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Show THE ZEPHYR JULY 1990 PAGE 4 (SOB an interview with the grand county commission June 25, 1990, an Interview was conducted with Grand County Commissioners Feme Mullen, Merv Lawton and David Knutson. The Interview has been edited for clarity and length. are vou hearing now? Zephyr: what kind of allegations Dave: I have no proof Just allegations of Improper spending of hospital money on rent, phone bills, meals. They need to be cleared up. The Hospital State Land Board Recommendation On Zephyr: Explain to us wtiafa happening at the hospital. Who's wrong? Who's And what can be done to solve these problems? right? Merv: Ifs under the control of the Hospital Board. Zephyr: But Feme, you alt on the Board. DM vou foresee any of this happening and l the financial situation there as bleak as some aav It Is? Feme: Ifs a loaded question. But the Board acted In a way they felt was best for the hospital. We had many reasons, despite what Mr. Bioxham said. We didnt think he was giving us the right answers. We had complaints, and I personally went to him on several of them. Zephyr: What kind of complaints. Feme: Personnel problems, mainly. Nothing was ever done on any of them. I had complaints about people working there. The building was slowly going downhill The grounds were a mess. As long as I've been on the Board, weve been complaining about maintenance. So he hires two more to help him do nothing. We were getting reports, but they were not what we needed. We asked for more detailed reports, but we never got them. Ifs a traumatic thing for the staff, and for me personally. But I felt It was the best thing for the hospital to make a change. All the employees had the fear that they would lose their Jobs. But the new administrator assured us that anybody doing their Job would be OK. Zephyr: Bioxham has said he didnt know why he was asked to resign. Others have said It was mutually agreed upon bv Bioxham and the Board not to discuss the reasons for his resignation. Now hes publicly claimed he doesnt know whv he was asked to resign. Do vou think he knows the reason? Feme: I think he does. He should know. Zephyr: But the Board still will not discuss those reasons. Feme: I told you my reasons. Zephyr: How could that trust fund have been so depleted without anyone knowing about It? Feme: We never got a report on It And he says those trust funds were a grant for the hospital for the boiler and all this. The boiler hasnt been touched. This Is one of the big things coming up. We have to take care of that boiler. Dave: I have concerns about whafs going on down there. Not so much with that's to be expected with new persons coming In there. My concerns are personnel more on allegations about how the money's being spent My concern Is the citizens of the county have questions and cant seem to get an answer. I'd like to ask for an Independent audit to give the hospital a dean bill of health, but this morning John Johnson came In and mentioned that a public meeting will take place on the 19th, and thats a good step In the right direction. But I havent abandoned the audit Idea either. Feme: No one has pointed a finger at Mr. Bioxham to suggest he appropriated or money anything like that We Just want to keep the hospital going. Merv: I'm supportive of the hospital board, but there were aspects of the last administration that I didnt fed too comfortable about, and I wasnt surprised when the present Board asked for Mr. Bloxhams resignation I think It was needed. Dave: Let me add that when I call for an Independent audtt, Im not talking about what went on In the past. I'm talking about the present administration. recommended Jimmie Walker to fill a vacancy Zephyr: Recently the Commission on the State Land Board left bv the death of Cal Black. Did you reguest applications for that position? Was there an opportunity for others to apply? Dave: Let me address that At Cal Blacks funeral, It became apparent that there was a big vacancy left on the Land Board. I wanted someone on the Board to reflect the I values and Ideas that I have, but also the values of the people I represent talked to the from other commissioners counties and San Juan Commissioners and Pat Spurgln and other Commission and said, I'm I they all supported Jimmie. then approached the Grand County Will you support that? Land Board. for the a nominee as name In Jimmies going to turn I still sent It In. would have not And they said they would. Had they supported It, Zephyr: But If someone else wanted that position, could they still come to vou for recommendation? a Dave: Sure. Sales Tax Exemption on Food If Zephyr Do vou support the sales tax exemption on food, and It passes, how will It affect revenues down here? Feme: When It first came up, I was very much opposed to It, but now I think I'm forll Were one of the few states that have It I think we can find ways that will tax the rich better. Zephyr: Do vou think the state would actually do that? Feme: I dont know, but we can made recommendations. Dave: Im opposed to It, because whether we consider ourselves wealthy or Impoverished, we all have an obligation to contribute to society and to those services we all enjoy. There are a tremendous amount of people who only pay tax on food. Renters don't pay property tax. Currently we're putting all our eggs In the tourism basket and that's a tremendous amount of revenue generated by the tourists who pay that sales tax. Feme: I disagree. If youre renting, theres taxes In what the landlord Is charging for rent Indirectly, youre paying his taxes. Dave: It could be construed as a pass-o- n. Merv: Until the whole tax structure Is changed, I must stick with the sales tax on food. We must find a better substitute before that tax Is dropped. A lot of people are concerned about the tax exemption for children. People that have large families say 'Look at the sales tax we pay,' but they balance those two things off. Unless they do something about that exemption for children, you get a very unbalanced situation. Tour Tax Zephyr: Would vou support a tour tax that Is a tax on tourists who take river trios and leap tours and the like to generate more tax money for the county? Merv: I'm In favor of It Zephyr: Do vou think Ifs lust a good Idea, or something the county would seriously pursue? Dave: In my opinion, I could support It, but I think there are other things I'd rather pursue first The burden still falls on the local business person. Collecting another tax Is a tremendous problem-mo- re forms. I hate to put another regulation on the small business If But Is tourism people. going to be our mainstay, we have to find a way to make It pay. CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN WEST minerals & fossils , jewelry & fine gifts We mine our own The Plaza Zephyr: Related to tourism Is the proposed Piara. Ifs been suggested that the Commission could reapportion Travel Council funds to help finance the Plata. l that true? Merv: A bill that might allow that did not get on the floor. It might In the special session that would allow 1 to go to building, rather than advertising. Dave: From what Ive read, there Is already built into the transient room tax provisions where some of that money can be used for capital Improvements. Whether we can take that right now and apply It toward the Plaza, I don't know. And I dont know If I would If I could. ZephW: Po vou feel we still need to advertise this aiee? Merv: My personal feeling Is that with the amount of tourists coming In, It will n w nea In magazines around that on articles Pen money vwrlcT118" We also carry books, tapes and other gift items the other 810ut things1 rt looking at using that transient room tax money for P-- wb next to the Inca Inn 259-517- 7 am-- 9 Bulldozer Zephyr: What was the cost of the D--8 dozer the countv bought as well as the tractor and low bov that went with H? Merv: I believe the total cost was about $260,000. Dave: What does that have to do with the dump? Zephyr: Isn't It being used for the dump? Merv: Sure, because we have some to do there. Dave: But It wasn't bought for the heavy ripping dump. You have a D--6 and a D--7 dozer now. And the countv. according to you, . trapp6d r monev Wa It conceivable that we could have gotten bv with what Gary and Elizabeth Fleck 550 No. Main open 7 days a week: 9 8 pm i'i1 i'll vaiiBmjl naor Feme: I don't think we couldve spent that money on Dave: Some of It Is general fund. Zephyr: How much? lPave: m no ur- - Its flood and Im going wnat is It that we apend money on that question Is OK to spend money couldn't that money be spent better elsewhere? Well, where? department and we have to prioritize those needs. Mery: On this 8, the D--6 and D- -7 were worn out D-- anything else. to answer with a question, on? People always say -There are needs In every |