Show J V xt i ji - - i -' I- 1 V -- I jr XllESEJiI-WEEKIjYTEfjKOf!AP- JI vbvtiitM TltfUSOAt MORKfjM ' terms'i "'ret Annum (6n' fopj vftt Jfonthi ' j" i off " v :x 960 biff Any person- - sending os tnarrabecriptloc 3 i-- rective droopy grsU err1 ' I':: T ‘ WWE MOKE PJ501T AX© ' FeaciicG anil mountain currants w&Ebbace ftlmoat the all and in all of Wah horticulture i r0 because both were suited to the soil and cli matefanI would grow and prod nee trader ton'irftlerablo 'cntelesaness And neglect Apples apricots amtplams ranked hetf in disiribu-'7tio- n and even now what ace tailed 'English'’ gooseberries and Currants are comparatively scarce i Kat perhaps tfies Culture ofthe vine his :r made as fittte general progress as any other adapted to tho territory We have often wondered bow it isthat nqpersoti or energy and Capital in'" thisgnd adjoirfing valleys has started upon thoi Cnterprizo of vino growing not only for tho table but morejespecially for wine Energy: alone is not snihcientf' To purchase suitable plants tillithe ground prune the vines and wait for tho produce tWo or ” four years the shortest period' in which ro--: ’ turns worth speaking ©fean bo expected sides meeting the expense 'end waiting the timo required f nr making and maturing the wine Is not within the range ef poverty Or j Oven of moderate means: - JT- 1 - ‘ V -- ? l r-- M r - - - 1 : ' Irf this particular branch ' of- horticulture - ' g our 'nurserymen appear to have evinced but a spirit ef entefprize for until late Fy few of them Ihavo done much in this tion and evcirat tho present time we are somewhat ashamed of the low status which ' S the propagation and sale of grape vines has any-thjn- ' j ' r it -- - attained' ' ' : ' i France Germany SmtzCThnd Italy and many other places in the old world the culture of the vino is Consider oho of the first in importance Iq England tho Climate in' general is unfavorable but the greatest perfection in flic grapeiy has bedn nrrived-at- r the true value of the vine is also appreciatedrWhilo in the States cast in ‘spite Tn - J : '' of disadvantages to which We here are nob subject on no horticultural speciality is there iVjnore interest and enlhu3iasm:rnanifested than in that of open air gnipe cnlture: V As this territory is fast filling up And the ruder material wants arc being apidly ptovid-cd-fthere must soon be a marching of emterprize in the direction of this important profitable and refined ' culture - f-- or - SOME '! Iil VROV EM ENT3 AND CON-- VENXEN CE8 of Tho isolation and ' Utah is a familiar subject and although set- tlcments outside of its 'boundaries north o southr-Cast and we3tf of late yeara have numerous large and prosperous ret practically for many of the puiposes of every is Just us isolat--'b- d day lifo thi3 Territory as ever ahd such will probably1' continue to be the case until the railroad across the tugged Wasatch and Nevada summits passes from the domains of specula tionand theory into those of fact and practice 'Iron may be termed one of the necessities of civilized life but the difficulties and tedium pf its transportation to this place as iith other thmgs puts and keeps the! material in- valuable asit is at enormous figures that is' when a supply greater than what old wagon? alTonris needcd Ore there is in' perhaps in- exhaustiblo quantities within the boundspfthe Territory And mnch money has been expended np(m the mairafactnre and iron has been made hgrc Stilh-thenterprise falls through o that for any practical benefit io the com- mnnity at large it may at present be said iron can not be produced within our Territorial limits: In this manufiicturejihancca have long gone fttul go 80 still for enterprising r ” capitalists to mike for thomsolTca nAme fame jafcd ultimate fortune P Fuel never very plentiful iii