Show PLEASING THE LITTLE the true pastor regards the little folk of his congregation as important members of his flock and does not ig nore their small tastes and prefer ances the two ministers quoted below are wise in their day and genera tion and will reap a harvest of con as their tiny parishioners grow older not many sundays ago a prominent new york clergyman preached an un usually long discourse and the chil dren in the audience grew uneasy at last one small boy in tones loud enough to be heard in his neighbor hood exclaimed with more force than elegance H ish up his horrified mother fearful lest the remark should have reached the minister s ears soon made occasion to apologize to the pas tor my dear madam said the clergy man I 1 wish I 1 had heard the 1 atle fel low it Is time for me to stop when the children are so weary the pastor of a town church was calling on one of his parishioners when the 1 atle four year old daughter came into the room have you ever been to church asked the pastor I 1 went last sunday how did you like if pretty well only you dian didn t sing hymn and what Is your hymn little one jesus tender shepherd hear me well little lass said the minister you come next sunday and we will sing your hymn the next sunday the large church was full the little girl sat eagerly waiting close to her mother who looked doubtfully around you must not be disappointed dear it bour hymn isn t sung there are so many people here perhaps the choir will not care to sing a child s hymn but he promised mamma replied thy little girl in entire confidence the grownup folk who filled the many pews and who knew nothing ol 01 the little girl may have smiled when the choir softly of the morning anthem bless thy little lamb tonight but the little girl her self was content youths compan ion |