Show 'ill ?V ""tJfc'i i — -- 1 HSIfe fiU -i lit ! n'f ' r ‘ - cnifinti ca I 1 ‘ i ''- ' ! i ' ' J rt ' j-- T f ? kf TT THE SEMI-WEEK- iCEEEaBAPJI : LY ! t nf-'l- Jf "ij 1 A 'V' f AND T1XUBSDAY 'l MONDAY '’-"- I '" - v r‘ “r'T" - ' ' - -- tivvlli ” BRUSKES ' Vi’1' -- tn -- - S r '’i t' - 1- - ' 01 - qavillibtiw iu iiH - -- ”rtle1ta iKYuiiI r axpingenient bat on my eayingthat' I hoped 4o avoid the dancers or tho Vbutjerfrt his ‘company! he shooWliUheailddiLeci "Iinhchfeat yoawiU onlyfaUfronitho frying pflfvjntfthd fire for the late troubles have brought botdV tnto a fewVtcljitibhai tlie Md and I heayriVWMUkey enoagh we shall Have arow toplaclcwitbe rascals in '-Y- t 1 i the gorges of Amozoque lt is no longer the time as When tinder a certain viceroy the flag of Castile floating above a hiker eon vovtSas sufficient to protect it'diir?nj‘the journ'ey- “I trust waf iriy answer that' if bqjadron of lancers Commanded by youwill be able’to v i replace the Spanish flag’: be Pon 'Blass'“but'I “Miy it blind to the angers tie mayiricur at Gratiot V ‘f all ereiitsT shall do'my duty’' rJ f“ r' Although in a pictuisquq country thq ‘ - -- spl'-rejoine- - j k ’e msi nr journey after tmsj'fm pretext for ATecttalJ In the wveriings wheti the eentries’ were posted the paptain' and myself listetfed to bis animated tidrfations - fcii " f- l man-oton- - i 'l OX a time became somewhat ous but Lfound an agreeable relief initio ‘of ViCtorfatjfcl‘ one of om' tilcs ahd Bongs " mulateera lie hadVtravqllQd the road many years ami every holtingTpiace aflordsd tuiTonr t'Oiy- trj - d a- - or to nis songs accompanied by tho guitar with 'always rjc w plclcre On snchopcasidris -- v" Z pitfed Ine travellers whom'' I saw in fly-pa- st the diligence and congratulated myself in r r i having joined the conducts r We had" travelled in this way for some days ’ n fill Culuml4 when Yictoriano recommended mor "Ito ttini aside and visit the fort Pet ote’ offering1 rto ‘ nmiiftj 'if 'r Ice tranceVix udded accompany me to the could that I rejointhaconvbairCruItlanca avillago two leagues distant i Whorcf we -- were tb pass the night': I followed the mntatcfer'S mlvice to the no small' contentment' of ub who was pleaded t6 conduct ineover thp fotireis as an agreeable" interruption to the' monotony of gamson duty It was night by tlio tVm)a I reached ourdialtiug place-- J look- rl fourtd for Yictoriano whd fuid promised me an account of some ex traordinanr ad venture foij cnir evening's diversion bdt rhetlraa nowhera to be seen 1 learn‘ed to my Ygiatj surprise Ahat he had beepi missing fo somo hours the whole camp was in alarm at' the circumsltance as nothing short of a - serious accident could have canned the fibaence of a man of such regular habi ts While lost in conjecture’ an individual "suddenly made hj Ihe appearance requesting’ an interview arriero rile informed us that Yictoriana’s naux of-fic- cr City 0 : X : atK'CoSf Tlr itf’j lie' had come he added at Vic toriano’srQquest to offer himself as'atisubsti- -' lute until the other’s recovery Not having at 1'erdtb atreement mote men tbUrt’were absolutely necessary the orriero accepted th offer perhaps without sqf-ficients coosiileratiouj fpr the new comer though ai rebust Aellow ' cnougb liad a fac whose si n istcr expression did not lflsrtifh ine with itie same'fednfidehco'ab :that bf bur!lai M J w- Tort' Ilhiludripbi - rlJ -- i ::TOvdia P!T " Tho next' day before Vc had been jithe riadvone’ of tfie then then a third frere heceisaiy mr'hoifr lost hiS shoes) ’ 'arid’ IbngphaltS tb replace tbmYQttrnew mulateef jxirforpied iuij task with muchYzeil and intelligence to the great f fcoatebtment qf Ill r theurrierp bafcT conld nOl " my J rus picfbns that all was’ not as It should be and remarked to Don Bias that one sp capable in refastening shoes :mightiJ have beefc equally skillful iado'osening themithV3 'captain- how-ever trtated thy suspicions as pure chimeras To rep$ : - USE ' sp for the sped bV Jbu tor seeuied the ‘mules cameecssaiyi have make delays-greater- lost their vigor ai(vthbugh some enerya bng drag had' been" mingled with AheirYfooilY 1 Ue uriena on whom all the responsibility WP fining on mtedjtued wompaa bya to6(0jRbnt thevjaplaiu eclared for puhlng'on ror oui' bivouac appointed entering 'on to-tbea- " how’ ‘pbrhe'ifpate our scaiv celydutinguiihablo ttuck lay through rugged mvinesv bordered by lava rocks j and it became of the utmost consequence’ to prdvent the fronx pulea straying in the darkness " Sparks the(stpaea beneathAherfeet of the Ejule ridden by the airieround - Icouldc biit pitty him as no galloped up and down 'eount-m- g and - recounting the animals theirV loss s jOQld be fotal fortune and his reputa- had tony set J n the caps Aeithlgkt ta’ ®?n siniade two diyTsions of lbe csr one he placed himself attlie head the line iof muleSf the 6thEr brotigbt tip the - vt' I tiisi to-In- iT- - ’ f ryiA cogitating: oarthe probabilities our position my volet Cecilio icamb Jap and whispered— “Senor masterwill if you ke os - myadvicdtre'ghkl! hot stay md 18 DJ 3S Vi ci n iadfc i are trio- - tor hapi And whereio goXi asked "when we tC can ee tw° tepobefore us amoag these rocks i bat is the matter!’ rr “5J?ne? ' rtuttPrtnd rhJSmjHhn miU1 one who it ‘VictPida hsa has-notice- - ' — - fj-- j - 4 j--i - 1 pnleg-matieal- ly r1 n7 a rri ir of-al- ‘ : - - - j'- : f 1 one-sevent- h one-four- th al-m- ur s ost - - - atrd:-tnreiBs- e ‘ - lpncd - money-behests- ' ’ - ’ U : - - - i f ' i- J “ J - : r ’ - per-hap- : -- 1 f- - y - - t- - f- ( - - i - re-cqgui-red T - Jnie IGU N -- r-- &&tJ X ti'i-yp- -i d r' -- g my-Cutthi- “cx-McD-- noble'-finima- ” ’ : - be d 'ex-termiiia- I-h- com-ptKer- id ’ -- I ot ’ de-clived- Vy t uig - Tfti - YOTTr J :i FfiY-“- :i J it TfeEN F i t - - ii Y ' LEE'S DIFFICULTIES" f - - r !i vii f o 1 tpda'fdr-anijtAfter exchanuj a few Wpfify flio ule of the eaef and Announced oT traveling iwUn the convoy to my idtentiod VerCrux'lIe expreasod Bntgslactionatthe TUEtr 'f iIE ij riVTAS- C’ONDUCXAiDE t t : “ : BITS OF NEWS expeditions which eminently display Ameri- - in rvi: rn r -sagacity and l persisted in accompanying ‘'r “Are yoff 8nre?i t the detachment Y ' v-- n Tlie says that IIam The enterprise'1 was perilous1 V As a medsdre poldt HmboWt'jltcgister fr “rjfiSr him? 5btt tbit Is" notnirf hbohl'a bound! of the greatto beoue Countyis - 1' a s quarter pf ai'lfoar'agO? being inHfie’reor two of Tire nii nit ' i est oil producing regions inthe worid)a large without eeihgm6 for i 'was am cavalis'fcame’tij space being literally ehturated with petroleum ’ hfddeh behind a) luftp or hicki One- - was rocky- steep The Croton Aqueductvjs reputed! the largmen flisniounted and laid his’ earto the mounted oh'a hor'toottagnlflCetilly'biacS : est u m miles dongiUt intha world- beihg-40to be a peaceful traveler’ grimbd nothing hoWeverrWds heardbutthe cost twelve and a dollars! half million of AJ “X mignifleent blact the roh u br f interrupted examined wind Tfie stonyir'porefupy 2 ? hplie’I f by the light of a cigary stiqwed no iron !gun Captain Ericsson’s neW thinking of theT rancherO whobad vb6 ' of foptstepsj and yet by” ah inexplicable 13 inch bore sent a Solid wrought Watched the departure bf the Cdh round shot dut of soufier felt assured thattnie was rihtT (Tt‘is preSumexJ’’ ihat intincif the TPS' If'W Alexico rtwentbut&ido j f the the Ukep ahd by pith plundeirs Cocilio y went on to state hie conviction that r by the clatter of hoofs abated we were riding the two strangers had insiqnated themselves on The Bichmbnd! jExanilnerlme ihat softer ground and soon distinct traces of among onr escort anduxge4 to draw up jm-Sheridan spared the apple brendyifitillsin the ere disKOTrcd $F® All doubt to it th& lUad l ymLiiU spot? the direction jwss now At an endthesoldiere our ShenandpsraYajky£aUs woeV-aupccu says they must ‘follow: the pfyisingtheppimjCwW prospect of a rich prize barns and but my valet waa regard him as ptynnlatedi:by ther !' ' with jnewcd spirit though an accomplice of ihelntopS rll ij J l t l‘ tit VIS was iio PHS“e:frfyard timd for : discusaionrI hastened fofwurdito 1U strict sdsnee It would be tedioustoro-lateal- l - "Whisky in the - San Francisco market - i& warn at least the orrienxc -- I yra making i'my times the incidents of this night? : Somer quoted jis 'iiregularYjlt ls very ‘unsteady’ here all traceS'Of the trail were losti:and at 8orhetimea'When it1 gets ju human casksi way by the side of some of 'the mules wnen‘I last we wood-an- d ade litfireainia the of ihorseman observed a '$rfevrt' pacear distant bi vouacked till the Beef is ‘flye aid six! cents u pound iuCar! morning j Just before day- son whom Ii took to be ourinew v comer of the - 't i break a stray mule was met withy bat comple?!? cityv j night before A: minute 'latcr the voice of divestca-Oits valuable birrdetf Up to Five r oent7 of th e soil jof England! is not one of the muleriveisas herd through tely moment-Dothis litBias had manifested hut under cultivation in Russia less : than one the darkness eXclaiaung AVhat meana tbia? tle inclination for the pursuit bow the sight fifth is cultivated ih Sweden' in of the animal appeared to excite all his ardor Austria hnd Holland 'one-fift-h in Switzerland and he vented fond imprecation against the in France fifty-fohundredths No answerJbUowed thUvintcrrogation : 5’I authors of the mischief threatening to' shoot - vqioo the of the recent treaty-tham Uent th By 'portion the first' thiit should appear Our party broke iBUD(efe lshnddered it seemed to me tiyit 1 heard a up 'into- twos" to extend the Ihuush' debt'LWhich falla upon the duchies suppfeasedgvgle f9lIojyed!by the Tall of a arch to2000000(l rigsaalera Denmart aptaio ap(l I tcre riding- toi amopits mow attentively Ui 4 to ret urn the captured Herman ships with gether when he picked liji ci frayaifent Of b'cie' thefr cola breeze alone Ruogleq its sbippda with con- -' Of the then begged 'bf nie if soldeutgoes or :compensation for the 'latter ftued noise of footsteps At the end of a few to remain wnerc1! was lie M : apd'nbt fuuow liira :'j'- rf vf t 'irijl moments my horse made e sudden start- as and ' found turn a' is the quickly is that stated in Senor disappeared Farafa the' bearer thougb soipe fearful olject had become visible path Shortly aftcfWiirila' ’T heard a distant of It an from ultimatum parn to‘Feru demand- through the gloom- - XTesirous of clearing up shot followed by a feeble cry of distress I ir ‘mid fall satisfaction failing which prompt the ternblesspiciona that crossed my mind firqd both and presently-sasome t&je Spanish squadrons is at once to take poa my pistols I took out:Xny fluit and steel as if to light a 6f bar5' Bpldiers apprdacliing' A few words session of the Republic and - destroy- its fleet t t V' cigar'a& solace ounder the freezing blast sufficed to explain matters we galloped off in 'j ‘s For a moment I fancied myself the sport of a the direction 'of the Brazil bias in her navy 35 sailing voxels and my fears were report’ J — dream by lght of tho sparLi I saw a number and 17 eteamvessels which mount 'an aggrecertaintjr ' ' V men males pelUmell marching among "thp gate of 320 guns pf The the oh stretched captain lay and thelr drivers Silent phantoms seemed grass In Gen Butler’s recent speech in New Tiy a ball in the breast YBrokeri ohave risen mysteriddsly from the darkness wounded he was for offering' "for tne last time York chests p and were scattered ripped-ubags to march at bur side some dressed iu the red to Confederates "leaders and ‘all” the but no a free about! was visible A glass "of enemy edits of the lance rs and others in the coarse ' chance to Union comeback the Bias’1 down Don throat en provided tp fropklVJof the subordinates1 --All at ‘once the brandy poured would abled embrace of to him the 8th it He told us had he that they January speak by the tinkle 6f leading muleVbell ceased preah seen no one but that ' he well knew who