Show Tv - :i J ' - r v - V 1 r ‘'T': - T-- " ' j isl L1J r- - -r? i -- V " - - r: ' F"1 T t-- i rf t A 3 -- linilij 6jr Air - - -' - “T erw yorjrL '- - iiiMiichM '“ nK - fc‘!" S t’iJ'Cit mtinlhrt -' j v cue month delivered bo Copy r " mmern i : — r: - " ' T - ’ — : East " 5 rtSVx 35WJ :ia 100 ) " :m carbs BusawiESi IMMERSE —— T HpiXADiT 'XiJTTf IIOLLADAY A IIALSEY Bankers ’ l!dt Tcmplo v I pvt f Uauit It XY ' POWtEJS i - ' Newmas II lkUlkClTS ' I ! ’ - Vm TV ChAR& - Milton K Clark J Civil and Mechanical A CO WM T! r Dankors Engineer and D ’aftsman ' Office Patent Drawings Prepared " 18th Wardono block north of Union Square " r 1 'East - i!'' : i N N1NGS WMJE Strcet GSL Tcmple City r violin Jimi Guitar trims C j ELDREDGE East Temple Street G S L City ! i : J J ' RANSOIIOPP&CO I j ' I'bttlenin Dry Boots KlieoH !' ’ - -- Engraver and Embroider Stamper v'y - j r -- Groesbecks Buildings near c JeMers Clothing ' Merchandise y j l y ' (At the lale Stand ! di jicl East (0ppos:tc Sait Lake House) Q C ' GVBOUIL0FSZLY1 A CO Wfif ndc East Temple Street GSZ City F REICII GSL City BUNOT G)S 0 y "'I r RISER 8 I City MEDICAL I'W V ANDERSON 1 Surgeon and Physieian f Office and Residence J - L DUAYON MD rPhysicLanand Dispenser of Medicines co Doors North of the Post J k: - y Qffic-7- 1 1 'hirteenth IVari — East Temple Street oppodtefcelegraph Office v Job Work dne to order Office Manufactwer of Copper Tin 8heit Iron and Zlnewares Rssidtncs— Two Blocks East of the Theatre r i f('K u l 415 Sacramento ivp i itvrlc&KAT auaty - and Battery San Francisco sQmmsw Sarfencir:?i y (iteidiY Conn ) - A H SACU8 A CO nd Goods Uoodshitt WliulMalaiUoaleis in Fancy 'iuid MiHlnerv importers ' 4D) Hoelery Yankee Notions Etc td 416 ncruneirto street and 219 to up stairs SanFrancliccC i j J i i OBIN MEAGHER A CO j ! - ’ and Jobber of Pjmevtice Fancy Dry Goods Importers ' Hosiery Small Notions Etc x 516 £ftcrrnecto tiVii San Francbcv i ’ I dONK8 DIXON 22S Battery st K-3- m - Ac CO- - corner Sacramento street -- an Fraacbcoi Importers gt Lores Embroideries White Goods Hosiery Fancy Goods and Small Wares : ‘ i" 16-3- m 1CASTLE BROTHHR8 j r : Whol eealeGrocvrs 216 Frpnt street San Francfced ' TO r- - ! ' r - - ‘ L J HYAN i ' : - $ C M DONELSON Coopei: m' West side East Tohiple Sueet G S L City ' Opposite Telegraph Office -- SIMOjy pIlfKELSPIEL Sc ALDER v v'V: 4 Jtu—Chambers street New York' ' ’ f Staple and Domestic Dry Goods IMm Z1 1 JENNINGS BREWSTER Mahofturers and T BROWN v p and Express ExchangeVOfllce East Temple Street G S L Jk CO Whejlesals Dealers in Clotninr Ebn r ubhing Goods Blankets Hats Etc We rre neriBg the above Goods by every arxiral fVn our Manufvefuring EstahlishmeoL NsW Yort Wwwa vre iqvite th attention of the Trade F i 1 Uryytraet dtjIUtah r ' j“ r Custom Wcrk done to order Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS T HAWKINS - - 413 SiSd 1 GSL City Etc street between Sansocne H f t :r- Copper Tin Sheet Iron ahd Zincurore Manufacturer A CO Coopcr: ' Weet side East Temple Street G8L City -Molasses Barrels Wash and Batter Tub Buckets Churns P TAAFFJB and Cooperwarc of all kinds mado to order' 5: and Jobber of Foreigij and Dpmestie Stanls and" Importer Dnr Goods Carpets Dock Etc T : ! ' NATTA v 301:and 303 Front street corner Sacramento ' Manu&ctnrer of Cooperware San Francisco-- ' 'v y lMm j East Temple Street a few doors below the Post Offics DI3SKELSPIEL fc CO ( GJ3L City h V 301 California and 223 A £25Battery streeSSn FWtneiseel TINNERS EDWARD STEVENSON M D j-- 16-o- b tl ' B Sacra-iment- oj Importers and Jobbers in Clothing Fcrnlsldng Goode I i -- - 'California and Battary Street Sui Francisco id JCbbers of American and Foreign Dard Cutlery Farmers’ Mechanics’ andMlneN --Tools etc EOS I I1ENRY PERKES ' : warejjtc Ii Dj BENCHLEY A CO between zee I COOPERS TRIPP Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes East Temple Street G SL City E Battery Street San Francisco Caiifiwwt on SaltObaiice City' Utah Territory! Bljttr Drafts “ Aim tih Nevada Territory ilor attention given to Purchases lor Utah L City nOTEL x V City Commlseioh Merchant - Extensive Yards' and Stables ' (Opposite Saif L:ike House) on hand a large jStock cf Gents and Ladles XUlen in Fancy and Stvplo Dry Goods G roceriee Uard- - Constantly Boots and Shoes Fchooi Books for sale ' ' & - it importers and Jobbers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Kcb &H and 311 Sacramento etreot above Front San Francisco yA Crner of Emigration Street and State Jtoed East Temple Street ‘opposite Town Clock i SJ DIILFELDER A CAUN ELLSWORTH A TUFTS Proprietors Gentlemen’s and Ladies Fashionable Boot and Shoemaker -- SONS H GaxxnxRatnr New York I&Cza ttantoJ traet New York MANSION HOllSB BOOTS AND SHOES j ' A Temple Sireet I Temple Street G SlL City glmH - 8outb Temple Street O S L' City East Temple one door above Second South -- 1 NATIONAL ' Watch and Qock Maker t Westrside Ead Temple Sireet G SL City r Ing and furnishing Goods Dry Goods Fancy Goods' aud Toas !tuv Fiancisc'i Clothing House! £uk Teiuple Eli as on is j F LITTLE Proprietor Utah Street G Si L eatis£ietosily JTOSj Watchmaker and Jeweler LAVEKKEItG & AUERBACH KEWFIELD ov promptly A j “ V JS ! (at MartinR Paint Shop) - AARON west side four doors above A awrenco General )rovbrion Store market price! paid for produce i Has constantly on bad every'arttcle in the line of MilUn- exy of both Straw and Silk arid Fancy Trimmings' -- I EAIT LAKE HOUSE ' Id Dry Goods Groceries Hardware Clothing Boots and Shoes Jewelry and Fancy Article — JAMES LINFORTII1 O City IIKNRY RISER East Temple Street itest side Nixon) GKL HOTELS j I j Setdera 1 V' Jewelry repaired on short notice Repairing NEEDHAM nOURKE East Temple Slreel GSLI City - CALIFORNIA East Tcmplo Street’ second door south cf the Poet Office' f' East Temple Street west side G S L City done and V - CIIAHD & DAVIS KELSON LADIES DEPARTMENT 1IR8 COLEBROOK Watchmaker '- ----- II EGAN A II DIN WOODEY "East Temple Street G S L City & of AVm Fausts - Watchmaker and - ether : i- ' Travelers and Emigrants’ Depot Liquors Tbbacco and Cigars always on Cabinet Maker and Undertaker West side East Temple stroct O 8 L City Stables WATCHMAKERS A BODENBVRG A KAIIN East' Temple Sired G SvX City Goods 'Groceries - Painting in alb its Branches j in-Dr- i IIUByMlLEYs HT blocks east of the Theatre First South Temple Street ! Cabinet Makers and Undertakers Office of City Sexton Sign Writer and