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Show t4 - ' ' r U ' . f lH it merit." Well, we heartily reciprocate the desire of sucsess to our old friend la-Elias, in his editorial career. Jf .his i bors. were half apprcciatedj he would be surrounded jwith everything needful, and j saved from any annoyance from mortal j. compositors .and.- paper - makeft. ... So along, brother; better days are coming, when editorial labors will be appreciated --F E i i I - a Ji M S U S 6 RiA - . j S.-ju- . varieties.- - .... r-- C L E ment; or you may bud the choicel sorts into less desirable aorta. A' most charming effect is produfed by ; budding- several varieties into one stock, all of which bloom . about the same period Col Whiting,: of Lake Springville, and W. Staines, tf ' some dWxable fine and. very City; haye I il iallyindebicd to J.T. ILvF.iP stetson, of Jtardy, of P iyt Wk are ec Ephraim; J.' T. Latcy, of Salt Lake CUy, and inany otl er s for. disinterested exertion 3 m exteydiag the circulatioq bf the Oracle.' Wb hope. they will continue; to do so more.r j'1-- , - ; i . .' - the reception of a dish of late visit to the Icity we fine sttawberrUsjfrom Mr.Twelves,of troro'. Iloxrv. ' : J had the pleasure ef seeing, a ease, of lus , an though! we l&vc seen many luscious ' Garpx3.- - C lip the runners from your clous honey produced by Theodor J. Cal- .unesythosshejp! esented 'would riralif not-bearing strawberry vines unless, you "wish kin, of bt. George; The sample was in a excel: any that have appeared tefpre usl I and un.to propagate.- - Finish transplanting at slide from a patent hive, weH filled Ilotticuliural in . appearance. .This solves oncc, which should bs dune late in the exceptionable Charei. Twelves, gardenerji of Pro- -' evening, running water along .the rows, the be a problem in this territory, and we ' Mr. trust that this is but the beginning of swf st vo, authorizes us to say that. he.; offers .to1 planted. Thin out the plants of your ii f. pay a forfeit jof $50, in choice plants' or lower the and hill up covsi portions things in these mountain vales. ) with of your ma'ddsr; protec your dahlias, Axtichokxs. If you wish agOjOd orop seeds, to the Utah County; AgTlcultqrsl stakes and Strings;' tie up your pinkd, an keep down the weeds,' dress the hills the Society, if j any person will 'exhibit at said County Fai thlslyear, a single Cucumber girffliinums, bells. and o her tall plants with same as forpotatoes, keeping that ground Yineto; b 1 electod prior to the l5th of and rat Of ithes lettuce, stems.' alepder moist; If you have them on a 'favora- July next, vth cn may produce one-ha- lf the select your, deed stalks and pull up the ble of and them ground,7. attend cumberB piece and weeds' he Ci of hat designi now, jta ' weight others. Seep down, the cannot fail to got at least 1,600 exhibit ijelrattacheid Ijo aviui keep the ground moist if you would have well, you aijiii bushels L to the acre; and may lutva .doua good garden. selects l,ind now growing in bjU ble that quantity. They are excellent garden. The jCucumbers ipf the competing Thu Weathxr is exceedingly dry and feed for your hbgs'fnd sheep, nd make party, of course! must bs . attached :to tho duaty,.withr some wind land whirlwinds of a first-rat- e .Any pa son wishing to compete with' served the eamej as dust. We have heard It. observed by old cucumbers. piclfle Mr. T. shoal d 'Write to his address, 'sc? 1 seen before it ; settlers have heyer that, they quainting him with thefact.' so dry. Still fruit and crops have, thus Sheep. 