had if not then war to the hilt Mexico the West entlyjt sounded agaiii in ah Opposite direction fired the shot An examination of the locali- Indies or ‘some’ nameless place should be the and'si'mnar tones Caine fromthe: ravines to ty led to nothing that could clear " up' tlie inevitable destination of tne refractory Souththe left oftherpntel ' I had seri enough B mystery We lifted the captain into his sad- erners Jtoomuchj we were beset by treachery dle J with a man mounted behind to support Whoini denoun cedn such a fog and cfn such a a in Mobile dozen S5 Oysters read Whom t rasib4beunty that tu found- him and set out to rejoin the conducta at La Some New"Y oifrcxipiteirsTs'hsvp forinqff a r ed friends and 'Cnemies? ' f h mid-dawhen we’ arrived and her company capital a tollhonand a half to make It was Astonished at the strange discbvery I heaU Bias had beet ana korghuiu : sugar to be grown in Illi-tated then at the risk of breaking my neck I a new incident awaited :us Don - :i made a dash for the head of the' convoy- It scarcely been laid on the bed hastily conr him for in oue structed of hovels the of Murders the are so common in Clucago? that was’ already too i ' late fcoti-- whizzing when of soldiers came the another) party papers scarcely notice them through the air fell upon tne mV horse started villager forwards but instead of being vfolenly dragged ip with a prisoner bound Ilis dark features & A Wi Smith bankers in from r the - saddle nndf trempled under the wero half hidden by ahandkercjiiefjyet 1 New Orleanshave 'obtained on 'attachment a brigand with whom I had opia hbrsesfeetMWisintcndedr felt'mysdf reGenButrer'in the sum ofy 150000 tained by a fearfulcompression A running painful occasion been brought into contact ih against On'1 AtCxrant bf hi'eeizTng' all theif funds ahd the country The captain’s noosedestineYTemcme'liadinlaced both the interiorVof privdtw accounts including §60000 m coin! of a Uyid hue cheek paf soqn as The say he returned all but the coin' Which horse and rider mHhnsamo rail My right arm was held so tightly to mybide as to pre- the captive was brought into his presence he applied to his own benefit : they77 were1 not' fetritoefg A r£ in- Eridehtiy vent the cord I ’r ti ?!':!! i ! dtfgTthe w" piihi criminating parley took place' which ended -- An P yellow says a poultice of to my horse’s flank ’ The neigh' renewed Don We that and fine carrot priSondrs JBladeclafirtg by ed and strained his muscular haunches 'with scrapedor grated ’ ‘Y af snre cure for erysipelasj and when2 dry beshbtWithbhtTurthcr'jjfocess the pposegre tight- should J tee!” said "Shoot tlie other "surely you 9I30 for croup) applied to he neck and reast er and tighter around me then it relaxed fidf ’deficient ! anihot no protectors t bv jest'-fing waj a if it comes to tfcat I shalf The Aritonians contemplate organizing-sia moment A of rangers to tho'Apa speak senor captain—I Bhali teU”-- - -- 1' Q companies bbeh' fally ableto Was fr§6 before nt ( CheS i i - tfefrii ' threatened me! rrlt was then Don Bias’ torn to tremlfie' he Carozzi-Zuccl- ii is said to be ' the handsomA report rang a balk whizzed Tpast my ears ordered the apartmenVtdlbe cleared and reI of afcjm mained alone with the Culprit after ah hour est sbpranb in the iteiverse Mat in the custody of the the latter The ’New Orleans Picayune says ‘between Repeated discharges followed and all became lieutenant reappeared We Juanito stayed two weary rains land worms we have an 'indescribable confuslonr The mules little or ho cotton’ this tinkling bf tKfe bell which sound- days at La Hoya oh the third the eaptoinnuin! ed ritpxn the opposite idireCtipp dispereed and fowhoiha litter had been constructed ’der YTVAWilmmgtbnbV termlned vesselL: on to The 170 bera prij! proceeding Jalapo jostled one another in ’their fright The light oner" showed the red edats of closely hound was mounted behind Ypittsburg papera sayVte oil fever is of the musket-flashe- s the lancers jin