Show '' 'V& 'si fy v - jv 'i - 1 ' ' tj‘ I vr-- 1 j '1 I -- tl N - V --- : " V 1 IUBACiBESS-j- I -- It ? '1' u Av '' 7 -- lf jiw j A aetfks-'vrasrbegicnm- 5 m v' I ' ! - " ' v- i r: ' t- - r r- i- -: - s v: ? ' v- -' X 4 A i- - y - -- - wfth-a- ‘ v edgs y i-- v ? £j d anil carelessslj dressed colTiir frayvd at the hage and agia±4 yow silk: pocket seeh a man whose hair asd whiskers were become Sis 'rldlmToasIy cur- ' bein-re±er human Ton have seen ‘a sr-ecdil- L j: A h songs -- feave sheet cSI a manwhotcok sndTco-Tod hare-’-seea who 'asd oeuereHy had Hs breast' piously covered' wish u(abaadodthe‘viI:hab- - ? mrv i: -- :a- New Stores i 7: f h I t rf -- 7V ' r v12x ir i- e "t'-- ' j- - v 1 ' ' - is- - - ta - f Vi I £ jr s i f c f ! ? t FitT j W h I’’ C i (s Jl ydor-huwerth- y - Jo-morro- - ' - - - - if- 3 - ' ' s : ( I ! : -- - T r s i - v s 7 '1 -- -- 1 : I 3 1 v Stationery 4 o t 1 -- J - y s i- ' s f -- -- : 7 ' Y BANKEAS: -- - -- V’l " : GO OD S ' - m t- d : 1 bfsT 4 J 1 1 - -- - - r v w v - I sir L t- - - ' - jearjo - naWtA Iau - VViil y -- - ' in £mL Unsurpassed Advistagea jarO' - n Cyvepel5A - w: - : - ' ! ' ?' : v '’ y ib j'- wtFun Xorvvja- ‘ Cl S L ‘ fr CO - V! rprriarrrzzxT 's J errr o--sii hour do veu &2&V ' I “TaVciddt:'' ia Saa Vtr JThat will sz&Z Jmy arresgemens pe-csrehrns I ksvr±t!e fcossess to attend cf atreat - V t 7-'f- - '' - i i 7 ' - f Au V' j - Fitgrsburg thah we" must emiisecpe SAjLJa5£r 'cur mdepeu&nce eilbjrtho’wsaand UsIvets- - xa$ and wiEbe' vunebsaf- bygeSges: U- - I ErsBs GOLD DUST 1 f - - IOK SALE rq oaamcxxsr vir I I - " ' rijsnr-’TcxsV:- ' H01I E AXD VP0EEIG5 r ' ' r: - klX'CTTA Prrlarst oa Taw $& ABfSrttt-'U3-t-v " -- ' - ' ' E2Cm fr m322G2t ei a&MeagB - Lv CORRESPONDENTS: 4 Baofc 7 XetsnpiCtt Ur-xAOt - v: '' - " STJ IfflT tCfc' - ! H amwn— m i - the ' olllrp Store j PBOOTp 9F iii ten ify - - - PoS" for k ’A o BAyEERS g r i-c- - KESR SCOTT ' 7 -' Kiaaas- -' "-' rOFUSSj':': ':’ ”v ' Leareawjna1- TEEZS EUBCkdSES love: 'did (1 Pcrw PowzaAvzwxtx ' Scrrr Kras 4 Co-- a J OF COPAHTNEHSKi? I tn k Co ui ski da titafiTwl TS boM- i-m wM 1U b emtiawf ac rh by theirti meowAn- waTUwn Seatt gerrA CeU hy wtoia ot their preleewn vUt be aasiad ' COTXTRX DEAIERS " j ale rTBCE Arm lurvtnffxvexjrtQg s Vt Bi£ii DISSOtUTION : - 1 m ttr rpniL toTvfon scjdJPtri GiilecSoiui ia Greet Vti6tiasaiIriace 6teramincVoiAaf pmtitoeed f - Dfw v VkturEntwlinaihji snf retaraa ' tichac CHJrt5r--i V -- - ttCumat btaafnlf MOST SUBSTANTIAL QUALITT Tet jhe was gtfied andTeautifnl and ber hrothere sisters either?" “No jrr if these coatinu- one &3ter two years youmrer “Ontv IOTCli—er teaderiv His Ucyslopdsu mjselL was a fcOi ty ana : heiven-bar-n : purpose of lean : VTou be: speaMngth truth soul wkh intellect aad- - a so large a warm sympathizing heart ' keenlv alive ny boybut why do you want sum’? the wants and sorrows cf othersI: cause sir" and the child locked up T Tn the few short isbafes cf his married irta hhsfscewith a frankness that: couM be 'mstakg: “bur rent-i- due today tea has enough to it all but cf the J'betswhnsrht-'cfccsef Ifty eents she wiU 'giTe itpay back to you his ccmpaaico yet only in gectfcsessnd again sW I kvow she will fiecausu there far-reachin-g r - : - bat-tL&- su V - : v-- A ' - INTER CLOTHING mo-hav- -- !W li -- XX-HSE- so-muc- T s - - -- - ":Hv i i s - - - u