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Show mi George, Utah, May 13, 1868, -- No,13. pretty 1? in his childish way, She took All my grief broke out afresh when I it off,- and gave it to him, saying. ' My, m they called it. But a few thought uf him. .Willie raised up at Won't you eome to be my. little last, andsaid WyMlf.ith.t'hW" earnestly ; Mother, its elM.ren i Charlie ?M in boy, 0r8 children are WEDNESDAY h,r Ohariieyou for, is'nt t ? FublifheJevery crying r,sM W. had man, tri.l. My mother's. heart took fright at Yes, I answered. I know for and often morning: atthe Tima.1' building, ad once;They-hno children,' and I the best i but oh! it's so hard to soarcely a cruit of -- bread in rthe Geo rge j Uja Ter., give home; bat our hard.hip, bound seemed to fet as plainly as if they had him up. - -- srAl : : ; - 1 told me, thit they had dome to ask me v ' for one of mine.. HI "No, no:" mother couldnt spare T5l i him.! said quickly" snatching him : ' atrue:F2ienD;'j away; almost rudely,! fesr; IS ttl Ilqw many pleasing- Ihings aro found, My. dear woman, began Mr. In mount&ins high-wh- en searched with Lorimer, have you thought' seriously ' of the 'impossibility, of yonr getting ,v care, witti five chilclreh, under twelve Ltiil in tho. caves. beneath '.the ground, along of What precious things qrq oft .found years age? It has "required all your husband's efforts is make a living for there, you how can jou hope to do it' withMore lovely than all those to mo, out him? i ' A tried and faithful friend would be, We offer, joined in his wife, to ' U.ta et great mens tales of worth be told, take the most helpless of your little him all the advantages ones to Lathings their crown. and seepters wc would give, our own child; and surley sway, . you must sco that Gods handjs in it- boast their gems and hoards of gold, tbat through us lie intends to help you to. I'l 'And empires that their .wills eboy, I heed not tell you how long 1 bnictfloro precious still, a friend to me, withs ood all their arguments. But at Then all thesa mighty things could be last, cveroome by their entreaties, 1 consented to consider the mit er. Ir too, and search the tnighty-deep- , two days they' came for-- mv answer I . ii. mi iiittt Tisii to any ul shell, and pearl abound-'sqnr- ck m mepj Whcro ooral, the' air, and pever sleep ! he cJtitdrtfn, and I had changed my almost every hour since I had ntill there, cvry prize is found. uind seen them. At l&rt convinced that it YA dearer, a truo friend to me, wav Tor the child's good, I consented Vihen all in earth, or air, or sea, r,j give him up. Win n I went to dres aim to go, my resolution almost failed over every ' article 1 itlwlkiVIG A WAV THE BABY. me. on1 lingered him, and mule evey dear curl put jver and over before I could get it t A MOTIlEUs SI. BT please me; and I kissed the little It was the third day arter my white shoulders until they were ali me, funeral, a.iiJ the wi low, and rosev. But at .length, he was ready. n so a'.nnncl by his aud. len death ,iad l never thought he looked so 3erdialr, couj do nothing but sit andii pretty. He was full oi anhnation, for j over, and try to rcalizo how ho was old enough to know what it Is Id bo so. truly the Sunday li :forc, meant to p, go riding,' and he clapped bc:n siftiug with me, wa'ch ff'ee,ljad hs hinds and laughed aloud at the tho baby, as ho sat in thoaunahiic, horses, as they were driven Yip, 1 jhing ml clapping liis little hands handed him to liis new moilier, ( tho RlMEMi file stud ws of the trees were flung that he was locume ntl m:reJ by children supposed the b.re tistftttsg b ck soon,) and he never even look for Muif parsing breeze. Now tho child cd at me. Oil. how jealous was mv Liulneva sitting in the same spot, the heart 1 si m Ojtobersun streaming in upon aching When I came back into tho house, llhight curls, and m ikiug him look the iirat thing my eye fell on was his Usomt STrcUy so like a picture; but the cradle. I cculd only throw mystlf oa jmir was gone from us. forever, t Then came the trial aloud. sob 1 must see his it, an jjjqt seeiuad ,to me the whole truth to the childthat he would of telling ag fvice on eo more Nne of them seemed reconciled ren. tad IntMly lift tho latch and come in. and and I felt that lh worst was to como la our child tip and say, as he sq when tho two oldest should conyj from si did, Mother, what would you school. I almost drei.dcd to meet them, stmeuts fjfiih'r this iiids bo her? especidly.Wtlie; he was like his faand Even raided tho him,.' baby , Comped so quiet and calm, ou' wardly, but : d comc a id' stand at ray knee, ther, and hiding beneath his apparent coldness It lines ig P.ipal papal until .thought deepest feelings. But ocr heart vrnuli break. The two thn&lrongest, the others went to meet them as they t were at school; tho rust were Came home, 'and I was ple'&saat'y dislaying, so that I was quite alone.' in the way tho oldest took id by the baby was titled of his appointed it. He seemen to feel that 1 had done and emu and got up into my lap it for thie best, and that he must hide uinma cryl mamma rausnS, he his own sorrow lor my sako. IIo was out, and .Wiped my wet face more thoughtful for my comfort, genhis little chubby hands; but I tler than ever, only very still and to him snd closer hold me, only g.'