disorderr aa- they fired at hazard Juanito and after riding a couple of leagues I lO v which' the horse rode on observed that they intoi the impenetrable i gloom balls whistled Wearied bjt the double weight loiter- ' The San Diego folks had twscusarionS tiie postned at times thd aesjiairit lamentations ed ihheperhiap? rear Curiosity kept me near them middle- :ef last' month— an ' earthquake and a of the arriero sounded above the din th6v were ’talking in ' most ' friefadly ' termsf "Y If My bad jiorno me somS'dl hp and whose in Juanito shoes were was tepe rags tance from" the seeiiia-o- combat at last I fore loud in praises of a handsome of boots A WIFE’S CURE FOR A B4D HABIT ' ’ ed him to retracehis'fsteps AVhen'vI again worn '? "' - r:"! other the v: by " reached the obnductitho: struegle had ceas ii u4 ? l : A newljF' married wifo living in: New OrleanB‘ had disappeared Don Bias to be coxyiNrEDi ed recently disooVered' that her better half was dla who retained all his poolnesa pressed my hand osed tb eope liymf fteqwntly late at Digit 111 a in silence there nwas no time for uestiona and sepra poked and unsnotoJ state of pbiiviona forgytfulnesa She determined A (nan With a flaming torch in his hand rush- -' ' Hip r‘ cure him-jo- hla habit to ' a Polite way of inipenthing gentleman’s ' ' Aboat at ed between 'faSr imploring the captoiijVald entered he weetai two ago1 midnight ‘Sir you tell a telegram! :: :X' and 8taggering''into the lied chamber was i soon By the light I recognized the unfortunate veracity: 1 n-wife said r nothing- but when ahe arriero Severalsolmers who had dismount- Never purchase love or friendship by gifts fast asleep ThHound h thought uleep she produced a large mi ed cut down pine branches for torches and when thus1 obtained thev'ore lost as soon ds needle it with a strong piece of andLthreadirg The lending you stop payment we then saw a sad spectacle eat quietly- at work sewing' him1 up in a twine mule robbed qf its 'beil stood surrounded by end strong till ae the blanket&he eewed Many ipeopUiA chari tIesr like-- the brooks grey streaks ofdawn good to lighten the east her began the others for although deceived - at first by arescantxest ' ' 1 needed most when ' ’arts' done:' task v soon theanitoaitf the artifice ' ' ‘Y ilh this Condition he left'him ind repaired tri colored4 friend gained their us dM instincts! Army Chaplin — “Myyohng the dwelling of a 1&jtendlj neighbor there to await ’ Some were blppingfrom huge gashes can: yOu reidlf?-'- ‘Hes J Bah! Hllaid 'to bear it: the reshit :' massa v8artiir shall a I giveyou good paiierf1 Two soldiers also wounded were endeavoring ten Acl&ck 'persons in 'the neighborhood would were startled to staunch Their blood Lwlth handkerchiefs if you plcajae”4' Very: good what paper Chews by the aooad of the most distressing y cries assay it you and jn !k hollow h7apo9i’- pnUter writhing you chooee now?’ ‘Well issuing from the house and rushing to the s rtecne Buppoimng that murder was being commit I in t6 Whi) had jecognizM rll take’ & Jiaper ob tobacco? breed the door-anthere found the poer ted Victorianoand he thua xpiated the crime bound up as tightly as bale Of cotton in the the ma'n they The waiter that haS hO taste is of having seen too much After further search dir that h 3 no odof is freshest ana of all the blanket of : his owiTbed He ‘begged them to and counting Ve ascertained to him as he was dying from thirst and could modifications of ’manner the1 most generally 'lease nOf taoTfc - The neigliVora stood aghast They :‘i-i‘-five of arriero that consternation of the '' is ‘ thought him the victim of some terrible f fi s a the mules were missing I suggested to Don asing l simplicity : vi burglar’s cheme batAs they were in the ac£of direc-tiocrtiin Bias the propriety of ijnixiediate pursuit 4 the him id 'rushed ms wife and ordered TinwaitopyingSaiidy about Icirkfinattcrathe jnteister sniflea extricating o arriero added his entreaties and offered naif fear once