this valley or j Immediate vicinity ha3 novr become kcarce 'I and dear yet coal exists abundantly forty ‘ or miles eastward" mountains inter- pio ' r i vine but railroad of wood or still better of light iron could bo made over the obstruc- : tions whereby in summer amply sufficient coal V for cqnnmptionTBdght be brought here which bo profitably gold ckeaper tban fuel ‘ J ewer wbui in history of this City Steam hors mule or ox pocr’migbt be employed " where necessary to bring m the trains thOngh probably the incline in many places would bo sufficient for tho carriages to“go them selves” Aandwith a double track to fetch back the wagonsal30 ' j empty f ' It will be impossible in the march of events forxbme such enterprize'to remain very much semi-inaccessibil- ity ! i i i- : -- ' Je-eom- to-da- y : -- ' ! 4 -- - 1 e - ' t -- :L -- -- ? f " - ? ' jI s j " - te jflOOO ' '''£ ’ThrPO a4- v -- UEDNKWAY StORNlNO is Jbngcr in tie womb of fatari fy The incrcaa- v’ f V f x 't ' lfig wants 6t 6af growing citirand settlement s ' A as we forenoou(: wefo Yesterday demand facilities of this nature and it will be logiii the direction of the' theatre to hear fovmg strange indeed if supply should not Very soon Careless1 we were surprised fo see h crowd of Our advAnCO to meet that demand City Mali If ait to the' ’‘tfansiettV ?isitdra comiegfrqja been we might iiii Woolley holding Bishop forthy day the iooner the better have passedl by without concluding other than the dismissal of “a meettagr” hut as it was not the THU ELECTION IN CALIFOENiA regular fast day and the gentlemen met were not AND NEVAflA revivals we enquired Add specially devoted found Docfor had bOen tftt-fng-” n frir our mat J“the Nevada papers say 'the tofat Vote of Ban and what we witnessed was the adjonrn-men- t' Francisco was 21000 with 6000 majority for v"''i - 'i 'i r :t ' Lincoln It wad thought the State would At two ptn we crnhOd through 4n anjrion give 20000 to 30000 majority for iJncoln t crowd Of over a hundred In broad eloth’and fancy The Virginia Union Of the 10th reckons Oasshneres And other things (hat untuning gentlethe Nevada vote' at’ over 0000 majority for men Adorn themselves with and there sat Awaiting On elderly lady and a yonnger female whom we '5 Lincoln V Judged tu be her danghte' With thO Information te otit p6sepi6h wo entertained' deep sympathy for the mother but As' itf duty bound In eases of T17ESDAY MOitNIND 15 unsettled dispute wer reaerved our opndoB of the ere-' — ail HesT Miss if Tax its rr Yesterday morningsunthe Stion was lively With a fin? samroer’s After the Doctor mad? hia appearance an officer Thomas’ brass and Professor Traxo&rn on brought fromthe celt below a young man Piity : band' Snccess to all three answering to J ohn J Kean some where about The mttslcians proinenadecl East Temple street twenty-fiv- e years of age light “complected” not large assemblage of gentlemen in bad looking yet not terribly “killing”— not A front of the meat market whK better looking than the notable df The epeciat occasion for this manifestation was former Court notoriety' As be took hiA seat the the introduction of Messrs Rosenbaum A Xewmah elder ladylookedathim— itwasa lookThe lady’s to the Salt take pnblio as pnrveyorS in the meat hand was nervous beneath her cloak we thought line and the exhibition by that firm of a hugo pile of A derringer and as we had no disposition to of choicemeats share risks with tbat branch of the Kean family The “viandes’’ were tastily displayed and eveiy we moved our chair slightly nearer the Justice- -' thing looked “as clean as a new pin” The facile osir apprehensions were howeyerUmfounded' j and fertile bra?h of W Y Mo?ris had sketched an afildavit made by ‘—— the jThd Court: read pastures and tneadoWs greenancl Comfortable styc3 ypung girl in