Show - - 0- - -- ' - ‘V 'rf i ’V"- t - "rf Vy '’ r v ' ' i 4 J ' - t s " - yiqpy fig to be entirely of a temporary The following have failed to become incorpora- at plained It action era from Grant' army and aara one or them sU- rted that ho badsoenln thelUchmond panera m ted fa ther newlawf being loet by a wWe diregree-me-of character Marshal Lord Combermere fa dead'' ' field aUxofone:balf houseavls two was Grant otthe on his right bat massing report ihat ' cotton ott is tax and The British ytri cent estimates aales on before The navy artny parpne per thu was a mistake A V committee refusing to liament both show a material reduction in tha i then out Id this tho Senate wero-give5 Washington n on mino Charge ! The fonovring despatches In relation rto tho reunless drawback :i’ articles both House agreed Jo Hhe ap t The ofUclat Veltow Book laid before the French ported defeat and captato of Gen Early bjrtttierfc during the re dan and the capture of Charlotte’ lie have been poiutmeutof eommlMioner continues neutral on the v legislation toy Franco has examine to the iato received by this departmeuL t Sherjdsn sad bit cess confined herself to the Bubjectof taxation and American question vn force commenced their movement list Monday and tho pf ’ It re- : French 6Qbjecti in America Herald’s Winchester correspondent of The condition v Were at Stadnton-whelast heard from' Gen a few days ago three Winchester faaJI grets that (he demands for reparation- of injuries s' says Hancock was placed In charge of the middle mill- - Si manner the Lee : and Bunnell “J expeo lea by the names of Sberrard net been responded to iu ivofrom t tary dirlefon daring the absence were aent: out of out lines on the charge of dU--' tea government the j Washington headquarters at Winchester T i loyalty It is said they conspired together i7e?tt of Spain has agreed to the sale of th A" STAlTOJf (Signed) up a sociable ball to which Gen Sheridan was toj! iThe yw forming the lloysl patrimony 5 11 am v : ik 1 C'tjr Toint Va for the benefit Pftbefip To Stanton— Deserters In this morning" report : i& poriqSP1: ministerial crisis that Sheridan had routed Early and captured Char- - take him captive and convey him JoJEUchmond jti’drkVff’1’ t Idtteville''"' Sd baa a long arRichmond the of having The Enquirer 'Information from Wflnri2gfoji3'j ' 1 ’gone from - IUcbmond to reinforce Early Gen Couch ticle showing that bherman and Grant are to be r ' well fa Chat depstAuen progressing Hie undersigned has now on’ band owl of the haa been Gim ' beaten in detail and then the Independence (Signed) command to the VTr aligned Vance Gov is now will be 2 aecurod 5 Gn am :? City Point Confederacy T corps and of he city of Wilmingtob it Deserters from every point of the enemy V line actively at work it says’ in rallying the people and March - ' all cltwf W W I he 'doraere ban allowing haa stripped some th It confirm the capture or Cbsrlotteville by Sheridan' organizing to resist It say Grant resicions with V: proper ojupatious Western in vlr They say he captured Gen Early and nearly hi every section of the country and the eoutraband trade entire force' Consistingof 100 men Four brigades 1 ginia he has not men ’enough to protect bis Gener- - MrterBtian prisoners were about to be sentnortC ? 1 were reported sent to Lynchburg to get there be- - ala while weeping On Wednesday last $15000 worth of medical supI ' ' I I i fore Sherman"! A possible sevin the belief confident are Richmond The papers plies were discovered secreted in Wilmington C: ill moment is Gbant the move will the (signed) Grant thousand dollars worth that ground eral beingquinine The : ' so do finished to to hard $ the: J say hdl If'i 'sufficiently troops perndthim City PolatTaA Vm They nearly paymasters paying ITlixo To Stanton —Refugees cunflrm the statement he haa everything ready for an advance that oar in that department Kl The weather had been very bad" 1 of dessrtere in regard to the capture of Early and forces aril Kept watching nightly for Sbmmcs on