Show i V t - V - I:-- f a ut iiJ m J trjt hfrr'‘Lf- VV: tE X l 4 SJ if- r - ' V n "'' s ’ - 'j : 'l - 1 '! t 'f - ' : 'M - — : r - I I - deserters report thaffoaSjTjLcra intomWib the day bcfofo bujffrom somtcause it va w f - 'liiwt 1 1 jf nunibCb - - s “ tl HWI IM-f- o- tV — ' 4 - r ' boaribat t uini djr -- f I w OF PEACE PROPOSITIONS TOHAVEFREE CONDUCT Tp INGTQN1 TlIE: rUESIIETfS TEU3IS! ! j : - 1-- k 1 I : "J-- i 1 r tU I Mj!? -- - ?i 1 v?r- kDeserters are contlnu y coming Intemr linrs eijagW - thatnulLcnllcaltM well a We rt tuc"rr ' hare ixrt doleful stork 'amt byeotiple They h AS E O F IRE NEW LIFE I ha "1 tiiwrO ’ etacuaW AibutA etatra tlial PEACE UNIOHISTS REACH RICHMOND! The ‘Tribune' yjuO® igtou i 1 S“u ot aMe the Karpa street j on this ‘are n fcw a the TThTt:ntvtvr: strallnfjrcbcls only wfl hues li:wt liaTe idnRnietmtion Iff 1 nmr The bcfjii tieni t r Becuro to her citlrcus IIiaitleY IMPORTANT CORUE8ION- - lianneck Lake Ji were oil in reaching Suiinteni with aidnratiuti any prppwition from tb riW auOiU'm t force rebvf The from opprc 'Ih'it free DKNCK BETWEEN MU GllEELCY nigh Us by l&tlve to iaciQcatiish lior it known thil any j the greater part of its pit: Jcr Ikat a iUo community AGENTS!! Jicnaloo of liieatt w&e CONFEDERATE to the ‘TriVuc AND tlie rccclvetbahJ lQth f wliltVHTfr j A LcaJquartcr tlipalS liny be tlto atlomtcd arid albno" mfght hayo tra-h- e a heir nunwtiT moryi hw been inlnvluclns MaSa’a J Ins l!u jfurtc confiTenio at Xlajir File 'with at little IJISxVREUS u mptiou here lathat while there Ut honn TClSitl i two lmndrcd ixtuntl hcl£lnto Pcteraburg lately city by moonlight theTT°d this t on Hemt tiohon enaacil e the Fnltton aho had from gvernhieilt UiltoSj If The prom i(' Jthhtl Ira f rLeijr prop ciargo t bcnvillicrd in the hail dHigi of 'Cunt measure forgart'of the iiegtiation f peace U U isot C-hare '? N Ethel refill moro of the cpffcrs tho uro light 'by for' pice j WASHsholltsl promineitt'n-bflvtuftini wx to : whatever hear Itciug vlgoroutliy mine's Point Charltt§i avjv ThU wai na groundless boast— it gent or Mor Are from to a authorized eominUhmers have to been had may eery Sumter heavy rs'p'rJi:' J iubjcell ' UM A alpablo truth to every person here without imKrt:uit however in Inland: subject Vjj rU i jS' whether clUwn v tranilenrrcsldcntM- or pasier j-- AU the firoci reernt Sturncd tlw to the tbclf cipctlljiave consiilcnitiun vf miuiup VJ" aiiy Uwju ’ with 1&m n look view times back be which mav wo tions upooikbso suggest! by ) c U Kighty-onrebel tho prigiihfls brought ''liero fvm f report tlcgreec plcasurenad clinff lo tho recollection TAKE THE GAniUSON AP' tedRefugee llook that thcjWere in clirjie f4 stale Maryland t' inhumanly of them yrviili a tenaoity that makes us feel this ilio Secretary of tate has the timber traini aud were pveriakeii niAt - The: ‘‘Herald special vjf rLviTSDuna missourii xnorhin a dispositfou to bo very plain in some determine! to mak? t rfnjil demand upon the ltritlsli j bya poitin of tin pursuing force unierCnk A ff i times of observa ions onn changa of the pirate Somme— thu iininediaiely follow wl hut theiFuin guird JOHNSON'S ISLAND! (avcrnmcnt for the cur: Jnder AT HEAVY I com numerous ' v give the Kimaoltscjrvancc of possible to save tl train ArCtl it and r treii sl requiring- that