which that said Kean wa3 charged and stalls with figures representing live beef mutf with An assault and' battery upon the committing ton and pork in specimens suggestive of less “ofbody of said female with intent' toC commit rape fal” than fa often to be met' with outside of the Ac A to ns— an attorney we supposed realms of imagination' excepting in our favored —acted stranger os counselTor the defense Prisoner plead Territory And all around even to tho “blocks” nbt guilty and counsel asked a continuance of the hadthe painters’ ornamenting hand been busy eftso for the purpose of securing the following wit1 trimneSs to the scene nesses: “John McGihney neftry Teeter Dick living A large quantity of cigars passed around and the Bleekcr Jack’ Sherman Wo Fotcr Samuel Corchampagno was not absent king1 Albert Smith Jimmy lWin Cork and James In the after part of the day wo1 “dropped” in- Reeder” The Conrt refused the application for to tho Globe and found a host of friends- - enjoying adjournment and td' examine the proceeded an oyster stew and how tho champagne corks the yoang wohian and oflicerf TlydeJ fletf and toa were spirited and unlimited! We ifeath and Caldeir The first gave a detailsaw there a host of Celebrities— of law and order Dewy ed statement of he circmnstances of her preparand of S good man other things' ell on “the to go to a bail At Camp Douglas With the prisuare” Kosenbanni & Newman have made a ing oner and tho tortnou3 windings of Kean and the good start “gentleman sitting there with book in his hand” CALtEU Urox U3 — Wc had the pleasure of a to find a buggy and the subsequent circumresnlteA'in visit yerierdafhrinStajor Upson the Indian Agent stances—unfit for publication-whi- eh the and from Fort Benton and Capt Wall the of his apprehension prisoner Virginia present The Captain fa a frequent visitor to' our “mountain position before the Court : w iome” and enjoys somewhat the air we breathe The Counsel for Defense In his crosA examination The Major passed through hero a ' ear ago iind of the witnesses sought tho past reputation of the has been" dealing out blankets ahd other '‘fixings” yonng woman and on the prisoner making affida-y- it to the Black Feet and is iibw'bn his Way to Washthat the presence ©? the parties named above were essential to his defense tho Court granted ington to bespeak Father Abraham and Commisty renew of amity with an1 adjournment till this afternoon at two pm sioner Dole to’ : At this stage of the proceeding we think it betthose wandering redskins Major Upson is sound on the peace policy with the wanderers aifd the ted to witbold our views' of the case and the obli' I ' folks afWashington had better believe it is vastly gations it involves j f “ I less costly to the Treasury Crr axoeab£b— A breeze arose yesterday and V isrriNO —M arthal I’leywood looked In upon us the canopy grew dark over the Lake In the afyesterday and - thought we were doing nice! —— ternoon the clouds completely overspread the sky we shared the opinion' but were better pleased o and distilled in gentle rain hear tho iate cotton crops had turned out better ( thatf was anticipated: : Sugar canb crops have A Yprxo McsicrXx—We were much gratified been light but the com has done better The yesterday in listiening to Professor' Careless' a folks down south were immensely pleased with the young violinist from London' trying his instru-baenews of the rcinforceraefits going down there The V7eTheatre knew Mr Careless ten folks had borne np bravely with a stout heart the in metropolis of England when he years ago was a mere boy taking his first instructions on the Oven Aoaik-- Hooper AEIdredge opened again “fiddle and the boyr1 arid was agreeably astonyesterday forenoon with a’ magnificent stock of ished yesterday to meet him again and to observe