are kept active in The celebration of the Union successes post-- ' nearly h5a entire force They say it took place on the James while the rebelstheir v tides deserters for from Staunton and between' Charlotterille watching poned on Saturday on account of the weather - MEN'S & B0TS’ BOOTS & SHOES Thursday The demonstration waa a' perand that the defeat was total A portion of the Xevr York 12th cavalry and one took place I ! company of the 1st N' C mounted lately surprised I feet success throughout and the procession the (Sid):-- r New York 5 and captured a cpinpany of rebe( soldiers1 near most imposing ever witnessed hero The piilitary iiioj a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of i The Herald’s special says anthentic information Greenville N C then dashed into the town des and fire departments both turned oat strong The as about three hours in passing a from Kichmond-ha- s been received that Sherman's troyed the commissary stores and captured other procession aod the crowd in' the streets w probgiven Advance 'had reached Fayetteville NC - A dea-pat- prisoner' point U LADIES’ FINE 'LACE AND also eajra' that Porter's gunboate had reach- j The' Tribune's Wilmingt on ' correspo'Sden ably the greatest ever seen ii New York' ani T XiKswTerkT:'' r-ed that point nounces the arrival there pf S00 exchanged Union videiww ucconin-Utesth- st Ths mya Special TNnMWuhtngton s sick starved emusia!tedandnaked The’ Herald's: correspondent has prisoners Sbenuan has moved by tha flank of Johnston’s BALMORAL GAITERS & SHOES 1 information from Mobile to the Cth at which time forces and placed ' lilmsell between that bodjr of rebel Philadelphia 6 reinforcements' and the rebels Schofield's Officers from i'f The transport Massachnsettshas arrived and re and Wilmington armytyrb' from WUnilngton bringJnforiMktton strengthening their defenses Beauregard was lAwts? that oar navel forces had dnpturedi Fort II arrived lyere y Manufikctnred tha premises by excellent' workman there on the 4th inspecting the ’works He made White a splendid work mounting iTueavy' guns" tht refogees and deaeHera daily arriving iq on line moved from Winsboro SOL-ia speech expressing great confidence' that the Just below Georgetown B C- - Bailors and marines report Sherman and warranted to glv BetUlhctlon X thov direction of yiorence' flanking' r J: landed and took possession of Georgetown place can hold out The and compelling theFayetteville rebels to evacuate It upon which It Granger was at Peusacola on the 11th he inspeo- - rebel cavalry charged on them In the street but wna occupied by itia cavalry' who were engaged In the were gallantly repulsed with the loss of several destruction of the railroad Tie possibility cf a Junction ted the Union troops q— annieston Which oil progress of our : S-yUcv ass pabfle aStt'- fehertv5 TCU(I oMhe’- i- EA&EE i EIIEOBIUM injho city seeking to deprecated i - rather than let itijperish of the whole popu- came- - One-eight- h L “Qclent wy Oljj-’- ' co!orel slaves not" distributed it "tlisr plies on-- 'bla was meat to be city ia S I in the These slaves constituted of them-iiaand powerful interest" All knew ihSthis interest was somehow the causa pf rnsTitntion and the war To strengthen the waa the object for which extend U interest rend would the Union by war tfce insurgents while the government claimed no right tordo than restrict tha territorial enltirgcmcnt Sit 'eitlir party expected Jbr the war ths magnitudd or duration which J( has already either anticipated that the cauae attuned conflict might cease and even before the the of conflict itself should cease: Each looked for and aresult less funda-Dientin easier triumph’ Doth read the same andastottndinf same tho God Each inBible m j pray to vokes' hi aid against the other It may seem strenge that any man should dare to take rt to tk that - : xLmilv ovor’tlio Union but localized “I -- paper I i ortho d y just God s assiststico in ester-mteoe- pnblio nrh He has eag for ntMt Hank an the -- v - ch - Vj f New:-Orlean- ’ i were-receivin- -- to-d- -- -- 1 wringingHheiC-brea- d -- X'- to-da- y' PnmmUnt ny iresh batch of rebel deserters tliat ’Ik? HeniaV of both should not be answered that ifiieither ha been answered fully ' The Ali mighty has his own purposes - Wins to - the world because of offences for woe it must needs be that offences come-bu- t whtfrri offence tho man cometh If that to hy shall American one of tho vps slavery suppose ntoet t -- that jadp FOR SALE AT REDtlCED PBICES Stock' of A ’ from the sweat of other men’s faces but let wo be not judgod Tho not oj not for the it I S ! al ' t - -- tteviiu that nd DU-°d and Jpoing PPen ter lamer I i °® ' ndtW Io H V four'-regiment- They--repor- 'WOE mate war rather than let the w® nlarvive and the other would accept ®et s ' s ’ - -- lBa r® T V- - W'ftMgl gffit Smart id ttt effect by Vgotilone but mrtiem pretjr WeU- -i IflllUFAOTUElE!! ' predicUon in iho on this' ventured occasion i$ it to this four years ago oil tho iin- mere anxiously directed to enditog riril war all dread edit all sought to ' ss s j fire fe: no j :j i - A LARGE AMOUNT OF I come Harvest Sloon on n onr lines reiterate the statement made by Admiral Dahlgreen’s flag-ehi- p the previous ones that the rebels era preparing to hex way dotro was sank by a tdrpefelo All bands were saved with the exception of the wardroom evacuate Richmond and Petersburg ' i This Times says a letter from' Winchester sUtes steward articia on the exThe Tribnnfr contain on 25th:ult the reinforcements ami that cavalry ilonp itsone from of trains on Gen there and tlie 27th arrived change question correspondents pontoon Sheridan started with about 15000 cavalry it ia recently escaped from U rebel prison It eomplains 1 ' r effected- - i- - of the 25th LADIES AND GENTS BOOTS AND SHOES rnDt’iirnmlnutoii ' wae Florence ult says Sherman's cavalry correspondent reported atthiwforn-ia c C a few days aince' It s rnniored in town or main thatSiierman’s steamer as tha body leaving log i t north-webranch Cf Cape Tear six miles has crossed the ' i st EASTERN LIANUFACTURE which ran fnp pla4 if 8he ia tha river will come to grief between two fire ferefce of Sherman aad Schofield hemmed between in the of the great leniency displayed towards rebel pris-Bor- and will either be destroyed or captured oner by onr government while onr own men are The Chlckamauga baa ft luce 'been destroyed' by the release of dying of starvation a in the recent' which goea to confirm this report of Price and his parole in Washington He mentions rebel’ abonta of Sherman' main body numerous occasions where prominent rebels have Affairs at Wilmington under the admlnls'ratlon of been released withotlt any equivalent while the General Schofield are progressing in a very satisfactory same class of prisoners are treated by the rebels manner have yet been iaaned respecting the bad taking of thft oath of allegiance with the utmost e verity r lt charges the but it la Mtimatedthat of tbe Inhabitants are willing to give this management of tills matter npou Secretary- Stan- nine-tentton and demands that the country shall be honestly proofnf their loyalty Bovernment - -- - 4 - ! H so the Cbickamnuga from this - A offences the providence of God must needs said' to operate in the direction of Lynchburg I and 'Sheridan 8hermaawili and meet say which come but having continued through act together in that direction Gen Hancock a I 1 LOW PRICES his spiointed time he now wills ‘to remove earned command at Winchester on the departure I j He gives to bo th4 North anil Soutli Tiiis terri-hlew- ar of Sheridan as a woe duo thosc jjy whom the St Iidnis5' Shall we discern that there is offence came The Orleans Bee of the 2Gth publishes a' private LOT OP A LARGE Jan 50 stating that up to - i Jf ny departure from these divine attributes letter from Matamoraa 'V' Mexican and this authorities Confederate time the which? believers iirthe living' God always had been simply polite and friendly Generals Me- and scribe to him? " Fondly as we hope for