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Show Bates Wilson i in his own words Fifteen years before Bates Wilson became the first Superintendent of Canyonlands National Park, he went to work at Arches In that same capacity. The 50s were years of dramatic change In Southeast Utah; the uranium boom brought thousands of prospectors and fortune hunters here. From 1949 to 1962, Bates filed monthly reports on life at Arches, and through these reports can be found the history of that time. What follows are excerpts from those reports: April, 1949 GENERAL: On April 11 Russell Mahan left for permanent duty as Superintendent In One trip to Natural Bridges was made and the area found to be excellent hands. Bob Sundwall has done a very good Job this summer as seasonal ranger. We are sorry he Is unable to stay on the Job tonger. TheI return trip from Natural Bridges was made via Hite & Hanksvllle ana Just how to advise the many visitors who Inquire about learned, first-han- d, this route. One night was spent on a point between two of the 60 crossings In North Wash while a roaring flood ran Its course to the Colorado River. Four hours were spent the next morning working through the remaining six miles of the canyon. My wife and two little daughters are now experienced road builders. It Is a beautiful trip, but I dont advise taking It If there Is a sign of a cloud over the Henry Mountains. GENERAL: of Colorado National Monument, leaving Ranger Earl Worthington In charge of this area. On April 19 I arrived from El Morro and am Just recovering from the confusion and headache of moving. , Cold rain fell for a solid week, March 27 through April 1, and WEATHER: during the latter part of April we have had three days of high winds. For ed these guys from El Morro the weather seems quite hot at thick-blood- present, but I understand It Is not unusual. October, 1949 We have enjoyed warm sunny days and cool nights until winter dropped suddenly out of the sky on October 17 In the form of cold rain and snow which raised the Colorado River two feet at the Moab Bridge. Court House Wash ran for three days making It necessary to close the entrance road. One visitor who didnt believe In signs sank deep In the quick sand and abandoned his car when the water started running In the window. WEATHER: . SPECIAL VISITORS: Mr. John Ford, motion picture director for Argosy Productions, arrived In Moab October 4 to look over a location for the making of a picture In this area. He and his business manager, Mr. Farrell spent three days around Moab and were shown through the monument They said that their biggest problem would be making a choice of scenery and not finding It One or two shots will be made In the monument ' : June, 1950 PERSONNEL: Ranger Worthington took annual leave May 28 through June 2 In order to take care of personal business In Nephl, Utah. I took four days leave and worked as an extra In John Fords current picture Rio Bravo. I signed up as a calvary man, but much to the disgust of my young son, I found myself, the first day, with a calico dress over my blue &.gold uniform riding In a covered wagon. July, 1953 INTERPRETIVE DEVICES: The Cove Nature Trail Is In extremely poor condition. Due to the dry weather, no rain this year, the Green Ephedra Is brown and all specimens are poor. The Whipple Fish Hook Cactus has been transplanted several times, but within a few days It disappears. Evidently some people take the name of the cactus literally and hook on to IL The Galleta, Needle-and-Thrand Indian Rice grasses are still dormant and most of these have been tramped out or covered with blowing sand. Even the specimens Rabbitbrush Is In sad shape. The stakes have been moved to better specimens but It Is doubtful that the common person can tell one type of brown, probably dead, grass from the other. ead Bates Wilson and his Dutch oven. May 17, 1959. RED ROCK BIKE SHOPPE 352 No. Main 259-837- 1 rentals service parts tours & shuttles Tandem and Kid Trailers For Rent 9 AM - 7 PM Closed on Wednesdays The Grand Emporium on Main featuring: Original Paintings and Photography By Shirley Halcomb GIFT ITEMS Jewelry MOUNTAIN BIKES FOR RENT Pottery Greeting cards |