goods It is really very gratifying to notice that the progress be had made in the profession He most of our merchants have this year Imported is an accomplished player and will bo a greatac-cessio- n goods 'Of such excellent quality We much doubt to us At the present time if half a dozen stores in XeW York City conld be found with such excellent goods as those' in the A NeW Yirttt House — it Is with particular firm we notice pleasure that we draw the attention of mcrchanl Utah' Montana Idaho Nevada and Washington in Co'mixcf In—J ennlnga' long looked for trains to the advertisement of A B Sands &' Co in toare announced within a feW days of th(f city God-b- e has also another train nearly at our gate3 Bo- - day paper Through our friend W S Godbe wehad the pleasure of a personal introdne-tio- n denburg & Kahn look foV their first at an early Esqi to the gentlemen composing that firm abont da y and Walker’ Brothers are also' on the qni rive months ago and it is now very gratifying eighteen for more” : to ns to have this opportunity of expressing in RmnvEn— J R Walker Esqr lady and fanii-- y “out mountain home ” the sentiments of high re returned last evening from the Eastern States spect which we know to be entertained for the Mr Walker has made’ very extensive jrarchaspa In firm by all our wealthy merchants in this city— the East for the establishment of Walker Brothers Hooper Jennings' Godbe Walkers Bassett and ' k —-- of wMchhe is thc jenior This establishment Others has up to the present season purchased' extenWe' know of no establishm cut in New "York more sively in California but they have with our other worthy of public confidence than the firm of A B : merchants now mainly directed attention to the Sands & Co Several-millionhare trareldin'' that rising sun' direction this year from these" mountains TnURSiJAY M0RNIN9 fl Mr from o te the w 3 eat r Holladay gotin day y Tsir Ca-- T wtWlay iftwitomi tbe City ITsIl looking hSle and hearty crowded with the “tranfients" of the preceding densely' Among the other distinguished in the city we and a good sprinkling of our citizens many of whom day notice 4edM Purple' Esq fromiBannock Seem to be feet loringitieBUyvIth prevhras history— to hear the rather “Interesting”— deplorably Interesting— N DISTRICT COURT - r- :l - itdnsi AffAirs - Drrr ad W - o : - 4 ' PuhUehing: y " Pereml other wltnemee were heera fe the defense end fhA cm mibmltfed to the Conrt' withonf ergnmeof After a rnmmRry of the sf etement of ' the proeecntlng witness the Court renwTetl ndjcemmt till liter (n the sVsnlnjr— wfen we enrpose hie honor woold terminate ' I ' the proceedings by a heave fine V jr We regret very mnch that such trtsshoald trsnsptre as those derriopeit daring thfs eramTnatlcm but they will yet' serve a good parpose— we shnll at an early day recsr ' " 4’ W them : r fu ‘ i - ‘ ' c ' The conduct ef Hi Honor Jnstjce Cllnlbrv throughout the examination reflects the highest cfedKupcn him 4 both' as A man and magistrate'- Apjotoxed— The adjourned term of Iho fcguTar March term of the Third Judicial District Court for the Territory of Utah that met on Monday ion the cone of the people vs Jop nolladay adjourned on Tuesday till the regular Jfqrch term' 1 (!? of the Territory ti ffon FTlte Attorney-Genera- l Seth M Blair protested against the eontmnAnceof the case- an’ It "had already been continued two terms and asked the Court for “tho privilege g a nolle prosequi to relieve the Territory of Any further expense' Cpnrt objected' -- - ofen-JcriD- AirGo to the auction at FanstWdf animals' hicles- harness etc ve- coHsfisndAt Omc o t Tn Daiit rrtxoRArrr Wednesday Evening November 19 1884 v Golo Qonr— 225 : Dnst— 'VtrgthU 87)ji lioinili ' 125a 150 Blue drills 50 a 00 liattlhg pr lb 50a3 00 - j 1 : pr (b Kentucky Jeans splpr