Show v --fc ’ f s - -' '' mr 'S i ' - I r- 2 - s taui f1W Tiie: rr - telegraph: Jan O 1B0S semi-weekl- y its ccwnpletin before that rtimp (California has nfready ’tlic cars nxrmingthiiptytwro miles pastward front Sacramento and wo aro in formed that thirty morq miles will be completed and in running order- by the middle of Spring' which brings the route to the apex of the Sierra Nevada V and Fcnltcntiary f way night $10 0- 0Ter Annum (one copy) pieces t- : Fix Monti l 'i':006 means they scaled the witi and escaped 's so r: ' Vs Tltree M At?7 pm on Monday night they left this city Any irson aending us ten subscriptions shall for the north At Sessions settlement CL wish tho builders 1 they appro6UCCCS3 and tho soon- ' receive a Copy gratia priated two horw belonging to Mr Henry Loei t cr they commence the sooner they will make and proceeded atm northward fortunes their their and immensely At Wfiiard City the horses wefe pleaso i “NiTS MAK15: LICE recognacd aui ”' ' " " Dildine and Gorman were detained the citizens country cojisina'of tho deert plains there surmising that aU was not right they professThis forcible and - expressive yet elegant PROM TIIE PLAINS s “ ing to be deserten uiul 'classicaf enunciation attributed ioa no-' I ' Officen Hyde and Harris 'started from this city torioua ’ “juawlkillin’Gencral is eagerly It was rumoured in tho City yesterday that in pursuit three hours after tlxo fugitives Arriving : both text and apology by the tho lndiims had burned tip the mail station at at Willard on Tuesday afternoon Every tones adopted iKilicvers in And apostles of tho squaw and Juiesbhrg and had subsequently a fight with was 'rendered by ‘tho citizens’ and Gorman ‘and soldiers at or ncorthat place llore “nits” Dildine wero brought book to Ihls city on Wedpapoose killingjdoctrinel nesday afternoon and placed In confinement how for more Wc recollect to JIOItNIW " noXDAT - - AV— v- -i m- ft r - i m - ' - - 1 - s S’ U sf hearing something of a certain: ancient ruler who was bo great on this ' annihilation policy that bo wished bis people' Iiad only one hock that he might destroy them at on© blow Yon see ho had the will but he did not fancy the trouble —ho wanted to lo it moro wholesale than Naturo could per : mit Other persons more T eager dont mind tlic trouble not tr bit if they can ohly squelcli " tho liita V ' ' lllo policy is soractlrncs very convenient Tt may bqcxtcnddl indefinitely whether pro ' iitably- or not is not' the question and no matter provided that tho Jock o’ 'lantern Vv thing--glor- y '’lie obtained r For instance Russia might save trouble and expense-- by adopting-i- with" theJL’oles Austda' with the ilungarians and' Venetians franco with the Algerines and England with the dissatisfied natives of India and with tho ' It miglit atsip bo tried with tho South- r- - Irish iTiiers for ifjjevelopcdjwith sufficient vigor it Would bo certain to bring “peace” for a time Quan troll and Bill Anderson -- are said to have made some Tittle efibrts in that lino in Kansas and Missouri Parts of 'Missouri' uro “quiet’’ enough just now and are likely to ' remain so until they aro resettled" j ' AVo tfust Congress wil continue Its inves- tigation of dealings with tlurliidian3”ns there certainly will bb no- - squirming over it from' unylwily except those "who like the llibeiv nian in court aro instinctively nfraiiFof jus-- r V '’ " V - - " - p s ' -- z tice y ' ' V ’ UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD r : also-increase- graiit-:from-'B46oiicife- I glory CALIFORNIA AND OREGON The report of Col Barry to the Directors of the Colombia River Railroad Company of a survey of a railroad rpute through the AVil- lamotte Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys made with the view: of connecting with the route previously surveyed from OroviUe to the Oregon line by the California and Oregon Railroad Company