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Show F mi St. George, Utal, Wednesday, March 25; 1868. 'TP3E i Pnbli.hlul.T.ry "WEDNESDAY ' toorning, at th Tsmetf building, i..'.George, UtahTer. ; 1 Agw1-111- ' 1 " ! ;i i - . . For Out Dili TIhm. F AXIS WELL. , ll i ' f sir - lf-- "fas ' ;; J?v swell, . .fel-Iowyou- 'f ' i 4 i Hl rc a. i ' 4 f . s 88 P1."! tuip rot tux sixis xiikokiuii. r All this I gathered at a glance. Stepping up to them, I said;" Why, Joneef' what in tho deuce are you doing with-thigirll' The girl arete hastily and seated . herself ontheeeat. ' See here, sir anger,' mid the mistaken; my name jin' - '"Why, Jones, said j,; .you certainly havn't left, your wife and my.friends.ot early youth, children, and tried to palm yourself ' A word off for a single man have you?? Inspired by Jots of truths t A foasd whieh lingers in the soul I tell you ay name amt Tcbei: It never whs f And toaebee epriage wo cant control. ita Harper. to taint a going be bather!' ;.: Fairwell, the ogh ay heart shook my head, and I ?f 'Should almost break from thee Is pert, pastedmerely to another seat to see the reft Though weary sighs should nse? expire, of the fun ' ThoVgirl looke&'wild And tine should strengths a the desire after! eat down; but Jdnetf alias HarTo no thee, yet my heart shall be per, toon convinced her- - that! was mistaken., DtTetedtQ God's ministry. .. About the time they got feeling Farewell, my brother, litter, dear. right well again, in came Elliot Gregg. My mother parent, the moit near, Walking up to Harper, he accosted To leave thee, tie foriooth to bleat him with, And gain a Savior! fond oaren. Why, Jones, you here? IIow did the wherell friend would that Ob, you leave your wife and babies? feign "See here, stranger, yeu ain't the eay Wed have tho itop; twet e best to stay? first man that's called me. Jones to Methinki a fl'sTiors blessings dwell. day, an I reckon I must look awfully like him; but I lint Jones, I haint got Within the little word Fare well.' any babies either; but this gal and me A PSaair. ... is a goin to spliee, an then you can talk about my wife, and I wouldn't AN ADVENTURE IN THE CARS. wonder but what in the course of time, ; . . j ay-kindre- , -- . l$ere were fire lll This rert brought forth from the ofus yes fire as vocife- - No, 10. AN IRISHMANS .OPINION. OF . . MONTANA. r ., 1 SeisiBOM."-:- . I - - Recently a couple of gentlemen . q Domestic cannibals were discussing the weather,, climate, and future prospects of Montana, in one of our fashionable saloons, and their conversaU was listsned to with apparent interest by a number of miners from tho ether side' one of whom finally became disgusted with their eulogies of our Territory, and, stepping up 'to the gents in question, remarked with unmistakable brogns, Be jabers. ye tindher footed gentlemen may live here and be damned to yez; but pon me sowl. Id rather be a lamp post in San Franeisco than Governor of Montana. R. Jif. . Ga- - Backbiters. What de you always do before go to sleep? Shut year eyes VKC .. . Why - is a galvanic batUrylikc murder? Beanie it is a shoektng af' "' fair. 1 . Three things to gersrn temper, tongue and conduct. The city fathers of the town of . Fre-mo- nt, Ohio, are exemplary .dead-head- s. The City Council of .that flouriihiag place determined by a recent vote that no show will bo licensed until all the councilmen hare been snpnlied- .with family tieketa. - zette. There is a strong man in Ckattanoogs who can carry off a barrel of flour under CORRESPONDENCE. each arm. Heavy work at prsssat pri- ces. Sr. Josxpn, Mudci, Feb. 38. Editor Dixie Turn: There is no hereditary- - arietocraey in Dear Sir: Hoping a few lines Turkey. Titles are extinguished with from this isolated part of the. globe the death of their possessors. will not be altogether uninteresting, Niggleby agrees with tiie popular saw I pen you s few items. that charity begins at hsas tad ho W e acknowledge with pleasure the keeps it there. , A new Western town ie now pronounreceipt of your valuable paper, which made its . appearance amongst us a ced complete. It has a church, a theashort time ago. W heartily reoom-men- d ter, a newspaper and a keno bank. it to all. who feel an iniarest Thought a taats .of pleasure: may in the welfare and improvement of the relish of life, an unrestraint our Dixie home; and we sayL long qnickfn ed indulgence Icadata . . nH the pleasure of attending a eap year party last evening at the social hall. Everything went off harmoniously under the able management of the committee of nirange-mcnt- s Misses Elmer and Billingsley; Mrs. Twichel as floor manager; Mrs. D. M. Thomas officiated in the opening prayer. As for news, there is none. Peace and good feelings prevail amongst the Saints of this plsce. Our wheat y We had thousand pounds of raisins Twenty-fiv- e were produced by one farmer in Calif or nia last year. happy fellow as were ever let loose rous laughter spetatorr, and ft sons college. It. If vacation, it also bronht blushes to the gal that If the wavei threaten to engulf yee, and we eonriudedjf take a trip to the was dont add by your tsars to tho amoiat-ogoing to be splieed.' ..falls. Wo got, aboard the cars at N.. water. Ah Jones' said Gregg, you will Sund wo were soon traveling very lap Advic9 to old bachelors who dye their regret this in the future. 