the jia and Slaughter fairly dealt with having crossed the river in civil The we went do Washington Republican says theofficers of pray that this mighty scourge of dress and dined witireach other f f i Schofield's army who arrived hereAhia am1 from war may speedily pass away yet if God will r foil uniform Yesterday Gen Mejia and staff in IALEi HAND OX ANDJOR on when state that they leltthat place Wilmington ' that it continue until nil the wealth piled by entered Brownsville where Gen J Slaughter in- 'the GREAT SALT LAKE CITY! onr 1st deserters and refugees who came into his1 their whole visit with vited 'command ' under ' the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years a flank Sherman by arms and ’gave the visitors an artillery palqte pf lines that day reported that II B CUWBOff Manager jt Florto evacuate rebels had move the of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until 21 compelled Johx T tizixz guns After dinner the Confederate flag was ence 8 C aud was moving in 'the direction of Manager Stage every dnm of bipod drawn witli the lash shall raised aad the Mexican General and stalf removed N route to which is on" the direct THE ABOVE ARTICLES GAN BE C( their caps and saluted it the former making a Fayetteville be paid ny another drawn with- - the sword? of JLhla Efitablish-:- ii The $PRINGK ' either or SEASpN Goldsboro Raleigh : As VAT TIIE speqeh in which he said the Confederacy would ' ment will commence on it was skid tlireo thousand years ago so soon The Richmond papers of the 28th of February r and lie concluded !th$ recognized by inviting still itmnst be said that the judgments of confederates to a say the Yankee prisoners have all been sent from grand banquet at Matamoraa ' the Iiord are true and righteous altogether the camps Itear this place to North East Bridh 21 salute to their with flag guns promising t being exchanged Many others AYithtnafice towards none with charity to arrA'ibttT865: i tf The importance of this affair consists mainly in for the purpose ofand have from'Greensboro Salisbury through passed ia that firmness Gen with fact in the commander as God the alb of chief Mejia or ths right gives toj same destination All the Federal hra for the secLthe riglit let us ' strive in the finish the Mexican- - armies and is therefore the next perto lm aettva North Carolina be in ae Attractiom Gieat Varlety of exchanged prisoners of the work we are into' bind tip the national sonage to the Ehnperor we learn t North East Bridge - We presame the fbr AHe SetajKml after the above 800a of courtesies will In Interchange a be few o wonmU care for him who shall have borne completed dayM the U S consul at Matamoras received his pass- - exchange 6 I the battle and for the widow and the orphan AT Quebec Bill was closed-- ' ports afld the consulate The result of the - elections in New Brunswick ' ' alua‘and do all which may achieve ami cherish a I Gen eixtoenth army wilt probably be the postponement ofthe confederacorps is ' V LOGAN Cacixx Cocxty outside Orleans just and lasting peace amtfng ourselves and of The legislation scheme for an indefinite period just ' (? with all nations Cairo 4 in-tive union of the Canadas wilt probably go OGDEN W’ebkb’Couxtt The Orleans Times of Feb 25th ssys the report'’ Fhiaiclelphia6': '! VV VtLL- - P ABTlCUrJtRS' SEE BILLS OF DAT : rbn ed expulsion of the American Conhul from Matay which arrived Massachusetts here The ' moras appears to be confirmed by his arrival at had on board the first United Statea mail that has SALT CREEK Juab Uouxtt t ' the south-wethe breaking out otthe rebelpass left Charleston since a - Orleans 25 V MOUNT PEASANT c i" i O lion 11 i Jjt i i Li ' f schooner-JanDoran e The 6 Cairo reported lost off the -- ABOUT THE v FIRST Sxxfete Coamr mouth of the Rio' Grandelias' arrived safety inside The Mem ‘ 2r ’ L v the bar tkV son laden 'CONFEDERATES ’vitj' ' 1 t The latest news from Matamoras is that "the number of u JT' t by many of hi Trlenda'to below Napoleon oathe- morning of the 