represents - the Oregon portion of the route tole 325 miles in length the terminus reaching tho navigable waters of the Columbia river with co£y grades and at a total cost of $1500000 extract from the report shows the line of road the cost of construction etc “From the summit of tho Siskiyou Mountains (where it is proposed to connect with the enterprise of tho California and Oregon Railroad Company) to Ashland a distance miles at an average cost of jOf twenty-si- x '380000 per mile '"From- - Ashland to Hunter’s Ferryy a distance of thirty-eigmiles' at an average Cost of 340000 er mile ' From Hunter’s Fcrry to the head of Canyon a distance of thirty-eigh-t' miles at an average cost of 3C0000 per mue From tho head of Canyon to Canyonville a distance of twelve miles at an average cost of 380000 pcrinile From Oauyonvillo to Roseburg a distance of ihirty- orie miles at ' an average cost of 840000 per milel From Roseburg- - to the head of tbe AV'illamette valley a distance of fifty miles at-aaverage cost of 340000 per mile From tho head of AVillambtte Volley to navigable waters of Columbia river a distance of one hiindred and thirty miles' at an average cost of §35 000” Tho following are some of tho advantages which tho rood presents according to Col Barry: It runs throngh and connects tho great valleys and groin growing districts of the Pacific coast it is on the direct line of trado arid travel it is safe and easily defended it connects the States or tcrritories'of Oregon Idaho Washington British Columbia Vancouver California and Nevada it is the only line running through the only country in the world combining great agricultural resources unlimited water power abundance of timber and moshausUble mmes of useMandprecous - g L ’ ht - - T - ' T y - d i - ‘ k f i i toll-bridg- - agri-cultQ- ral I’ ' K - - d r 7 s I it h - i - & j V -- - - -' i ' ’’f‘ i t - presen- - y j ‘ :C-- 4 r f it AflAcrCapt' Urmy late of tbo third infantry C V baa nearly completed bis quota of RAILROAD ThV-fullowiii- At ’ On the 2nd July Congress passed an amendment to tho Uniod Pacific Railroad law of 18C2 virtually increasing the government appropriation for the road to the follow- ing figures: that portion from the Missouri riverja aiio East base of ' tlxo Rocky Mountains 332 000 pcr jnile in bonds' thence 150 miles westward §90000 per rniW from the' west base of tho SicrraN evada Mountains 150 miles eastward 390000 per mile in bonds for tho distance between tliose measurements' r across Jlie Groat Basin §04000 per mile The'amendmcnt the land ' pet' milo to 1200 metals ?lor the sumo distance 'liA— where the land ha3 not bitcn otherwise appropriated ilOIIE AFFAIRS Oirt liundreil miles of “tho Kansas and FRIDAY MORNING C Omaha branches from the Missouri river LaiistATiVE Asskxibly— Councilor Benson G F No 5—“ah act to incorporate westwjard must bo completed by th©17th ted-yesterday Bail Utah the Nov 1805 and 100 miles annually thereafter way Coinpany” which was read finow was referred Councilor'll uiitil thoFood reaches tho Rocky Mountains and on motion of tho committee on and 25 miles per annum through the Moun- - to C F No 2 “an actincorporations to incorporate the Wasatch tains- - j rr— Wagon Road company was read tho second time The Ouialia and Kansas branches aro now by sections and oa motion: of Councilor Harringthird time by its title and so being built amF itT is not doubted thatlhe ton was read tho tcTtlie House for concurrence 100 mileai will bo completed by the time re' passed and sent la the House messages were received announquired tliO concurrence of the Council in4an act rhc'Alcliison Champion feiy3 the work is cing' eiianffing the boundary of Tooele City in Tooele with the funds are great energy proceeding county? and in "‘an act in relation to butchering and' meat markets” the latter with amendments furthcohiing'and the wages arc promptly-paiIron has been