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Show Iiol Mjp4tci3r.lr 'to; coo. to CORRESPONDENCE. 'tic by abzt' nail. Bring ber back and get your;wwwdrTen;yir on thqi; Clara ' -'.- a 't r( GUfQOO.'1 -Sr rWimkowii;Cd; Aw: fiT.Of! ws oip suv.lt if.wltf pleasure' I - ''" ; . - dilCb;piobVn..nthinthepeoiUntiar7 that J sit down to irrite you a few r. Ox bath atthcdiicretibn of tho cburl. lines to let you know that I died yea OntliVf7th AMiiJiaauihtcr of fierday, ana hope you are enjoying Wo FyBnder fell" from a ; temporary the same' blessing." I rdYise you to porcH ia 'front of hishai!ecatLtr marry the first chance you - geL No bead bn a fey the and otherwise in more at present from yourartection jnled hMelf. At the time of going to atejand Joying old "a poise. Please answer by the raUixa of post r : press she uratT recovering. "fb f 1? 1 . Jl O' ' T - X . ' a t ' b ' - . Anoiherl&change. The SUrer d: Reporter! fine paper edited it t f . , NaKeUo rl ... x . St Gnoadt. Winatovon Co. ond pubiiebed by M. D. Fairchild, or To the Gchtlemah Tho 'adrortissd Belmont Her, came to hand. Wo wish the .Editor drery success inhii enter? for. a wife,:- Sir I read yeur.:; adyertf foment in oj. ao the Cf&rust,V and bonder that no StillJaterfromtheT&lleroredis body has answered it. t thjnk , I can our assist yon a little if yon will accept my tricU.Ve8tcrday and to-dstreets have thronghed witiT the assistance. I do not wish yets to un t'jjSller orFVaAkera; not as they left derstand that! want yon ;mysrlft but tt but they are now millionairs and I cait speak a good Word for yeutomy them.1 war they r will eat any 'more friends jf yan wh; f bigum an their bread) btitliveon think will suUydtt.irlydti conclude golden syrup the rest of iheirliYci, to accept my. assistance please let me 5hry are now prepared to live thtir now between thisand the fifth ef may terms than liberal elision; brimorc Sir I remaiti your well wisher ; , v ' ' Z r 9 wM' v ' ff POi.'f ' t , (. - 1 f 0 o 9 ay 1 ? - -- . - i Oipt nt-ye- here .to fore a . - 7' V T r - o-bitt- odi oncconnt of.the partywhotn it ocneaned Btggcd.o I U3 net to pub ixctt r . .. mi) tLr u i . - i . .. f ') i U ' r t . 4 I f ;Mary;Piekle, . S - P . V i; . J bA ' a r li K k Mr. G. Strlofbin piiMdthrUb 7 uith Mi ibplu trdo;' ti a tho S4tb uR. i . d v. w 0 Oi ' no of our best jokei , baa; bean 1 ; - . . b . "' . J .j : - f H'iJijf'itt ;i t j- f V t 5i - 5,7 ? if f; I) |