2d Hating been ur American flag was banled down by some unknown milqs — 1 3C Over j I i :X party : TIIEM I The Times is informed that the assigned reason messen in1 tha were officers The of the inostall saved boat dren for Maximilian’s delivering Ilfs’ passports' to oar The steamerand the t - oi’r 1 cargo are a total loss EASTERN STATES the'MBn-recognitio- n Matamoras is Consol at of 13 TUB 4 Oswego were burned last Nine to this City the coining seasonhe has ait French-Austrian them And night involving buildings authorities in Mexicp by onr y llijor Granthas received a dispatch from Gov Freight the a loss of $170090 Fenton stating that the War V to do so upon 'liberal ls prepared fengllfyioia&V fatd y Department in Wash- - II Government-’ JZZ ' agton tu £ t 1 a fc t f j received Information from Halifex that v The TlmesBadgad correspondent' says It Is re- Per the City of Baltimore from Liverpool 22d Terms rebel in thelirovinCes are I 4 Generals and Cortina are that Cavarajal voateniplatlnga 23d rad oa Oswego and Rochester A public meeting I forted Queenstown where Mejia with 4000 n te be held ia this city this p m to take such marching on Matamoras ' I Oj Buying and the feet of bia baring Phare De La Tayne desires'ln regard to the stateawaits their attack ' ’ ' troops Imperial action ia the matter as may be necessary had sent war a ment the French that government v 3: ablrrrfr ?Zi New"York 5 in pursuit of the rebel ram Stonewall that VERY' "LAR GfE r---Citizen states plainly that all vessel Canton Mis' The does not consider that To make for hinutel glre him a prestige which few Advice received here v '1 sources west Mississippi I to be evacuated by the rebel the cabinet of the Tuilleries ' t through v 'V to the ramOttatine and the lr “om Mexico state that tho war pnrdte' possesses pursue right Morchanti have' and rendor the advantagM of Takes ’in the United leaders No effort isto be made to hold ymyof citizens of the in In notifying pleaztire cut ana states that hutes U’ attracting the special "sttentios of the thoiign hy completing fitting viothe-Yato alL blm and between apparent Jtiack ending by the Big country an audacious French waters it was Imiierizl Government - The tov receive Y ' -- r Utah that he is again prepared f 7 v forJ"-- r police have directed The line of the Central Mississippi Rail- -' lation of onr neutralitycommitting ' f 'Parties the of result the Web sending ope lrT®t of all who express sympathy with the rivenis to be given up which yields Jackson The mails fata the'snbjectwill not be null rcderal cause A man named Valles- has been road Oltio Railroad ia to be the "new line investigation and Mobile ORDERS AND PURCHASE fentencedrto a year's imprisonment for speaking which it will be tbeir endeavor to hold Brandon 1(1 impossible 'indeed for tlie affair to remain u is where u it UK's ' find a f feTomble this Will uvorablj about the United State and predicting fifteen miles east of Jackson will be the point at: peculiarly opportunity as they the The Cuba’s the failure of the" are already purchased and will be delivered here very speedy end or the rebellion The Imperial which they will make a stand against the Federal ' in earl w treisury is constantly getting Iowot and the hos-uiir t advance on the railroad connecting at 'Jackson peace ‘negotiations" caused a sllgbt" depression jJ of the church cotin American an securities and improvement party to the "Emperor MaxH with the Central and running east to the Mobile i t $3- - No orders will be received far a leu amount thin raiisn is mi the ihereasie The friends or the Jua-- arid Ohio The last named road is to be their great ton though the improvement afterwards was lost i kinds of ah cause here refused to - rive credence to1 the in It is stated that the steamers Niagara and Sacraline ' of communication between Dick "Taj-lo-r Jrri! 