purchased and engines and Cars which the Ilonse agreed to " A petition was presented from citizens f leaarc uiidcr contract t6 be delivered early in praying for an appropriation to he exrhe spring- - Much of the masonfy for the ver county Wild-ca- t pended on the Territorial road tlirongli first stretch has been completed in a substan- kanyon and Pine Creek nioiuxtaixis read and retial and permanent 'manner and the heaviest ferred A charier for LoganJXty Caclio county was cuts TiaVc been made “Tho cars will ran to eat referred the- - Kickapoo reserve before another harvest’’ A' bill for an act appropriating funds to assist In Kusincss Very naturally accumulatesat Atchm&kipg a road np Weber kanyon In Weber and ison and property rises in value thereand on Morgan counties was read and refetred Jthc fhto of the road The Salt Lake trade The bill ‘granting to John Nelson and others a ' j e across Bear river was ' reported back through- tliat place may sooiiteoma an imand passed its first reading' V" portant itbm- ' 'A bm ’was" presented for an act anfhorizing the Capitalists eastwanlmre anxious to acquire Tcriitorial road commissioner to crectr a bridge nil possible information respecting the hrrosa a sIough"spring near Milktontj point 'nn mineral and general business re-- the State Road running west from' Salt Lako City BOurce3 of the country in the interior of the in G S!iL County re ad ‘and referredContinent-witThe Houso adjourned till Saturday at I p m tho view of its furnishing business particularly freight for: the road We had tlie pleasoro of a: visit Os aiid espociaUy rcturu freight such aTwool yesterday from C A Trowbridge Esq of Detroit Dakin Esq of New York City W A Henry-und copper bro as well as precious metals' Davidson Esq of Denver and Charles Bates Esq 7"hey alsolesire tojenow the extentLof the Rochester Theso gentlemen are how on atoaf of pbputxtioa of Utah Colorado Nevada Idaho of observation from th Missouri river to tho Coand Montana lombia The first two named gentlemen are we If they beconxv convinced that a local believe interested In tho Union Pacific Railroad and 'seem to be taking notes as they pass along traffic from the Missouri river to this city of At another time we shall have sometlihig more to Sufficient amount to support the road can bo say of the enterprise ' obtained in all jprobalility they: will put forth ‘TnEATMCAL — Macbeth 'dreW an excellent their energies and build the road without de-l- ay Tlie law- of Congress requires tho road house onAVednesday eycoiog and is to he repeat ed on Saturday evening the last of Mr Pounce-fort’- s by 7C but does not prohibit "to be complctod T engagement 7 rr r 1 Bfil :§ squelch— a new company for tho eighth C V artillery regiment' Capt Urmy has ' many friends' in this city who arc pleased to hear of his prosperity' — — Thx Wistkx Is passing along mildly more mild- Ijr in fhet toon any previous one that we can remember ia this region There is considerable thaw mud and slash in the sim every day after tho first’ three or four hours of daylight making the roads bad enough for foot wheels or runners - H -- - SATURDAY MORNIKG tfrtW S '''4 - - de :' last night of Mr Panne efort’s should tho theatre from crowd engagement we have no doubt of it to ceiling-Lixn- TnsATRiCAiM— The 'LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY par-qnet- te d being so Mr Pannccfdrt will probably goWcst— we think he should We have no hesitation in Saying that the1 people of theTapific would find in him an artist of a high order We hayo been acquainted with mahy professional gentlemen hut it is some time since1 we met the superior of Mr P lie unites to rich and versatile accomplishments be fore the cqrtain a large and varied experience behind-it He will be a great accession to any manager Macbeth will he a rich treat to the lovers of the tragic : hg to-nig- ht “ResoluLegislative Assembly — (II -' tion in relation to grants of land to States and Ter: ritories” being called for was read and ' On motion of Councilor Hyde was concurred in i and the House notified accordingly House memorial' to Congress to increase the mileage and per diem of the members and officers Ofthe Legislative Assembly and the Ealurics ofthe Federal officers oftlie Territory” was read and On motion of Councilor Harrington was referred to the committee tni petitions and memorials Adjourned till 1 p ra on Monday 0th inst NErui— Mr 8 l’itckfortk informs us that the theatrical season commenced Dec 2Sth in the Social Hall of the flourishing settlement of Ncphi the Dramatic Association of that place presenting “She Stoops to Conquer” aud “Andy Blake” to a full house The intention is toplay once or twice a week daring the season As elsewhere dancing and parties are also the order of the day The folks there have not Lad so much snow as has fallen' here but they have had more rainF-11- ) (Ttrl!1 — well as by his unremitting care and assiduous la )0W bchiadthe scenes tho varioos first class plays presented daring Ids engagements in the Theatre have 'gone off in very creditable style cpmjdcahle listrtonte ahili a gooil education and Varied! scComptuWeufcjSnr excellent under standing of stage business and a thorough love or his profession weird sisterhood were very ThoJi choruses of the' ' ine The jddfr sistoraMargette Dunbar and bowring—didtho cauldron buslneat magnificently and we take thisopjKirtnnUy of eomplunenting Mr Tsasdaiatordiis'readbiees nt all times to be nse'ftil to the Association' With the brief preparation fqr tho solos' h© was vfcry siiccessful We have any stage aa rarely 'seed Macbeth ' placed1 upon well as its presentation here' v- ' ‘ At the close' 6f the performances’ Mr :Pauncc-fotimaa brief speech thanking jibe patrons of theatie’ the Management and thi Araoc!ation for their cordial support during his engagements His speech was received with rapturous applause and Mf: ’ilcKcnxle had to answer 'the caof the House andiffiake'( a fnodcsreponse Tho witehea had jpqttooCir Into civilization to appeal on demand etherise wero ’would have been nt long and (a loud’ call fop their lovely countenance! for they surely conibutcd iargely to the success of the On Saturday In the Ilotiae' messages were received from the Council tbe first annminc--jn- g theiy concurrence in the adoption of reso lution in relation' to grants of land to Stated and Territories the second announcing’ their passage ’6f 'an act to IncorpoVate the 5Va satcb Wagon Road' company which was read and referro4 The committee on revenue were instructed to incorporate in the Territorial appropriation bill $1000 to be expended in opening a road between Rush and Skull valleys also $300 to be expended 'on Gie State road In' WlId-c- at kanyon a hii'ipTsr Pino 'Creek mountain he-- 1 tween billiard and Bearer counties The Ter ritoral road commissioner was instructed to the Territorial road from ' Peck’s Creek to the mouth of Silver' Creek in Summit l : Wi’iU county j " fills’ appropriating funds for road purposes up Weber Itanyon andLorT buillLni' a Bridge across the slough: spring at Millstone point' running west' from Salt Lake City in G S L county were! reported back and their passage ' j : ’ re-loc- gte - j All iood’9 '' cAm-EE- I Aka rrcte ISDRNUK trbom: -th TUB PRIVATEER O LUSTER ARROvdj Hi- J Tta : u DISPATCHED TO CIIHCK I : Triors Ar f i! r -- sl-r:l- MAXIMILIAN -- VICTORT! '' I fM-i- v Tor' tTOl TboP' rl GOINtLJFROM VICTOl r Tl - J y f ot n J (! 