Show i W '0 t i'1 Vi T n 4 ? ("l - w l o otionsl ndh Ii fj tlElNCE rt? " majrni-UtKpe- ct 4 -o- ino-niti- in-riiu- u M ’ w-or- - 4 : -- njet-nrdwa- Vs y ? V - - nt ‘ V ll SPICES Of U3 would - ( TI1ETIV0 OOWARDS a :ihiyc p ' V - ' K‘T w Wc were both cowardsl Drake e'Make our od Af 1 thus he ciMtnued: r luul grad uatqd from Harvard— Laban Aums snd myeu— and lud conmiouccd the rticiV-nWe were ncitlier of us- knar-ri- t law : a cowafcli! law-tut- or - t- - ‘ 2TTLE5 ' ‘X 1 li - evt1 HAUK' Hj- V' "’:vlK't! i ike XUS r‘fa!SM ’ ITORY 'i - Si pH - TEA Tea lii-i4- 05ft i'v rr !' 1': UIK-itif- ii y fkp it fonunCnccfb' Adams could not t- - i tlj faui'ttrf if A ?ast M:" - u h- :r r--- - 'to-morro- w no CltJ i Pv j we metf at dijmk wine gentlemen ' ia-thos- u lioreupon afuurth persou laughed and I had done a great thing v At this 7r'l!L fiuahi'tf and made an impudent reply ' NOt'NXAX Tm !) tria1 i 1 -- theVypniiirt Adams aiul I met and:a liiird person made joine rehmrk upon the old ii t wa j la a month afterwards pfltttvy where tliei '' Cllit- to me Myasv0addressed oiitsidors 'l5- -- and I answer- - e V ‘v laughodatthe hit precious coward I was! Adams said something more ' ‘‘You are both good shots” added Price i replied to him Ile'T'de- - and if you fire together you may both fall” ' t0W ' a ar iat But I dared not offer the Land of conciliaboon drlnlang wine and Idood my I told "him I was ready wavl$ated As that harsh- hard: cowardly tion ' TTe went back to AYatkins and pretty soon word ell upon my eiir nVy ITTJ t passiOii overcame it i V’ measured off the "ground— twelve pace3ir struck Ioiban Adams m the face and they back to back those twelve snoc&d hini back feinst the Wall' It: was AVer were to stand we’fce AA'e '? to turn at the wonl ri illy thinfoC mo-tapart strike him- there paces we m that our pistols at the word company bait I was too miiclx csecited One andwerO to raise word Three we were to fire at the Adams would strike Two ' of Laban Adfcms as I took die did not I WQ3 stronger than lie I caught the eye and was sure no angry passion I thougli this' cOusidoration may not have my position K an instant the impulse For therein dwelt him His 'friends drew him h :i i rent nut into' the open aiiC As away mo to throw' down my pistol and goon was with ' ‘ Wow and leased offer him my hand- OjCOol breeze-fannemy ”!e heated Wood awayfroru m v' brain! was he would ipo- refuse me Iwas sure that ' wliat I hacF done but it was toorlate Sony liut the courage to do it 1 had not vk l to helj the matter i I "’agreeni might ha vc gone to would rather do4 the deep damning fwrong Aifam ‘kuskeil hiin overlook the wrong tlian db that simple Christian net of love! to K o °?ei at I hid not the courage tor ' Gun seconds hesitated as thonghf they saw Ii what was passing in our thoughts but we ofphitadrij flic' following morning a Ofend1' named fered' no word dnd they proceeded Tlie called upon me and presented a word One was given! VI cannot tell all tfye note frjuni Ioiban Adams j feeling that came crowding upon me at that ' r t i it' and found moment :a: nyi-cto be a challenger it °pfned T 3 v to 1 stood face lo face with my brother in a give satisfaction for the 'fas(lucatcd struck ?f I was a gentleman X moment more we were to offer our ’hands to HW?UlU0S0 11stain!infernal I thoughf of my mother the liabiKU wil’'i a3 distant I her in nii?ht homey l thought of tnO scenes the time (lc3ignate i II ' " of childhood and promising I iacc ani select the weapons tin "MJfTI Vbright my1 s AJ hat elionld do ? djrVv college my days! yhp u Laban Ad'? thought'ofbeen at I ought to ilo was verv plai n " The friend L ahd cUumT thought ams had 3ES0i my - °n3 of life - which my fond mother - had of love which had beamed upon me ' v1 in’O I - ‘ aIMl se-bef-ore y women - -- - 1 - o ' r d 'r ‘ ' A workman lia? in San Francisco recently fell the from a building 40 feet to the side walk of which he shot through clean ns a Elanking Not hurt except a graze of his arm a against sleeper