'Fall particular! on application defeavot Oaxaoa mento were at Kerrol cruising off there watching ! : ' X v ' Alabama and the rebel forces in the southern por- the -- rt f a alwhich steam ram rebel Stonewall It Li thought here that the Richmond new nt$ will same the while at time it Vhig'a tion of that State Godbe’B Office v 17 leged to be unseaworthy y: Exchange Buildings np' MACHINERY STOVRSf 1YAGOXB etc “WiMuUftit the railroad from’ Augusta' to At-- ? afford a covering for Selina and Montgomery ’ debV:'' nt itairiUi'wF vy'i v" In Lords an House iTiL of V i rsi “ completed is proof that Diek' Taylor's Important is during Hood has split his old army and is marching ate-on the wrcei were not able to reach atr ' Lvndfcn balled' i defenses 'c the Canada j" ii Sherman's near in Carolina tf jyi to South of leaving it DickTnylor : J ° “terfere’ with his movements ' The reb- - n command of the remainder A small part of it tention to thexnatter pointed fo the hostile feeling Bave evidentiy hadno 'And IRZIGnt the same to this Cltj on terra that esa railway communication was doubtless luroed over to Forrest He i re- of Americana and urged iifi mediate measures far west or Augusta since Sherman defense the of the collect-inarid g province force not fall to bo aatiafiictory to all who fend j hia all passed through original cavalry im- -: bfKmTrom Nassau if Feb 16th state that the turning Yhe hia to command EarYcf ‘the about admitted morer swell to? Daole'kddLRipon enough From past axpariesca'la this Busincw he is abls to cfihr Jteamers Fox unce captured and Druid returned' I 20000 portance of th question bu( regretted that anywish to puzchse insuperior Inducements to those who-au- j amu from Charleston op the 6th and 9th I Forrest since his assumption of the' command doubt should be expressed on tne conciliatory i Hie wt Prestos left- - Nassau for Charleston but the LOWEST RATES! of the America government of East Louisiana Mississippi tentions the - S ew days was back again The Colonial of the Department measures proposes by the government to X3r For pertlcnlarii 'apply at his Offloe fa G088F1 has been making some radical chanAlabama and whuld ask a votqioC jC5OaO0Qfor the Qnebe: edefenses had refused permission to the e jtffOF $T0BE'r ' dismounting a considerable por- while ' ges in the defence the undertake afelnite(l States' gnubdat Honduras toGaptain Canadians would deanchor He BClZtDXNGS niTCW AtOB cavalry' his evidently tion of irregular u port during a heavy swell at sea ' I ' of Montreal and wertw'ard '' I: ‘i v 41-tf I G SK aty Teb 22 ISAS sign's abandoning West Mississippi and attempting 1 i V Herald’s special says apprehensions are to hold only the country between the Mobile ana f Barl Dcrby tiiought fiie position of tiie ‘governf 1 1 Ala-hat ment was hjamilfotingirtten questions ef peace or I 'pressed in some quarters thatT there Is a deep Ohio Railroad and the eastern boundary of— a hi the v with war i ' an on excited strong the' influx deserters of from : depended populace' great Lha iayal Statmul it Is surmised 'WasMngtdfiKi'l prejudices against Eng WhdrHt strongly Censured 'll: the government for having so long delayed the de rFe nurabtrs of these deserters are transfer-The following contains some of the most impor- fensee to the Ieart and ridicnled the Smallness of the vote asked loyal portion of the country tant features of the tax -- bill as passed by both '?®Snfce $ raid on an extensive scale 'N r Granville Houses of Congress: thought Derby’s views exaggerated ‘ifit p&CBASB FBZ3GHZ AND FOBWABD ' so as but fair share Canada a he 3 Kohmond Enquire? says Col Hatch took long 5 thought i a On all1 incomes exceeding $600 a tax of per r rilME nndentensd Is recelrin orders tor MASON of exchange has arranged to deliver at cent i 10 per cent The tax off England bound (o assist the colony over on all HAMLIN’S :a CABINET $5000 ORGANS U i and X I i prspand Kington all the Yankee prisoners CLOTHING Is fixed at $10 per thousand without regard Martinaborg and Edenborough complained of the to mskft arraogemsnts tor-- their Xreight and Delivery tn A fost aa transportation can be furnished' cigars small sum MkeU ' to price or