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Show SAMPLER G 4 HIE Friday, Oct. 2, 1981 IFsntcnira Mustang Musings the crowd in chants and cheers. It was a lot of fun and the spirit was tremen- by Ima Mustang dous! Save my baby was just one of the h J , V 1 '-- L.' ...' s V ;: ' Vt , J m, i v a' f V. ; - ' s v tf 'L,J f ,$ . (''-- '' ''. 'v it Jv vj . Shelley Pannick, second attendant escort Les Winldepleck, Homecoming Queen Anita Palmer and Mr. William A. Brown and fint attendant. Head Cheerleader Kelley Stephens and dad Ron assemble for the crowd shortly after they were announced during halftime of the homecoming game. Boise Cascade ' JJ fun and successful activities in which Dugway High School students participated during homecoming week. The first activity, of the week on Monday, September 1, was Sock em their day. Each student decorated could socks with anything that they find. Mike McMinn, a junior, decorated a Roman-typ- e toga. It was, as Mike put it, the ultimate in socks. It was made from cotton cloth. The top of the toga sock was colored with red' and black stripes. The front had a desert scene and a slogan that read, This is Mustang Country. The back was leco rated with hoofprints and it also had a slogan that read Stamp out the Braves. Mike was awarded the third prize which was a candy bar. Senior, Linda Wallace, dressed her socks as elephants. They each had a trunk and two ears. She received first place and a pair of white socks with On Friday, the theme was Maroon and White day. Each class was supposed to dress up in maroon and white Die seniors won that competition, tool! THE PEP rally held on Friday, September 18 was an exciting success! Highlighting the rally was. the Save The object my Baby obstacle course. for two people, a boy of the game a and a girl from each class, to save a doll from on top of a ladder. They went about doing this by one person sitting in a wagon while the other person pulled it around some cones.- After that the person in the wagon jumped out and ran to a table where heshe crawled under it. Then the person ran to the ladder and climbed up to get the doll. Next, heshe ran back to the table, crawled under it, ran back to the wagon, jumped in, and let the other person pull himher back to the starting line. The first pair to cross the startling line won. The eighth graders won after a competition against the seniors. The seniors were named Most Spirited Class, The Pep rally entertainment went danced to an as follows: The of The America. interpretation BanStar hand played the Spangled ner after the flags presented the colors. They played Winners Circle, Sound Power - the Horse and Son of a Preacher Man, and the School Song. the cheerleaders Using pom-pom- s, did their traditional routine to the - - horizontal stripes of maroon and white. ON TUESDAY the students decorated hats . . . You guessed it, it was. Hats Off to the Mustangs day. Page tie-breaki- ng Stephens, a freshman, won the D-ett-es competition. She used ribbons, buttons,, and construction paper for her decorations. The hat demonstrated her spirit for the Mustangs. On Tuesday evening each class decorated a section of the school for the annual hall decorating competition the next day. Each class worked diligently to make their section look its best. The . t1 71 . School Song. seniors took first place. r3j NOW THROUGH SATURDAY, OCT. 3 a: tinlTs 's Pink Fiberglas Insulation. Do it now before the weather gets cold and your fuei bill hits you where it hurts. Think Pink. Do it yourself and save. Savings vary. Find out why in seller's fact sheet on Higher mean greater insulating power. fiat 0 R-II- bU sq.ft. . R-19- sq.ft. q2 sq. ft. MARK I FIREPLACE FURNACE PATH SToma HDOOM Fits most existing masonry fireplaces to give you airtight efficiency. Controlled combustion and a large heat circulating chamber 6' Installs oyer existing you a complete I energy saver I patio door to seal out wind and cold. Tempered saftey glass. Bronze color finish. Model 450. Easy installation instructions included. ' Regular $599.00 Introductory Sale Price a. Model 101 Full size stove for full size area. Thermostat control you even distribution of heat. Fuel efficiency you 14 hours of burn on a load of wood. Removable door gives you the enjoyment of an open gives gives 6 lK P V Introductory Sale Price ything backwards, but with freshmen, you can never tell if they are coming or going, anyway. The junior high also got into the act. First the eighth graders were dressed like they returned to their childhood. They carried bottles' and security blankets. Mr; Kroff was called in as babysitter. The youngest of the junior high, the seventh graders, dressed to the theme of Happy Days. Neato, man, poodle