Telegraphic Mews TLAN FOR RECOXSTRITCTIOX! CONFEDERATES DEFEATED NEAR SAAN-- NA11! - ' OPAXT CONFIDENT OF TIIE SITUATION! t - S TREPIDATION f - I IN TIIE CONFEDERACY! ivILPATPJCk REPORTED KILLED! - i TIIE NEW iYETERAN CORPS! HOOD'S lAIFT WING DEFEATED 'r 1 'Um-hol- y ’ : —— - ' — — In the Senate yesterday Davie according to previous notice introduced a series-o- rcsor liitlons tor the restoration of peace union etc The resolutions propose a convention of all the' States as the agency by which these ends are to be attained They then rropose to refer to the1 consideration of sueh convention as the basis of settlement of all difficulties among the States numerous amendments to the Constitution arranged in eleven separate paragraphs The firsparagraph propose to form nt the States of Maine New Hampshire and ' into one Stated Massachusetts" Rhode Island and Connecticut into one Maryland Delaware and the eastern shore of Yirginia f Arer-mo- into one- immediate' viconfusion They fell back to theSatanua&u Our cinity of the work in the rear of troop piuERiied them to Telfair on iS iuth and a corverpoudlug distance' aloug lie upper railroad Here vnr troops rested liciliri fiif cucmjr’s works Very Strong anl our men from the lufavy march ofthc pvevtou night aud the severe fiht--in- g being Worn out- The lw i aevere on both sides 2500 Triton anl between 3000 and ivIh U among whom were-ful- ly 1200 prisoners inclnding many officer ofs rook Colors caminn small arms wagons arid caissons were' captured Smith Hardee and Cobb were iu command of the rebels Wlmsc loss jit th first was less than ours owing to their protection but at the close of the action they fuS'errd trtrncn-donsl- y X- - AYashingtori13 The Secretary of the Interior In his report renews his recommendation for the imposition of a moderate tax upon miners and the' products of all mines' to be collected through the Bureau of Internal Revenue ' T i ! i - The second provides that the President and A’ice President be chosen alternately from the free andthe slave Stat es but both never at tbe same time either from the free or the stave States for a term of four years and any person who-mahave filled the office of President ' ' shall be forever ineligible to it The third provides that a'l tbe States in the month of January neiti before the expiration of the presidential e£tn ’shall present candidates for the Presidency and Arice Presidency the free States for one office and the slave States for the other as they may be respectively entitled to the one or tbe other office and shalT Certify severally to the two houses of Congress and the Supreme Court the names of the persons so chosen and on the first Monday of the IFebruary following the Supreme Court in the presence of both houses of Congressman elect from tbe persons whose names nave been certified for the Presidency a Presthe ident and then a Vice President-fronames which have been certified for that office The Justices of the Supreme Courtare to be ineligible to anypthcr office The fourth provides (hat the President shall have power to remove from office the heads of the State Treasnry Navy 'War and Interior and all Departments the Attorney-GenerOfficers Secretaries and of diplomatic Legation AH the other civil officers except those who ho)d office during good behavior and whom he is required to nohrinate to the Senate he may suspend from their offices The fifth asserts the absolute right to the writ of habeas corpus in all places and under allcircumstancesjto trial by jury according tp the mode prescribed by the Constitution freedom of religious opinion and worship of he press and' or speech exemption from arbitrary arrest and the right to hold and " in their defense The sixth provides that each State shall have the exclusive' Tight and potfer to establish within its own borders in what subjects thereshallbe property and ell its local and domestic institutions and vmake all laws and regulations concerning them The seventh prpvides that