Ornamental fainter Dealers in fcencrol Morciiandisc have constantly on hand a choice btocltof Liiits Lawns Delaines Brood Cloths Domestic Goods Urocerieeete’ - 5 j- CAPENER A TAYLOR HENRY MAIBtlf " ! j f gUenig and Provision Store (Two doors below Godbe’s) City OURSENBACII GILBERT & SONS jnsji Xcmplc Streli GSI Cily T V f ‘ i Eutfeople Street V' - 'llDRIICE Clothingi Hats Fancy Groceries Cutlery Tobacco T Cigars etc' etc TAYLOR f -- CABINETMAKERS Glass Pntty Paints etc sold by refeaiL Ilcaicly Made Goods do : GSL City 11th Ward GSL City j F Snider’s lumber yard) (Oppoiitslfn Varicties-otaBb always on hand' ' i East Temple Street west site' G SL City t - East Tnnph Sired G S L City 'V LATIMER nigh ! ! Notions - pry Goods ilerchants and Dealers in 'Groceries and I" General Merchandise f j - East Temple Street KNOWIiDEN & DYE CLATTGX WK 1 - j BAKERS 4! CRONYN & CLAYTON West side Aast Tefhple Street G SL City J Comenof East and Second South Temple Streets G 8 L 3 j Wholesale and Kctail L ' ' - East Temple Street Great Salt Lake City " HENRY RAYMOND Teacher of Music and Dealer in Music Musical Merchsn--I ' A ‘V dice and Instruments Bakers and Confectioners r Office— 1 doors south of the Post Office' Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired Street East Temple G8L City opposite! Dait’a Gun-‘ r Tuition— $A1 per quarter smith Shop I Candies KeS Cakes Btood and Crackers T always on hand - - A SUTTON East Temple Street opposite Town Clock G&jL House Sign Carriage and Ornamental Fainter A Liberal Discount made and Groceries ' for Gohl dzORQS CRONTN ikUGII FINDIiAY Manuficturbr of Matches Inks Blacking eta ' Mjieal Merchandise Crockery Saleratns and General Merchant Tailor ARTISTS EDWARD MARTIN " -- i ti Deseret jPottcry 7th Ward GJ3L City Liberal Deductions to Dealers CLAUDE CLIVE Bakery Dry Goods Grocery i JAMES A BEDSON EARDLEY I ! Hardware Quccnsware Boots and Shoes II W Lawrxk£& JXL Kjvbail ' I & LAWRENCE KIMBALL " BrUoods Combfnakcr East Temple Street four Coon below Post Office TAILORS JTHOMAS - :V A'lLA - - Door and Blind Makers i : Sit SOM — d j saddler - Professor of Instrumental Music and Singing Residence —Twentieth Word Instructions given in cbiss or privately Pianos and other Instruments tuned Music arranged for Choirs and Banda -- - - East Temple Street 6? SL City WhcJceftle and retailDcaiers in Dry Ooods Groceries f Ward-Xtlmelen- City- - - : i IIOOPEIt v ! PaidrGoinj WALKER BROTHERS ’ East Temple Street G S L City j i r V and other Colon North Temple Street 17th Vinegar dlways on hand ' Importer of alLkinds of Musical Instruments and City' in to ordor latest the made of every description Musical M erchand so—fur sal e at the lowest prices Fresh Clothing Style of Fashion ipplies regularly received of the very beet quality of i " P PASCOE J Hanu&cttlrcr of White Lead 5 Highest lrito - L Ac Kays Eesidence P 1 Blacksmiths Cor f East and Fecond ' outh Temple Street OSL City' Are always on hand to do all kinds ol Blacksmifhing Horse Mule and Ox shoeing done on ehert notice 2 DAVID O CALUEI1 Goaeral aad tfliblmule And Jtetaii Arercluinta ' ' At crchandisu: Ixnporteroof ' BndWeL Goods New from j Eut CourtaatJy Itcceiving — ' ' v j j ILtS ELDRRDaS XI'lIOOYtr