Show v‘ ' ' f —i : “'?! k v ' y'i 'fr-- y‘-r-- j vv-r:g- f: !r ! ' ' 4 - - C ' ?VV""V Jt " : ' "-r- rr -vfr v-':- kk'Y!Y'iY f b-- : :h - ' 1 - i - '- -- : : r - - y 1 - - i - ‘ :: ' - - - - "- - V-- -- u - - - - : ' VSs' ' is h l : v - - tx-'- - ': —fr ‘V : ‘O4l - ? ' ' v 5S ’ ' —' - - ? 1- UEVESS ' ‘ G BOUKOPSKY A Vest side JCast Temple Street G SL City A " (Opposite Salt Lake House) t": CO ? yUCLlSllSVJKUA T Ill II ' 3 ’ ' ' i T rEIIOUSE Editor! S 1 i y ' One Copy one ye:ir inonlwi three lftontlik n month TaeIiyerol lillinl for at o flee cuic munth “ w k 1 OF AOVERTjjJlNGi Paaincfcs Canl(ftyd Him :s or'ItwH) nt month Oito Hiiuiffe (teii lineM cm lc)’one ihsi Ttijn'- If m t 4 ' i :4t Hi r - - -- 1 j -- one niOutliL t one iiiscrti in - p one montJif - : i sT i 'T ' f i P W V l : 1‘ovtebs ' ruwERS jr jlUnkerB j j4 East Templotrcet (God bo’ a Otl Dnij StorcA)G$L Dealers In CotnUoId post and Exchange I ity - ii i h I Km f Miltot IS & OQ CUA 1 1 A-- Uiiukcry Cnlt Lake IIoi S4) GSLL'i City oni any part ol Europe Sold Kjtcliango East r W iSLARK 1 ' t Joix SI CfuitK ACbTiJC - t t WM JENNINGS ‘ I ’Banker East Temple Street GSLi City Coin’ and Exchange Sought'and Sold 't - £ MERCHANTS Vt lwk: rVr-- JEWiSffiNG'sf East Temple Street J 1 Der GLr 'r- and llptail Goodsr Groceries inDry and Shoes Hardware QuccnswarelJoots X nighest Price Paid fiir Gpu) T -- Wholesale ' - s i - -- Tcwijslc rcjeti GaSiJi City Wholesale and Bctail Merchants and lmpiorters of General : I- Merchandise ' t East and West ' 'tCorisitantly OOods New fron Deceiving JEajt I S Elduedgz HOOPER to ELDREDGE East Temple Street GS L City East A Liberal Discount made Y CRONY ' ? y: WH CL41T0X i ' " t ilorcliatiia and ’Dealers Dry 'Goods Ii General lerchahdisei r - i I i y : t SL East Temple Stre§t G r'' City GILBERT - A SONp East Temple Streti GSJ' City I j hand a choice Stock of PrintsLawns Ika&inev Brood 'Cloths Domestic Goods Groceries etc — — ' Y ? Civil and ’ BODENBCRG to KAflN ? f Jt I East Tempi v" T G SL - BOURNE i- - Temp? V ' Deidsn in I tv i n ) xv r - i West siiU i t i JSipi Writer and Ornamental Fainter E Watchmaker (j - - - East Temple' Street G S L City' v !j NEWFIELD Jewelry repaired on short notice’ h 7 House' Watchmaker East Temple Street' GSL ’ City vi East - : Temple Street west side G8 L i'l Sr'j JT i-r r - K ' ji dc v £ ' '''-- r V'-- i- - ' '' f TAYLOR) ' ' CIty - (A - 4 b Y S' ' - 'v I VALLEY- - NT II EGAN to SONS) - V ii ’ v 1 'bv 208 i- ' - V - r -- t - V-- IX - 1 'HI - Ur:' ? -- i :V Yv-k '“T : 1 Commission Merchant b Territory! onSaltLRkeCityUtah AtisHn Nerada Tenitory ' ' - - V ' TT r ’jM ' - — - v-'- t Office I 1 An ' it '' ' y ! : :i : -- - r k ' -- Has constantly on hand every article in the li x' cry of both Straw and Silk and Fancy Tr ji r-- ' A V :'r:'K :-t V t m ’ A ! r : i I 1 X 1 v - " i - A f - - ( r Xl t4-- r I i’ r J I- by r y J "w k X ' - A''L i ' 1 i A ’a i — I: ? J 'I v ' n : - '1 - "’-'V- ' i - ' Jt 1 1 r u - j vi ' : y I- s ' 4 I :'i ': r’ i y N--- st ! :? ‘i'-- l Xi'- u'' ' : "! - V V 71 4 'r - - k r: " V ' IfMOlin- - 'I I i e I " ' : 'Jr - lii — ' - - ' - 4 V 4 Particular attention given to Burchascs for Utah j ' Z I ! Battery Street San Francisco California Sight Drafts a: t —! VI N JAMES LINFORTII j ji b 1 : f A 7 j CALIFORNIA i x j - Travel and Emigrants’ Depot "i Choice Liquors Tpbacco and Cigars always on hand l ' ks''' j- - ' I 1 ah : A Lawrence t General Provision Store