private property shall not be taken for public use except to subserve some Constitutional operation of ' government— nor until ' there shall have been received or secured from the government according to law full and fair compensation Headquarters Army Potomac 11 known was that ther enemy were procurIt ing large supplies by the way of the Weldon railroad to Stony Creek whenee they were wagoned and the cavalry1- which waa sent there ten daya ago not being able to effectu ally stop the rebel operations the 5th corps with Grcgg-- cavalry and the 3d division of to effectually put a the 2d corps stop to it by destroying’ tbe railroad as far south as Hicks ford if possible and that station also y ? y-- al ' - bear-witnes- s It I believed that ail (he rebels at the head of" the Inleti' 4000 or 500( will be captured- -' The facts says the World's correspondent have been -carefully concealed by the rebel authorities The greatest consternation prevailed at Charleston The last word left Sherman close to the coast and ' either able to form a Jnnctioirwitli Foster arid the fleet or attack Savannah with prospeets of suc-- cess New York - It’ The Tribtiue’s special says Conzressman Washfrom Grant's headquarburn who returned y to-da- ters represents Warren' movements a perfect success and that Grant is confident of the whole situ- to desfaoy the Welation Warren' niNsion-wafar a possible and don road and bridges-adiscover rind destroy tlie new cross road from WeUou to Danville which Graut knew was in pro- serve cess and was designed Thi wo Richmond her snpplie from the aouthruined by Warren The TrilnmeVarmy of tlie Potomac special tlms sums up ilie results of Warreu’s expedition ' Making a rapid march pf 50 miles he destroyed three important bridges over Khrilc of railroad and a largo amount of forage and other tore burned the Sussex Court House captured a scoro or two havof prisoner and wi'T reach camp ing sustained but triiug Ior NewA'crk 13 A Fort Morgan letter ' of tlie 30tl ult to tlie-NcOrleans Era says the nearest reported rebel force to thin iasaid to be at Fish river lniile up Mobile hay They remain verv quietly on the defensive with' the ‘exception of an occasional shot from the rebel batteries at onr gunboat simply to get thC ranjjCi The near rebel ranf has come down the Torabjgbee river and is now at Selma having her armor plating jput on It is reported to bn a very formidable engine of war of ttte putlern and style of tho raftpTciinesscc captured by us during the Fort Morgan hoihbardmcivt and expected t arrive fit Mobil at an carl v date There are said to be seven rams aud gunboat inside1 the obstrucThe obstruction beside some wafer batteries tion are Ufa very strong and almost impassable nature with Targe pile driven 'intodiie earth some eight feet beneath the water It will fcquire skill and daring torivercbme thCRe reliel jneaiH of de-Lease It is sriid tbut there arc no 1 than four or five blockade ruriner at Mobile kit eagerly wai£ ' r — ing to escape s - - s - to-morr- f v i u -- - - - - f Louisville13 Capt Rridpewater with 125 men had a fight with the rebew-ntule-r Jessie todhy at' Newcastle Tliirteenof the latter- - were killed or wounded The rebels' passed through Fort Rov closely followed by Bridgwater The rebels: reported 7500 strong are said to be moving on Russellville A special from Nashville says all onr fort havo done more or less fighting to day but apparently with little damage to the enemy The Itcmocrat says he rebels under Lyons burned the depots and destroyed a' lot of bacon and tobacco at Hadcnsvilic on the Memphis Branch Railroad The rebel are conscripting everybody they can liud Chicago 14 The new first corps of Gen Tlancock’s W’hichvi to bo composed of soldiers who hvumcd iS two year and upward may posMbty jrive a chance for tome of our discharged veteran to were-detaileto fro instil army on thi side irct with triniqiortation from Sait Francisco to Woh-ingto- n fuftiLhed by Covcraaiont Should it be determined