quality instead of so mnch per poutfd '- ’'n-'"' T7t 1 r ? T5 y f MvnAsi4ofs 51®®° mentions1 atr attempt' to' burn on all tobacco manufactured purely from leaf’ 40 Russell regretted the dlscusslons and talked that t 2jpe Prices at ths Manufactory fa November last wars ‘those lesviagthslr 0XBZBB by SSSofi' cr heforaTthe 10th APRfl next Hwfll make a movement Famlly lnstrumentiV SliO) 9X309 $140y take measures 0 form a connection with Responsible New Tcrk Jins also H 1 Sale of tee v' tor ehow a different :po r iodzb tor Utsting-Boni- si $350 ' WW“B suempiea 10 I Initrujasnti assist pel comes to forward w -government mznxbad stock cxaxmb rrxT i V'- ‘“'hu secure tiieiusaranoes rt Hxxspa from-thr are first of nartM ay savings banks and aa4: 93 bo In reply to Derby: Minister aaid the sabjeot of twenty- - taxed one half of one per cent on thelr deposits On naval forces for the lakes owing te the ’ termina- iJ aMf 7 pwsrff aobortfing to lst oae t- -? Uni 4 containing 6000 troops petrolenm the tax' is finally fixsd at $1 per barrel tion of the coQventionwas under cofirideration and tsspestlog Catalogues Descrlptiv - Monrottf Ih$fr destination is of 80 gallons No drewbacxis allowed whatever Apply erlyet?OostofreighvetCi seat by Mali dfcSppUcetSDO pwed to be Grant’s lines - y when petroleun U exported as fa theUthtnetion I — ? f T P’ BE0W3I fie® Fmaclsce 7 Ihelnstrnmsuts Freighted of the f‘' “l way fall by facoaaol& — ii 1 ' I ' l6th!sf?IoombB’ hi a speech et Angueta on the of the old revenue law An facreaeed tax of 20 I aught ! direst and Colcrsdok or s s the Plains purchasers I to The article and i schedule lir Derby levtedn every 'Daily ct' These TO b seen end Sriefiwap stlon were the cause of the angers that be- - per JT named there&K Thfainelndes all kinds of mtnn- - with having raised the mbst mischief by n debate- plication IhmllyXBStremaotecs tb honseeof Prafi'X Cwvtogtoq at He on The of: 1 time law old 20 this with this defrndeclares they must at fteture and :th question of the policy ton andT B II ettahonse Dqrs In this Otyt D!bop SSSS&S&Z per cent ) at ths r evil ftoiUappIy the true remedybegin I added will be the new standard or taxation The ces- - and says there is a - probability that the A Nichols J K“TSi‘J?SSf?£S which demftnA Brigham City end John WstkiD Xeqr lhe “oalor the Administration ‘ The I stamp taxis so amended as to make every written ernment will take no measures fora navel force on PrcTO Douglas end itL Bankers 1 — A 1 LaksQty paper mentions the arrival of fifteen dehert-- 1 instrument void without Its proper stamp DATXD 0 OAXD23L! the lakes as 'the Wzshiagton government have ex-' ne 3 -- Hart a cap 3 e three an led la- Ending' mpaoy i - - No-'brde- hs rake i to-th-e will i Leor tfl-e- TH s -- him iaig' it Aram lm Hill El -- 1 1 : lregL have' a land id the pa ri luting lamer WEDNESDAY Evening 1 a Tx J: - -- I'paat aa BRANCH STORES ‘'u-fl- o EAGLE EMPORIUM prtlom iecea rleapa d Dot’ ’' ppeel e bor ‘ ’ i ‘ for Opening N'gb Splendid r‘ en-camp- ed Y2 la trj E AYR Sole and Uppe Leather - - - - - " -j to-da- r haa ! - i-- re' row ‘ erate boro force irotv 3 atatn )0p rthe tlCK tired four s50 lock BSOf nillfr mita ther eee f - - - T - j - - -- His Largo Experionoo (TTOf 1 - vn!ncrNewtbrk4 - r ROAD to WEALTH! — s - v -- KtPHASji' GObDFORr ?? iered - v-- ’ front done erate hbr- - — --- therm QODBEGOIMBEflST - st leteljr 5 v w TtTROiTASS F A: MITCHELL Com-miasi-on 1 - -- " - zoo - ‘ - ( - 1 : v ty i ? S i- T 1 w Don rc-port- ed Farming1 Implements at-'7'J- tloh rren ire -- ' - ( “Ila t MASON &HAMLIN?S -- - - ate - n- ex-plp- id 4- ttoa j CABINET ORGANS -- aof mj EASTERN MAEKETS - TS— I ’ his-fotc- ' inol ? 3 tdo veU -- Hol For the East!! r ma -— - -- ‘ the red T D BBOWiV of-th- e ofa- - sin com-Wn®n-er ’ in-Nort- paiixly groceries h ' t£i iich My the ion to "k ” :r iiu-:and-$lT- - -- r e Yr - r V : to -- ‘ -- - U Dir - -- - II pf ied - :- I - 'Yi I i i 'hi ?r ry n of-th- J e 4 " j--- J I gov-aamT10- as 11 - 'Z - - N v v-- : K ‘ISJ ff ' s’-ST - ’ y iJ : |