Show I mm helu H is nLj- - mtH supposed he was actually pressing that Sriccial despatches sav ft HOLLADAY WM JENNINGS HALSET L W OSL New York City Si- - Martinsburg on Saturday morn- gcl evacuated I Atia cant unui ne Inff iwimimi? m girucK me uecrmwcu iuvc J'otoiuac lit MHipuruiowai wiiure e On rebels Maryland closely followed to and him overtook attack began JSunday they v he was com- that nr oeriiard— ho vigorous! i o jjio polled to halt and form a line of battle on the of the old Antietam field rebel side At l!l CM 9 The tiglit eouiinueu Bouje nixie uoui oigei euuui fOUnu It necufthuiy iu icuca luiuing HOLLADAY & HALSEY BA by-th- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL K J2 R S 1ST AITD DEALER IN MERCHANDISE DEALERS IN EXCHANGE AND GOLD DUST he passed through South Mountain gap and went straight to Harper's Ferry the rebels keeping close at his heels ami reached the Ferry" on the iioroing of the 4th He destroyed Has on hand and for Sale at his present AT THE EAST TEMPLE STREET A fXlf AUSTIN M JW0 CLARK yr KERR CLARK MILTON I GREAT SALT LAKE sh D S9 FANCY ARTICLES HARDWARE Sr R O C I E E R l S mm I CR0CEERTWAEE AND BEST BRANDS OF HARDWARE AND GLASSWAM CUTLERY A KB OfHBS HIS STOCK OF CITY UTAH STAPLE COIMOOITIES Boots and 8boe r Culiiis LOCAL AFFAIRS Rimawixg Ut the Telegraph OFPid-Tn- ore fare dis- ami patches letters remaining in the Telegraph Office for ttxo fallowing named persona: 1) O Vanfnian Jos Miller Valentino McCartney Thos Cash Ja Brownlee J a Cummings & Bright John Benton Bcott Goo Moore Henry H Cook Geo Bnelty W ifcrbos Kit Dougherty MONEY RECEIVED ON Refer by permission to Bank of Commerce New York W D & Co Philadelphia POWEES H 1 L KXWMAK f i — — — if Ttn ttss 7? IVKTTSra — 7? A Wj : — V- -' 7 LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED MPOSIT Correspond with Metropolitan Bank Naw York Clark oo Jbeavenworth Clark & Co DenTer Dreocel WILL BE TOCXD GOLD DUST AND EXCHANGE COIN" More Coal —Messrs Walker Brothers WL B Twitchell and William Cult the latter an experienced mi nor have run a tunnel hor&on tally fifty feet into at mountain some throe miles north-eaof the city and have sunk a six and a half feet shaft perpendicularly eighty-fiv- e feet in depth Fifteen feet from the surface there Was found a 1uk thick which has been pronounced by Home of our potters of considerable value in t!i ir r anch of manufacture A fine crumbling sandstone was also met with somewhat brick " resembling Tho iudicati ons are n n t f0jr i oi auie tor tne ex- Whi h Mn Calt0n l JrTTlJ coffdent he will soon work is being rigorously prosecuted ERIE S GR Q Q STAPLE AJSD FANCY! IX DEALERS DRY GOODS SALT LAKE HOUSE A Large and Choice Selection of-- BANKERS I THE CLARK CO & BELOW DRY GOO received the following: Doited States steamer Kearsage 19 — I have San Francisco Cal to inform the department that the the honor Virginia City Montana to the arrival of the Kearsage day subsequent Idaho City Idaho off Cherbourg on the 14th I received a note ( Boise City Idaho from 'apt H( mines bfging that the Kearsage wtruld not depart as he intended to fight her Denver City Colorado and would not delay her but a day or two Atchison Kansas According to this notice the Alabama left the port of Cherbourg at half past nine this Portland Oregon Fearing thai the question of jurismorning Victoria British Columbia js diction might arise we h banned to sea until a Collections made and returns promptly remitted distance of 6 or 7 miles was obtained from Cherbourg breakwater when we rounded tn at Current Rates of Exchange and commenced steering for the Alabama As Draw Bills on Liverpool London and Paris we approached within J200 yards she opened Collections made in Great Britain and France fire we receiving: two or three broadsides be Government Vouchers purchased fore a shot was returned The action was