as is now supposed to take veteran the announcement will oon bo On AVedncsday at daylight the column from California made a thi corp is to le placed iu the Held at the'eav-alrroad south y the Jerusalem on' started iri the advance On arriving at a point the earliet poesible moment The bounty offered by tho General Govcrmncnt " 12 miles from Petersburg they diverged from for this corps of veteran ir $300 greater than offer- the road and were about a mile to the right Tlie whole- Government other troop when they reached the Nottaway River command at once commenced crossing' On reaching a point two miles beyond Sussex Court House’ some cavalrv were encountered and be paid down and the balance in each cattc will be drivcaback to where the Weldon railroad ’crosses by installments during the term of'iiirvice the Nottu ay About noon a small force of the paid Veterans fain enlist tinder these bounties ferine enemy dariieil in between our eavalryand tlie two or' three at their option In view1 rdf of the infantry but were soon' routed with these veteran year familiar with the use of arm being slight loss The advance then commenced the de- the Government lia deUrmiuefl to arm them with struction of the'fnilroad by burning the bridges the iiiot improved weapons of war in its possesacross the Xottwnj and continued on to Jarmt’s sion and each soldier with a piece to carrypresent station bivouacing there on Thursday night' to his home at the expiration of hi service ‘as a On the afternoon of Friday the advance reached memento of his services hi helping to put down a point' near Hicks’ Ford where the enemy were thi unholy rebellion- Ifit should be determined found to he in some force having a battery impo- to receive veteran from California in this new' sition with strong works on-- both sides or the Le- - corps of Gen Hancock's who have served ill tho heniun river An attack was found impracticable regular army in our Stated for several ycarsit on account of the strength of the works and the Will afford an opportunity for many of your di: ' volunteer yet to have active nervice on charged difficulty of approach to them particularly with tiii :' aide the rebel It wm determined to carry the works against artillery on this side and destroy the depot wuiy'h was suc- Washington 14 ' ccspftilly done Tt now got dark and commenced Admiral Lee reports to' tite Navy Department raining snowing and freezing ' and the troops under date of December 8 that Lient Commancamped iu thc vicinity for the uiglit der Fitch defeated and drove the left wing of In the morning they started op their return A Hood’s army on the Cumberland river on tho small body pf infantry followed and endeavored to 4tli Inst with heavy loss to the rebel including annoy our rear but each time they were driven several of their prominent officers and also re back' with loss This atternoonTthe Xottway river captured two transport from the enemy No w reached and the entire army - crossed Rarely- casualties on Our aide are reported New York 14 : they will all be back m their old ppni Aioji in front of Petersburg Tho Cotnraerfa’al'S special says Richmond pa? New Yoricn of the 12tU contain no new from Sherman Tlie World’s special has-aaccount of the 'battle pdrs but rumors that Union prisoners report in front of Savannah on Saturday- 10th which it that there are is killed also that a Union cavalry Kilpatrick says conies direct from a loval resident of Rich- force had left Baton Rouge destined forilobil He says' 200 H) of Sherman’s men at an mond ' The Eagle from Havana 10th brings Vera Cruz early hour crossed the Ogechpe river- - below date to the 2nd- Tbe Papal -- Nuncio arrived on! Dloomingdale 12 miles south ofSavanriah- - massthe 29th and waa received withThigh honors - It i ing between that point and Telfair The left wing rnmored that-- Juarez has abdicated in favor of a tlie extended bo Charleston and Savannah Manuel Ruiztp cut 'Sonora I daily expected to declare railroad Communication had' been