'There is no need of! having far, seemed to suffer very little. .The diseased sheep. Herd ,tne flock op bench " Jahks aI. ilAETxxxAr writes from Lb-ga- h ground dries out very fast,' requiring water land the more rocks the better, Caohi . dl,. under 7 to seems and often, vegetation unusually the bottom .of your kraal with Sai aihat at Paradise there are and inst., grow correspondingly fast. We hope and gravel, or what is discoveries' of ifair .indications of eoa), better, select ..trust a change of moon may bring us some covered ; with .Gfive thexk rocks. and material for tha: ifinufaotura of, much needed showers. , , Farmers and garshed to fsom open, thpm proeot glass has eenl found about Eogan; ;:A deners, however, understand that the dryer of rain and snowVand as far as possible, line of eoacheS jis td b6 ground becomes, the oftener it should bt pirtmptipn keept the skin froxxi dampness or wet 'and from Salt IAkp jCity. to thejNbihern worked and stirred.' then wash Well before shearing, and you mines, via Logan and Fort Connor: JA j . Budding Let it be remembered by will have healthy man, nam d jLlbyd yos. reejently .killed ' sheep. tliose who'wis to bud trees so as to ob;; PxAiruf s.1 So ' soon as these blossom,'. about; 35 miles from Fort Cojuior, by the ' iitain a growth this season, that, the next full moon is the most proper and desirable begin and cover the vine' or .. stem at the Indi aha; "his xbSmpahibn Jobestisaed j. CrbpWl he time 'for such manipulation. Into, peach place theblosson appears with a hoeful 1 by hiding nectaon aoeount.of.the stock you may bud peacl almond, eo.,' of earth. and so continue through- the sea- short' in Lathe v i t G fj t, into and, and apricot; rine, eherry, plum son, giving them plenty of moisture And a drought andgrassnoppsra. TwAnxoun-tai- n lions hate lately been killing'joung apple stocks apple, pear, and crab ,apile.. lopss bed, that the germs of' fruit' may set . In cutting out the buds for this purpose, stock in thstvibinityl and jthe'bpys had easily yenotratc. . , t' bud the the knife bring the xUban-tains.'ahoye To acco. Get your, plants set out now the jun of olasipg them into ina!t least as furbelow. When out it farther trouble with Indians. ing as. soon, a.veiy smU The man irhl washot neu rrohUin, is1 serted, wrap closely with loose wool. yarn ' stream aspossible..-.Buof water along near the ro its near; the whole length ef the wound. ; f. ? ? hV ly every day, Until they become (veil es- recovering jV-- j ' limbs are heavily laden tablished, the ground often around stirring W. H. Cii wrpiD writes ps)roDt;Wu ' with fruit, 'tie fr prop them up. Brush o the plants.. .. Juhderdateof June 1,'and sa ;s j all shoots or sprouts not desired to a and! prospect! is that the crops are allitT Sweet Potatoes. We have the plea- - - i r.Cut the top from your buds 6 to 10 i: f. l; : a. good for sine crop of cotton; at well as ' above, and tieup the sprouting buds.-;- Put sure of acknwladgring the receipt bf a cut for are preparing- - to;' fruit. jlieii-peopldown your layers of trees, shrubs and vines of sweet potatoesfrom . Frank Hills of this monthv.. Tie up your stand ard cur-- , Newport,' Ky. Five of the. tubers have build good ousss jand' substantial fences He has- fine pljiiits of the cotton trae, look rants .to a stake, so- they will, not be come up in thot-bed- j producing some ing well. They are also growing, success f ; whipped about by the wind.' Seep your dozen plants each, and are.now the right bamboo e tfte caae-thl fnUy, right arUcle - orchard well watered. : ' And for fo J' fine size are ' otit. 1 . sqtting They making! reeds., Therei will be' a nice ' iP . Roses. The finest varieties may be bud- - healthy, ond we. are sanguine of r Rising crop of grapei ceasidOrhig the Age of thrir ded into .wild stocks, with the.best hopes a1-- ' pies LezOp,' and ''probably the rst in vines. Quito a show of flowers will ' also J.V., be made this seasoi' of success as we hare proven by' experi Northern Utah., thanks.: . n1' : r On-pu- We acknowled: j . 9 ' - . vega-Cabl- es; J, . : - f : ai-rea- dy I- . . : . a - 1 " 1 ,'4e-'of;Jthef- . . . . . - -- - . -- - f " - : half-an-in- . ch No ' . n . . . ! -- v-- j j -- -f . - - . e - . - - . . - V . mm, . 1 . !. - - I. : ? ; .( i..' S': |