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Show y-;- '. rv 'w 3', V v.-i-- 1 - : .,; ' : j- rJly; J - ' '' ' s: I' & 'HO Avr hj :r &$ ' ... .' it-.- ; 4 f- w : 'S '.'iu -- n , . '.'.J. ' .. ' !. V.' 1 . -. J-m? . ' . . v,-. ; v. Ki' J. ' V '.' ' 1 V..in vi i W.Vj Kfc VaA '.v vj mijiiw9 i:lUio?qcJrsibitn? Im told to lotcf with' ell my YetiCalfalbifces antimerous.' : .heaptfl; And blamed because I do irj1 They are? a different '(Sp but. thufamp Genusas the Was love for human: kind The, precept that I learned i in JHunkielw.Vr what tho Hankies o M,.. jXo into my, neighbor os myself Arb; to keonniaKariMfaU-Wilt duig to mithrddghMifej Ifl ChrUtiAn;Uk (they toy, bitesaretbthe ; ToWwho And ifl love my neighbor oiwfoj I Iftj to lore my heiehb6r; and are' thayP what are'thcy? Have How can 1 help it,1 'priyfv J Im twrt I lOTo hit wifetrhb inssstc; bh , '6 Wir ; 1 . ; - m t:.f ; i W v; i-- risingi ;a v Calf a (or eal ea)to : i J.f! ,"" ;i The Goldcn rolel etrir to heed 'Wherever I may. botil ,.u vj vr-:.- . yod a;neighbor - i- 'fBLirwa'i:: ?;. l would fr - nraThH-fol- , eoaat 1 hiaAow, (or Hobws)home tp V sav(r :the Expense A of, a ., Ae,;aeo , k Jt I ;te goodi to heiji ll(or .bil!s)and keeps towit iMups bo las That thy should do to me p i: y a it us v I j 1 ; And oHiday, I thotiHwere Holiee! Frask S.Butler edircr-- i ;( thevproddoe of liu ? nzlgh6br$ well A f?f, tisos me ah ' 1dft:;bi having And do to othersae ' t; ' ' : i WedfU4'! iK g&U.flfafe bedandboafdithlrlrrtola. vCalialbireThesoavcle as IJown bed whenthe'-matern- with generous Andj yhie take, ' :7 thought I took . j W4 .witlifXhe took it My neighbord wife to ride. ' ' ' t till filled .. ) V(. : -- j .; - . . -- ,y andV Bovined i al progenitor is earofiDly 'driven ; rMelTina Butler off to .a distant range (of ( . gaideujjarb "turnodloosein-t- o thV Street wlth ' the in--j - But ahl thiflnd and simple act ' Gm rise to slanders nigh that.Meieera'' :CArpenter'. and! unction to v' steal or "Ctarve A host of furious tongues . ar Packer Vera nVehtly attoBish andi.haring; ai :deeidedi4 ob- rj' J eailed;": ;. ing the . this city,' with-th- iectiop to -- the.y latter: they youthof ;? My neighboriWife and I. wonders of itheir magio kindly take to stealing. A 5 to ?,W tfrAi share with gate ajar, a bar aecidentally taught concluded lantern, jto pay liberal hearts r penirg" : in them w visit a on even The blessi ngs that we prize-r- Friday some unobserved part of the the 25th ulf.i Cbptoihtf fence; affords v ih opportuni- To smile with others when they ing rii v a: ;j ; smile, ty quickly 2 improvedbyV1 rthe pi And dry the snonnieri eyes. pr opriatora prevented the marauder And LasJhe young show 5 from; coming off, and thieves improve by i trauung, Jlnd whenbne diiy I ; chanced promoted f,'Our D6vi!;y from so these r'jsoop learn , (040 Hofind'-;. v a spectator: to a partner;' and creep., under and . squeeze T t My neighbors wif e in tears, now the VshebangV is run ibrough fencosiind tbeCalf- and IwtiapereiLwords ;of sympathy Carpenter;1 albite ' diurnaily l rejoioo os Imp ( Within her listening ,ears, Packer having withdrawn, j vK their calf (or cdlte3)come nightj r, Xdjrqw hey; trembling toim to ti Our:i Devil informs ns ly home, filled,' A stuffed, vond ..mine that is their groaning'from' his ' neighbors " confidentially it : tears And "kissoi ! her j away; truck.: patch. LWhidh jc; he Thcf aot was iieeh: and :lo! . there intention to:giye;pne.or ;more worst, ithetnkyi entertainments :. iwas nefcweik," !i Boho absWers , The very deuce lo pay, provided the big toys dbnt which! interfere. j ..PPSyiPlhgThSdr- - : . " e : -- i ;- - - - ; .v -- . . 1 - ' ; ! .. ' 5, S - -- j 1 py-Ou- 4 r y v- - , 1 prcjHflie-Oaphalbitcs? ' - - . A , |