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Show ti d Returned.- - On Sun ivy evening, Dixie Minstrels. The public has lion. E. Snow returned to this ! ? city been notified, by means of the neatly from his Legislative labors at Salt executed handbills, of the last perforThe Cheapest and Beit Lake City.- He was in good health mance of this favorite troupe of burnt i and was warmly greeted by a host corkisfs, which takes place at of friends, some of whom had McAflis-tegone oat evening. Messrs. Russell, r as far a9 him.-SooSTORE, Harrisbnrgh to meet and Kenner are still at the helm, after his arrival was noised ST. GEORGE. about, with Messrs. Pratt and Keate as asthe hall was filled, and Jrest. A RTfJit Variety of Fnow sistants. We understand that precauGOODS AND FANCY appeared, gave an account ef his offi- tions will bo taken to enfotce order. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, cial labors, and gave much good ad- L is needless to say that the house Hardware and Cutlery, 3T . vice to the Saints relative to their will be crowded, and all who wish EDITOR & PUBLISHER united and generally sustain- tickets should being r1 apply early. Dye Stuffs, Ac., : KEMEI?, : : : Printer. ing each other, by their faith and All of which I am selling Cheap for Cnh Bro. Geo. Spencer gave an Inter, or Grain, to maki room for ;h Spring means, in the various branches of csling school exhibition last Saturday Stork. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1868. business and duty to which we aro Call and see your old friends. 6tf at the hull, being the close evening called. Elder Jos. W. severally of the TERNS: The house was closely Prr Vv, 85.C0 3 Months. 82.00 Young came down with Bro. Snow, packed quarier. and the performance long, C Months, 3.00 I Single copies, 25 having been called to this mission and made some good remarks an jretwe saw little inclination to depart JAMES LINFORTH. Rates of Advertising: till last the bell We are always rang. A qllare,, is the space that 10 lints of instructions to the Saints. COMMISSION MERCHANT, to see this will (his size, type, glad progress in the road occupy. 3 Front St., near Market, J or one cquare loss, of litereture among the youth. insertion, $2.00 Trajx Children. Col. Marthe SAM Each subsequent insertion, (FKAMGDSG, GAIL. 1.00 late 1 of 3 Salt Lake tin, months. square 12.00 IlraiNXAL. Married, at Washing City, and famous ft 20.00 as a swordsman and instructor in of 12 ion, March Cth, by LJder Davidson, all 35.00 for Utah tradescriptions purchased column, one rear, 45.00 any branch of calisthenics, is among Mr. B. H. Paddock, of St. Thomas, to ders on the most favorable terms, at Iowa it 65.00 hi curmut rates. us has a school already iq 1 opera- Miss Maggie Davidson, of Washing$0.00 The proximity of Sen Franc ico to the where the tion, use of the chan-tabsword is ton. Merchandise, grain , and all met principal business poirts in Utah, both north and south, affords in opportunity to produce will be received at market amply illustrated. The Col. is as The started last to week happy pair merchants to quickly and frequently rerates in the various towns and settlements in instructing the youth in their futuie home at St. Thoms s. May plenish their stork at ariv season of the by the Bishops or special agents , who are ready vear, either by the way of Austiu or San authorized to receive names of respon- practices that will, develop the musall the felicity and peace Pedro. they enjoy sible subscribers who though now unable cular status and capaci'y of the hu- that they Jive for. Many articles of general consumption, to pa y, can give bills ducj'or wheat, corn , both of Foreign production and California man frame, the practices that assist V or cotton after next harvest. manufacture, can be obtained at lets cost ACastob Oil This crop, 1 hough not from San Francisco than elsewhere. endu-giving activity, health, California and Oregon made Woolen of the luxuries, is at least a THE PREACHER. ranee and long life. Boya aid girls, necessity. Goods, Blankets, Caseimeres and ClothCastor oil is a good medicine, is used such as Underwear and ing, Hosiery, arn come; let all have a chance. See to and intrinsfor superior -anything imported Text: The wise foresee the evil that pomades and hair nostrum, is your children are amoeg (hose ically cheaper, making and hideth himself, but the fool pass-el- h who become good for leather and to burn for a robust SAX FRAN CISCO from exercise and orfeand is punished.