .ign that yad c and that these MWr uisrkets; aetibe for it. .1 I , iub- - - V charming wwtaa. I it is not nju utot' ... |