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Show 1' ' heft f - MMCMffcRftggg&SM - IjLZjJS. i. r . T B dt 4. si v sr a i; ' : .' ' '?'; f2 f .! -- ; -- - .. nraMMifMaeMmHT'VHUwiajwlj h4 UMrv SmUum. iMiiilllHiMMriH 't vein HUiiM vltkHt lUrp. - - v - j an Iwwpiliiif t H MtojM a ftt. UN, ko'od-Seed.1- V - w Jtfeo nttctf elre anaaidiihiot be; bestowed npoja seed saTiur. So soon as ' i . Tire -! :- ' ' 'V1 r'T f WOT&K? jf jour. swgeRop field;. ! be-s- giaio tnrfi hJaokyigqthrough. the. it at ; -- . . : t' V . j--.- V Season and eook' ns if for. fill etons jars, tin eases ; or x eating; then bottles, and seal them up tight.'- If pro- - ' perly.done and kept in a ooo place, uey ; wiU be equaJU to fresh'pidied, through the winte?j(d;spAg,f::,1'?7 ,s" i, Touatozs- phy-aieia- de i '' r , A . ;5.-- r telMfit th5H ?sofine corn fi'eacdr italh.i r.toa v,i ofU.TJ7s w v' i ? 1 f, - 0x I !:!; 5 ? . -- . , .,v -J 4 ! . p.: T ' 'ill1 p V i - - i:v- The-'Boar- - ' -- d r i i . . p , . -- -- half-hardyy! a, i ?? K"fo MWl'fh beauty, intelligence,' refinement and Tu hdst of d'bmestid virtues:' but the ladkpf jUIW Si Flowsks. latherthaeeds as fast as flowers scggeatsignorance, laeKpfiaste; br;a'co&rsemasCuinedispoSitron;: JL to n asters; vAip; pnks,HMeup siyour small stiek. Layer ydur Verbsnasj asar)r rhlned by grbwlng clovsr aipoag 4tbtr from slips your antirrhinums and tro'es for two yesrs ih suceessloa. 1 'haJiowdiad&l T mdl . : gW th6 ladj frflO l ; - J are-invited- before-anoUit- Ti H. A v uti Bcodixg. Better put in your buds c: ' Of melouisP pumbkVns and eqaashes, .aw4a'; Start1 In the spring,' V. TherjS ll' moon. efjftost; peVeeseqdfruxpjthoae. that bare ..been dangss You with 10 for '1 days. ' r safety .: grown apart from other vines, with which - - may'bod'. i ; ' ?r cut tbs them xnand Put strings 10 days they hjrbtidiae (or tnfx), and always, it.. .u, wbiexf ?pft cVrcable,' eeleet the fruit with after.i small leng atema they, .are usually the j Dawn , Coasr. Drop e&rji Jf best end puresti OI garden vegetables, oorn, in the milky lnto boilingwaterfet save only f ulW dsveloped and perfectly hem remain dO minutes; take them .out ' Ir '.f1 i rrown( BSMit 'rathfmf ai ' fast as thsy and cut olfanVquiekly dry the gnuns. 1 VZ' . . u rSt j put them nwsy in alean bag, and yon ripen. fel it l.iti Will find it 'delicious and almost as good .. .. Deseret ; Agricaltnral and as faesh,. f boiled soft and esaebned; 1 dsnufacturlnr . . BncletyO whenyou Wuiotfind-i- t inrthe gardto.r ,.. a.dtiw r. tt, D ireetord ef IthiacSo- Springvills.writes ' eiaty have; tliisxsm4Viia expanse ot fa rt. ; j mV on . literal hundred dollafl,f&irbaed ;st- y lies, is to sift ashes oves thw plants w I Our late flowers 'are now. 1 in bio6m. i; Thcrss who admire floral loveliness to eall and see onv uperimeiR'In' fflbn ,turW Utah in well adapted' io tiie culture of almost ' and many every hardy, and. more tcndsrjpltsand we.liope to see onr female f riends,geuerally, exhibit more taste and refinement by the oulti- ration of a greater quantity and variety of tiiese beanties of natnro. V ' Flowers net'onl y fdistii tu tiie atmosI phere a sweet and grateful froganee and are delightful to tnsbight, but they give Refinement, give etreagth and force to good end, ebctosghte;iiif ten end' equalise our' Tough tempers and brsathe our homes a wholesome influence areund ,jxrefi : 'j k ad our little ones. . We never look up :. 