1 pity your destination. oar towards look ;iJ!y this end wife hair Keep it dark. poor girl. IWo had just sealed ourselves and So Harper, your real name is Jones Is a oitiisn liable to arrest by tke e prepared for a comfortable smoke, is it, an you've been foolin' me, have for being intoxicated with delight? when in came the eouductor, and who ycu? Well we tint spliced yet an' I A cheerful temper, joined with innoshould it be but cur friend Fred B. dont think wc will be soon, said the Kow cence, will make beauty aitracrtver After the common salutation girl, her eye fairly flashing fire. looks well; we bars every pros- knowledge delightful, wit good 'Vro you, old fellow, etc., had passed, Jane, Jane, said Harper, don Thsre pect for an abundant' harvest natured. (Fred said' he had some business for yen know I'm Bill ia to attend ain't e darn drop of Jones blood in this coming season. The health of When n woman haa eeated , to Jbo is weather the The is laid old we, chum, good. with it" people Oat ms, an' I'll prove it. attractive by her simple eymmetrj for We cold Dixie. comhave let rather be will i Jeff acceptable, Jackson, 'anything At this moment, of form, she may bo uiciuatisg by ' it alio our menced it. gardening, have and making Jim Bill lie Steevers, Byers entered, her eweet womanliness. ore: Well, boys, said Frod in a very sod of course their attention was an effort to get some frail growing. Our best wishes for your succtss Social Philosophers have long confidential tons, in the next ear coiled to Harper by his loud talking. i. with the Dixxx Tncxs. hhero is as loving a pair ss it was Tksv stepped up to him and said: tinea developed the fact, whieh hae ml hil A. H. B. become axiomatic, that where the ever my lot to see. They ere going Why, Jones, whet is all this fuss down ta II. to got married, and now about ?' women are most chaste, the men are milino GmerilG art. Probably IT you can have nay fan over it just This was more than Ilsrpsr could most virtuous. man ever lived who actually tary bo for earod must stand. He leaped upon a seat pitch in. Thoy To dream glouriouily, pen mttt . much who at the lame time bottor it who eaado know don't Now said he, my name is not did so and I so little enthusiasm for his aet gloriously while you are awake; than you." Jones, an I can lick the fellow that Inspired There is no prejudice in aid to bring angels down to convene person. v In a moment Frod was gone, and says it lathis, for we can constantly hear it from with you in your eleep, you must to we sat onr heads together to form a H. we had time this got By bor in the cause of virtue during the, men of all parties, lovers. tho of oars for the car into came Frsd sod friend our 'taking plan The fact that Gensral Grant's day. it. boys, said and made Harper keep quiet. The )f I have wo must make tho girl think girl that wouldn't be spliceJ, requested name, despite all efforts to the A woman went into a drug tier no beat faster, in New Albany, Ind.:, aud called far pulse that her lover is married Fred to help her on the train that was B0 - That's it, thats it, said wo, not gaine back to- Thea clerk gave Pflcncoui ch.cr, bnagt love powders. . wh,ci U did, l,n;P,re" bar a good stout dose of ipecao the nctorfou. Jo... alia., IIarp.r, giving him time to finish the isntenos. is fact 'sensation uotieeable no a very That hs is a married man tad followed her. We learned after, that and one that will have a definite influHood, ou being ahowu a portrait of the father o! child i an," oaid Bill. he pirovod himself to be Bill Harper, Thats tbs game, boys; aow lot instead of Bill Jones; aud he and his ence ea the future history of this himiclf, very unlike the ; original, adss-Hoecountry. Of all the influeneea that caid the artist had perpetrated m play it. lane got spliced. gsl dassle and control the unthinking ' It devolved upon me to eommeteq masses, military fame is commonly An Irishman, 1 altered debts old settle te new A writing a sketch of way pay Inter Accordingly n 'Operations. tke most potent; yet although the hie life, says ha aarly ran away from the ear in which we were informed them. of Grant was for a long time tke figure discovered that the lovers were. The girl thinking, I The only safety Bitches are rich most conspieious among the Nothern his father because he his uncle. suppesul, thnt she must giva.htr mirrisgss. few teem to think that it he wu only menta hosts, very lover alj tka seat, sat on "his kaeosi was the most striking. Ex. A young lady, if a visitor laoek Uowpcsif and General that The Atlanta Era of says tho for he, piototoiag purpose i ml at tha front door, will sometimes ftnift the Ws with Grant "lakte arms his thrown people. A fait man about town, in Buffalo, word her, of oourse, had ICS. though she utter srsund her waist: and. so they sat in understand that ho is in the habit of agti thirteen has been arrested for get. had an engaged, offer ia her lift. I real 10ft lover's itr'e. tisg drunk and whipping bis wife. takipf toe muob. Ex. f -- ; - Il-rpe- t. o-li- ce in r. cs Bill-Stoo-iter- s, con-mik- es . . d. . ; V , an t ui' ir at A |