Highest market pricepaid for produce' - - 9 s f 'r r- w T" v- : - - Y '' w X- t - j - x - rr - i - - r X r- : ?' - - ‘X r J :k h ? Vv :s r- rt : r-- u ' ( City Repairing done promptly ahd iatis&ctorily i - - 1 MRS COLEBROOK second door south of- tb4 GSL City j ' V CI1ADD & DXV1S J IIENRY RISER V I i East Temple Street west side four doors above Kimball ' " " SLl2Ity ZADIES’ DEPARTMENTSm 'Jf - city L ! side:East Temple street G s s ' : Cabinet Maker and Undertaker :y 'V’est 4 I 4 ‘r t Jr Gunsmith and Locksmith East Temple Street west sid4 2d door below Town Clock ’s GunHuskinson’s W'hips and Bridle' Rins Saddles and Harness made to order on hand ': X IIDlNWddDEY URSENBACH H- G-S- - -- - ‘ O 'A !: JAMES HAGUE' 'I 1 ’A - J- (Opposite Mr S Snideris lumber yard) J Y’arieties of 8ashalways on hand in- -- WATCHMAKERS 8 'Store Cabinetmaker' One and a half blocks south of the Theatre east side ' Second East Temple Street GSLi j inch and Hand Screws made to order Lnmt0r wanted L — f 'A ' HUGH FINDLAYy iith Ward GSL CASTE Y M - ' tm b-v vV ' Sash 'Door and Blind Makers' t ' ' - ' E R’ SAD D L LATIMER ! - Fainting in all its Branches - i (Opposite Salt Ltko IIooseT) - r s -- P PASCOE - Y ‘ i -- ' I Mannfiictnrer of Matches Blacking etc Musical Merchandise Crockery Balerntus an(Y General -Notions ' East Temple Street GSL City First South Temple Street blocks east of pe Theatre Cabinet Makers ahd Undertakers! " OffiMof CSty Stttonr': Office j ArtVim01 - Ban Frahcisco Clothing ? i i Clothing andFurnishing Goods Dry Goods Fancy ialoods ' V yand Teas AARON r 'x LAVEXBERO & AUERBACII ) - JVcst sidc Easf Teiiiple Stmt GSL City - Mechanical-Enginee- r Groesbech’s Buildings near FausVs Stables i i j IIENRYMAIBEN r-- i City (At the late Stand of Wm'Nixon) Groceries DryGU Slioes Jewelry and Fancy' Booh and I and 6ther NEEDHAM S Street G S L WM JY SILVER 4- Combmaker East Temple Street four doors below Tos Ybffice1 CABINETSL3KERS M CAPENER! to TAYLORj f and Draftsman Fatent Diwings Preparod ' 19th Ward’ one block north of Union Square -- City Dealers in’ Dry Goods G roccrics ClothIng GenCral Merchandise : Vvo:sL:rcityiY J Y i KELSON1 to J Deseret Pottery 7th Ward Liberal Deduc lions Bakers and Confectioners East Temple: Street GKL Citgv opposite B Crackers Bread Pi Cakes and Candies al ' Engravep and Embroider Stamper Corner of East and Second South Temple Street9 1 i PVE XfL- Xirx " Ii r Bakery Dry Goods Grocery and Provisi (Two doors below Godbe’s) East Temple Street' Great Salt Lake v of White Lead and other Colon North Temple Street 17th Word Lime and Yinegar always on hand1 11 KNOWLDEN & GRENW b!-'- - 7—r - j ? 1 - Hocking ' Manhfact urbr : East Temple Street opposite Town Clock pSL City Clothing of every description made to orderfln the latest Style of Faisliion " I- JAMES to BEDSOJN EARDLEY - : t - F I ' BAKERS y' ! TAILORS 1 - ' I - - ’ Manufacturers rof Crockeryware First South Temple Street GS L' City (Baiement Cf MporeA Green’s old stand) A SUTTON J Blacksmiths f CLAUDECLIVE Merchant Tailor V- : GSL City opposite Theatre CRON ALL CARTWRIGHT to EARRLEY - !1- Gniiniug andOrhamental Painting f ’iY' First South Templd Street P MAROETTS to H DRUCE -- r : L City SI T- ( GvSLiCity ' f ij - Painter DajVs Store East Temple ' Street ' Rear of A' Dealers in Dry 'Goods Ready Made Clothing Ilats Boots Shoes Fancy Groceries Cutlery Tobacco Cigars etc etc1 5t ' RANSQIIOFF to CO ') - t 11 Saloon Confectionary