effected the Die Emperor iia ordered tho for'the with Fostor Empire who was again rapidly preceding day cent on tho import duties on or reduction per advancing on Grahanwvillc and tho rebels retreatto ceae Private advices Importation ing from their strjung positions aopth of Pocataligo foreign ha Mazatiau been evacuated by tho state that nlartncit at bridge evidently finding themselves Vand the Juarists occupied by Pr-eImperialist s threatened both in front and rear by superior ' : J- - i Sherman who was on tlie field foond himNahvinI4 YesterdaV a reconnoiraance was made by thre self confronted bj a large force of regulars and militia entrenched The battle began early in tire rcgiuient from Steadman’ corps near theMnr- pike Sharp skirmishing occurred duf day and was contested with threat fnry on both sides the garrio of Savannah numbering 1204) ring the p in vriUiuo lossort the Federal side veteran participating Toward noon a grand ex rpt half a dizs'n unanJed ' A portion toor the hare: was made: charge by th Unibn troops which car- rybd Gen Lyons! contm:uid i reported ried some works ion the enemy’s loft and centre inifncd some 'trestle work on tlie Edgefield and twelve mile aboTe Springfield threatening to ett lata off from the inlet and tap Kentucky railroad - Tho weather i Tennessee moderating There of advance an followed This was tlj£ city by raixr a last m wal heavy night whole line which doubled up the rebel forces I - d -- - ed-an- al-van- - - -- - - To-morr- ow - - - - " -- - ‘ : - (Carson Post)- From Atlanta to Augusta by mil is 171 miles Augusta to Charleston 137 Atlanta to Macon 103 Macon to Savannah 100 Augusta to Savannah 132 Augusta to Columbia 80 Columbia to AVilmington 200 r - " — : v gas n 1 d M&dohwVt ’ great-partisa- fur the chagrin caused him laid it uprfigainfet jjue and talked openly ‘shoatlMnng'rcVpiigbdr' This was on the first U'f - for-yivpa- i J u J ar ' r ' - ob-J:U- iil ii- - r''! fofjthe plaintiff and I for the (li ft Wilanf It w:is a weakytbolish complaiiri ariO Adams shouM not have taken itEK It was cloailyu cane of extort ion The pla!ntif hot a rod over th back of the defendant in tin diaio of a bit of knowledge concerning a jriybte uii?step of a furmet time and the j couiplaiat was only a seeming legal iii 'way wliigh that other power was tube used Jorl lie purpose olf opening the poor- - man’s ' jnir r the trial H tJxpoTil tlic trick and J u ruling out ly the court of a lot of cti:lal wJiiclL AdAms luid planned to' intro-teitiiuouy4" Clf course I was severe anil is my Opponent had entered upon a very had usvN my stricthrei cut home I r gained the erdici foemy Client and people' laughed e fwiled plaintiff and spoke lightly of his J Uams'tva- ' i LX' ' - 4" - though we lijnth were anticipating that A e liad a case in Court— a caee juf - I8L jl it i -- - f r 2 : d 1S‘gU M 4 - ‘ V ' ' : - t- - : ' - 1 - lHC? ' v: riiot-fiwl- foteM-dlo- x TC-V''-- con-ivii- i? ape! xi inf - 1 Uy-wA- i i ’ nfet lint he hoped in vain a Only breath held back the last fatal word was never spoken3 that As we raised our pistols a sharp agonized ciy as from ai breaking heart burst upon the air and in another moment two light shadows flitted upon the scene I was a prisoner Laban Adams was a prisoner- - Our pistols lay undischarged upon the ground ' Two gentle maidens who loved U3 better ' Watkins than we loved oprselves and whose love had i ! Certainly-1-'responded “Let it be on led them to anxiety in our behalf had tliis very day at sunset npon tlie rivers bank guessed our deep secret Love has sharp eves I Clara AVolcutt knew Laban's hot temper when directly beneath the White-Hea- rt iLedge will send a friend to you to make further-- ar under stroog excitement and feared some'' N' rangements thing of this kind hom the first She had V And the weapons? only to whisper her suspicious to Alary and " s- ‘‘ristols two sleepless sentinels were upon us : And so it was fixed 'Those two warm with their cries An hour afterwards I f5nnd