s- f- 7 9 - t- w" ' - V- - A - I DEESS GOODS - '5- - “i d f:-vT- V- t wow o i : "4 2 I M tv ' rl d UH i ? ' - I" iKow xx iia'you Eva freer barer ia- cf other dajs his fresvl cocgrarulated V Ehuea'thejpasseraba cf aheoeef h£s own- qulred Ssato adrontaurea the —descanting knelv tfoscLrus nr ezz vxxn AXadythaty-iiplease herself ha mar xss therecr'and'a? '&e same tune exrresi p rr-rd at CMwra X Gs-uZ - r asanded" il-- datoseehswife t— oegu crowsed wish many ncnsccs nave been arery gacd scrtcf sesz wusl must we lick fcrl'fcns' rerers&r that that j ‘Tea wiSgkcmasetad: xtrf&gsZxz bod Isa thems and Wm ever ajL rase Georgeevery s veHvrJretl the1 tilv- re - 17 02012 to feel them than be never despairs " midst the' even cf th most' feiihte ii : to do sa At what wcrold he most happy mors that oil is g3csg"-w- ed at EUchmofi ly to make a gqoc hu5-- - V i i- - : : scenes Teeuithe ship staadr “ v— - c he-mak- j jrrrs ‘ ‘s— f'-'- s j ’ v I ! e -- j-:- - b s i - ' f - -- - r- “ “ - 's' tti i : ! wielder-c-IJ-th- e - - - V I ir '' - - to-da- I- - J - -- -- be endeavor 'to' point-- ou t her sad lTu rich lady who owes her more than JIX5XYG ' moral pruning" knifes wheuT went that for sewing bat y Dlrthe- for it she sent werd by the servant that h3dHred there would have beitoh-3ardA few days-- subsequent to fceoulT a she wo cid pay for It next week"rsi attack which had' proredtd false alarm Mr Stuart was attending to V “Perhaps then the landlord wSI wait t his business £ tbe Bank ss jssuawheu a fewdays for his niuey i? ycotoll him TSr a CS v er Go uamihad eteea an clii frienti whom hehad irGt met for the cmramstonces" meetThe will metheir toLi be ha if would "never have weri that several years tailed tot see him' notf he “2or sir marped miMnecmJK and time wasn ws it 'cast'feaTe jridKXiIos' the :Ld cxt paid today id f A wifi 3s "the T -- v 6 j'-i- i - f'-: I - k Sf 4 - ‘ haaiksrchlefr brcksa orthese things and V’ tiu ': ' used ? : ’I - WrrasJ— Tufr Kt- jlss PcLTiStn pf pea who marry rather late' kt lire ue pruned away speedily after their marriage’ Ted haxe fjumi a maa who ' f - ri- ( £ r - j ' i tIe-:odd!fie- s 1 (4 I he said to himself “that she loves me and cf Great Salt Laka Cifj ai Ticiaity uni of th s — I fi whshes "f thos!" H : 4 ''' “Pardon "me my dear klrs Stuart yet disregards jay 3UT thought of the scene! In tha sitting room EINEST STTLFJ5 ’ '' r i said George goilv' I certainly' meant no “was that she was taking reit Cf -J possible ’Kj ' ‘j but 'sonehow the idea cf mr ta ' that!’1 No he was’too'Jgener- for ' venge being! widower before morning struck oas even to harbor such a though t :But or Ol F OUR FIRST erA me nther ludicrously : T'majube one to-b- what' statement r could 'to hM 'jJ i’ JLH sure for life is ever uncertain but God friend—fer his wifers AND i Tsi excuies PLAIN seemed PANCI td grant that those' bright eyes may not be him altogether too flimsy ‘to be repeated t vs‘f STOCK OF taken from me for many days to come" There was but one alternation he could w 4"i Or ' '' I i he added folding her in his arms “Xow j'pfdr tender Hr Markham and share with cheer np Laura T hastened home to- only him the cold hospitalities of a hotel table I4 f GENERAL' MERCHANDISE night ba’ purpose to tell you some good presenting Mrs as tnart'a £ Joe indisposition news The situation of 'cashier' in