Show E MEDICAL w F MD ANDERSON Surge n and Physician j and Residence— Thirteenth Ward L DVAYON MD Office j Physician and Dispenser of Medicines the Poet Office Office— Two Doort North of Residence— Two Blocks East at the Theatre East Temple Street G S L City $ 500 Drug 150 250 325 4u0 Medicines and Dye Stuff Carefully Prepared T B PEARCE Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist 80b East Temple Streett G S X City 300 600 1200 500 1500 800 Surgeon Dentist Office w It IIOLLADAY 1 At HALSEY hankers GSL East Temple Street w Powers D 11ALSET City W B II It Nkwman Farr Bankers Street (Godbe’s Old Drug Store) GSL City Dealers in Coin Gold Dust and Exchange East Temple Clark Joun W Kerr Milton LARK K Clark 4b CO Bankers Kelt Temple Street (Suit Lake House) GSL City Exchange Sold on any part of Europe C WM JENNINGS Banker s East Temple Street GSL City Coin and Exchange Bought and Sold City Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries Hardware Queeusware Boot and Shoes J Highest Price Paid for Gold WALKER BROTHERS East Temple Street GS L City Wholesale and Retail Merchants and Importers of General MUSICAL DAVID O C ALDER II W Lawrence KIMBALL A LAWRENCE East Temple Street G S X City Dry Goods and Groceries A for Gold i W H HOCKINO J First South Temple Street City opposite Theatre fc EARDLEY Manufacturers of Crockery ware First South Temple Street G S L City (Basement of Moore & Green’s old stand) Blacksmith Tliird South Temple (Emigration) Street " I i GSL City Fa PHILIP DE LA MARE Blackemithing in all its Branches at Sta old Stand J SUTTOT A JC P P ASCOE Manufacturer of White Lead and other Colors North Temple Street 17tb Ward Lime and Vinegar always on hand SADDLER Combmaker "J East Temple Street four doors bedow Posit Office JAMES A BEDSON EARDLEY Deseret Pottery 7th Ward GSL City Liberal Deductions to Dealers HUGH FINDLAY Manufacturer of Matehea Blacking etc Musical Merchandise Crockery Saleratus and General Notions East Temple Street GSL City LATIMER A TAYLOR Sasli Boor and Blind Makers 14th Ward OSL ' ity (Opposite Mr "V Snider’s lumber yard) Varieties of cash always on hand CLAUDE CLIVE Merchant Tailor Fast Temple Street opposite Town Clock GSICSty Clothing of every description made to order in tbl latost m Style of Fashion RUBY VALLEY N T H EGAS A SONS Travelers’ and Emigrants’ Depot KNOWLDEN fc GRENlG Choice Liquors Tobacco and Cigars always on hand CALIFORNIA JAMES LlNFGRTH House Sign Carriage and Ornamental Painter j Commission Merchant 20S Battery Street San Francisco California Sight Drafts on Salt Lake City Utah Territory East Temple Street west side G SL City Paints etc sold by retail “ Austin Nevada Territory Particular attention given to Purchases for Utah W V MORRIS Painter Rear of A Daft’s Store East Temple Street c - L B BENCHLEY A CO Street between California and Sacramento San Francisco Importers and Jobbers of American and Foreign Hard ware Cutlery Farmers’ and Miners Tools etc S L City 206 and 2C8 Battery Graining and Ornamental Painting V : r Bakery Dry Goods Grocery and Provision Store (Two doors below God Iks’ ) 4 East Temple Street Great Salt Luke Ciy ARTISTS EDWARD MARTIN Liberal Discount made GSL CROXALL CARTWRIGHT BURR FROST THOMAS Teacher of Music and Dealer in Music Musical Merchandise and Instruments Office— I doai s south of the Post Office — Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired 0 1 Saloon Confectionary and Eating House TAILORS HENRY L RAYMOND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries Hardware Quecnsware Boots and Shoes E Kimball Wares Street East Temple GSk City P MARGETTS A Professor of Instrumental Music and Singing Residence — Twentieth Ward Instructions given in class or privately Pianos and other Instruments tuned Music arranged for Choirs and Bands HOOPER A ELDREDGE East Temple Street G SL City J Manufacturer of Copper Tin Sheet Iron and Zi East Temple Street opposite Salt Lake House G Custom Work done to order Blacksmiths Cor of East and ' ccond oirth Temple Street GSfl City Importer of all kinds of Musical Instruments and Are always on hand to do all kinds of Musical Merchandise — for sale at the lowest prices Fresh Blacksmithing supplies regularly received of the very best quality of Violin and Guitar Strings Wholesale and Retail H S Eldredge H Hooper HAWKINS R B MARGETTS 1 APPLEBY