'xr .. FLOwxns. i - . . - f c - I :. .r,-zy.r- 4 " . . . -- and hot;.- nights Wn ATHxn.StiU ' dfy ' tl.fr 'L ( more n little cool, jlad . beginning to Jbe a light ehower ...1Since f..our Inst?' Consld ' (' was Table wind from the a oulh;whidh hard bn the tobacco, Weather prophets zrortu wmi. ay yi hall J, ; , - I -- 3 - . fA - son.kanyon, . profusely gro awg, plants generally known as nervine,' angeliea, eranes-bil- l, queen of. ihe meadow, hops; Aoi We ojopuuon that nature pn-- . vides each locality. with what is really neofsniy, if properly .aiedr forthe rea-toration of the siek.1 If botanists, and . scientific men .would Seek out j axd 'bur uativo ' medieinal . . . .W u?t STKawBXKKixiA i .''pV-baj- j J Cut : - largest add fines' aeffposslhe'euest,' ii'.oi l u- -. heads; i.eqre thesoed, bj dryjpg it, then f andbang it so&ewherebatof the . would bo of iimited i use here, .n Friend waj pf the mice. Whon joor Pill- - bags V go thou fto:the xnountains andaeek natnrs's dowryfo Jthssiek,and atblsssing'to you 'shall prosper andbecm ?r.. v .v,vvf.r (j next and; yenrerop ft brai4ndbangir up, , OljJf ; yeai will relj repay thi trouble:' ;Pur- -' . i. . '.Jv sue this plan. and O j ears: j you iqtazewvy . i'i i : - 'f good time to Irani- - f plant, If you oan ksep ths; pound wtU. Of native medicinal plants; we found moistened until they beebmt wall rbotsd in Pay- - If put dutnow they will beer well next' theVi. other ;while,botanizinr ' i ' : ?' a day, 7 lJj ...: ja.ja , Plants.; j;iy Indl(enioni u4 : law f v yi f iuu ae i' -.- '' -- - anraxTiKHiim,-e litoral ir mem tw iim,Ufirtiiirt; . . in the r straggling branchts of. yeur frnit and orniamsntal; frets ; that tha .wood' may harden andj .We refer eepe-r fruit buds'set 1 .strong. A. 1 if f, ,.. u .4 ." . tree; , The locust trees, eiauyto peaoh is vsry Opt r tci form too' 'VroadVshdf awarde- dWev eonsider.ithe iBoardthas aeted ; , .TtiHistod Ihbiittt tend thlrdTvet&iy in wisely this year in enacting the follow-- 1 - ? I il i " lii- ,' raout;: t --nrK mnn.tH.-- S ' 'i aJi ;.ui r..i5. "AaUnalawhleh naye taken prizes heretofore will stlll beeligible for exhibition, atd entitled to premiuiaSif eueeessfnV' ; vcxscxirriox.'rt ma imc- - ; i E. C. L ) R A . .: 'i fl F may obtein some oftius.seedt-i- f pre- niiinbd down. ferred, In place of the premiums Pjtvxnra. 4 V ARMS . a i'i F that ebuld bS obtained id (& SttUi the remove from the garden the plants ent o probability js tbit ftbe.s Baird Jbaye.sc-'-cure- d bloom that yon do nfrt with to seed the V ai good lead as is now. in the ground. V?j Territo ry.! Larniuka. Rather 'late, but if not i .We learn that all succsitfuleompeU-lor- e done, give your grapss, roses, geossbsr at the State r Fair; tb be holdenon nes, ourrants, raspherriss and ornamenthe 2d 4pd' Sd" days ef October next, tal vines a deep'xnoist ' layering, well, w " V. iJ . " - ;.".u ' S rbtftpOSrf of : . i , . . 1 V V The eugaSnanal grown (.thiSiyeac avae j ; .eTth elm phee Variety uid ast.wii 1m- 1 pbrted from .the beet and purest rreed . y-'- t t ? . - . v. ' ' raihpn'feseedj ;an& .fit ' 'pb-paga- te , 1 ; : - .. r . :jo. '. .. j" ' .!,:.,'',v, T . ' V " ; |