the ' J$ iv 3k anapokxcy IT —7--or bank hascea assigned to XriEXET tJTTBS I Markham saw atocce upon his return B72B GFFEniTB spouse an’dT am to'commcnca' 'y : f r a his friend” 3 mind was troubled : about that i j ''i v something but knowing him well enough " ‘I It But the lady was somewhat piqued be- to know that the he had made explanation cause George Lid not ‘expressed the least was all that he desired to make ' IX j?THE ASSOBT tlEXT ' pressed brae— lhUrtei t4 ml T th ' i i degree of alarm fer her symptoms so ter the subject no- farther r t : j cun st she him rcsclved noin-tereto manifest punish cornea vto every day as come it Night at all in this their mutual good for' s' whether joy or sorrow hath been its por' V: :f ec tune t STAPLE GOODS tico and George Stewart with' a' weary I j “This is notime to talk of worldly mat- step sought his" home Never before since l i set 1 1 answered she ' ters? 15D deprecatihgly “delays his marriage day had anything occurred :i t: n£cd ia tbcmalogvetb rtieb are dangerous r will you call for the Doc- - that had disturbed Ms 'feeling and the l ' ' i? a:' oa torfv :' Vchanged expressicu on his usually cheer UJ “Certainly my dear ifbu wish it but face gave evidence to the fact Tet BEST MEHCAHTILE HOUSES cct inhere nothing tohe dace for voa before' resolved to make the fcestT pf it perhaps an J’ "f after all Laura didn’t really intend to be -: “2fo nothing' and the unhappy girl unkind and he passed his hand across his & I FORM A PROMINENT PART Sunv brow as if to remove every trace of injur- ' wi j he ed his as feeling qalckencd pace thry Laura Stuart wa3 cot an unloving wife coascwcs how nianyjhorns the busy streets hai led to his home Has neither was SI) BROS arid felt heart m and its :OHB OLD ESTABLISHMENT VTOtf happier lighter 5" in her husband's pathway loneliness she had strewn h of becerolecde seemed to go ' j : was 1 eveu shdT of the noble proud nay BZT JtOLtO AT Ovwiaai Stage GCSre kit now a v th oat lock tdow ia niuet at least towards all l jsat pleasaht sfoed to her la the deiujCst reSw York yoath'wha eanct7 him the He that motley throng passed life cf she lation Bat was thoroughly knew QOLLAS1X & J thoogh some were clothed in rags Comple to Stock of' selUshv and hire all who cherish tils' evil sad others m'cbatly robes that tha blight 1 5 propensity—seldom saw oalv the dark bf evil l:: It I rested all he and oa ' The doing thought $:ie cfe very thing blessings dispen- how much IX XXOLpEGE AID GENTLEMEN’S FUIMISHIK3 deeper miht be the sorrows sed : by A Heavenly fathers hand she evinced nx soms ' of these anxious faces COLD DTStL V failed to recognize and fa receiving good T at tka than any he had ever fchowrt thus ia yef locked for cviL The beautiful ndn- orsrcrx or th oteilato szsn unn xi: heart alrflcst forgot thinking of others : bew cf promise which overarches the its " xsunx smrrr "V gjli1 errr 9 Own bitterness s' £ cEoads of sorrow her earth-fetterespirit : nsver soared high enough to' seep cocse- Presently a Uttle boy assured by the VTSCEVZJL CITTr 3TO3TE1VA ITZMtirrJBT will beamed from his countenance that where the trials cf life overtook queatlv WILIi PAT THE HIGHEST RATES YQZ '’ her' she only bowed hopelessly to their thus accosted "him COLD to - ANDri- - COIT Pray sir wni you be kind eaojc ' crushing swav ''Accustemediftott