con- tinued by the respective steamers making a circle round t a distance of about 400 yards from each other At the expiration of about an hour the Alabama struck going down in 20 minutes afterwards and carrying many persons with her Signed Capt John Ar Winslow Halifax 0 — Additional by the Asia A letter in the Paris Patrie states thatCapt Semmes announced that on the 15th of August he will again embark on a new Alabama which will be 'completed by that date Rumor to the steamer RanDahannock the points war vessel which stofe away from Sheerness to DOORS Hare juat recoired a Magnificent Stok of to A COMPLETE STOCK OF AD ex-Rriri- sand on OFFICE OF THE OVERLAND STAGE LINE EAST TEMPLE STREET GSL CITY the railroad bridge and the trestle work leadAJfD ing from the bridge to the armory buildings and then occupied Maryland Heights which be is able to hold agfunst four times his aumbers VIRGINIA CITY MONTANA TERRITORY At four in the afternoon of yesterday he reported the rebels charging up the hill to attack WILL PAY THE HIGHEST RATES FOR Milwaukie G -- Extensive conflagrations in the lumber regioMl in the northern counties are reCOI COLD DITST ported to have destroyed property at $150000 within the past few days SELL SIGHT AND TIME BILLS ON Washington 0 — The Navy Department has New York -- 4 EAST TEMPLE STREET WEST SIDE b Rrrt QuaUtj and Indifpenjablo W RANSOHOFF & COf DESERETAM8 parr V' -- WJ-4m st BAST TEMPLE STREET I SlS ?"m PRA that thin gen time in San Francisco took slciunur fljr New York and arrived there on the 14th ult Kkak Lakb Hit — tiUid Vallev— Hon C r j In f?ry citizens will be pieced to Eiq return to the rnoun-OMun this ML with the intuation we beliovo of ojuimg his honie Jiuumi xH h oruttl r c ovur'M'' any pei tjwi W W t w c°"tnict ITST DCC Q- - B- -wla ' Arthur UK (Between Salt Lako City and AtchUon) Acrtrahi — TItnrsday: — ¥ D Clift lKjarturos: J J Cuipniings N 8 Bright it Uepp A J Crawford UcU? ' — BS f Stone Saddle Horses HcpriSto nhS8 rUQ —o Go e°0 ' SJ6 gh® j E A ST E R PL CITY TO I ""SS108 iD and HUICK SALES th° City' Stock °U h7 pub" CALICOES hereby requests all persons indebted to he indebtod caU and eUte Ml FRIENDS West aide AI¥ well-know- n PATRONS A- - place of business EAST TEMPLE STREET lt door north of Hawkins'HENRY Blacksmith shop AND HARNESS BURNISHING GOODS We have marked at COST and CJLKB1AQM JKRX SMALL m m mH PROFITS Oor friends will find m as happy to allow them to x amine any articles la our lias of business as we shafi b granea to reoetre their Oeta aad Oarreoey la for O0Mk MAKER Temple Street oppoHte Salt Lake House can be found at bis old stand VP BTAIRS I Put Oeoeral Stock of Staples Jaet FIKl 8T0CX Of BOOTSj SHOES CLOTHING H E BOWRIHG 6tr wc Pi PERKES Ea mo In &ct everything in the Ladies' Lino also COME AIVD SETTLE CASTE H?S ET8 M A RJK CHAMBRAYg the REMOVAL wUW delay N Many of oar Goods for the purpose of OVERLAND STAGE LINE and the Bankin Halsey' has been Removed to their vLen°Mi-0llaiay- GilchrUt Felix H Myem P Safford Jno Gondiating in Warm Springs every morniag and J M FOX A H J FAUST (4tf) SADDLE SALT LAKE HOUSE P M THlbirwjfh w4Ur- - FRENCH LAWNS FAUST'S SBOOXD SOUTH TEMPLESTAPLES STREET G S unuance of the same at my PER OVBRUID Comparable and York Okrrsspondent: THK ARRIVAL AXOjDTJEPiRTlJRES PR OVERLAP MAIL QO fabeao GOLD DUST Jfr of SPRING Ci001S BUY C01B gh to tho nounuin to dwtU wih AV Uino e hope LSishop Hoasland will look well after his uiw pariahpnor WnT RECEIVE MONEYS ON DEPOSIT Wew resi-taou- they offer THE LOWEST BATES Fine Assortment of Pay Interest on Time Deposits by special agreomeat auT transacts a Geusral Banking Bnsinees Doty move1 into his own Mj Wkich CITY EXCHANGE m u aplwnrit trip Cudkuvvtobial-O- ov GSI (Godbe'a old Drug Store) I i New Goods!! POWERS IfEWMAH & CO PAYOR US WITH A OAIfe f Hie Price PmUfbr Gold -- f Pmnr v |