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Show 33k 9 V'ih Jm&. Vi'" V t'i " J. . Z : V ' . Wh ' w . !i r . - ' V Wfmiuyt&wpmd R,pdulMeq llh tailed' mntapoaodiiof floor, fpread 1 - . fVw ; ..ta . with v Av-r- ' iv- V Jfrope! SfcVs gentle ind'sheV hWutif&r, u Mler porlpQjsricUlylihed; Apd shed have me in epHs o( . - ,,- - ,!. .i.C8DAR;.ClTY, .IROSICOi, . 4 .Theabo1nfW,rid!pU'dlJ WIKSkhH r I ' ?7 i rubbed WithCerpnlii iiV .l ean t make up m onVlWjjf prfh,,ly oiiitrant,Inthe I& ' mormDg,,ihe Now, when I walk- alupgfi the street, i , ILw. n keVio fcom. pdultice arid .liaguenta ..,were QirlS rognish loqksT cat-i)off. a bath .of asses rttp' Svitli1!) Territory iri mik imparted a ' delicate As wi Ih a sneer the vsayTlicri ': : jSBBJMBi HAty K.;. '. goes I' Ai whitenesk to thel I skin; and 1 ;. the pale feoe'wafe 'freshened f Ji ru6ty f nsty--f usty bach!. itfivc a call.' us, A; , IM and ia-ull- ( y - . i - ! ; : . ' 1 w-.- Ml - ? ' d 'rvlA. d Jv.tfr;;M-- BjCNKITT W i r ,ta' '; PfOKEEH TlN SHOP t . ly. By -- i f L- - c.-' Ridihu';, ' , - and reviredwith enamel The full eyelidsfahich the Homan lady still knows sowellhoW to use,7 how suddefaly raising them reveal a 'glance' of surprise, or of ihelting Wnder-ne- .ol;k. jmZ& ,Som.aon of wife to; find: I . 111 wUIrtO Aenr, X I up iny 1 Wedr-lLlhln- k l oiint mke A-- - s ? , w, Tithing OfficeV ,now. letting themdroop like a veil over the lustrous thefull rounded eye Qoow Gr'oeery, ,.Y eyes, h within; lids :! were Grin StOPO. .; and needlescoloured in; dipped jetty a t ':r (dyej gave length to thev,dye- Keasoiible. ibrows. The, forehead .was bn 4 f? '' . loircled : .r by p Wreath9 or f illet 1' j.it I yrere, ever, jtt tho If you A perbiips v,a black?, atd 8malt.-8orwny- ,s , ,, t I? whit, (potted, eat iqighthave V , !;" drawn xour. attcnUon j by its I -k:. raewing in : a iyery . pitiful 1. manner; as f mttehVpsv to r. say A ,. have yen: anything besides. li A . Vv-gieenv peaches for ;a starving J fastened in thejuxtinaht hair creature Vlikeme; that' has 2i which. rose: in front, ins al bepfeaitingonlhoprospect MiriHB)-what may be brought in of ti immediately- - m;; pilet formed of ' some futuirertimef, ; curl of a r Ages j; An oldHOBSE or .MARE, v appearance of moire t hat isPAT forlhepurpoie .Aipulpit that lately; been, ei hah height. ordinary OIt-iof obtaining. -J i i invented by An ingenious Tan-- , i J J .i !:: kee down east; iir1 suck a I CANT !,rv Cfcorge H. Croiby, . I MAKB UPliYMIND; manner that wheh 'hfr' preacherd i! t t), would 1 were a married man; becomes tesdiouij any person V U: MttfyllfubM ns the congregation oan touch Myhoasd all full of glee; ; '' The andii'vifned'inil tJ'' ito attend to ibe A smiling partner by j my Aidej in-a spring, which is attached l . xfodti9afI)Qod4 BoadMottgi, ) And children round my knee lct down .and him the seat, Daeds of Truat, VowerB.ofAUorncvl Thecause why Im fc:bachelor into ce lbr. a. .Very good, plan 1 Not hard jt is to'Snd; 'l' that: we.knQwwheni one la ; The fact is that I realty.cant--- ; i -- : I y ! ."'1 t ' .. - ' I'-- - . J ' " ' r K pyr-imid- - suo-bessiv- e- , giy-ng:t-hr -- : A : i " 1 ' ' ' v-(- 1 . , ' v.V: -- ' '1. ' T i ' -- . Tt v - 1 . .. Virgin wwwWwwwiwWw.V Our readers will; not doubt s be; pleased to learn that thef AROMLN LADX'S TOILET. Into Wjr'loving arms if I5: f pAOTusi like our soil; has;1 The idiletof a Hpman lady i Would the question pop Cowslip;' Midi :II lueceededin f ridding1. ' itself; involved an elaborate and very 1 Wi 'S' pf the; UiNEhiL, Ywhiub ji'as I KoaifScsiEy : findr :;it r heretofore, been aucK a ,drawj,x She would not hositate, bnt'I- -. 7 tqck 90. the n i w comer. limi 1 ircanHTmake d! min ( mi ., up my ; (L; i j. u r needed I eantxmake tip my mindl ' Time?A?roomb, Stv George. Therms Juliana Lilly whited ;j J, B. Johnson, Notary Publicl lI know that she would drop ' -- - ! f , fithny ; - ! m - . Jm ; |