earii-e- st T'S' szxz a ensjrr 15SP xzaot buucx cHTdliccd to ease and luxury living let r fifty cents T never begged in W i XowTork mother far herself and within herself and depri my Me but I cannot see my poor '3 awklnarbctCCiL ' : ved of a mothers guiding: hand when most turned into' the street1" and the little fel1 Vlrgak Ctj ttmtaaa LisUifl Or Liahu that hand was neededvit is no matter of low brushed away the imhLldax tear wii OF THE MOST SUPERB MwStBiMC flty Mrfw n Ms jacket'sleeveX-Ct Colortufay -' the that t patched of found surprise years maturity X3±lrtia "KiBtawf fAfiher2 153 no “Have chfltteti her thus you to meet their respansi-K2&- 5' ParrJaskL tr— rm ' 9 ' v he died before can ressemr “No j Hot 3Ixs wso 3Iasst Lats nr Lm - 4 1 fm n - --- i Tmomiix Dniicni S ‘ : -7- it f' ls re-zr- L 7 : myself by prcserrlrrgas-mnoof my falthfoL cldfrremi aA possime and never look at his el5gy withe fee!uur and eCcrutitud ' ’— i - -- to mpvibavwoSjled jXf h for ’ - t-- J ‘ : a pcslTe - s-- I -- I 1’ ' -- ‘ ' was-inexperience- : i- - -- - ts V Dip-ther- ia kiod-hearte- - - Al" " C6 ‘ jr f v : m O'-- y DnOETETd V ’i-1 - Q - J "O' iroBiir'GTotoisii'isft bt l X -- v a i il ‘ : ’ - 7 i I CO '!' lit ” £ ' cest r: Tf A ’ V ' - Sz ' -- 1 r‘ r “i - r - - 71 ' 'A r-- ’ a 1 v: " ' f I u'-r- - -- j 4 - : ’ r A - awaited her arrival The joy and cf the Attic actress my be ira-- r alinedDarting oat from her hiding place she sat down-o- n the floor beside the dog caressing patting and pouring out ter thanks to him as thoeghhe under ''stood her whieh indeed beseemed to do f Her scruples being thus removed she ‘ ventured to draw on the contents 4 f the ’ cop for more substantial repast than she : hadHowed herself since the closing cf the ' BobiaoCoco of coarse coming in fbc h‘s full share- The dog continued to ply his old trade - thus enabling his mistress to tide oyer the period cf her enforced and friendless idleness whiiea waiting her at the Bohimx : : Du the reopening of the little theatre the ygurig actress was engaged for a new part which she performed with &o much grace anddn telligence that she attracted lire notice cf the 'manager cf :a theatre of muci higher retehslois who happeued one pighr- - to visit the Bobino amT by whom she was at once engaged at a much k higlsexsaLiry From that period 4t he for- kX 'tupw ‘cf the ycungaetriess steadily infpro-ved and sherose step by Step until she T: ' reached the'emiaentL place- she still holds ur My geed Ccco says iladenoyelle B— a: Ifc coaciudisg ' the-- history ©f het" early lived for the rest cf"hs?d2ys is strsgg i load 3 addled fcipy a lifias a deg: coald ' xs List cf sheer' cid Mysarmr in the V : Lifkes£(i crisis cf my history his death Was v:-- ? ‘ - - 'VtTtfntly fr1 W?Tt7 L-- rooslir thu osual When hejcdged'that enough receptacle had been collected he carefijUy conveyed ' : the treasure to hie new friend and pa- - ii "V 4 : W- 9 - ia- 159 trodocing Mm ter his wife and ia order awkward that cr nothing unpleasant 77 : ' r f I “ £ t I V i SwjpaUrw taw w Ml it “ might occur he dispatched an errand boy W14 ' VS with a note to Laura apprising her of the r ' i ''? '" ? ' f? ”Whatis the matterYexcIsimed George c't' t : " f ?i i t vtf M Stuart' as he entered the sitting rooci Ithippcck fo? J where his wife was reclining on a sofa George