Show Lv j l’ - ' - ' : r ' COUMEIlCIAln : J i' or -- jt r 4 ii i'i ii t ' '" 1 iL -- -- ' IBlAltK WANTED It : s Titiouvo - ins Omci Monday Evening July 25 1864 Daily -- I’ CASH OR G00DS tf PAID POR 10 0 If ' j' ' V i -- : NEVADA T TO VIRGINIA ' 'I r ' : t : V ' V-- fl’- :V - "We quote T to-da- y: ' : l j ah tendency-Duar- r-- ' y Yt vfv'r i ' ij i "v y Cassimoros Flannels Sattinots Delaines - isl vl ' - '' - Sugars r Coffeo j Tea i k'"- 1 50 50 XUIUWAKX ! Shingle and latb All sizes upwards Castings pr lb M C0 1 EXCI5AIVOE & EXPRESS i- -- —NAILS J 8x10 ‘ 7 n 12 10 t ‘ - e P&0DUC8— k J Wheat r r1 r - - i y - GO 50110x16 70 BATES - - : 50 Batter 80- Ham ? - 60 dried V " '' t 35110 x'14 Hams1 smoked - LXATIIKB 85 a Calfskins 8 00 a 12 00 Kip skins 1 00 rMen’a f clfbootlfl 00 a 20 p0Men’s ' co?vrso : WARD SCHOOL T B A FOURTEENTH T T T RIPP v Principal RTLE opportunity to correct 'a rumor: in rates vizkthatlio of has raised the Tuition ' lation ' J Tho of Tuitiou aro as usual viz: irom ff to T- k'tyr j mAKES-tlii- s' V t r ? v- $6 00 Fourteenth Ward School Room y S on the neck some saddle marks was taken Any ono owning said horse will find ugTn'llush Valley Btables Halt Lake City 14- -tf - A ' II J FAUST 'A ' i: - 1 j A Good Newsjmpert A Pleasing Novel? A Good Book? A A Circulating Library? Exchango Dust for Greenbacks? 4 ‘ y ? 1 BOUT one week since frbm -- 12th WvJ a gray mare V mule marked “3 M” on left" shoulder: had a head-rii- ll on Whoever returns same to mo at Camp Douglas or at south cast corner of 12th Ward will bet liberally rewarded J 13-- 3 y ’ : : r ' t' V : XXCnAHOB 8TORB ' I (Em Tmiu r Coach zs Lbavk BANNOCK' CITY VIA time to connect With the Overland Stage wr the East m Or rica—First South Temple Street adjoining Jennings’ nm New Storo II 8 RUMFEKD Ageut 1 1864 BZTWKZX WALtA WALLA OREGON i via BOISE j ' CITY ' I'AUSTS STABLES ---J IhUesi' y' - - i WEST BANNOCK I Timo to DENVER Time to ATCUIS9N Ii j 6 12 W L HALSEY ' xm $4 r! Agent if v ! a ! i HAVE MADE TRIPS WITIIIN FOUR DAYS - CORNER OF EMIGRATION ST Jt ROAD USUAL 1 Or oat Salt Lake City DT Wo run Two Wagoni THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUS I THE LARGEST AND MOST COMMMODIOUS ! Stock floid bypuh- - Worksndja i - r SAIERATOS 1 Our Coaches run Daily between 1 ri : and from ’ ! VIRGINIA CITY TO THE KOOTENAY MINES j To wh ch so Rich and Remunerative wp purpose ex ten i ’’ l lathis Territory where the tranaiont: or Bojonrxier may fin! tho by Farmer I ' : V : BEST FEED fi I T "5 r d A J OLIVER & M AJ3N SION ' J : k-- ‘ Ci 1 Co' Bannctk m D BROWN Agent Gs'L Cry jar -- Terms i DEEP CREEK UTAH f The undersigned have established a - J "? ingour Expross y W fi f W j: Being contiguous wKk the rj r- ’ i BANNOCK AND VIRGINIA CITIES STABLE I Weekly from BANNOCK tU GSL CITY on ' vV AND THURSDAYS i I -- I'' i — 1 - 1 nOUE i" f! near the Exxgjltiox Squau and within Convenient distance from th jMtral portion of the dtyTravelers will find ' this place a And urffi always keep en Land -- - 1i -- m LUMBER MOST DESIRABLE RESORT f v X ’ r ' ' " 'i I ORDERS FILLED2 ' 8H0BT JKWTCa I for the resuscitation of themeolres ae woll ae their weary andjndod inlnjaUt f V- - 49- - " V- DAY AND GRAIN - Cm abb ! A VOR "f ALUM INDIGO : NAHA EMiaB A NTS Y WarmBjwinp morning and 4 H OX every A F IL J VAUST 'k i rii - T f V- n1 — ! 