gvvcmn t i informed- that lately na- - j A hak all from an other received exacted oil letter law leer international that ladies by to fron itvVVHsbiif:tjn miiJe the police that ' plaints ' IAve bccnf Wvhingtoc Car hi a: iv dy lhKkpMaryUndlalo'5tUil'miiiiy suu down the Imvjo after city passing through The latest information from Slicrman is that the enemy KanttU Oty 31 Tl retreat icrchoi c i:io intolliat jdace diily iishfuir j'j liecn lns iltcd by gcutlcmen approaching them WMiukcn fomrWclv Hy urPrlix In ir w!iK- - Pf thf IhffteHTvw Many were n rn douiMy rapid uur Vw:"' deUchmcnt of tlil1 (VloraiU under Capt Mivs off vrithVdl serUlioni on the Weather” followed cuttaiioocWc to rut ra iRwtur j v ta and had thlr bl whlla scouting near Frijgericksburg Clay comity came j Mauv of Ueui were I tatters V": ' i wore adTaiwe TJie Now them rebel 'see 300 biishwhkcr wlliuprt' positions (o' nptm about w r ‘ I r to ( Phr’ of The a the Federal uniforms and cOyectly replied lnrn from eitUen rtJH clmlletige “Uvenihg j whilo wf luiyo not the illghtcati objection lo reinforcement of Johnston J force I menTlicfr jwholi our s" immelifttely charged ujvn ctAmty Virginia wliohas some time Imvii gcntlcm II addressing H certain class of ladies qIjj ni&n iurmy is within ten Jf twelve miles of Atlanta J rebel Onrmenwerefi Fairfax countyliat the raiders liad'iin''ts$: ourfvUTeandablrtoily lilefightcnsue! on tkofi(taof the weather and “seems bonio' aihliall operations are progressing fowrabiy and was ifhe hilled Id rebel with j lvn force! their to retire plu lr fvsn vi nally uishiisjn grtting away Ocn ilragg hal arrive! at Xtlautaaint wonl1 if was 21 those ladies forid of such attentions: we have J v 4 wounded to laud 6 what killed wounded that and Ottr lass they tnAnage-ti Lrp uouij ' 1 upweJ cxercisiva personal supervision over the Kichanlsmeti them trouble toritheir thought‘ it might be of service to just hint that I ments 20 immeliatcly pursuel Major Jwitlg is rebel of has Gherman the that believe) It army nA— New Ynl ' the guerrilla in the direct ion of Ivnoxvilto when they jr t busli at? small “IloraidV Hilton correp-mdonThe into the Into MttcrHi bqt cidcdly safe It would bo Veil for “gentlemen’ to rfleaso numerous Union officers conAnoJ fhcro ISth vy lliere ha been severe fight in!y’oiir fr'4:t Washington 21 to find whom they aro addressing Harrisburg 20 ' Island under Gen Hitch ampw:j a received ha Jolinson 'Republicati sal the government apri f Not many years ago we hail s Idgh official out spatche received here last night indicate tliift our I from Shcrmafitiii Gen that Faxon a the recount sent morning announcing reguiwif dispatch expedition ra- k hero who waj threatened jvjtU the division 0f I tvp eonfo la pursuit eflrobtls ho 4 l Union llnev three times yes Thurs fiy to attack the rebel rigid Avero a the enemy assaulted I they rvckrturlng loss men so d at tuns The was ach little time st:it:ned lH'n wth uM''jufe‘W bfp tenhy and repulscn charged j hiabeadby widow’s fire shovel— he tnade a j amounts of plunder And uta1ned tha't imbixioU iu the retreated earthworks liind our men of enemy ottsly TLcyti foughtljpc mistake a successor was more fortunate— ho I Oen Crook on Monday last overtook a ivrtion of the neif thebatfervjwhichtliui u rered loss Tlie small Iudjikt