Show r 1 J fa lai 1 M li di 1j T riv wl v E ua r 4 i 11 n 1 1 1 at at nor t ly iinor clr e a1 L if 10 11 t pa I1 m al i 0 yaa tl or an oran L t fm ft 11 1 Hi r t TI 1 ailt t nanter er 1 ali of ti j torn yYAY i zi i t 0r I1 TILL ly needed 1 1 1 s nr j 1 ter P 5 ip T wa i eifle according 15 y regis egi s r there are ut bers jijon aal me neuberg neuibers le eli iile ore beirce 1 more we be confred to the arifi and we vie took a eail lin role in maearlina ny of its activitiess from am activity time to time tire liany of our leaders were s- ate afi cers the successff ill jica worships sorships ot of tho u Ss ea I1 11 festivals gate a in berul tion in eve ae 1 i t t OZI WP lcc 1940 14 dij 5 ou aloie L league alto i nr ton zhi hinr hinston out 5 bout officio ly aro dr te Euf fored physical assault or have been threateither suffered ened mith came hardly a single inconvenience irritatlae ion and bump in the evacuation itinerary has failed i to yield its share of irrational grines grimes against the an tr liliet to t ill tei many te all too nany ees have been pu toward the plate every time the citizens league came up to bat along the road evacuee who vas knot be bir the evacuee who should ater vias first goaded bonded by better know better into indicting inducting indic ting the JACL on every conceivable count of a long list of accusations rallying bailin from responsibility for evacuation as- if the par and tile the iriny had nothing to do with it to the irmy cavthe mass tables the rraso easons iar from tho aso ns fairall foi rall the off pot shots at the league may be traceable to the center potshots human handy scapegoat in hu nan impulse to seek and flo a hendy moments of despair and frasu bration frustration irever the reasons it has assumed the proportions JACI leaders in other centers have of major sort JACL f rely i frici fi Fri10ei co0 10 iio a0 p rl n balilo 0of clarity burrid flow fl ow of de i 01 lie iinp tho LT BES BE- T BBET barly a rood time to hk ba our heads and rise above the cens censure and calumny laich this is into CIA ouk nii r r il n JL k o 0 nt s arc T many a ny of back home k r ke our re no nor er scatternoi ecat i chitry itry Css all over ine co a result of r ener enet g e aci qa u d i 1 if yukio a aacd abc rp ra pp havno are at C ftp dr duke itatani is in tha Lq zanar center kiyono ed forgotten vias the groat good the did in the hectic days immediately prece preceding dinc our uproot uprooting in and dio dislocation location when steady streams of issei and anc nisei acl st orned the JAGL storied offices day and ni ht counsel and a desperately needed conse of stability in the wakaye is located in heert nidat of instability and evidently forgotten too is heart ie abaye reeater od the league cn do in the future buntain the still pr oun tain dr tad tani wass beatr as the one nisei ore organization in ini doka but is now reanimation aniza tion in a position to nally for nationally j-a anese located in chicagoo masao f or japanese leans thic is not a tine for car a iurata is at firt riley in time to but sup carin t kittai higashiuchi a id make the best possible use aid kimi is living of the pgood as food thiefs thi vail ble to us the TJ CL has of course in denver dr john koyana coursenever vil never letend ed science gila river fank angila but it still stands and works as our is in i i C ap 1 taba 1 bt st bet dyke layn Il gavia eddi ot ia editor oda and ben ka ata are in apache and jirney tirom v Suf ihara is teaching at the university of utah in salt lake I1 city yot yet with anny of us can find aaree leei ent in saying that rall is indeed a tasty diah ra once in a while the enjoy di en lies in guessie what ien hat is covered by the korow and ii the anticipation of finding your guess come uess corae bess true put rut t e koromo korono itself does not the hole f the aal es ence lies in what is the essence 1 ath jur tu t sSo0 no latter how hoj glit p litterine terin and beautiful a imy look a trinket a bauble and is may not be cl as a jewel unless the innards are clasased sedas P trinket trinkat nff the ius lus be it ame are 11 quality as the surface solid or sterling sterlina sterli nr superficial education larel for the real na s oa still it in sophistication in and all may but cannot ith true wisdom and humility qualities which are en cried caled upon those with faith in the spiritual guida tee guide ice of the buddha once a while rev K kumata new were carrying on leaders sharing haring the burden SOPS of barden with sore BUG wo we the old stand bys but have been f or tun te I cause cause 1 were n re sence blessed of with the our national director rev dunate his advice and leadership has proven invaluable croven inva lua le to us in our greatest hour of need our has grown rapid- ly in size since ue to and ies activities its start Imere in and it wili ivill contin 1 grow with the keen active tive sup interest and ac m denb ers have givport the to in promoting en to0 ddaate the ideals of this re ious youth organization |