I or an aunders twice xeniarkedy whether when jof tbe booty a thread slie cried "I did it and Vedpvered Thusi haV6 been he sKall fie there till hte makt a solemu promise ifeKngLftls mopnlng!n anaccoinplice or Doti lho' captain could hot yoti ' efiron-tei- y B6rtr toimehoiQ drunk ain” cooleot withtoo Sir’ ’ inhimself hi erect refnie to acti He fixed repliSoBdy better hours set off with a droll glance of his brown :H dcclarfd he would io future keep saddle selected p dozen of kthe best mounted wife hd all the future drink In less ram the and soldiers ana oidred them to provide Oienn eye3 “I va3 just gam to "observe I thocljt to to take a do 'when 'her knsband Was disposed Selves withpiher branches and folio w him pt( there to&atmeU of speerits- amoiig us thia little top much was-t- show him a darning needle and say Takt care sir or ITTsew you up the track or the robbers It was one of those X- i v COKDXiliiDil- r t'--' j- '’! fiditrtjr sxBSiiocgE - - ’ Tnit - - wv H L " I : H-'- I’ - - ‘'rr'' "water-'spoht'-Y- i 'ur f v-- ui 1 r -- " - the-bandit- s s't-- f 4 '- t - ' Injnaoy of my previousjlfttenil haye pointed out fo your readers the true diaadranUges of Lea’s position compared with Grant’s As ageerst" arc? illustration it may tin Vaidhafi LceW Grant on the chord of a but av this xpros sion docs not exactly define the position ofthatwo armies whoas lines Ccxtendlng eaehof Uiepi oyer a length pCJhlftoilcs) do apt pursue ay nniform course or inclination I will rnJeavorst tfio risk ' W'VepcatIftg what 1 iHive described many time before to make iuyi moaning iclfarer Your read-era will understand that in such an attitude as in occupied by the ferrate of Lee -and'Grant he army which taken the initialiveAud- acts on the sggre: rive has' an inunctis'o advantage’ Lit U iikc a d ikillful prize fighter whb fighting a: with two aruis— etreiiger taller more big bully active and Xeencyslghted thail himself TliSniost! : tempting and prompiing oppdrtuniflcs'ofl’ot theuiil selves to him every day lie cannot aflA-- to hazard even twenty Uvea in a tentative operation tTftu fictof his great merical inferiority to his- enemy jiml that lia is tethered down and forced to keeitwiways a largo portion of? hia hrray before Petcnbnrg arodtead-- 1 vantages equivalent to jtbe Ioba of an arm by ai! prize-tightGrant On thiotlier hatid’ lias iuj: those of who rightly survey the ground I theyes such advantages as make atonisbiug that fa the four months between nhel2th of June when he crossed the James river and the present time them Tn his he should have made so little ‘uso-ocentre lies tlie James river with its dozen Yankee -gunboats and monitors covering the Federal base' of operations an& making-Iunapproachable to Gen Lee It h doubtleas with a- view to mttlnR still more out of these monitors that OenZHiUlcr ' w cutting a canal Mhpongh DiitcK Gap tip wLie!i he hojicii' to tempt the Jeme river It is not thought here I may saypairparenthese that anyuppentage will result to Gen Butler's comrades from this can aV even if contrary to Federal experience at Yickeburg it proves a success bridges which connect By means Of the Sont Deep 'Bottom Grant can throw any number of men by night or day to tie north or south of the James at 1 almost lmpos- aible ‘for - Lee to know if Grant’s demonstrations whether they threaten Richmond on the extreme Federal right or the Routh' Side- railroad pn tho extreme Federal left are feints or realities A On the other hand from the configuration of the ground it is almost impossible! for Lee torbutGrant’s lines in any vital lace Tho most temptiug place to assail Uioso liues would be aomewhere not far ‘from the spot where Grant's mine was shape of the ground and the po sprung Bnt-thsition of the forces is anch that the lines can only be attacked at two or three confined spots and here naturally Grant has defended himsolf by triple fortifications and keeps always strong bodies of men in position But the greatest of all advanta Sges