Show STATE NEWS david A johnson has been appointed postmaster at moab grand county madge hamilton a denizen of salt lakes halt world saturday taking morphine the thirty sixth annual conference of the methodist missions was held in salt lake city last week r harold jones aged 10 of salt lake city Is dead from lockjaw caused by a small splinter in his foot grasshoppers are doing consider able damage to the second alfalfa crop in the fields near north ogden work on the water arks system for monroe Is progressing rapidly the last carload of piping arriving last week the united states corn pany has purchased 1015 feet ol 01 lumber on the uintah reserve in the vicinity of colton the public schools of salt lake city will begin a week later than the usual time this ear the date set be ing september 17 it Is expected that 1500 delegates will be present at the annual meeting of the national wool growers which will be held in salt lake city in jan uary wholesale dry goods men say that fall deliveries will be heavier in spite of the fact that prices nearly all round are higher than at this season last year the fall campaign in utah will be formally opened this week when the state committees will meet and issue calls for their respective state conven abe jones and koyal hanson prove lads about 11 years of age were se verely scalded through the explosion of a can of boiling water with which they were experimenting because the garfield smelter re quiren more brick in the con of the plant than was at first calculated upon there Is a serious brick famine in salt lake the threatened trouble between the employed emp loyes and the officials of the utah independent telephone company at ogden is likely to be averted and the demands of the men granted while returning from a visit with neighbors george wahlen about 35 years of age dropped dead sunday at noon just as he was entering the gate to his own residence at ogden the kaysville Kays ville canning company has been making a successful run on beans and fru ts during the last two month and last week the first carload shipment was made to a balse ida firm the sixth annual meeting of the utah state pharmaceutical assoria alon was held at the hermitage in ogden canyon last week pharmacists being in attendance from all parts of the state while painting a smokestack at the inland crystal salt company s works near saltair beach john white a painter tell a distance of twenty five feet sustaining injuries which may prove fatal councilman A H moyes and rob crt paine presented their along to the ogden city council at the regular meeting last week the res Ignat lons were accepted and the men were re elected the committee appointed by the miners union has succeeded in rais ing sufficient funds to guarantee a big celebration at park city on labor day addresses will be made and all kinds of sports pulled off while mixing a combination of 11 auids and powders for the ture of fireworks hanaw a jap anese restaurant keeper of salt lake was badly injured and the room wrecked the chemicals exploding joseph barker of huntsville who owns one of the biggest private fish hatcheries in the mountain country received last week trout try from the amethyst fish hatchery in colorado to be planted at his hatch ry burglars entered the west jordan meeting house wednesday night of last week and stole three quilts made by the ladles relief society the quilts are of ornamental design with a picture of the temple worked into the goods information has been filed in the district court at provo against george perre charging assault with a dead ly weapon with intent to murder perre is the man who stabbed young wright with a pocket knife on the evening of july 24 herbert hogan aged 18 a dairy wagon driver who lived at bounri tul was drowned jn the swimming pool at becks hot springs while in company with his two younger brothers hogan could not swim and got into deep water with the gravel taken from the new sand ridge cutoff cut off the union pacific Is grading for a double track between ogden and ustah six miles east of ogden it is figured that with this piece of double track the local yards will be greatly relieved the mount pickle company la re beiting large quantities of cucumbers dally at their new salting station at ahe structure that hag been erected is feet in size and contains five large vats each with a capacity of tons of cucui bere |