4) 0T’' Additional news per the Asia Thi London Times lia an editorial en of Secretary of Stateewanl in replytheja W 'Whajfnelifle'a application to distribute aid prisoners It says it fa nn Might tcsUuvonv S ?l couwo taken by Uer Majesty’s govcrnmmt dealings with sn animus he cannot conc&i?V 'V he is driven to make the most of tha oriurnaito offrred Vy people irresponsible as repmentit of the JJntish nation Ills letter indicates that fa prepared to make the most of the leant ijJ5 slip that might be made on the-par-t ofthe -- Cabinetor any of its representative t most bo hard pressed when he thinks it to express so much Indignation in so trilfing a fair r The Times questions the wisdom and coed of Lord Wharnclifftf’s offer bntit rcrilftjifljvit charges against the British people and eonciud knows tliat In every one of ft i by saying that-hquestions raised by the existing war we ! are ocl 1 moving in lines already laid down for os bytL statesmen conscience and public-- ©pinion of ft! United States were we in the same ex as thet are Whatever abuse Seward choones to favii&A us simply recoils on tlie heads of his ownjjeojilf A letter pnhlished in the city article oftfa Times on the tradirg regulations with the SoutL contends that they are calculated to impede ratiKv than promote tra me The writer awerutlut th only available channel for getting cotton fa throJk the blockade and that the difficulties of this trade have been increased not by the great efficiency of the blockade but by the regulations of the Cos federate government tending togive itself the monopoly of the profits of the blockade running v Poain-Tha Cortex opened on t1e 22d ofIVc‘ The Queen’s speech gives hope of a jwompt to lotion ofthe Peruvian question It is silent on the subject of St Domingo and says Spain has not anr ambitious projects upon the South American rt publics As regards Mexicothe speech injs tu official communication of Maximilian's accessioj to the throne of Mexico fa the couimencymcntrii new era in the political relations between Spaa and Mexico which had been unfortunately into-- 1 rupted Another passage in tlie speeclirw as U-- ' lows: “I am bound to state that the general com!! tion ofthe monarchy considered In all its extent fa not very satisfactory To remedy thfag 1 Thii k lay before yon ft bill of great unportance supposed to refer to Sau Domingo - recommended1 roxioov Tiuis B " thciw iHjace ULlJ iS COX f 3-- ‘f 1100 DEI ' LEE Tli tally gP H ’ dnfhinatiji At an anU slavery convention held at Frankfort Kentucky yesterday a resolution requesting Ik-- p V V-A r I presentatives in Congress to vote for a Constita tiohal amendment abolishing slavery Inviting tl n i legislature to instruct them to that effect and to 1 i i repeal the alave code of Kentucky — ' v StfjouwjL ? John Thompson a member of tho Liwcr House of the Missouri Legislature was expelled yesfanky for disloyalty Courtland Alabama 4 ' ' A : The cavalry of Steadman’s command lisve captured and burned Hood's pontoon train and captured 800 mules and 100 wagons 1 ’ ! A bill for an act concerning costs 'and fees of courts and fpj other purpo8es waa reported back with a recoffiincndation for its passage The Committee on Revenue were instructed Forrest fa reported near Rosselville to revise the Revenue Law and provide a morff ' A deserter from Hood's army reports that Hood efficient way of collecting the Territorial dues lias been ordered to Tuscaloosa to reorganize bis shattered armyfrom the several collectors dL command la almost w - pnr-sue- d 1 - -- ‘- - - entirely toll 'brldg banded cavalry Newyork-across Bear River inu each county passed its rf letter Savannah Herald’s The says the city w reour first entered When Plain City about ten miles west of Ogden is second and third readings" troops quiet markably The Territorial : road ©ommissionexi: bil the citizens remained in the houBesthronsh feu a four year old and as enterprising os many other of personal injury These fears have paused sva settlements of that age The soil location and was presented and ref erred and the now come the trect- - tbs' bill V for Roddy’s il k t j 4 I- - i - t1- atmospheric conditions prove to be specially adapted to the culture of the sngar cane Water for