capturing heavily jvery einemyfu JW&S lSS h6nest but more strategic an 1 is re- - j enemy nt Snicker’S (lap where a sharp engagement took : Hunter report havin rccci ed a dispatch from Averill J limber up anil le off with The rebels fought withlesienition but General On jiortcdf to' have been very successful in Other I A fight occurred iluiy'nioiiiiildviiiiiiiiliu dated nevu Winchi'Ster the 2th vrich soys: and cap- I ss Tlu at t m k w my I” We received wMpe o last to refer P"? rcinfirnent night ing quarters might great many nice turing over three hundred wagons heavily loaded with Creckcnridge dividedoU force at Barryuillt j Ciib-rvin ! I lock four who advanced rebel about divjsi-cother tlie and to VncliSer Vy littfeji- Items of Territorial history of tho same taking and stock lie also took a number ofrioners sending Karly to- - heavy fog and drove in our ph'kot to nearly i defeated attacked and Millwood towards i' llirly s yaviedhue but our sheet is small and interest- - Th? enemy left the if dead and wounded on the held i tyilva-rbefore At'a over WinclH Mi iT:fV and ter killing tlioy l’ringle quarter wounding ilay in front of !’ St Joseph Mo 2i ng telegrams this morning demand space there i and a fight eftiftocn minute follow tHldn which tlc 2KV xff hi otncc4'sanfanii' rapturing 4 cannon several " fore-w- Fisk commanding the Pejvurtment of Xorth-‘ Vf!ucontent with “a word to the I ourselves hu a ilcd small arm?r ai (UtiHit 200 prisoners GeuTUiey were thoroughly rcpulM! ' Vr J': Mijjiajuri has issued an appeal for five tlumsand loyal men ‘ij-'Wise V i seriously wounded ar iji our hands Tlie enemy hws Stretigthened agaiit the cnenty made ah iUr'iy'4'i I ' I i citfrU with a horse lmd such arms and luumumlion M i ' in officers is heavy il'ri aoncr rejnwt hi frce tt have j at liolfpa-- t yx and atteniiiteJ to carry oiirbslfiD Throe ladies passing by the south side ofthc J may lav“to rally theprotecii of life and sanlivOiir lnxjv rsrvofllicirIjro till Jtbi rylnyf been 5000 guuenilljr Temple Rlock on Friday evening last were erjy aiut the oxter ml nation of 21 ainnist upon them Then vith ublfKU'i gun York fNiw lie ilV vest'll tn o iug d jvi r t'i i Th o l grossly infill ted by two' scoundrels who fol- - in Vfcorthwwiirn Missouri mim end saysdispastin'!iave Iwen H’!icd with gr 0410-u-n i canui-li- -r rarnot until he wait m that tt great I BrBwy lowed them j professing to be intoxicated! and to vancing roimiiiu' ly the score Thc infontry also Lc made to preyeut (he r invaders now tn liiA-wore made by State Authority or until troi'pscaivlie t continuous' fifo with lmrski'trr st m:! without our capturing a an iu'curate Itichmoiwi fnmvreachiiM tai-cit-gct-il- l iO talking rclations witll tliciu j tr ' i' tnjtfoxrod fnom Ollier diftHctir that loyal riiiren? ore in' e infcIo hiljv cr J a pn:fi: 5 rang1 that great' havic wu with the silent rebuke from the J IteiAg murdered and their property given to tori' liouoe-ladi- large port ion of their pljpuirr i Stanton resignation is RiM e frmn the time of tlie attack the villains continued their annoraucc I lei widows and orpiians are fleeing tut he military ptvta prevalent The ontsm'y retreated in grat coTifutumw'ilh ni iuTr hut IdjroUably false to to Union is irundnsisof wate ping to the very door cf the house where