North east corner Union Square GSL Ci Attorney at Law and Clerk of the US Supreme Court Mill Irons and Machinery Forged to Order Blx of Utah ing in all its branches Horse Mule and Ox Debts Collected Deeds Powers of Attorney etcn carefully always on hand drawn up for the States and Europe Depositions Acetc taken according to Law for any of knowledgments SAMUEL BRINGHURST the States cm Territories Declarations for Citiaonsbip atWagon and Smith Shop tended to at the skoAest notice and on Liberal Terms a one half 3 doors east of East Temple Street Street and Street Market residence Emigration at Office nay G S L City blocks west of the Market House GSL City All kinds of Farming Implements Manufactured t?? Order Merchandise Constantly Receiving New Goods from East and Went W OL -- Terms Liberal Offick —East Temple Street (opposite Godbe’s Drug Store) GSL City G WM East Copper Tin Sheet Iron and Zinware Manufacturer City Eos t Temple Street opposite Telegraph Office Job W ork done to order BLACKSMITHS Clerk of the U S Attorney and Counselor at Law and Third Judicial District Court for Utah Territory Also Commissioner of Deeds for the State of California Debts Collected and all Legal Documents made out and acknowledged for the Eastern States and California MERCHANTS JENNINGS Temple Street GSL Express and Exchange Office East Temple Street G S L City Utah W POWERS NEWMAN A CO Agstix M T D BROWN EDWARD STEVENSON T j Corner of Emigration Street and State Road Extensive Yards and Stable TINNERS Opposite Walker Bros PATRICK LYNCH BANKERS JOSIAH TUFTS Proprietor i Manufacturer of Hoots and Shoes East Temple Street G SL Citjfc Constantly on hand a large Stock of Gents’ nnj Ladies' Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes of the best qSnlity M ALLEN J Manufacturer of Tin Sheet Iron Copper and Zin PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CARDS IIOLI ABAT at Resilence IB th Ward Great Salt hake City 4500 mansion house " Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Worker East Temple Street west sido opposite Salt Iaks House ? G S L City JOHN Y LONG 1500 TRIPP ALFRED BEST (Four Doors below Post Office) 2500 FX Prescription II Mt-chanic- Q20E0E CRONTN WM CLATTON CRONYN Si CLAYTON East Temple Street G S L City West ride Dry and Dealers in Groceries and General Merchandise removal LINE and Goods Merchants OVERLAND STAGE this Bunking of Ilolladay A Halsey has been Removed to their New Building East Temple Street a few doors abovs the Shit Lake House " Tub LADIES DEPARTMENT SIRS COLE BROOK WATCHMAKERS URSENBACH O Hast Tcmplo street second door south of the Poet Office GSvL City Hm constantly on hand every arUele in the lino of HlUln ery of both Straw and Silk and Fancy Trimmings Watchmaker East Temple Street G S L City Jewelry repaired on short notice MRS HENRY RISER Watchmaker East Temple Street west side G S L City Repairing done promptly and satisfactorily O I E L I A SON GSL (at Martin’s Paint Shop) ' Gentlemen’s - City BOOTS AND SHOES G C RISER East Temple Street opposite Town Clock C G SL City HARRISON A TLLLIDGE Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes GSL Milliner One block north of northwest corner of Union Square 19t! Ward GSL City A Superb selection of Ladies’ Fancy Goods on hand HOTELS and Ladies’ Fashionable Boot and Shoemaker st South Temple Street Milliner ) (First House West of Tabernacle Ladies’ and Misses’ Straw and Leghorn Hats Straw Neapolitan and Silk Bonnets Feathers F$cy Ffawera Ribbons Laces Blonds Ruches Head Dresses c MARIAN PRATT Watch and Clock Maker East Temple Street west side f “ EM COME to GSL Cityi without STENHOISE City SALT LAKE HOUSE AJI SE FTEE I CASTE hereby requests all persons indebted to or whom he is indebted to call and settle delay w BALLAK WATCHMAKER j of returning thanks for the TAKES this opportunity support he has received and begs to say6 nothing will be wanting on his part to have a continuance of the same I am expecting by E R YOUNG’S Train a Stock ef Good such aa CLOCKS WATCHES AND JEWELRY Which I will sell reasonable for Cash to suit the times F LITTLE Proprietor East Temple Street NATIONAL G S L City Utah HOTEL F REICH Proprietor South Temple Street G 8 L City Temple Street known as the Mclnt A North of Mr Staines' and East of Bishop For further particulars inquire of NATHAN TANNER 14th War |