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Show ' i-- ' , . .f UTAFRXJiAiUTllfCSVii-:- SPUING 'LAKE VILLA, UTAH COUHTT .. Projection froin tfio Gut Worm - - y.T-- . t.. . r1 . Lice oh L"'Fowl.'-"- 1 rj T ' Ia w v fiiiisaJIosivs V rox. : 4i'.. nu rIt..w fill- - a great mistake to suppose that by Field the A London, correspondent of TjTe reo sntl y sawa nod for preventing the stamioh bf a bone, be' is able to' fowls do mere rorkpfour quarts of grain ia fremverimia be. free may kept ing tbiettt worm from' destroying young says road; ti; as ; foltowsirr cab set enodghaia feed for a horse e in. bags plants, consisting Ofaently jl tbe i afsrer ameal at eonfhtemeht , of wrapping: is piece of gets h . i ap fail around First if stiffpaper ofall, with a ease this is the 'the stem when.' the' plant' ii set out, so the dust corner of .thepoultmhoiise, stoipac'hv.When tO'hik heat the. horse slirplus, legs goes Mo extend.a.littleabove and an inch: mix' about ; .blacksul ' , ortwo below 'the so rface.K, We hare the sand nndiUrae they.,dqtlnf, aq ioeoinotive parts, hindering his free the Shurin stqmock thettr free from parasites and 'easy acti en Bnt whcn adopted, thnmode more i thaui twenty ; overloaded, tbe 'beat' arisee man a of now recommended it Is the feathers and js years,' although, 'a; glossy , appear . air new, aud wecaiT vouch for its.'entire unco.giro - If infested witV.thetpseOtsydapip to his bead, .clogs bis brsinsy .andetups-vOf thinking. Ohio Cul efficiency. V ' Thick wntiugr-tpape- r ap- - the skin under the f eat h at s wth a little fies his powers " to answer the purposebestafid .water, then sprinkle i a' little ' black slal tivate. ''y nifty VldUMr m,ly" he torn iip .nd emV-- i nhar: on the skin.'Let thabird be oori' ; C; n t Ou-th- too-asue- h' -- half-a-pound- 1 S. ..? , , . ; ' 5;-- of ? .. Prs t- - , lRivcta.paonn ts 'i i V'-- . jp: iOiTVH-Ti- the s i- - animal with i nose up wards either by a rope around 'the borns , and head,'Tor v by vtwo;8.trong;men; holdiBg it:.Xet Wr' strong manwith; bis ,thumb,and fingprs fdaoed. below the substaneqMu the gul--; i; -- wellj.the.obji : : rotectien ab eutncei be slightly sprinkled '.with the eul : :? t ? it tipward to'thexaOtttb,i as., far. aapds aibb, keeping the craspand1 wjhd-pipe.; pressing- the thosame time at - causing a c6dgh, ihy whiebr the article or sdbstanee It' thrown. ihto'tbd'mouth);' V s'trjTT' : V- 'i i -- - a . r. . S ' r s iS the Jaimly me" iThc Gjkim dieindrcheitJand will do Mdroto (wr4; and cura' diseMe than alt tha dootors ; the1 in' country,' that is if well filted with small fruits pndyogotaUeK-Vj.Tbfarrf; mer'who oaniidt find timo totaklToare of s. bo ebliged to the garden will soms bedj baye aj good find time td i go afterdaj , iliaps to wetdown an inch urtwo;. 'fhal If ;tho eihausted: ;Ioctor Bolus,' water washes the ? fine earthlinto theihottomwreinoTe the.-- top spit spade spend juuoh of bis : timei n the sick room: S, a. '$ 7 ioVe iend iterstiees,'',and here . the depth, .replacing it with u .iaixture Of andjf oet some pppliasantly largo bllle 4 r..' wel earth from ;:jged, with or moist virgin f or; yery dry upland plant stands, onlysoil bclow but with av baked, piass on the chopped old, pnippyedrf dung " r1' .. 11 I ; "''j". ' D ayi d Pi ic h as wi THomr; Pixux ci- .eaf --jn ol d s ayt-- i f you cin obtain - which shats out warintb, air and i v; eurfaoe,i the moisture that would bs derived equal parts of eacb. ; If you can get the Thefurse is'idmoredby immersingthem V.v from its free eiroulatiou. One of two beds empty In the winter, the ; best way in lye.; :;TheJye shcmld be warm, jhnt ri:X yi-- ' pietkods ehould he adopted.-- ; Remove will be to take o ff the top SpU and fork not sons to peokthe peaohes, which are the' surface dearth rand?, poiir; on . water over theA subsoil,' so as:to let thel frost rubb0d in:lt awhile, and then washed ia j... Ij. V fqrss enough tq'jroaeh the i Wet subsoil,' and and snor penetrate itj.then get 'agood clear '. Xwhen the watar has sdaked in, replace supplv of burnei elay and hpt.bed aunL wiltberemoyedj; and only tbia sltiQ v . r be out apd dried in. thf the dry surfaey. soil j "to he ; moistened aud cqop them down together in a ridge. rr,,"V5;':W Ufenoihiu,if fr6nt DeloW,or make a hole as Dearths and let .hem be wejl,frbcnrand fill up usualmannerThey' said of with.tlie to be n are hsiraweethessand i can the as beds'; mixture without eafjrf the you disturbing .plant the biBstual and fill 'this with water two 'or March, roottand they wUr;;be in admirable ifyfdrpodki ng purposes, thirst timestimd afterwards fill itwith condition for-- planting as sooir Vs they the dry earth ' first- removed, AtVall have .settledrt ; Ghtps,vref u$e wod, wldj A cotreipondehi of the OAfo CuUiva-orsMtl ,. 4 that from.aseries ofexperi- -' f ? sereiitsu when 'you i";water atall, wate straw, Ae. built over a kOle,' and packed bake ever round, with oakespf eld turf and fhsia meUu hebSs f oUnd bat aoow requires fVlr ' we ntypoubdaof; bay These bernedmake' eapitaf; dressing dig upon-a- average, t dsy-qui to & pubie fodder; vrOIH new or;dry Into gejt per ants thus . 9ldisoil,ifyoa;eahn0t 4, M6 set settled. .wellf a w.k in !stufL iKeokoaing' rod for will yield moxf than thres Material; to .replaontho. worn-ou- t of days'and the hum-be- V 7 thaaveragenamber a Ifused i chiefly' plants of hie. eQWt,'; af. faruler can : pretty i: e df . . , -- , : ' i 1 iip:-wit-h -- 1 ad ' : "I - 1 - -- -- eold.wjU!TPel V'-y- . : remafn-4hey;oa- n j' '- - ; ; es -- ' -- ' : - n . al -- j for.-beddin- V :v.- ifV V. n rr"uw gives that peculiar sour, muffy tarnt V , V- - uicuBy.n iiuju d e raraotsriitio of bad chesser and' save manure for' spring Kg"Be sure W s : ' ' , V ' v:' bf pOal tar ln tb'e house $it la dish fliesy and they will poon leave. In--fes- . ) s , V, -- ut .y - t- -r T - ' ? --M ' " t' by J , J t - .7 ' - . -i.- '.J s -. y. l.a r , v , ,s- - f' . U . - . .1 i s j ted .b. T - f-- o s - , i . JL ' Hess |