dos2 T&Tsad i Broadcloths Casslmgres Tlannels 6 00 a 11 8 60 a 5 1 25 2j!5 a 3 1 i i:'y fWal2S 00 TJnseyg 00 Poplins 150a 2 60 13 00 10 00 60 UNXXS 1 50 Brown a 20 60 a 25 00 a 10O 40a 75 75 aoccaizs flugsrs Coffee Tea Dried apples Dried petchee Tobacco ItalalOt ' ’ gnlicna 450 i - K 75 BO 60 6 00 IK 2 50IPepper 125 2 50 Ginger Jamaica 1251 600 r Nutmegs 1 25 2 50 CO xunwtac Nails— sblnris and lath- - GO Sheet Iron “ all sum upwards ' 50 Wire GO a 70 Castings pr lb Leadpflh ' Grass scythes S50a400 Graa scythes lOOaGO 125 i 80 4504509 — : - 8X10 10 Olive pr bottle Castor' do Judicial District ”ThirdTerritory of Utah ) 1 - i to-da- s' pr kg!2 OOalS 00 pr gallon 10 00 i - i : -- i 75 Bocbn A B SAND'S: & Co AND - - I J DEALERS vu rr t X - Lynch objected to his Honor's rating and the wltBwwf Were called fbr the Jefnuv foi lowing nr MINTS R U G DYE STUFFS OILS ? y - -- Macon Our army is in excellent spirits and well supped with rations ’Washington 11: This evening’s Washington Star says it deem' " not improper at this time to r ate that Sherman' army has been heavily reinfo: ced and others strengthened in the cavalry rll hi dismrmut(ri having been remounted The force under Tfioma now in Hood’s front also has $ecn reinforced as: strengthened and is amply sufficient to insure thv Ilood can do no damage tn sp ak of in Tennesse or Kentucky which seem to" be his aim: man is operating with his'othe five corps in differ ent bodies in mod’s rear and ifl already betve him and any possible line foi ) his retreat soutl when he sees a necessity for sq doing BRUSHES - irert SPICES PERFUMERY etc WILLIAM STREET - n ‘ s - brM'itage'ltto m5itonaiti!illit port of muk'etry at times were! almost continnea-s' The Cqmmerctaya' special seys' the rebel thorities have made a proposition to onr gore n ment asking leave to purchase Iblankets in ern cities for their prisoners paying tberefer cotton The question is under advisement The Post's special says the Richmond paper Thursday are are stir exerefefed over Lincoln’ election Hood is said' to be mirching on' Clatts noogaa The rebels are confident that Grout j The rebel Journ preparing for another battle almost unanimously censure the srming-o- f the t - ii r tf-- t I i ' ( ' V 5 - CapeRaeel!Per the Nora Scotii from Iiv rpool 3d Londo derry 4th It was thought that the steamer Li v- - :'4- - : 12 The appropriations mado at helai feon the ii Coogreas exceed J7dr 000060 lotinclhding 5 terest on the public debt t The Commercial’s : rpeefal’ p J3 Sheridan is the r lovements of E&fy handsomely checkmated on' onr flank : He has sent them back and prevented tbe contemplated advance ipon the Baltimore and Ohio railroads Headquarters Aimy Potomac 11 ' On Wednesday evening at 7 d’clocK a force the enemy was discovered ma ing in front ef of Unc near Fort Steadman v Tbt guns- - of tko fW opened Bre driving them to iheir works Th rebel batteries replied briskly I r a time but ven rooq silenced by‘ our shells and mortars- - A forefl of abont 150 rebels made' a portie from their lines and attempted to penetrajtb ours but bekf met by a salute from onr pickets were hot lonz i finding their way back As thd enemy seemed termined to pursue the policy of shooting at every man' they see our men are forced to retaliate Accordingly the pickets in front of the 2d - Creamer John Sermon George Moore J H R Smiths William' Nagle- - A J Printer Taylof 139 & 141 Robert Briaghnnt Edward Thomhs anif Joseph Lang Alien of the asked forward Mayflower' vu “Charley somebody else was suhpoenod and the witnesses present NEW TURN were sworn wife about he The first witness George Taylor tj mined by Mri Thurmond as to his knowledge of the AN Particular attention' paid te the and ebafseter of pttweentiDg witness to which Mr Miner otv ' of Order far UTAH TZRRITORT and all dis- jected and a' lengthy dlscussfon ensued and numerous Pkeking ‘ ' - ' il?