4"- - v'v! f 1" SAW MILL i t - Tins VIRCIVIA CITY - Has on hand a Splendi4 Assortment of articles such as ' FIVE AND A HALF DAYS Stkjszt orrosm TsusoAra Ornos) -- i SvaU0 ‘JB£- nut CTTT rs-- gbockRryware la tho city AND' SALT LA KB fi -- - - OfND SOUTH TEMPLE STREET O S I CITY are preparcdL to accommodate the Hacks Carriages Baggios Sulkies and j : - -- EUREKA STABLES f gATB - ' - T i LINE £ s x1 be-hel- I - tx-lw- Aloo a LY ARRIVE FROM THE WEST EVERVIC MORNING In v ih- - f-i- - '! : i SALT LAKS CITY DAILY AT 10 O’CLOCK AM P'jilELPS : i ! fbr his ujimite ori the most ibyianemb Ml E e X i r SALT LAKE CITY AND V1ROINIA CITY IDAHO ’ y ' ' N election will d at the usual plaeos of holding y NEEDLES Ax eloctionSluj the several precincts in Great Salt Lake i t the first of for' Mopidiy next: the veentyjon day August purpose jof electing three coinmisaioncrs to LonTg and Short Darning Buokskin Straw Embroidery jLWJCatk bNivERsiry lands nx representatives for Groat Salt-LakCounty one select-mi- n Saddhn'fi Sewing etc otc Also a lot of ono sheriff one county recorder one county surveyor one county treasurer and one aunerintendant of ommon schools r suid coKniy also ono jiwtlceoir ilie and three fonoe viewers for eOch' pea® one xon-tUbl" ' preeinct in said county "v U:' v The election to be held within tho hours iprbscribedW ’ Books Mormon Doctrine and Covenants - r Jewelry ' kw '! ' 17-- tf E Y EAST county clerk Hymn Books Prottfs variety f other v ’"'I i COACUE8 Carrying Passongcrs Mails and Express Matter ' BOLGER 'AJffltfKJAK-fil-ECJTIOI- V i - TRI-WEEK-LY - See Brown Envelops and Stamps? J Isook in at Browtfi Jewelry? at Brown's! Anything you need? Inquire i At Brown’s Things InnnniorabW Look ye for Odds and Endd Haste to Brown’s Our First Advertisement? j Read Brown’s Stationery ' ' 'Watches and LOST! A ' V 20-- tf Tueedoy July 201864 J jr TAKE-U- P in 1HAVE my possession a bay Flat Ilaad Pony s't ' ' I pey-Quart- er j 00 llatc-- i i - 'circu- s - v I Boy at Brown’a Qo to Brown's Try Brown's Bay at Brown's Go fo Brbwn'a Try Brown’s ' At Brown' s Go to Brown’s Read Brdwo's Bay atBrovn'i Go to Brown's Gall on tho Browns Inquire of Browns: Gett at Brown's Look into Brawn's Excellent Ham and Green Tea or Black Tobacoo? Imperial and Hyson? Superb Coffeo? New and old Cheese? Seeds and Frait? Ten Thousand Best and Cheapest Cigars? 8B0 - i - f A Passage to the Minos? 500 Tho worth of your Money? The only N ewsmen shoes 'IT ’ I ' 10 00 Women’s flno boots L - ' 8 00 a 12 00 6 00 a 10 00 8 00 a 00 HAMUf ACTtJIIE AMD SHOES— :do' coaruo boats y-- i 7 DAYS! i Call at Brown's 1 Go to Brown s Do you want the best Flour and Bacon? ' Good Fresh Butter? i 70 a SO Upper pr side BMTS in charge of the most Competent and Tnwtwcrtb x 'T sengers This Lino also runs j j GSL City July r GENERAL MERCHANTS 50 60 660 Eggs 23 a 45 6 60 Chocso ncrar 60 450 do old 4oo 15 Potatoes C Beans per lb 86 b0 a 40 00 600 Hay pr ton 'Tees t 300 Lumber pr in 60 00 a 8000 ' Flax seel 125 20 00 Laths pr 100 r 10 00 Flour cwt 15 00 Shingles pr m 10 00 a 12 00 flora moal 16 a 20 Wood pr cord 10 00 a 12 00 Beet flosh pr lb - 25 00 Coal pr ton beef Driri V LAKE AND ATCHISON 50 6 60 Barley per bnsh file Sacra- - i : 1 WnOLKSALJB Xr EXPIlQ£g ‘ T D BROWN G & GLASS - I '' ' a i 100 a70Leadpr lb CO att: CiWlIKP WEZkAt BKWXX9I I v '7 Sheet Iron ti FREIGHT TREASURE ' 10 00 10 00 12 00 60 Wire 1 A SALT THROUGH TRIP INSIDE r OFFICE1 i-- 6 00 Coaches for Atchison leave every morning at " it TRI-WEEK- 02 a 2 00 Whito loadpr keg a 75 Linseed oil pr gallon ’ — t- CITY t INSIDE OF FIVES D YSj v GEO W CARLETON 125 CO Kerosenopr gallon ‘k-'V lake city to Virginia PAZTTS AKO OILS 1 60 NIA'THROUail SALT LAKE t 4 50 05 Coarse " lr bottle Uistortk