tfaah the message arrived when c 'j ij if ’rj xne un umv his was beautifulwtfe sezns to iuone cf her very yoti ato lobking tires ' hap pyff “There has been a strange feeling ini S J L shia ed 7i was suflering with a se vere that rl my throat all the afternoon" she replied' peMie jtluU tikiy here te like is eeaoaiiu v i n plewire i't headache feel oll and like at in "a voice scarcely audible didit andfrom the seeing J PAirrrso!isDYE stuffs BRUSHE company besides the cook Jescription have heard it must be OfETZD H and she could scarcely trust ker to Be prepared for the worst' my ’4 ' ifdaorr-'foryoV kcow tha'idvaaces f that prepare Chfeusixal dinner S jt disease 'are very rapid and perhaps behusband was not pr The SPICES PERFOIERT fore tomorrow mormng yoa will be a widfelt he for and this both ' vexedand " I pred " 'r :XT!J-ower r : a n mortifleL He wasconsdoas "that there r'f v Z : W:'i hhk lack oa had beeano ‘i hope not'" 'lLaara" and the joung part ia providing 139' &141 TTILILU STRCri Sbreet Inctlv opposite ' I?' husband bent tiowu to bestow the accus- for the Internal arrahgesaedtaof hlsfcoase-hol- d wwt ndc ZJut Zenpts afire of the ' if k f' :“ v‘ '1 tomed kiss at the same time vainly enaad he knew too that the cook t i ’ TOES ' ' so whose never abilities had truderbeen a'smile to ' his wife's at I' deavoring suppress ' grave and apparently unwarrantable con rated before was perfectly wnpelect W ii- - OVERLAID STAGE LINE W ' cloaoas do ter part-: :v u fbrtMai:st(MMpatf to Or lLan-r- a m af Ordar ftr CTkll TUBIMStad til a hiia croel ahnost to Packing It appeared ‘Ah George heortiesi as ever" was' the more he thoogut of It “cau it be" vtflre wtifull Ukt'pleflnir ntj j txst&ir&etv the bitter response and she turned awy wocia aub It whech Sot whether y - Ms leave - rzz?zsa£ W Aa cm j 1 f rzs Vv - at the AIrHarkham' took time ipecifiedf fc ? v Iamiwill call for you or three hours act to ltd s wotLI "TB£oUli ' -- -- -- tsrxisrz - Determined to find out'lf possible thi unknown UneTahttr)to whocishe was bj this time Indebted for a larger nni than vhahad had in her possession for very vent oat next morning &j longticehe - remamfrioar short "afterHsualj' but : tine retoineiir to ter room and hid befseif in her copboanJ’to tritch fcr'tha iirriral of her fflysteriow frieadi Sereral jhours passed and theday ras wearing ffcway when as the 'to say to herself v that the hepefactor had V seen her come back and was staring: away ia consequencersh3heanl & slight push - and a sound of scratching against fcha flair the latch was raactTwUIi a jerkthe :vj3cibr poshed ajar ahd:Coco with this blind beggar's wooden saucer fa his mouth t node bis way ihh tho room? emptied the r saucer on the floor' replaced itia iiskcor- -' ' her and laid himself down with no1 air oi quiet 'satisfaction in the midst of the mo--: The intelligent animal divining the Hey state Of iuA protectress exchequer had! opened the dcop with IrijpaTO sml sallj : ing forth with his sascer had taken upIda o£d position oa tue bridgeTbeipassa ere seeing the dog alone after so loeg aa Absence supposed the old Ijpggarto be: S ill and dropped their alms eVea more gen S: J f5 T -- i I - THEfQ A - OFETEUT to nptewttv hkhvSl odcizpy tomBtiro MX't :1 cosaosa - 'err voa HEP risxsusr sxztcil : ' ' : D 1 - ' -i - PhiWhWfk Ldv3f1KUU' tat 5 |