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Show IW1 lGEpS gJBSj e. 7? Scedsc, fresh. lnfiSA A cut, CJtmli TOstfliETtfitfgi kl' A '; in tl.nte et of ,1-- 'WofaVjubJic, 4ie 7 itsuTf X 6 A..M f,,,ct'n .' k(w Tib jrf .? t mhVt r Jpricotir tj V7 j v J(W, 1- , side rreessrs, Winding WMagespf, cfVV copitructior, . wh n Mf Inhabit taemior nrttter;indsed,rio sijnil-o- J - 1 f,; ' ? ArJTeiUiiliclUruir. SjiW aBPsaJrfrtvS hJ W4 . haveI'erldsrtlW bVV ' . an ripeQsj fs9 be- - JSS wiW plum. Slindir 'and erect lonir rirdilv. dwarf, rtieuilhn nrMttbruni Ihki and. narrow., an th St.1UfOfgel.Utab,; .7f f. Will reoeirpand dispose, of ps instruq' j fruit, jvhlcK 3 tel, Opolit Wefr MBrehudiie.tima irnetrly rnnnite I t i i ;.i to 4ncbfriv 5lrciwnterinci,rjembles a A e fr.sh terulF, aiid riebs bli3n tb a d ib-aJ- bn u entitUd .(i'l.lul fiTj pi We I WHEELWRIGHTS .- -- 'Mtrchan' i ini favors nnirn & f tnd IcdefcMgdMe gkid rhTih'pf"l lari ohltltuiti aid oar Jh Particular for constiat attDfi . and WnT jhqmoit, ... p li. Ilhopir cuf' n??7 toUflMiiGonSll to the the ante-chambe- rs ' rtl nuel. wicaTa hlii th waUlLMy4)thlCJaftr; orViiiiy - mTtpfviigrfii toie 10 , r any, otlet.r, v. bwi jint f u?, MivBjjM; difCOTf A fucfton avJJGommusion sfaknogfUisfeWerie BOSp ' " int6'the"pLdo b y kredkoo the, errand Hr tor.morrqyr. The;MdSraignWrnattod?l9 ; oteeutioo BotidVeMartgages, Jf to-da- ' of Deeds,' - 'J Deeds of Traat, Powers 3of .Attorney,. hai1 that "of Trinity ( hur;fc, iuppor tr cf bV jOuatm.ts, ;ndiail3other ONoinl Bust-- u inniiuorablo'r War; which must a ueis, require , MK 4Mjdtr!nMf els Blp&qfcg are thrown ? 'P.?nSSit?li7,- - DljtCTMX 1 -- A'&'triiilfi''ittW I ' , TeV . 1 CR VBTOh-- 8 JcEXOISKER'S IfJSTRU InqoItoillh.Twiij.oJSo'," . l j j DttU4lnsVv 9U a;4ferffe fal effo ii. kpncoi CbarMr'haij. , . pneti.a rT ; ,f, , TMrfaiUwUlhoayaliablf. aliUlinta the gifcipn, or List manth the hknls sent ont to saireh'fer ' Viter on tho new load to 1 " sgtt f.ii the 'settelmotite oh ' tbo muddy return Mcr ? ed . yeHddW tbo wdrfdi blMiy. Cib iliatio ;i mttjll5t.aniJ lanap. ... off the waiUstand and igm eover tbo baee of soon ofthipiiiari, the pitcher du and walled They report hiving ' they whfile figures bwringaArclo. re. rmblance Far late.' rnWliiujW.-.- the loolcin'ig-'Kglasfoat. in 35 Bearer well. a. V!n't1 f4 nvinmlci. fnatlV tHe search and went , Viieohdheqd hirnesi'fot'Silsor ici abundance up nlee gave dam af: wash; wUh', ' n ' a r: change for .grain. zy a&d1 bufektt windlass' for the obtdJ water, anl is the word Wo olf tralelDri. Tkere- ie now &only Went to ALSOfTASTED. y ksiog itrange that the exiatena of t il.i ee i FirewfrA. it but owing tvthe darkness and eon about 20 mUes botweoa j water oa tbo ptekts os tub .etnirkableenb trnneau paace (for wriptlon or in eicbange for?oberp.iy, && a rfujivMt oftheir; sent s f they mule a new road,;h at.aliogither nvplit ef0is reiniinol prof.anl rays.jry, l,u , fj i t in, th. Kio v In jhort-be- d o' 'f; ., , JiS,: Jdtfillll!.( Jong ts it 'dock close to Tie rast pp il m city o(ight mi .take: . . 1 , la llarnau w. f. ' - I 1 4 beJvi'tlut . . and-fen- Hvm tmj . : la. 0, krt ora Verb.nu3toekPann.- 0) Ui - ten lint1 j " now progressing; M? t i Mislodg s . & n Y Bro, llerria. bli the wallop! his h tho two friends store and wills of f . .Geraniums, Oleander.1 Putnaias,, and lria dwelling up. Ths ' amin suti to kickj lutdab absve ' A ! a fine eobool lmjain the ward many other varieties; Jddgf of mjr surprise on discovering beganand7 "L.ir.Bj i " wa a are updndlooUng yali. an ipsniag epaciour enough to admit t ',u J. 4Er Joussc.v. Iclt was the on floar., Charley of the entraneo lof a .m.vtfs bdy.. A ing of Wsri i j.: f Ute i .his ,irr . " V JV of m lin over of At fear, gut; oropt feeling ppsseteion very regular ia its range aAtniag up and t looked around, iosee if any person j J.0r almoment. all viral silent, 105 atmon. in th ehide to' 100. SSiTIHl AHtt HIIE 05S32il5)N!! rm 9 i , f' f 00 wind uiUly in ths wai near to help me examine the plao? Nedcned bairifor Charley. wiih l iar, but not a seal at tho time wts in eali- Of a ftornsoa nights quite coiafonibls, nt What!,,askeded.iulkilx; ! and reoovenug distance after, so, ing ON'B 70.