and Eating House : etcsbld by retail W V MORRIS X-- ! ' r:RLIJAII ' PEAHCEi' eth Paints I:'’ i - Kv Yfagou and Smith Shops Emigration Street 3 doors cast of East Teniple Street G S L City All kinds of Farming Implements Manufactured to Order ARTISTS EDWARD: MARTIN ' r Ki' ' - ? ' !: - SAMUEL DRINGIXURS East Temple Street west side G SL City East Temple Streep - : Basket and Gig Body Worker East Temple Street GSL City opposite Walker- Ero’s ' North east corner Union Square City Mill Irons and Machinery Forged to OrdcrS Blacksmithing in all its branches Horse Mule anfiOx Shoes 'House Sigh Carriage and Ornamental 'rainter CllONYN to CLAY Trcif st(fe - ’ V X T: ' "V: r -- r MA I -- for (fold CrORGI City S-- L- iiT” -- G S L City Street Tempi Dry Goods and Groceries '' a A’7 - BOllfRIXG s r b marget tGSa Teacher of Musiq and Dealer in Music Musical Merchan- disc and Instruments 4 Office— doors south of the Post Officel Musical' Instruments Tuned and Repaired KIMBALL : to LAWRENCE f- - ' S : i T DBIIDWN 1 T IIBNRY L RAYMOND IT W LAjraxscK - ' : Express and Exchange Office East Temple Street 0 8 L' City Utah FII E Harness and Saddlemaker East Temple Street up stairs west side GS L City BURR FROST 1 B Kimball " v - NATTA East Temple S Licet' G " - Wholesale and Detail" Dealers In Dry Goods Groceries Hardware QuccnsWare Boots and Shoes 'fM -I -- TV-' Opposite Telegraph Office Ward Cor of East and Second South Temple Strcetf GSL City Instructions given in class or privately Piaups and other Are hand on to do all kinds of always Choirs Bands fur and Instruments tuned Music arranged ' Horse Mule and Ox shoeing done OnBlasmithlng ihon notice 2 Rcsiidcnccr-Twenti- X- 'V: : MISCELLANEOUS Blacksmithing in all its Branches at'Bondish’s old Stand - J ( J Wcsjt side J FIIILIP DE LA ' r THOMAS C Professor of Instrumental Music and Singing ‘ V( r ' of Cooperware East Temple Street a few doors below the roibt Office " GSL City c: 31 DONELSONi : ' - 8 'ways bn hand DAVID Oj CALDER 1 fr A City1 ’ II VAN J Manufacturer J H:r i- HOUSE Cooper f MUSICAL '1 ’ 5 Cooper' 'V-- V Streep GSL Temple City Molasses Darrels Wash ahd Dutter Tubs DueketsClmrna 5 and Cooporware of all kinds made tor'order ! Blacksmith j Third South Temple (Emigration) Stre Importer of all kinds of Mjjisical Instruments and Musical Merchandise— Tor sale At the lowest prices' Fresh supplies regularly rcccivwl of the very best quality of Violin and Guitar Strings Wholesale and Retail WALKER BROTHERS IIHoopEn tr - City ' r ' 1 f West side East DLA CKSMITHS - W I APPLEBY Os-Fle- 'V ! i I r VV-j COOPERS i - - i j Alfred BESTp - t HOTEL IIENRYPERKES i I r & fr ' : I j i - - — Corner of Emigration Street and State ltoad ' Extensive Y'anls and Stablek 7 Tin Copper and Sheet Iron wjyker East Temple Street1 west side opposite Sit Lake nquse ' Vi G SL City iT ! " : - j Attorney at Law and Clerk of the 1JS Supreme Court s: 'of Utah !of Fowlers etc DeedsCollected Debts carefully Attorney drawn up for the State? and Europe Depositions ‘'Acknowledgments etcr taletni according to Law for anyat-of the'States or Ttfritories Declarations for Citizenship tended to at the shortest notice and on'Liberal Terms at my residence- Market Street one " and a half blocks west of the Market Ildu&e GSL City I J ' JQiSIAII TUFTS Proprietor bchooi Bookafor sale T HAWKINS - t l ' ' v r ' - l ' - SL MANSION ' Manufsicturer of Copper Tin Sheet JronMid Zlncwares East Temple