irrigation anid other purposes is conveyed from the Ogden river just above its conflncnco with the Weber in a canal eight niilcs long Every house in the settlement ia blessed with a big pile of sage blush for the winter’s fuel The citizens are moving in the matter of public works They have recently completed the enlargement of their school houao to 40 by 20 feet and Mr Magnire has started a school in it Steps are also being taken to build a meeting house 34 Black volcanic by 45 feet to rock will be used which is found within three miles distance q m tiiat-cityi over the Weber near is a creditable ofihir It is aborit 70 feet span and is built upon mudsills 37 feet long' The floor is 2J feet above llie highest water mark ' The timber was brought from Ogden 'Valley Tho bridge is planked and nicely whitewashed Attorney General S M Blair and several enterprising citizens of Plain City have built the bridge by subscription at a total cost of $3000 Shook the Legislature reimburse them a liberal portion of the amount it would probably be acceptcduua matter of duty and loyalty IjITEuasy Societies for mntnal improvement up in most of the Settlements of this valJ ' ley northward yesterday afternoon another lot of snow commenced descending in time to keep a docent coating of the material upon the surface of the volley for the previous fall had been going rapidly - T- - Tux OgdejtBaxd with their new Instruments are making a tour of the settlements In Weber feohnty giving a series of entertainments!' That’s right gfvo'the ne machinca a fair " trial— they ’ ' ' were imported to be played unbn' V ?r ‘ - scat-200-perso- n- The-bridg- 4 ' e Gold Conf— 215 iti’' ' MONDAY" MORNING ! with-indifferen- i- - i j : COTTOX OOODi' ' 25JSkcin- cotton pr lb brn sheetings i 1 00 Iletivy 75 - al de Fine r Ginghams ' p Blenched sheotings CO a 125 00 s 1 25 Denims - Poplins s 2 Oo'BTinWfa 226 a 3 60 Blankets a 1 50Crosh Rlcs ii 2i MoJaMnnr gallon a ?tnreanfies Snjnrs 400 Tea Dried apples jwoebes Tolmeco Raisins 1 5 00 05 Hod 65 Salrretns S 200 a 3 " " i 8 OOJPepper 3I OOjOinKer JaSMite 50 j : oo - j Allspice Katmegs SOAPS 60Doffiestie Rosin Castile 4 5 y Am all sizes upwards 50jtVire r ' 00 a TOfLend pr lb Castings pr lb 4 00 Grain scythes Or6S scythes Vv 'f ' t - y-- t 8-5- k 4 f 8x10' - ' v 1 :! " OIASS : 10x12 ' 'J “- -J "J 85110 ' xl4i: ir & f f i Wheat per hash Thirty Oats Beans peT lb Paaa Flaxseed Flour cwt Corn meal ?- 50 - i v : t are based on actual Ship-l- et pr ml Woodprenrd 75 Cbal jnr ton 76 to-da- ' t Wi y hi ii-- t New-York- The Herald’s Beaufort correspondent of the 2tk 1 J - f ) i ' aIn 10 00 a 12 00 50 00 2500 a 40 03 - ' in--b- ? - n SJj- n - r:4 -- T i 5 J -- The Herald’a correspondcnti off Charleston oa iv' j r tbe 23th flays the blockade running steam with a cargo of 450 hales of cotton bound frff Charleston to Nassau was captured a short as tauee 'outride of the former port on the 20th J®1 the United States gunboat Acacia - Tbe and cargo are valued at $200000 S’ The Herald’s v Shenandoah correspondent s information direct from Richmond off to Branch rule PJr troops ore being hurried to and the adjacent region' attempt to check Sn’ man’s northward movement iafonnft-tio: The Richmond papers pretend to have which places Hood’s army south of the Tn ’ nesse V They admit that he u sufiering for rstica ' I and commissary supplies t'il ' a V I - n 70 ' tk SiOfBggs 05 4 oC'Chccie new 3001 '(do old 60 ' 10 Potato 2 25 “ Seolonicma 400 son Hnyprtonr 40 00 Lam her pr m 60 00 a luO 00 Lath pr 100 125 12a15 ! 