-tHat f quotations from Greeuloaf were retd tithe Court :“AJJ sre-Th- New York IMPORTERS WHOLESALE York U Tho ttcralJ's spreial lays Information received that the rebels In the Shenandoah v& have been reinforced and arie attempting t rr ' of Sheridan In prder to at least fcr I the 'ennsylvania and Maryland with inv Sheridan however is prepared for them r big of it on Wednesday Uati he lias Riven ing ordere to thearroy wliifh b la tba Hheit - f rnoRt'effective condition j Onr (lispatcheaifrom the front represent that P rebel were sons days agd in force and that it was their inteuiiVn to move on our at once A party of Morhy's gnerrglas d'ssriiVJ fa jinlforms yesterday morninc attacked a anuiit near Charleston bclongiflg to Sheridan's e train was captured We learn from Little Hoe Steeles army on the hours captured an entire rufeci train or 33 and 200 horses This 1 probably one of the tri sent ahead of hi math force' by rrioc with the tehtion 6 saving it : Thfe Tdclnnotbl Sentinel df Wednesday largo fleet of ironclads arc ii the James river low Dutch gap it also say that the' Union fcj dier are not yet making any preparation Gev Grant crf ter quarters and that it on more a of Wet Wilmington way by templates don and that he la alreadylscnding troops ' to 'fe ' J latter place New Orleans Herald's The correspondent sir J our gunboat are watching the mouth of iledrivV1-frT- r three very formidable rpbel rams which V! expected to come dovrjt a jioon as the water rirC sufiicientlyi t Jeff Davis currency has often almost entirely aside by the Texas rebels jonly (ld and silvJ being accepted There 13 but little new? frqni Mobile' Ournr:': bouts here make experiments in shelling tip threo hours eycry dsy'-X ta to Richmond papers contain the proceed-Thd Judksary Commii of tiic rebel Congrewi were directed to enquire itfco the expediency wharf requiring' citizens fiabio to rqilitary'-dulabsent from country and not on public busing and assist iu the public defense on pain of property disfranchisement aft the wily or other adequate penalty North Carolina papers 5a yj that Washington that Stai£ 'has been evadiatpd by the rebel troopThe Herald’s Afatamoras Utter of tlio 27th oh says CortinaU having beeomn an Tmperislitt fcs been sent on an expnditinn aftef his brother wlm' At the head of a band of guerrilla r Juarez is t Chihuahua With f000 troop i' is said to bo fortifying that place with a deterrx' ation of standing a siege At a recenLpiblio djl ncr in Mataraorss' one of jMaximilian’s offirer gave a toast to the Union of the Southern Confti eracy and Mexico which w received withgr?i applanse and the performance by the band of ti 1 Bonnio Blue Flag I v Cincinnati 12 The Gazette’s Nashville d ppatcTi denies thenand burning of Atlanta and & Sorted evacuation of tbe Chattanooga Railroad Washington 12 1 A gentleman from the valley y states thr the larger part of Sheridan’ army is m the neiyV of Winchester' wlijlo the enemy is r New Market receiving relnfoycements Thereto been no active military moves recently ‘ Chattanooga II - An arrival from tbcrfront reports that on Mondi at daylight the enemy attacked our picket sooi j of Atlanta bat subsequently fell back The election onTncsday wis quict and resulk largely In favor of Lincoln On Wednesday morning thi enemy made saX-ack on Atlanta shell being thrown as far os Sail ling Mills A most desperate attack was made the south roads tho enemy’s irtillcry being withir 100 yards bf our mortars and their infantry as dismounted cavalry within 2( 9 yards of our men? who aroused from slumber quickly manned tb defences and soon drove the rebels off with vf Federal loss The enemy fina ly retreated totrari7 ( illBb-nche- ss Great Salt Lake County ) At