skirts and duck tails. ON TO the next theme. This time it .was to the tune of Sweet Talkin Dude, day. Each girl received a flower at the beginning of the day, the flowers were color-code- d .according to the class that the girl was from. Once she received her flower she was restricted from talking to a boy that was out of her class, during passing period. This wetit on all day. The boys would try different ways to get the girls to talk. If she talked she had to give up her flower. Again the seniors won the competition. That goes to show you that one can never underestimate the silence of a senior female or the slyness of a senior male. Thursday night was the annual bonfire.' The faculty, students, and even parents showed up for the event. The cheerleaders were there to lead five-minu- Model 901 rubber protect wood No cracking, peeling or chipping Stays in suspension longer te liams. Mustang Team Captains John Witkowski and Tracy Mtillendore presented congratulations to the queen and her court and Anita and each attendant received a bouquet of roses. The homecoming activities would . not have been successful if it had not been for the Cheerleaders, the Student Council, the the Band, the Flag Team, and the advisors from each organization. D-ett- es, msai HUNTERS! Get ready for the tub season now! hunting 10.3 os. Penetrates to seal and . . $9)99 EXTERIOR SPRED OIL STAIN es pom-pom- SILICONE CAULK Regular $799.00 Introductory Sale Price Solid Semi Transparent D-ett- C3L For household repair inside and out. Helps save energy. Seals windows, doors, siding. Bonds to most surfaces. Remains flexible. Waterproofs. Seals.. i Insulates. Easy to apply. 10 year limited warranty. mm Fits standard caulking guns. Designed with the mobile home owner in mind. 34 size heats efficiently while using outside air. Hearth included. Eliddcn D-ett- es 71 I TURF BUILDER plus 2 7:30-6:0- 0 Monday-Frida- y 8:00-4:0- 0 Saturday Boise Cascade CUSTOM EXHAUST SYSTEMS Cascade Controls weeds and enhances iron deficient soils. Gives a complete feeding of fertilizer to help develop a thick, green lawn. Covers 4,500 sq. ft. Gal. Store Hours: festivities. Majorette Lea Fletcher marched the bank onto the field for the playing of the Olympic Fanfare. Die flag team presented the colors, and afterwards the band played the Spar Spangled Banner. During the half-tim- e entertainment the band of the Centurions, Send March played in the Clowns, and the School Song. The flag team and the performed routines to the first two numbers. The showed off their beautiful, new maroon and gold uniforms for the first time. The cheerleaders did their routine with the s to the School Scong. THE SUSPENSE that had built up all week was finally broken 'when booth announcer Leroy Carter introduced second attendant, Shelley Pannick, escorted by Lester Winklepleck; . first attendant, .Kelly Stephens, escorted by her dad Ronald Stephens, and the 1981-8- 2 DIIS Homecoming Queen, Anita Palmer, escorted by William A. Brown. Earlier this year Anita Palmer represented DIIS at the Freedom Academy at Camp Wil- like hippies. The sophomores looked as though they had time-warpfrom the fifties. The freshmen wore ever- If you feel frustrated and helpless because your fuel bill keeps rising, you can do something about it. Fight back against those fuel bills with Owens-Corning- Regular $619.00 ball uniforms. They thought they were the superjocks of the school. Well, on to the juniors. They looked like they just stepped out of a 1970s protest march . . . they were dressed ed . give The culmination of the busy homecoming week was the footlall game, Friday night, against North Summit. The activities surrounding the game were done superbly! Leading the On Wednesday each class dressed according to a theme that they had chosen. The seniors dressed in base- CHUNK BARK j! k Cascade Base Bark goes further. . . helps save money. Insulates against the loss of lifegiving nitrogen to give you more growing power. Heavy duty Ball bearing wheel ' w Long hardwood handles FREE ESTIMATES if, COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC TESTI Computerized Tune-u- p $39.95 3 cu. ft. bag. 14.95 Electronic even less im. Ow 44.95 49.95 " 1AM Closeout Items subject to stock on hand. 324 NO. MAIN, 082-31- 66 DISC BRAKES BRAKES 44.95 vtsa Nl MM (InMI lilt SMI its rt . 00 CCKfeC M ... MUM. an,. rimrimei DRUM TOOELE t can Install exhaust systi to your specifications and d at less cost!!! "We WHEELBARROW for better control 5 cu. ft. Rent your spreader. Bag ; CARTRIDGE 64.95 in. ar ncwm onr K( tw. LATION 109.95 promt END ALIGNMENT 16.95 SV3;- -" Trfc-20.- 95 air jONDITIONIN SERVICE 24.95 Includes 1 lb. Freon TRAMS. 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