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Show AND A.- - OTHERWISE . - t A , a . or, dip. your candles., Canhirs thus mrd last longer, and give a muah clearer light, fast thev are nearly rr qu te. eqaal , to ' perainqlearieae of light,1 . EOGKAHfirCAL XKBUSi J,' ( E Woul Carding. wool carded rtio p fx e five-year-- old ITS A STOCKING! ll f ts .on morals. 4?tvo. dticvd . ft J.v -- 1 half-doss- n this pUceiwas the victim of joke one Sunday night re- -a was trying to be particularly a a. young lady, act had paid her visits at the residence of hisr Thejold. folks. nad somehewgot their Leads that fhe children, ' w ,! H iht$Mg9l. Ai Unod restdisg not a nil p, ilhi9 ith N$ o th ; One. . lady's ahawl or hood. - ' i Notice! hereby girea Jkqt;l r d Cim 7.:: . ' ;Tbafsrber doubles tbe;vsiuof h:i pool by converting it into Knit Goodsy His girls . or bovs prqparo it feryu murlot witnsut cun'oa kniV ' expense. Aiarje ameuat;-.of goo-v-jr.y- .WlMEMItL . u..iy ,f V- ; - -- V.-- ' pre-imsayi- lU ; . - . ; -if, - - 1 1 s D i- :sU? ave bed . Let all who have grapes-t- , make'; source since. into WIN consult theirwp,il ner; la blithoeoibc maiden the t ljres lo eats, by.oohsiiliatiojiiipori the sabjeet m;' her eyes art ' black-aiiid handsome.; aa canhejher wi'k J. . Johnson. : Ifuli of. dimples, and red' as aay TUKWIP SEED: ia, lhi"l.veof mins, too,1 has1 h aee! tl asked i her if she'd ess' from o that a ist was the pother nigh,) ar br reply, friends; "Why, Jim- -i tight!' 4, "I Rays know-- ibord a 1 idle wine,' but ths I ia ion-- will yen, or not. be mine? bar face, friends, es nesr pul and with Yao sweetest jrrjld, i, sid simp! that she would Ue'doo? If I' was' ready to the girl, next thus it w.-iaid hand hear: my. -- Udoa a small pieea of cot-lu- ta ,piVeJiof black: pepper, lad tie it,Uipi if ia eweel oii,-- t in the . ear. - Pat a; fennel r che heap te keep the .ear 11 givs immediate relie, Fset. Bathe carefully ' in vinrgar. Veistea the sailed qart I, i;er, then place it over the ling brimetune., spate ia milk, and cover them ore washing, the garments, tain in hot tallow. tea at horns P asked a gen-ye- an a itid lust who eere rein ad dtv that titia Ed very it inl- and re nf kttUi i - sir; I'll go . and ask her." naka Caudles. about deed. I almost think, sonwtimes, .that lan guagq would fail to express us true talue 1 bought ths machine for the purpose efr. - . m . - 4 .. the-Knittin- - g ' m . os left val W.-fofear,-- L right shoider, crop and. . right, aad crop U left, : om hip?W k la yeare bid 41 r : Trsmaas Bauchs. J. U. Hardy.'. Jiniiliei- - I hive now.ia successful .bptrationW I . , Ths largest, host aad bssspsat ntwfpspsr in - a new Utah, contains a FORTY-EIGH- T t COLUMNS' ( ' ' READBHe.EflATYgR. he Has for ths a and is pnblisbcd Southern nisii. Thursday, . . l " - .. . T. S. E. fiuaiwsL Kditor and Pfspristsr, Sait Lake City,' Utah , half ths u wicks oim spiiits of.tnrpeniihe, ustil dry, then mold Good clean Cotton and Iiasa Bags waited ' at this sflee, he-su- , making meney,' and:hye 'lueoeeded. I have had so trouble in fuzniog it.