the: adjourned terra of tho District Corrrt within and for tho Third Judicial District Utah Territory held iq the Court nouse in Great Salt take City yesterday present Honl Joltn Titus Judge of the Third Judicial District of said Territory Patrick Lynch Esq Clerk John D T McAlliiterr Esq Territorial' llarshat Richard W McAllister and Wm G Goforth BaHIBi: ‘ vB M BladrlS(i Attoriicyi deneml foi As and Win' I Appliby Eitqrs rltdry1 attorneys ftw JosepbHohaday: : A Miner Esq ?ked fork continnanco of' the case of Holladay titl y at 10 is' m to cnibie MrH’oiladay to sppear Cohtlnnanctfgranted and Court adjtfurned ' WocmA-Owitw storms and bad roads wood ng has advanced to eight donara’a cord in Austin Nevada We have splendid fine weather hero but ' our wood merchant can” double Hhoso figures s time or two andthink it nothing r GO 70 1 50 a 2 25 Whit lead 60 a 75 Linseed oil 12 00 j Varnish '7 00 - case (drape "Kith extraordinary Indulgence somebody ef dosM tabfea permltteO a nee of thewlndow anil the furniture of' the City Hall that wo have never before seen jn A Court Every place was’ occupied for standing room'— till heads woolly and bald threatened tbe stove pips— and roof if it had only beCn low enough' to 3 o’clock and proceedopened st Thj Court M Thurmonfl commenced L ings introdactng by Patrick' Lynch Bsq ashis colleague' in the defens A Mr Lynch wanted to have the prosecuting witness Ashe was i1imb( on the preVious day - Mr Miner Proeeentlrig' Attorney ftrr a tiro a objected ultimately the Court ruled agninst tho demand of tb9 defense )(r x1-- do pr gall 1200 Kerosene pr gall r' WHOLESALE PRODUCE MARKET H f rQuotations under fills head are based en actual n!e GOO Ratter Wheat If1 400 Egg fif Barley per bush 11 40 ia 59 Corn 409 Cheese jew do old 300 Oats 60 15 Potatoes Beans per lb 2 25 4 00 500 Onions Peas 35 00 a 40 00 Flaxseed 30Q Hay pr ton 13 09hiS00 Lumber pr m 80 00 a 10000 Flour cwt 1200 Laths pr 100 Corn meal 1 25 Beefi fresh pr lb 12Wat5 Shingles pr m 10 00X12 00 Dried beef Wood pr cord 2000 25 00 a 30 00 Hams smoked ' 76jCoal pr ton i M 35110 50lOf 18 TAINTS At OU Xl2 s - eiAts : - ’ OOlDomestle 1 25 - AtYlCSjfi! TERRIFIC HURRICANE AT CALCUTTA to-da- sotrs Rosin Castile ai iw - sricssi Clansmen Cloves 'Allspice a BO 40 3D0a 600 Star candles : W Soria 60 Saleratus SOOaSOO Indigo - i '’’ 0 Rica 1 25 - TREATY OF TFACE ' 1 ( a 3 00 j Diaper 100 a 1 50)Cruh Irish nt e i- - 1 50 12 00 SO Shawls al 50 Blankets Sattinets Ralalnss J eoasu 00 a 1 25 75 a 1 25 25 a 1 75 Jl 75 a 100 WOOILIH - : 3 50 i Cotton Tarn ' V' f: - ftenvy brn hetlngrs OOjSkein cotton 75 a loo! Ginghnmn do Vlitn SO 1 25! Hsnnels Blenched sheetings Denims vt0 n 1 25 Delaines - in-th- MS cotton aoons y Ticks FrintS i -f GREAT BALT LAKE CITT RETAIL M4RS: Stripes !iu i v ' 1 the-trea- - H rt the "n fi-p- : “ vRbfUadlBf (Htlr loqncf and Tolatn of Uvntlthff CON FEDER AT CS MOVING IN SnKNAYfj ef thpra seonod tdkeow any mere than himself lio MOSfiT’S Jf£N CAl’fUrJI A TRAlxi madenopretenstonsfo bes lawyer its wonli therefor e set aside thelrretevauey of the argument and take CAFTURB OF ONE OFl PCfCUS TKAR Such a Course e woatdrsnch the ends of Justice GRANT MOVDfO ON WnMINtTON!’ The defense then rammed the Mukimtlos of Vnyloc Who fill seen' the proseentlog witness three or fenr times CONFEDERVTE ATTA X ON ATLASTr “Inside of two weeks” pith Belle fimlth Mr Miner asked ed queirtloni j NA Y DEPARTMEXy BANKS FOR Edwin ToomS Introdsrwd by Mr tyscli m honeet DELVTII OF JOHN JFJX’n THE ENClrs jonng nurtw lUtI vbsl w very amning to the CArJCTVTlfRlST! serableJ narrating clrcnxnftancej which werrfrila from ' Wit-n08?cs- — : n te NiDlstlJ sm il fib Hone broofbl itiefoN if imrinit th Amtlomon lial ttoK wsy me rmemrnm v hour wuf Musomei by (he iswy trl In thui Aa and-gathereid- tf-JL- — r |