- -' . DOOa.Xlf.OF PBINTISO vIvo kicked ihy feUow'outv v.i. n .. 1 resolved tUttlo, selLposessipu. ,a my " ' ' lhau l lucaier FlUs,- Yxcssavly annoying ; miking OP If IDE, .i ,:' pW to look in pot,, however, wiihout tome .. tYou; arc me about as pleas set for uj tq stioc oil kicked has it mine for put, serious misgivings as io the 'pojs'ble at labor, ns to corns in 'and fiht flies. r. some huge anaconda that of presence . The sky. U regiiUrly olear with a hill-nes- s' tuifttl c s vi might deprive . of my head, i Gradu XlIXLS A Gipsfy womsn promised te'ebpw hinging over the snuntaini , ,trg:.o facts nt a ally quitiring courage, in. I, went, ani young ladisutheir husba'ids and Vf exclaim"au . td'mv surprise discovered It a.at the fur pail of wter." Thsyloak4." JSroon Corn. The 'firal ws kirs sssn CL- ed: Why, ,wa ue!only aar .owes freest ondin fACtrthtiid of all C5mpOtltioq ia ; 'MAKER iUSHISS .4raw Wsll those f acts, wilL be your.., husbands a inssi, tW favor of Mrs. HjmirDua I My tohNge however,' had been severely married.'.'; when yon gft such of obsertati Work done. The best Next door tested, and aftirmaking csVon theStd. inst. love a like'.a ' . south of Printing Office; St; George. oa asdhedarknesq aadulose atmosphere A coquette trails baqust: Itfwas the yellow tenrowod dent corn a for certain time a. about him H'1 1 tho to back rarrits would r and wan, exotUcni. .light remit, groped i. Gi- fmssmsat or show, and .thsa coly picks of day and oasofully tlosed up the a isreh lister ..Thinks , i T5 e. i. : t'l, trance to'the piaoeir mentally resolving th poor fool.tq piccesi fi.; v j. ... , . ;:-- 1! ;.BUekbtrtiu.i. wetTo vatca kmussd ' toreTurhnext We tig ... A m. m.Aln, sqme-Whday.topnrsue ayexplo fiae.sample of this fruit m V iw i hr calmstood to He was : rations, eoa Indian first i j impulse fitnis yosterliy. ify D LAffi At Eq."Wsi szhlblteJ V. hi li Rogers muaicatsk the.searet to some friend ia ly and fall of dignity surveying the pro?, ners Club Hall at a Into movtinr. I Tr 4 St.0orjoiUUh' whom! oould cehfide; but the refiestien cession of the United Irish Societies, with Siao rather smill but iwxet null Aldus M: A; W d 4a 'r j j thsit ribbons of green, and being charmed fti that the oavi might eoatainhidden t;iv with untill u waited Ratpberrlets-the pleasant spectacle, i T"5 sure, wfaleh, ia that ease; would have to the recession a in sur girdsnfine spue- then quit into had have We grow I passed, p bo divided, , penaMcdjme 'tlftt it were Brsrn'e store and purchased one dollar's insane of :?BrV.ikloj orange f ths caneo J' -k fcw.gani for .sale, or exchange best to keep the diiosverf privale, The worth of green silk ribbon,' which be Dingrow tall Uavy rampant and prodoee a e ij not and next J, went ldid od then go, ned onblj blest day'wai stormy, parading cession ofTrult. il-a-t the, i Una dark slfwivh JJtrald Oneata sort book. the owe the city sa hi but, providing only yet frdted hers; ,!:1 qhii Is k ,k w. f I '? renew 4 lollowingmoming, onjhs iiVr fit. George Drug store. . teff, I . w o log up the sb ubbry ia order Ahi accordingly Ft , vj,.iifil. . Heat.--Tlu(m- the-bed- - Hj -- Ui lti ? ' ati j 41 Wi-Ne- - . CAU Aud . j See to i : p ii-BADDL- Kk , . ; -- - awd i-- 1" e-"- r .... im:, i. ITTOBSIT toi - V - 1 at r-- df . , A - GUXS t ri . V k - s,i . . e i mm SOP" We V- - - - ' vt'V a6h- - y- - T1 7- - Jfey- MSMMP. spa. s -i W1. ' r?-- . ; |