John rrfce- a and their tearsmeltedspirits the icy crust and our young physician who agreed to act as my hearts found the surface r second ‘“0 in God’S name be enemies no more!” lleldid not UTge me to abandon theT ideor implored Clara nor did the enter upon' tlie work as though he “By the love you bear us—bv the memory of loved it but her did it because he fancied that all you hold dftxr on earth! arid all you hope to I was' determined and in case ofaccident his meet in lleaveii past" fcrtli ' the demons from professional services might be of value your hearts!” prayed Mary 1 knew that Adams was a good shot and In an ins taut 1 resolved to be' a man AVith he knew tliat T was the same (tor W'e had the arms of my beloved still circling me I practiced much together so there was no - ad- stretched forth my liaud but I was not in advance of Laban As though one spirit had vantage to either party in the weapons After dinner Trice came to me and iold moved us our hands ‘Tliave been a fool!'’ said Laban me that all war arranged Everything' hajd “And I have been a fool and a' coward” boon fixed os J had planned and Adams and his second would be on the appointed ground said L “I was a coward because L dared not fft the appointed timely :l do right” j “Aye” cried 'Laban “we have both been After Trice had gone I sat down and wrote cowards” two letters What a coward I was to" write added “had it not been for these “Andf I thorn! One wasAo mother and the other blessed jay we have been something arigbls might to thegen tie being' who jiad promised to be : " V iT-worBeT tiy wife-- As A t nowianif think pCtkat AVe reriirnevl from the dark ground hour 1 shuddered withjiorror — the hour when just as Was the into arid from softening day twilight to my mother and - my betrothed hour Laban Adams aml myself were fast "What Was I about to do? Tdrob them of that friends and us from great who Saved had they And all earthly jov forever!' for what?'' Aye crime entered the upon lifepath with us and for whatyjilecanso I had not the courage to lever us blessed since have bc-bold frank man to obey my God and the laws o£ my counti'! I was to bow before a AN ELECTIONEERING STORY blood to folly and wicked spirit— -- to offer imy( ' ' ' " murder! hand to i f ' ' my women the rale the world We Thcy say White'ncart Ledgg was a' high- pcrpci-(licnlAVe no of doubt it have Been instances liaye wall of granite rising above the oi fiyer women cau’t The ‘ it crowned with dark spnice treeS It electioneer like tkuiuler! vote but they : can the top Many is the vote recejved its name from a peculiar mark where 'mark and arc the husbands who they many a mass of white lunrtz appeared half way up act as for their at the ballot wires proxies the ledge in the form bf a heart box Izite iir the afternoon I was upon the sanAYe have heard oF a Democrat whose wife dy shore beneath the ledge' and almost at the iff a “U nion mam” Hie couplo have difficnlty same time Laban Adams made his appearance in settling their politicaldiffererices They AYe were both anxious to bethought brave sit arid quarrel stand and dispute arid go to men!' lie did' not speak tome nor did I sleep when exharisetd by com' speak to him Our Seconds conferred awhile motion Until the day before the Presidential election the wife had incessantly endeavortogether aiid then Price came' to my side “Must this thing go on?” he asked ed to persuade the husband to vote for LinI told him I did hot' knowhotr it could hie coln He incessantly said he wouldn't that McClellan would get his vbtc sure stopped J' I lied for I did know1' “lie lie iirnied me that iM would inake tlie will eli?” at last exclaimed his wife “Yes least overture of peace Le felt sure that Ad- he will’ “Well now look a here you obams would nccept it stinate wretch” said madam “do you love "I think” he said '“that 'Adams is sorry for me?’7 “Yes’ “Don't you want to- cherish me what has happened You struck him and he as ever ?” “Yes I guess so” “Well sir my cannot