- - Bible. WllOBCClicck u M'&ovUidf 1'jhuMtor unquestionably of all others in tbs advantages First the ahead at And the held School Smith health. end Many years ago, Joseph oil bean grows luxuriantly witli a small offered. Prophet received a revelation concern-ir-- g Ward meeting house Monday an d supply of water in this climate, and Actual market flUotatlCBS and all aarv information furnished to merchants the troubles that would fail upon Thursday; hours of practice forgym- - makes a Blair on application. profitable crop. Maj. ten this nation, announcing that the rebel- - castle for young ladies and children & Co. have new of Shipments in lots of net less than already presss Salt to be sent tonB can directly through lion should commence in South Caro- - j from 5 to 7 p.m. Sword exercise good capacity for all that can be linn, and detailing the bloodshed and for gentlemen from 8 to 10 grown, aud they oJTer the seed on that rouie. is practicable freighting voe that should follow, how the ne those who will plant. Who will step Goods consigned from other market a foe TniAiRiCAL. Our dramatic corps formas their would rise promptly and carefully up against groes forward and do for thcmselvs a profit the entertainment at warded. lers to slay them, cte. This was pub- gave their second of able business and a public good by Thanking the commercial communityaud with last of week, on hall Wednesday lished twenlyyears ago the first part Utah for generous patronage castor oil beana, thus saving confider.ee their raising the past six ycara.a and in Yankee the Cuba, or during is fulfilled to the letter and the rest Miralda, same of the is rerpectfuily solicour money and merchants from imFrank bill fare. of the for Toodies the ited. will be. thousands of dollars1 worth porting JAMES LINFORTH, the fulfilled Seth as Swap Wiih a view to these troubles the Woolley No. 3 Frout Street, San 1 rancisco. of the oii.wo may just as well make of his friends, though 6:f Lord led his chosen people away to expectations home. at articufailed to keep up the nasal these chambers of the mountains, he Swung. Gentle spring, so long in and assuiied vernacular of an lhat they might enjoy peace and lation overdrawn Yankee. Augusta Jack dalliance with lioary winter, seems to iFismsb o the lus while . jadgmeuis upon safety, subdued on h into, half with us, putting son as Miralda was excellent in figure, be propose to dividelhe aboveraw wicked should sweep over our fair' 20 acre lota and Sell them to Seniors lur costume and deportment, and yet a smiles, and bringing a sweet nosegay best desolation. of whirlwind like a land $.200, each. This ranch is thewithin gravoice flowers was earliest land of of and among prominent grain zing, meadow How hard it is even for many honest necessary strength market athrme rfr and ready has miles, wall Miles Romney which are the hyacinth, flowers, sometimes lacking. be rsiaeu. uml lor can Leaned people m the world to peer all the era in that the Goiuiadc. down counterfeit. a as the count was stocks, myrtle, strawberry, apricot, beef a ready market good .ih rorh the hazy atmosphere of Ash Mohave. bey city. Ac. can ion, minor characters sustained the and the delicately tinted almond Elderado, The a settlement for land intelenough There ia tillable and discern the prophetic verdwith the of gord grazing flower the bright green of twenty or roorefatnilies, principals ones fairly. and handy to ligence that has warned them of the water, Lxccicr.t .Stock. for Walker as Toodies and Miss Wool-le- y ure contrast with the dark earth market. How in their evils pathway. B. tl. great and painted floral beauties, is revivi-- J For furtherpaiticulars, apply to made their Toodies the as other ' themselves! hide and the evil see to r Jew The infinite Paddock, St. Thomas, O. D. GASS, and charming. amusement. of fying for hits fairly and plenty are How many pass on punished! Loi Vega?, A a won a. and as number of rain drops that has blessed house crowded a There was to His prophets If God spoke through low the earth the past winter begin to JAMES VICK, His people in former days, would He we we: only enabled to procure the influence silent their show upon r.r-be unjust to close the heavens and priced tickets , we were poorly provinaked vales and hills around, in givrefuse to reveal His will in latter ded to enjoy the playing. Some new Rochester, New York. a fine street scene ing the facaof earth a sheen of emer times when all is cliaoiic darkness scenery, including Will Send by mail to any part of the U RusS. E. aid and hue. J. by painted from bis extensile catalogue, of .and inoral disbpnesty. God is just; designed seeds, The raceful weeping willow is bulbs, plants. Ac., Ac., &c. added much to the effect. He has revealed His will in this last sell aruT catalogue guide If the managers sty IB of courtesy already enveloped in a bright man- sentIllustrated floral those believe who and dispensation, by mall, 10 els. in the of hum the and numbers the and towards of tle " liberality foliage, and obey will be saved; but the fool IIUNRV the had been editorial of dustrious bee all proclaim spring it fraternity their will meet and on o n i; SCENT CITY, IOWA, ih pass equal in comparison to ihs playing, come, Seedsman and JVurscryman . Florist, said have for should we nor. good A choice collection of trees, vinca, shrubs X3?m Don't forget the performance professionals. plant, hulb. & jAKSS: of ilie Dixie Minstrels lo-- wow night, lhct.iTO-mOrVO- W "aml mail to any part of tho world. vr.rm by Wcith.r side at iiltMant; for Tickets . Hall. at St.Geerge 1 or Sale at Post Office Catalogues scut on apples t,pu. V at 05 as we go to presi mometer 1 Post Office. J Great Discovery - w Oi ,1 IfVi Phuj BENTLEYS n m -- Ei. jQTrrtjgon ' I le ,1 w i of on I i !o I Ht ... J V i 1 W ---- 1 , con-tii.uau- L3 1 se For Sale, s I prej--udi- M ce i t i florist, t of fal Al c ltkrrv, i DIXIE MINSTRELS m J" lY-.C- Night! , h & Be Fo |