i old Staod - MUSICJiLt VvWh deeale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries 'Hardware (luuenitware Boots and Shoes i m 1 merchants' 'L A U Architects and Builders Street Second Block cast of State Rood Emigration 20-- ' j1 Banker East Temple Street GSfi City OoWi luid Kxcfunge lJouglit ahdTSokL - P WM WM JENNINGS ' f la all Its Branches- at Stand Ish's P MARGETTS A J First Door South St Blanufictnrcrs cf Crockcryware ' firrt South Temple Street CL S L City (Basement of Moore A Green’s old stand) - R B MARGETTB SILVER A JIROZALL CARTWRIGHT A EARDLEY OSL City I Temple Street (Salt Lke llouse) OSL City ’’Exchange Sold on any jKurt of Europe" ’ “ Union Sqnore GSL North Mill Irons and Machinery Forged to Order Blacksmith-- ing In all its brandies Horse Male and Ox ShoM always on band APPLEBY f Sack Faetoiy EtilJAII PEARCE i Clark" Johx I jf i- East Temple Street (Opdbc’s Old Drug Stdre)GSL City t Dealers i CoiiiClold Dust and Excliongo v ' r : Attorney and Counselor at Law and ollcitar in CLa Story Debts Collected Deeds Powers of Attorney etc carefully drawn up for the States and Europe Depositions AcSAMUEL BRIN G HURST knowledgments etc j taken according to Lnw Iyr any of tbc States oTerritorics Declarations for Citizenship at Wogoirond Smith Shops' tcndol to at tiic elioi test notice and on Liberal Terms Emigration Stieet 3 doom east of East Temple Street Office at iny rosidenret Moi ket Street one onda half G S L-- City v blocks west cfthe Mafket IIqu‘ GSL City All kinds of Arming Implements Manufactured to Order rAUtt 1 kv&nx M 3 east-corne- POWERS NEWMAN& CO ‘ i Terms Liberal' Omci—Eart Temple Street (opposite Godbe's Drug 1 - : : PHILIP DE LA HAREf Bl&cksmI tiling ‘ 1 Basket and Gig Body Worker Kast Temple Street GSL City opposite Walker Bra's Third South Tcmplo (Emigration) Street j £1016)011111) 11 WuLireif side EastDrTemple blacksmiths BBRU PnOST Blacksmith : JJES Store and 8 Z‘i i XV Y ) I - PfOyjtrion s and Counselor fttLuw nnd Clerk- of the D-Attorney 5 Third Judicial District Court fJrUtali Territory Also Commissioner-o- f Deeds for tbo State of CiUlfornia Debts Collected and all Legal Documents: made out and acknowledged for the Eastern States onA California i' Sti ect QS1L City XJ City Office f Harness and Saddloxn&kcr East Temple Street tip stairs- west side O A Yi CSty Iv Manufacturer of Tih Sheet Iron Copper and Unc East Temple Street GJ3L CityOpposite Walker-Bro- S j ' ’ r- - BOWRINO E IK ALLENi PATRICK LYNCH 1 ' i PJOFESSlONJlL i i- ' - Temple Streets G S (Fdur Ufinn below Post 1 Tin Capper and Sheet Iron' Worker East Temple Street west side opposite Salt Lake llons 4 O S L City v Is 'V PEARCE D BUsil¥S8 ALFRED BEST Surgcoij and Mechanical 'L called for at office wrc'MJuth - - T l ! - - - I Carefully Prepared - WvCw OF SUBSCR’PJIQjN! TERMS " t-- 1 j : --: (Officer-Oppo- site “ TEKIIOUSeVr Editor-r the Theatre) Hu 5 - S CODBE Edst Temple Street GSJL City ' Pr3criptions Dross Medicines and Dye Stuffs EXCEPT SUNDAY MORNING jlWJtlBH i:n EVERY T ri II rdstsesslI cariis KUSaiVESS CARDS - - r i T I — t ( t-i - ' s s p f r ' ' '“Jr ''" r h': 4i - if- JW:T- - ' - - t ' r - Vy Jl 1A2eiC4RM V r- - i:1 :V y He i I- vV' I Vito t k j - - ' - T - - |