Street opposite Salt Lake Ilijp&c GSL City Custom Work done to only Terms Liberal Orricu— East Temple Street (opposite Godbe’s Drug Store) OSL City ' Proprietor Ejouth Temple at! Law- and Clerk of the U S Attorney and- Counselor JII ALLEN Third Judicial District Court for Utah Territory Tin Sheet Iron Copper ind Ziuc Wares of BfanuCictiircr California Also Commissioner of Deeds for the Stato (if Aiade out and Opiwsite Walker Ilrjw East Temple Str'ck GSL City Debts Collected and all Leal Documents acknowlcilgedrjr the Kagtcrn States anil California ’ ' :v F REICH 'Proprietor' Street G Jub Work dope to I ' - - - O S L City Utali NATIONAL ' EDWARD STEYENPN PROFESSIONAL PATRICIC IiYNCII & CO F : Great Salt Luke City i F LITTliE East Temple Strebti Copper Tin Sheet Iron and Zincwaretanufivcturer East Temple Street opposite Telegraph Opc GgL City V ’ SALT LAKE IIOCSE TINNERS at Residence ty 3th Ward Office - i V T 1 liandr ' ' T --4 &- - L City G S i :A - 7-r- : ‘ QSL City 'ASuRerb selection of Ladies Fancy Goods on ' ' Temple Street GlSjL City Constantly on hand a large Stock of Gents’ and Ladies’ Boots and Shoes - ' : AYard V East B PEARCE LONG JOHN VDentist Fake T v shoes' ' i TRIPP B r'- i i- One ilock eToth north of nbrthvreet rnriuirnf Cnion sCiuar - ' - Manufacturer of Boots and shoes " -- W H EWMAjj INEWMAN ' : ' — — II L : ' h City G S E Surgeon I - Temple Street opposite 'Tptpn Clock '(Four Doors below Post Office) IIALSEYii East Teniplp Street USti City l fc 1— '‘I East r d y East Temple Street W L IlALstr IIOLLADfY 1 j 1 Ward Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist 1- r£N'll0LLAI)AT Cart-foll- ! 1 i ' - Thirteenth S GODBE East- Temple Si feet G SL City and Dye Stuffs Prescriptions Drugs Medicines “ m JDiir i-1 t ‘‘ 1 MARIAN PRATT t Gentlemen’s and Lhdies’ Fashionable Bod And Shoemaker - - BUSITTCSS V' -- Hurgcn and Physician - : ‘ riser g c I s W '- - T hr i “ Office— Two Doors North of the Post Office Residence —Two Blocks East Of the Theatre r V vest sidc WSL City '4'ifp: - y' ' vr tb - : f i r:fy - ': j" " ' C:r : (First House West Of Tabcrnaclc aSL City) Lddies’ and Misses Straw and Legliorn Ilais Fancy Neapolitan and Silk Runnels Fathers Flowers Ribbons Laces Blonds' lluchus lleud Drysst etc' I sjiofs Milliner' 5 Temple one door above Sxond South Temple Street G SLjkily i puryonmd PliysiciananJ Dispenser of Medicines ' 'r -- i i :j I or 'j One coliiinn East il J-l- -- - i Office andr Rcsvletice i 'r“ ' '' J T 4 First F ANDERSON SID W- - n it cRie liioith -insertion - j - -Cfncicl&tlucukuhuyonr 44 WCHk - : MU - - one monili colninn oi o insertion y ‘‘ V Oiiq livMth - One-ha- lf mlnlrtn one ii ‘ertiun Pue-nuart- r Poor South of ifi MEDICAL 4 I 44-- j Kay’s Residence Dc 41 ' MRSSTENIIOUSE '(at Martin’s Paint Sliof i ' RATES ELI j w-v- I--— r-f- Ai--if- 7 r -- Jr v ' BUSIIVESS CARDS ' A ADVK JAS YTatcbmakcr and S d LEES rrovinion iftore anil Sack Factory V : 4 ' AS ’Watch and Clock Mala Temple Street i - i JVeet tide 'EaeKPempU'Sl i1 “ TTT-rrn- I C JUKSSi' ? J' 1 i TERMS: OF SUBSCI PTION: 4' “ East ' ‘ O’! - llard- - Dealers In Fancy nbtl Stiiple Dry GckkLi Groceries ware etc i :ii: 6:' opposite the Theatre ) (tifficc— : EXCEPT SUNDAY MOUNINOj t 'j v l 4 'A - : r-y'j- - —f - t- y ' ' - -- - r 'y'--' "'TX '‘"V V s s -- H i s 'b : t -r- i-l 'j Jt"IV I I': ? K b-- : ’J ? v' b - "V- - ' — - 1 'b ' v T ’t:- r" ii'' f ' —H V--' i- -- 'vuV " vuV-k rlv iY' i |