&YC. ry more bitterly, Tlieidsy ended, as the longest will si then; Mr. and Mrs. Lorrimer at last, and it came time to go to bed. their in kipsamo . carriage, I hid taken Wil'ie to sleep down stairs up lived not far off, and wrre our near me. Since hia fathers death the neighbors. When Idiad iuvited the other children slept just above us. ,tCar3 a rie Well when I(camo tq lie down there at of FanTirJa' hoW t0 1na a eg,s? Book nr0111411 was this tmpty pillow! Baby had Ifankec No SIMiQnp.4biit - Charles had slid always-laihis little rosy face as close oweeft mar4irom my side, and went and s'ood to mine aVhe could get it, and slept knee, and pointing to her with cue liiile warm hand on my neck. owing jflgold bracelet said Pretty, For Our Dixit Ttati. 1 1 . v del I . nf r-- - - i mm L - -- ; . le -- ia-ly'- t i : - - Mother eontiiintied tho child, when filker died, we knew it was all for the best,. because God took him from us; bnt 1 have been i kinking ever since .we, laid down how poor iii tie Charlie must be crying for you, and how G1 gave; him to us, to ioye him and keep him; and. how you have given him 'awuy. If he had meant him to be Mrr Bud Mrs. Lorrimer's baby wtuldn't lie have given him to them at first? The childs, words carried more weight with thc-i- then all. the arguments of my rich neighbors. After considering a mcment, 1 sdid impulsively; On, if I only had him back, he should never go away again, no matter how poor we might bo The moon was shinging so .brightly so that it was almost as iightas day, aud presently Willie snid; andtliey won't go to bed lime at Mr. Lonimrs: let for a long as go and get Chniiie. Why, mother, t seem to hear him crytcg now. Urged by the child's entreaties ind the fond promptings of my own iearl.I consented. I think 1 never ivalked a half a raiie so quickly in my Lie, and neither of' Us spoke until we reached the mansion, ihen we Hoped a moment for breath, and snre we could hear baby cry at the top of his voice. Wo went around to door and knocke. ho sitting-roowhen They seoraed who it but saw asked us in was, hey hired A nurse was politely. walking r. i h the child up and down ths floor trying to pacify it. Mrs. Lorrimer hud wearied herself out, and was lying on a lounge. Come to Mother, Willie .said, and hs brought the little fellow to me at once. How he slungto me, still sobbing, yet smiling all the while to find him self in my arms. " I cannot give him up, I said at last, when I could get my voice clear. You must let me take him home. They evidently thought me silliost of women: but their cold words only made me tku more determined, aud wo started back in less than a hall an hoar after we came, I carrying the baby? Wiilie offered to help me, but I felt as though I could carry him in my arms fertver. When I had laid him in bed, now fest asleep, but still sobbing, and reaching out nis littla hands, to feel if I was there, I said, God helping me,' come what will, I will never purl with one of ray living children again and I never did. 1 need not tell you how wild with joy tho rest of the children were when they found the baby in the bed next morning; they almost fdught over the little lellow, and from that day forth It was their greatest pleasure lo amuse Charlie and have him with them. When tho affair came to be known, maay blamed me. and many favors that my rich neighbors might have done me they withheld, I think, for : n - . m half-frightene- d -- n .he more oloeely ; together. children comfort, and ileejing. to me. proved God tdbfc care anew tnat it waa for tho bet. Thu rest married in the oourso of't me ud let. me; but the day., the one whom industry endLn- thi, Plentiful, and comfortable home, hai never left ia ncc g.Ye Wa ? 7 theyl A GOOD SHOT. . r nt yu know that dad 7 vonilj5 I? bny ,hotr' bed a r urchin a brother who um. omeivhat his senior who was makinir ' a purchnse of that - . article. You just never mind mo. Ml thank Mister Bob lowts; 1 Jhittls. 11 don t csre what buy what did at. I pease." uu sararrushing out of the store,. run down the street and bouncod into the room where the old man was quietly reading the m n - ing paper. VEads dad, Bill's went and got shot Good Heavens! cried the old mau. dropping the paper in consternation and bolting for the door,(,whcre is ... he? Down to Thompson's store, responds Bob. In his excitment the old man forget to remove his reading apetks, and i geing down (he steps misjudged the distance to the pavement, s p jed off: too soon, and cade srrawlihon all fours. rile gathered himself up. and started fpr the store. The appeared to be about tho level of his. knees, consequently in his violent efforts to keep it under him, ho cut a very ridiculous figure, drew froi the astonish, ed bystanders suoh a roar in was never bestowed upon a ting ic Individual since the world began. At length his (odious run waa brought to & close by arriving at thu store where Bill was stretched out, taking it easy. The o'drana supposing him badly hurt, rushed frantically up to him, exclaiming; 0, Willinml William! where are , you wounded? Whats the matter did? You're crazy? asked Bi'l. raising on his elbow, and casting a' look of astonishment at the old mail. Why,. Robert said you'd got shot I So 1 did got a half a pound of the best duck shot in the store. The old man left amid noise enough to drown a thunder clap. As might be supposed Bob got the lamming and Bill did'nt. " m 1 m m t Blackbird are very ylinty aodwt hava just discovered that they are taking s Arwbsrr'a . as fast as thogjbegin tq ripaa and al- distroy raany creen ones. Fitch into them boys (The Uckblfde - - . . wo mean.) tq. - i More than half the incoma tax; come from three Now York an! Pennsylvania. statea-Massachuse- ttaj |