retract mind 13 made up1 If you don't promise 111c to " ‘iAnd he called'me a liarif Vote for Lincoln I'll leave this “ lie did know “I know and I that be did house and never come back to you —you’ve wrongs In fact there was 'wrong upon both got to do it' now mind T tell you!” On the sides Offer him your hand and 1 think he morning of election day his wife's assurance will take it without a word of explanation’’ was so emphatically renewed that he took the r - Xo I would not do it! Lincoln ticket which she had placed in his And why not? I wanted to do it My hand and pledged himself to vote it At the polls a Democratic acquaintance hc?drturgcd me 'to da it The’' spirit of my ola lessons of handed him a McClellan ticket “No” said dear mother speaking love and blessing urged me to do it And he “I don’t vrant none of them I’ve got ' to another spirit clothed in a younger starry go the other way’ “How’s that?” his friend love urged me to doit God speaking inquired “I thought you was all right” f?o ail I’d rather save my wife was througJi ins son urged me to do it The law ' : Ithan but after fit the land urged me to do it " my country’ After the election he exAnd yet I would notj I was afraid-th- at plained and we were there to catch up the men wonld say I was a coward! 0 what a story and add it to the annals of heroic S Slwlnbv “ anil refused to do a further wrong to right tlio wrong already done Bnt'X had not ! the I fearI was' a coward courage to do that would ed that my friends laugh at me and lliatT the respecial friends of Adams would Jwint at me the finger of scorn j t?o in the cowardice of tny heart I thought I would be brave before 'the wbrld and I a£ cepted the challenge ‘TlTe sooner it is over the better” remarked : ofHanIiffaplaMdl reiwj2l the Iiet ter to enjoytlm I ?ain nwte A ft?r a short-halt inu-rval!- ! fJUR' " J r - seeded to have stretched 'greatly funciod the soldier was tiu ufan escape and kept a steady eye All at once the belt- - le nm'iVi actioifc Illthpouiriiii two pieces the robber slip--1 4 from the ldrso’s badl and tooht to flight tnrilli a rapitl bomul Juanito was upon him his carbine stretched the v b f ' : his feet jK?tive'iwd at of t lie roUcr it f X t j dispoai ng en had l preconcerted between the 3llai:l arid Us lieutenant Tuanito btain-otlthc coveted boots ami 'op nfv ibiuiund for an 'explanation repftetl that au attack lor jll:W had upon the axfinpid I Vn shotman the they s ofdullariwith just di vi le tile spoil r Ihit theirobhery had $ti eflctel bylnnoflier band who had thns the ijiorc tmitoroai conspirators the h was one uf thdt baud who had wounded Ae-tr liiinself iiittain: and the jtatU’r'bolieD hail" his contrived yed ly his accomplice 1 i:it as relate Ji ' nut when l)oii lllas was lii: do nctjjiaintedj with the true slate of the c the violence of his emotions fcroajrht on sin iiitehal hemorrhage which after a few of agoityi germinated in death ' 1U event completely Aook ' away ' any l inight havebml to' reknain with tJd cuudneta I therefore halted - until long aft T th litter surrounded by lowered lances in iurn yf mourning hail wissed out of sight rode forward with my ai towards iiigiitt-fuuU TKlant to dsljipa "-- t - wereaclied thefom- - ink fot '' - ‘ Vwbicb't be prisoner was attached to ’ jl 0 Ctjj HS8f’-’:’- - GREAT SAIT LAKE CITY UTAH MONDAY DECEMBER lfl - belt lid oiwtouk he two 7laggrds theJuan--- r" ! tuuksday it ofltie fcigiit nT how's ‘ taught me did not leave me in doubt I ought since I had grown to man’s estate and I to have gone to Adams and made such on of- thought that in one short moment more the fer of conciliation as one gentleman may hon- - black pall might coveritall! AYatkins was a long ‘time in pronouncing orally make to anotherj and If he had ‘rejects eA4hat I cpuld have pimply turned from him the word Two He evidently hoped that one EiHtr sTEyilOl SE tbis moment Tuftt 111 iWNDAr AND coxnum ik tutas fiiK L’t F rfrxy H - V 21 nlE sFyiVKKkLVTELEGRAPIh j ik - --- -- - -- ‘ i I |