- l,caL A ehoise 'let is expbeted to srrive, testify totsr,v thing you m.7 write .in rs ef faver. !Bcspoeiiul withjn ton days for sale by ths Mrs. W. S. EOSOM. t yv package at the ,, i fit. Gsorge Drug . Glere. f)TxaaT, HBS Co., Miss: Jan. 2d, lSb8 i Mr. M,W.fLlfiBT ;.'Dear sir: Ws srs muck pleased with Udchine flfeBaADMhi MW SI V X. ( wife anyU she weujd not (she $103 for fy s n j, Yenrs truly, J bluve bat light red: eowtbranded Pc it. i BBAGBX. . servant. . ? lfs If. VT. LEET. SIr: .Tiobojch cw set be said iu" favor of the ifBittiag 2d chine:! purrhased ef you inst spring.Miu - . s - ca- r, tlpg maybe ieue iu it?j risighkorhojd 'r harem tor ia any .Tlbe Machiue offers to and wm&& a uev; sad, in ' family, of latest improved, style: of ,eapaei dependent bctupatiou. lt majsv. and .'fdFhiacs tbcan'iHto j ty sufficient to work up all thegrapos racTUxse 'fabrics k thiH rocxsvs au, ' that grow ia tl is city. In good tims garments Its owhers la THXabriTS. It simpledi.ruble. easily il yvill : bo, established ia a suitable too young ( operated, aiitf g,,Santerd to: Anri.eed kn beep company ted the t'dbelrsd'- hilt by calling building in St George, witk,.cvery the hands of tvery prcktuer,: JThe LAMB of the. room anil, sending herfo attending facility for makipy tite . MAPri I Nai has ,4skeh Firtt Ffeinium o'clock, the lady' of tbehcuse most aid Awf .wine, oiitCof 11 giren wboraver exhibitedlncludfEg Wthe ;Faris u ... tha young gent by bringing, into, ExpesltidiT ef of a quality. j huge price of bread a cl hatter 8SrSeii(l8tainpirPireuUrqud.Bsaa ad with sugar. Whisk she pis btowklngiJ ;.i m itt hA Fria her kiadeat' man Address , f Tde priee for making will he rVery i Babby , ; ta ke this and rua tur mother pit's time little-boymoderate, and ' ' "J:t' "The wonld-b- s g.aji youse - SATISFACTION CCACRIMCD.' ' t felt as though he, wanted any fv:; - vr-v- ! - ' By Telegraph.'' abd Udy gave.lt up, the bay is T U MlB . eaeh were oaiho.vt then, aiether' said the 1'ltle theres a big oath la the nears ff . up, a :: l by.iUnder! .tc, f .oaths, and hut little m any other profanit y . In fact. ke could .tell a profane oath by 'fby-a- 4 v J S.r Qmwi Dyable Carding Machine. tud iafrewiaggo iKBITjriNGia the bekl all-Parowan, whore orery attentjoa-wilsizes j aarjn f f 'i tiie tee cqmplte$lkaite be gives te easterners, aid best qual- raws and widens at will, ,ai, knits web either Tubular, er ikigt, Single, Bop . ity .of work done. bio or Ribbed, JPROLVC1SQ JtLL'VJ' V1 George Griiosbaw. tOJF XNfli JTfXliEL.'ifm Xo a rr'1 (Carder. RIETJfiS an lnfant'e stocking, mitten, or jingo! "by minted te i eua-n- ot wishing do batter than take 41 to President boy, was belngia-- I ia morals 'by ihls mother. The Itsld him .that ail .such terns as i 1 J T ! ' 4 STBAVBSrimx.uadbb:- i tanner .GRIBT miL.t latest with all the psrpared te ;b imprevsmsnts,- aad ast cut a irat-cla- ss article sf - tna X-X- T. Fra E&W, ar HE. tS nCCSTOW, WOKE -- OOOB WHEAT. o UH vtlntW dremptly H aU attend! .t W W Ample tUiag e fpe . s e: ,iwow)t , |