the ladies Their ariilhn i Tlwr FliiladeiphU “iiiqpirvrV’ corrcsjs'irdcrit siys iff re:fcclud cycn our front rifle pits are daily pleading at hi headquarter for protection Col J Itiriinioud firO underTfs on u and tlu witU great fury :s Up d :K irk’ visit to that went and there himgaround for more than an which he i unable lo giv in conaequehce of the limited Jacques nail arl-iist it is generally understock that It object was tlie restora- Uxik shelter Our loss in kiileJ wiinndnl - hour pro venting the twx ladies who had forreat hiacomtuaml anisoim: cf tlu- cciuh- l r:( tion cf peace CoijMCi with whom tho jidca origin-ati- wa only eighty-twohome tho third from retiring to Camps fw rendezvous have been cstilliiliet at St ! " i i&t Hichmond jand gtincsl slightly injured 7 proposed a year jtn visit tfipir own tesidcnces Onc of the ladies terri seph and Ckillkvlhtj ' ' New‘YyrL2i permission to pass cur Ujic1 but got no' further than Pc ' New Vvwkj 21' fed by e annoyance fainted and swooncih A cbmforon Bello I'blf lie report fjr A'Washingtoh speriAl-saySuiitonjii ienxt s:- from Niagara VaUs saysaa interrievr has tersburg ditjOrk cared !' pro’iiliilin clerks rivmgiricg iiforuuitiu yet the coumlrel Who were the cause' of itfuui Ukin ptaeo between Messrs Clay Thnwpn £ llaleombe tally 21 lllttflal-business vho witnessed It hudg round the house and whu claim to be coinnii vSoncr from tlje rchcl povorn dojvirtmcut to onisiiierA 7 Tiic Wivrfca And CJTUitlcoiwb Grpclcvi ccrrrsjv'nili 'ci £: The “iVibuuo” Winchester speii:fcl ?ay Avi'nij me: it ta aerk terms of peace and Mr Greeley has beer would not leave J ' for b u Falls rel-ofurnished — ifcsto1 IjiM at Niagara i'vt ilin K? throe hn:rs iii which I lie pul'lritii'n !Y!c have-a-ll udud to this as wo came up to authorized by Mr Lincoln to act in' the master v on to fSreele’y axl: - Tho first letter flvm klU-’-S' !j prrftwn pieces iT artillery S'Xl prisoners anrM The commissioner ixopMcd a restoration of the Union ticlailifli in their embarrassment and necom-pauie- upon from the President or S re! firt of War in n or that flioy iltsl Onf los wu nff over 200 killed aud soi? T these lunnt:— ' o ofi under date Greeley them! homc aud saw the snckin vil- replies proceed Wjtshii First— All negroes which have actually been frtnid may mining follows: as of lTtli the ' The Herald' Snifkr Ferry ohf Uius also but at a time when they weri sober j by tlie war to i?c secured in such fnHiom mi j Rich- - 2l h mv: lire force utuler Gen are accredited’ fnun I duly — passakl All negroes at present held a slave tore-Vright nnough toKdecm it proper to pass liy iu tUnce I fo tlie ciuMili-men- t rcU-ljttc4tin looking ' Vo that llrcckari!to and under Early visit to swc and dosiro of yTashiugtou UwrjoU waViii-VaiIt was too dark to get a good' Igh4 wiiich f in fulfillment of jfCnr misUing with their rear guanh Jfctf inf ’rmitiou lie correct j I apt authorized bv tlie president to hours ilroopeii risajes but (lie makebf lire houttls nffijtUuTT” ( bclynd the main force TVhch iiiu'iVni lender you his safi CociMcton the journey ppqviseji nnd M identity enough to fimHlicm out yet — The old doctrine of State if “ ’ south of nickec Gp Xluffie captured" right to be recog-- will acoampiuiy you at umc earliest cnvenk-hc! v 'From this and