1 -' v- ' Beef fresh pr lb i Dried teef Hauu smoked 1 - ' - 'O’-'-- ' Bacon V -- says the United States steamer Lillian lately the blockade runner by that namejhas jnt 4060 captured She reports having 600 arrived here for Californio 00 fallen in with the pinto Ohistee that'Vewel bv 76 run out of Wilmington on the night of tlwlS 76 ing at the Western bsr while the fleet mi- t December 6 00 engaged with Fort Fisher On the morning ofthe 2Cth iheXilliau discQYcrcd a black smoke to scar ward and gave chase On coming within gunshot 125 of the supposed blockade runner the vesael 4ti ZOO to heave to and the Lillian not seem 125 cordingly disposed opened on the steamer with her forward pivot gnn and fired two shots Upon nearing to i stranger it was discovered that she had fflyin£ her mast bead the rebel ensign and carried fit t? 'r large gons ' As the Lillian carries but twonot to 1 J :it was wisety considered prudent rebeL The Lillian then put about and the fight 75 stood in for the fleet The rebel followed so® i A distance hot ‘finding that the Lillian was far 60 j 450a500 distancing her and was ’approaching the blockstrir and ding fleet the rebel change© her course r ed in another direction r wnoLESAti PRopucfi1 market j Ik V u 60 10 x18 Quotations under fbjs bead ’Chicago &' - : - “ 1 1 A fusewAss":-:-'i fails— shingle and lath i60j3hewt Iron '!- y - GO M Cinnamon - : 125 a 160 - ' : - t’ 40 a 75 7 c 1 I or -- 75100 CZOCZIUZS i Cuifco : e jt'i 60 s9inm 00 ’Diaper 1 00 y yv 1 Brown -- : 1 1300 2050 NcwTorkL‘ 1000 2500 r A collision between two trahis occurred in Bergen tunnel five persons-wer- - killed ad — —- r number wOonded 150 Irish to-da- : 1 25 h y The ' Legislature elected 75 a 1 00 Senator Yates for six years iso 15 00 :i i Augusts Maine 5 i wasWa P Fessenden nnanimoiuly e&cttd 125175 Senator for six years by both Houses There 150200 Unipn cahcuscs this evening 'WOOX-LK- 3 Flannels Sattfneto Delaines ' V' - :7 50alS00Unwys 50 s 7 00 Broadcloths CMHiumrcs a 2 25 1 50 ! X si 25 T5s125 75 V si v 75 25 Stripes 90a 2 00 I Ticks: ‘fiOaeo Prints 3 00 Thread 'splprdos i fi 850 90s 100 - vA ' v - --- - GREAT BALT LAKE CITV RETA1L MARKETS -- - - - ’t j-- f Boise 3L Dust—Virginia 80 CIOTM g — On Titcateical Saturday evening Shake peare’s grand play of Macbeth drew a crowded house and the : playing generally 6we have no doubt gave great satisfaction? Macbeth is a great t rendering of some play and even the to sure is gain popular cheer? For the parts in' the hands of a master like tragic of Shakespeare Pannccfort— though by-th- e bye? we prefer him we have but little objection in comedy— vastly of doubtful arc its - advantages to very" yet we In tragedy there is rather too any community much of the working ways and means of guilt of which to most persons innocence ia bliss— more especially with the young still the terrible re morse misery and eventual retribution that fot lowed Macbeth? regicnlal act should be sufficient of the proof to the least reflecting that “the way transgressor is hard” It may noth© logical yet it is none the less a fact acd a generall J ’redited fact that public'cxo cut ions iutcndsd to prevent the commission c : 'Si ''r' nt? i j rjl Omca or roa Dailt TaueaAFB Satardar Rreniaj Jiu T 1865 : - 1 are-springin- g ' r C01IMEnClAL ' people freely upon thcmselru The majority appear placing in a loyal positionjtowards the government Tto Times! correspondent at Savanna h says there are no active operations to recoyd bnt on every sjtk are evidences of immensepreparationsfurrenevei activity " Where the jiext blow will b struck H dot developed bat every man in the army talks of a grand overwhelming march on Charleston'- Dahlgren’s men ate biisify engaged ia removing the obstructions in the Bavannah river These obstructions are quite formidable especially those in the vicinity of Fort Jackson It may be s week or two befote commufiibation will be opened to vessels of heavy draught - Tliey consist mainly of strong pUes aiinst wljch have beta sunk re loaded with stone' i f ' gels ' A number of inerchanfa formerly connected with the business community of New York are to ceed north by the next steamer for tho purpose of settling up old accounts and storting sgiun on tbs old basis m - t ' i |