is the following: yVrotn the 4th 6f May up tothe present hour Lee’s army Jias been contlnnously Jn the trenches either actually under fire-o- r at any' rate not knowing-a- t what: particular moment it might not be attacked' by a savage and multitudinous fog The Confederates have been fighting or on the rack without Intermission for more than five months On the oilier hand tho knew: from beginning' I that Lee was through the paucity of hfe numbers ii restricted to acting on the defensive' had it in his power' at any moment-tgivefburfiftls'ofihls army anntire restT t There was Nothing to prevent Grant’s saying on the 1st bf Angusti 'I snall want fereat- ellorts jfrom iyoa on the 20th of this'' month rest and recruit yourselves until tliatday” Oh the 'contrary for one hundred and sixty days Lee’s troops hare jtgoyrp no rest either by night or day '' Wi ail remeinlieiiW the worklri the trciich'i ii on-the- v: ? clef i oae-hrmfe- ’ - er -- f t - ’ - - j e - Fedetal--iGeneralwlio- - E rupted pressure j have told :fearfaQy npOu thef-pod- r jConfednrutes ever known summers of fiercest tle exposed to one hi Yirginia ’ scantily fed’ooti meat—mdstiysati - t meat— and bread witiiout vegetables with only occaBioual coffee with' hp other stimulant and j threatened beaseleariy by overwhelming numbers j who have at theircommand allthst a javish pro- fusioh ef expenditure andsthe scientific experience of the whole civilized world can coutributis-'- : : I cannot be blind to the fact' as meet oiEoers and privates from General Lee’s army that they are half worn out andtbat thqujrh the spirit is the same as ever they urgently 'need rest I am in hopes during the coming winter that this rest will not be denied to them as Lee’s army becomes strongerjibut-- ’ be that sa lt may I am convinced that when the trne history of th&CopfcdeTute cam- - ! p&ign in 18C4 in Virginia1 is 'Written it Will rec’ord n struggle aaaarpassed iu heroism ahd intkepati- ence and seIf deny ing-e- n durance of tha troops J' smcethctimojvhen blood was first spflt upon ths I lifted earth and manfir&t hja hand in angpr against iihis brother v (: i': 'J There la one plan by which at the price of tho bricks and mortar: of Petersburg General Lee might-curtaithe existing prolongations of his lines assume a much stronger defensive position might anaTconaiderably increase the difficulties of his i That this plan will be adopted if oc-- Opponent by no means improbable but casiop requires IsLies m long as Oeqertl feels himself (trong enoujrb to held- and protect Ff Krsbij rg fW WCll 63 Iiicll i mond )iawili(cpntinue to cling to both If he i i — " - -- own of P i an4 fell backopon 'epinbarr the western and higher bank of the Appomattox holding the heights oLPocahontai wlack girdle ! ’ - - - l r -- I- - ’ ':r-:?- - - J sailants much in the same fashion as Treaericks- - - - J- 5 - - : -- 4 - -- agony-HTt-Tva- in some mejumte to give the little city up to its : as d tude before lRcUnfond' and edntinue to hold tbefr here anticipated' a great enemy at bay until asSherman in the West I do disaster has overtaken In my opinion Richmond that not sernplfe'td say Wilt laugh- - its assails hfe to soorn :ifonthe other? hand Shermaa iitblsto extricate himself from his vrflt he reason for present clunond tho ® about coming winter apprehension the like of which has never existed before ritical-poritiot:raer- 1 e - : ’ plot-som- A l ns : fhev4o-desleUi:l- that this'honr of gloom thr'ongh which the Corned- erates are now passing— the darkest and profound dest Which I have ever witheispdr-- ia the herald of London' Timex' a day about tO risei-fC- or -- -- ?'' - ' of liable w :deep‘ Therpw - ‘ ? 1 ’ '"i-’r’-i f-- -- and g that we may not cross safe--' over if - Ve nave courage 'to'' steer and swlft-rutmin- 1yT‘ sfreagh topteLr 1S "y Y 'tU 'zZ': Poor men are apt to fair badly kvy everywhere It'is a blessed thing to live in a land of plenty v J ifyoa liaYe plenty of land ! ? s - “-- ' 'V- V t Y - t |