fronvothercircumstaaccs it j nixed in rquni uct:ng the Union wagon datScf ISth: t!c under reply They ' maybe a well to say that the b hoys will not These pnqxwitknv were Taid U fvre MrTJncolnby Mr '' r Tlie safe of lift ei'ndnct President enderod ha Kvo h once Thai'resident at to Mr Jheir see sisters telegraphed and their Grcrlcy we regret to pay tinder? mIsitpprehenion of facts mothers in quietly We w Nnr-tifi- n -not been iwn nccroihlv have tolhlmfroin a ! Kichmojnd I1"’ lultcd The ' BUM who Vfnturcs on this course ’ ! of propositions hviki g tja the estaldrslunciit of ivce 1 to wit: Ouk-tfiA 15r We however1 in til cffiftvlont i:il oruploy of our V' 1 t nnr — nril for it that there is not a ricmtrnctiin— 27lh' Jl’bV after (M lJfflthc Tlie foil and complete reetoratum of the Union in all it US-wishes and opinientirely I ftpnillar with-i: land jiry ihrthie' Rockyx Mountains who will ever Territorial integrity the abandonment of shivery In tho on on theanl XitiaiitlvM-bto di'i'lvfe that r subject rt Li convict the msulted ho blows put the brains ecvcihM States nuucr tlie conditions which ehould while if circumsfuncej disrh Ad in this f Yrrepoynlenro Were commnnieateil to RtchiwnA we urohhfbe sit diice invest wi : I — Vc shall takcpleasure in respecting tho property and rights of all loyal bfcttic transressor txitn-- tho authority toshifh your ietfoc rpfor:or other r Carrying the Uiiited Sfote thie intcr'i iff war auothcr In : security clothivjl against luunedistel'' gentlemen witSrulVpiwvvr ample UKN lULhAHAY rurilnTr noting the obituaries ' be cent to Wasliington t!i(a view tMivsIifnimr this i ¥ ai mwji to&ilWrol anfluenniiintion atjthe After considerable iwi etondenc iwtween the parties earliest toSsible Will commence regular hUisiL—Jitfk bf iwar seems iimn of the Fiwt desirous of intro jpclisioi irp "r 1 ' BnR himself upon the attention of ocr citizens at an un it wji concluded to refer tho whole matter hack to tle fk-This statement of fujis different ' bfing matefiaily f cS?" v suable time and when he is by no means welcome twojguvernmenfo forrcconsidcration : understood advisablci that t (o to tluniht exlsGfecley I New Yorkf 21 It ball right for him to come along laie in October Or with tholfVesidont and to solif-i- fresh! ir communicate The VHcnUd‘1 Niagara Tali dispatch toys Greeley la-- N ovembor ASS He Is of nso then if he Uoe bile rather tructions which furnished kho following (ram the Eiv wanted by Mir Mr to He 1mctffh sweetens Secretary keenly Unfair poisdnU by the malaria of lial kn interview Hgg Geb Sander and other BANNACX AND: VIRGINIA CITIES with Ahe drj lag up creek bed ’ 1 claiming slough and marshes and to lw commissioners 1SC1 ' from the rebtd government wb jJulrlSth checks tlie rioting of disease and death in the eicklv fall Montana 'Territory and roav To ' whom it ccmcgni: Any proposition which ipir bf flit year wanjed to visit Wasliington and receiving a statrfncnt of the terms ujvrt which uch viit might le made they brace the roaloration jpoace the integrity: of tlie whole But in'sutnmer h is not wante1 as he is an lo w enemy BOISE AND IDAHO'ClTIEStir encj accepted Union and the abando enjt of slavery wliich comes by grata fruits andvegcUbles which we Cannot do withThe dispatch says the statement of the proposition out