do b ! v AT TRB ABOVE BATE 1 60 j Olie -- ' ' 75 60Domestio Tablej Tho Trip from U :'i SAIT: - convenience of theneo by rapid means of conveyance to mento and San rrancisc making the 76 Orders left at the TELEGRAPH OFFICE GSL City or 5 00 at the' COLLIERY will be promptly' attended to SOAPS Ohstile 'l K4 PROCURED AT THIS MINE 00 Ginger Borin odious and CALTpo ’ I TOW ' PLACERVILLE i 460 Popper k KANSAS o'clock 40 : ATCHISON passengers SALT THIS EXCELLENT COAL CAN BE a 200 40 a 75 Nutmegs i:- this lfne ore Neat and special attention is paid to the comfort i The Coaches - 1 SPICKS J Cloves Allspice S k 60 f COASTS a I i "sf uotm : 2 00 a 3 00 Indigo - QrwIa I- -- £ 60 Soda 60 Saleratus Dribd apples Dried peaches Tobaooe i Blankets THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFi ! to and from ' ! i OiVEBLAKD SIAIL Co v Is made EB $400 2 00 a 4 00 13 00 a 20 00 15 00 a 25 00 Poplins Shawls uaocnucs 4 100 Rice 1 25 Molossospr gallon candles 300a 6 00 Star - 'l- Unsays 75 al00 T5 i - f1 I 1 50 a 2 00 j Diaper 1 00 a 1 OOlCrash Brown j: a1 1 25 Irish ‘i : 6 00 a 12 00 2 60 a 5 00 1 50 a 200 2 25 a 3 50 Broadcloths ’ V s in connection with the " W0OLLXX ' I lOO CAL i-- i mm I 75 j 'I- : TELIEGRAPH COAL 50 75a00 Kentucky Joans Stripes00 a 1 25 Blue drills' Tieks " Vrtnte Batting r lb 250 Thread spoolpt dox Map - - ! WM JENNINGS a 75 125 a 100 Delaines - - ' Jv :i vnno COACEilES ATCHISON! KANSAS AND PLACEItyiLLE i 1 4 - ' -- Thft Ijiao is novr running M i i ' m ' ' i MjIlL’IKE and a perfect line of commanicatio between j ' 8 li -- 5 -- T v -" - ' ' ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC STATEB' ‘ : AND HAKE CONTRACT no changes ' Donimr - ? j j: 41 60 Boise Bannock 43 Virginia 41 Flour was slightly the rise Part of a load of oats was sold this morning at 4 60i Potatoes liave taken another step downward' OltCAT SALT LAKE CITY RETAIL MARKETS: ' i corxoir aoons 100 cotton 00 pr lb 80 a 100 ings 00 a1 00 Skein Heavy bra shoe a 75 do Fine Qingliams 100 al 25 Bleached shootings 80 a 1 25 Flannels : I? Nevada forma in connection with the Stage East and the Pioneer Stage Company VYdijt the" TU- X- BETWEEN - J ’on ' COMPANY milE OVRRLAND MATL carrying the to Virginia X Unitid States Mail from Skit Lake pity Line Ovcuand GREAT OVERLAND :U uOugr mar CAIUIYING THE Git CALL IMMEDIATELY l In dry goods and groceries we notice 3 y AT JIT STORE r -- J ' II r ' :i DARKy I i CoxxSlt) with declining : b i r- I i —For — :V - -i- RED PI RT 13 i it - - " y t OP t y - V-rB- J V OVERI ? ODDS ter yy y '7 y I I — - 5P - I 5 I r Advleo received from New Yorkon Sunday morning dcclinoin tho price of gold Tranproduced a stili further saction were animated until the receptioruifthenews that : Julesburg the Indiana had cut tho wires in the region and that tho cbknccs of immeTliato communication being opened lagaln wltli the East were somewhat' "mixed”— whereupon a’ general stagnancy pervaded the market-sellers being Indisposodo barter large suntt at the reduced figure of the morning and buyers preferring' to defer understanding can bo had as to operations until tho roported 'movements oh the political chcckcx'-boar-d r: f looking to a restoration of peace Tho repeal ofjthe Gold hill isritjw a matter of certainty 'After a brief existence pf ' thirteen days it become by Congressional enactment ori tho j'29th ult- amtmg tho wire— haring demonstrated Bays tho New : things tint York “Journal jof Commerce V that it “was capable ofinfi- nitoly more mischief than its bppononti had charged upon I V V! |