Mfcbo Territory and with an authority in control thejarmy now at Mra tha he ha paid a visit or two inFnwo Yul-k- y published in the papers of Tuesday is repudiated - sfi’ if 4 war against the United Sates will be refoiveJ and convir The first Client iotiew p1- - :r‘ above Ctwch the and: partly destroyed the 21 New through York jiotatoe and other crops Tlie Tins‘ Wasliington rpeoial and in the narrower-portiomorning (27 ill says Hunter asked to ered by the exKiitiVtfvrurnment of the United State will leave next "We!nedi-of Weber Valley tc has bo relieve1 only so Ms not to embarrass Gen dano the amo thing S o’clock the potato hi Wright in and will le met pyilibei rualorially -lessening ' j' pursuit or the rclxils Tlurc jUAsno noccssiJy yield S1D0 FARE TO VXRGIXLV-CITcollateral points and tb'bearcr or bearers thereof shall howi'vcr and thfinrsnitof the '1I? Cttiic a fre&khk ctcczk of ten rods enemy is being carried on iy one tlie ot her "H ik ( tught ht the fifth Ward of this city and IMc rloan ofTthe by a force under ?cns Wright and Heater wiihgreat vig have safe conduct both or and every promise of largo surer ! of potato and editor tlnef and Lnrcout SigncdJ in wie cvcrvthlng any Thejare going Apunix sendee jwhlch lay in hi lines U south and the train parallel 'f flying frrm one col path St Joseph Office inRaat Temple Street W would respectfuUy Invite him to take! a three mcmOis umtu are partly' certain to faU info the hand of our gu ertilla toj the nrjnbiijr of f0 occtipael ' 1S-HAL5KY Agrtt troops 0xi hi reluni Wo (shall U Caldwrll-coad£JL WiP&lar marclusl on Ringstim last thence pleased night A special sayr— Col Jaques of the 73d TfUnoi Yolun FUttshurg Clinton coutjjijr and dcmandetl ' the surrender v "1 SALE! teenj and Eilmud Kirk by permission of iho pTraident of the gjurrieQn jtvAhe of the Confederate1 utc Tle nai9 lot of CllPICn visited Jeff wll mi4d6iuntrycuad'lliiV"‘ Iavi at Richmond and had an Inter commanillng i fficT refill jaud told hi men to escape emlstann trceutly qufcnPtUvs to suit the punhiscr view with him 01 the state of the The ‘Di“ A short fight ensued aoifjinort of our men oaiwL through the city yesterday1 Temnla street Taylor' Row' I country South -- 1’ M-1 patch nays they f - r aJ ' '" I i ' ' ' i J V )' ha nW TUB MAINLAND RAIDERS LOSING THEIR ed FLUNDER! t so nonnixofjvhr as li r : J's- - i: ril P ' —— ixr JtOS ! MB : - i 1 i ©iiilij &tl ’fje ! of Iho results of i nothing ' news telegraphic eastern !'' t 1 ' ' any-:dcfV- pk-pA- v i Fioirr -- - j - ' A s trii-sil-r- oriry home' - "“ !“' Ms ‘ - j-n- - V- - J 1 j 1 A j l-j-J te y rc-n:l- : n a ' i 1 - cjun-rdcraMo-- li ' ' tthrWtMy 1 i - ' I I i l e ! ' : I - fr s' pro-uehwLoc- I -- j i ! ay ' Noi-COntcnte- cs d - - V y ' to-fl-oy jl ? - j 1 - - -- sl -i i v-- ’ Ih i pris-jinc- fr r s i 4 iq- 1 V- fr i d - ‘u-t l : - n of-fthc- ir ' '' T nitA svlv-stAiitial- ly 'i ' A- NOTIC 1 ' I "f t T I uirni W j I c ! aC ) j nn-naffr- y ' d ' - 1 Jri-wckl- l"-i-a' y " 'AtT XAltfit'UJTV I t v 1 f j I t ae-co- f f -- ! I V OVERLAND STAG£ ! -T 1 i- - t ’ 5 1 l gvr-enrme- nt r tl t- Ih-irat- -- m e -- — : - ! I ''I ?-- ' ! f - n i frit - j a V I t Y furl : 4 4 j $ ’ f ? Si t ilk Os r ! FOR vr I1 I- - -- A -- Vr : ? c- - - 1- M i' v i l 'S'M A " “ j -- i - J 1 1 - --- : - 1 I r 1 5 t 1' 1 |