Show GREAT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH MONDAY OCTOBER 24 1864 i exnecta much heavier 'on? : Dinner was not ready when arrived at the hotel aiid during thesli6rt time I had to wait more than half repented of having had anything to do - with this unfortunate suit However the pleading of charity the suggestions of human kindness reasserted their influence and by the time my new clients arrived whicK they did very punctually at the hour indicated 1 had quite regained the equanimity I had momentarily lost and to mine host’s excellent' viands and generous wine was for if lawyer in a very amiable and benevolent humor indeed " Our conference was long and unsatisfactory I was oblige to send for iiarnes lxifore it was concluded in order : to thoroughly ascertain the precise nature of the case intended to be adduced in support "of it Xo rav of consolation or hope came from that quarter— Still the' narrative I had listened to bearing as it did the impress of truth and sincerity ‘in evciy sentence stroiiglv disposed mo to believe that foul play hail been practiced by the other side and I determined at all hazards to go into court though with but faiht hope indeed of a present successful issue appears inoi-- 'than 'probable I remarka ed on dismissing mv clients “thattliis fabrication but before siu-l- i a question had been jiut in issue before a jury sonic producible evidence of its bciiig-sshould Live been for and obtained? As it sought only watch the defendants proof of the genuineness of the instrument upon which helias obtained probate — one dr more of the attesting witnesses may if iraud has been practiced break down under a Searching or furmatter disclose for incidentally perhaps M(EEKLY TELEGRAPH: AN 0 THURSDAY pi'BLlSIIKD EVERT MONDAY T n II STEXIIo'USE Editor I8j - JKrutn - PickrtwVAll the Year RoumlJ LCTirr-vs- s I1 ' Let it pasi! j a fpe to sense - Angerijii - Let it pass! not darkly tfrr a 'wrong' j m - JlrooO ' WbirWiil'diMippear-er- Ion e lUthcTsing this eliccrj song— S' Let it ps! Letit pass! -- ? the purest mind Let it pass! gtvifo‘ corrodes ' ' -- ) At the unregarded wind " Let it pass! 'j souls live that vulgar Any May condemn without reprieve ’Tis the noble who: forgive Lot it pass!-Le- t it pass! ' ' Echo not an angry word - ’ ' ’ : j -- V 'Tift it pass! have erred Let it jMir jnya must pass away Like the dew drops on tlie spray Wherefore should oar sorrows stay! Think Jiow often you 'It pass!--Pin- JSE Lett hem pass! j Let them pass! - 1 ’ ' iS " ' 'l - ther investigation” “One of the attesting witness? is as I have already' told- you dead” okerved Ihiriies ‘aud another Elizabeth Warcimr has I hear y left the country An affidavit to that - - Let ft pa! to heart words these homely Lay Let it iNuit! Foflownot the giddy throng Better to W wronged than wrong - Therefore sing the chepry song— - 1 to-da- In effect will no doiibt lie made onlcr to enable them to give secondary evidence-of her attestation though swear as they may I lmvc not the slightest doubt 1 could find her if time were allowed and her iresence would at all avail ns” “Indeed ! This is very important Would you AfrJLJarnes have any objection’-- added after a few moments reflection to make oath should the turn of a flairs render belief vonr of that your doing reasonable could time allowed proyou being cure the attendance of this KliZalieth W ure- - - w S Tt ' ' Lcf it pass! Let It pass! 1 THE LI VINO DEAD Y -- - W(wrffi)rounIIhjrholiringtaiTt r to-morr- ow Men whose whole lives spent puqiosclew nnd vain They’re hnhblos in the air husks mill the groin- - K ' Jlere walking '' without heart nr bead flesh-pil- e sd-desira- TheyYo dead ns these ou whoso old graven we trend worm IjOiigyenni companioned with the fleh-Ta-t Tisliow thej’fe men they’re nothing hut the fortif Tiiey ore iftltwprtii their daily meat and bread r uiurveis of creation' move them not: ' As welt trench llud untna fleshless skull Snrroumleil by the grand They're cold as icy atone of mossy grot Their life’s a drvnm a fostej-iein the sun Snatched from this working earth wLo'd'miss them? -- s ‘Not the slightest though how that' would ielp us : invalidate the will Thorndyke claims under I do not understand” “Perhaps not At all events do yiiot fail to be early in vtli y: and-beantif- court” ’ imember” ’Hie " —Chamber's Journal ' ‘ story-confide- t tome d list ws re- - was very sad and unfortunately in many of its features a very common one Elien the only child of the old gentleman Thomas Ward had early THE SECOXIV MARRIAGE in life married Mr Janies Woodley a wea'Si lthy yeoman prosperously settled upon his BV Wabrex warden op tiik inner acres which he cultivated with great ksq y " ' SrEMPLE V paternal dligence”and success The issue of this very happy one I was informed— ' (CONTIXLEP) was Maiy WoiKlli'y the plaint iff in t he presVltifnptt liefi'o man’I observed for I ent action M r Wootlley who had now been was souiewhat moved by the appealing dejecdead sumething more than two years bequeation exhiliitedjjy' the whitelmired man and thed the whole of liis jiroiHrty real and perhis timid granddaughter “but wlgit chance sonal to liis wile in foil coididetice as ho excan I haw of establishing this person’s right pressed himself a few hours lioforc he expired —if right she have — to the estate she claiins that thus suddenly called upon to iict without child and iitterless jgnorant ex- b)’ cept as faros this I perceive hastily scrawled according brief will instruct me bdith of the nature of after-thtestator's decease to between eight the’ plaintiff's claim'aud of the defence iutend-c- ji and nine 'thousand pounds tp be set up against it Respected as tc widow comfortable in cir“lf you would lundCrtake it sir” said the cumstances and with a daughter to engage Voung waman with a tremulous hesitating her "affection? Mrs Woodley might have voice and glistening eye “forThis sake’V-an- d passed the remainder of her days in happiness she glanced at her aged — will “who companion Rut how frequently do woiiien peril and lose else be helpless’ r dll by a second marriage ! Such was the case The blessings of tiiosel who a W to the astonishment of eveiy-ood- y to with-MrWpiflh will be yurs sir said the grandfather she threw herself away on a man almost fth meek solemnity “if you1 will lend your unknown in the district— a person of no foraid iii thi§ Work fpf Justice aiid We tune of mean habits and altogether nnwortliy mercy liave do' hope of withstands tiie masterful of accepting as a husband ' Silas Thomdyke and wrong‘of wicked ghd powerful men to whom she thus committed her happiness except by the aidof the law which we have had for a short time acted a? n bailiff on the 'been taught willever prove"a strong tower of farm and' no sooner did he feel himself master defence to those! who walk in the paths of than his subserviency was changed to selfish peace hnd right’ iudifference and that gradually assumed a earnestness of the old man’s language coarser character He discovered that the and manner and the pleading gentleness of the property by the Will of Mr W was so secur? yeung woman forcibly impressed me and ed against every chance or casuality to' the stbeit it was a somewhat unprofessional mode nso and enjoyment br liis wife that it not only f business! determined to iear tlieir did not nay to the new bride- -' Morj’ l their own lips ratliCLthan takb jt from groom but sho was tumble to alienate' or dicraw led brief Tar through the verbal me-o- vest herself of any portion of it during "life She could however ’dispose of it by will but pfitlieir attorney“Ypu haxa been truly taught’ I answered: in the event of dying intestate the whole de fid if reuftly entitled to 'the ' scended to her daughter Mary Woodley property you claim I know of no masterful men Incredibly savage was Thonidvke when he thatm this bmd iof England can hinder obtiiih-nmade from that discovery and bitter and incessant g you possession1 of it Como to my hotel in were the indignities to which he subjected liiis about an hour and a half from hence 1 gbal unfortunate wife for the" avowed purpose of then have leisureAo hear what have to forcing her to make a will entirely ill his favor you av This(TO I added tokiugAhe two and bf course disinheriting her daughter thahand of the attorney who These persecutions tailed of their object An still held the money ready for my but unconquerable acceptance unexpected ’uninijst permit me to Return It is tOo resistance wa onposed byjhe in all other &r things1 Vowed and submissive womaii to thb H 1 gam it— butmnd I do not promise to demand of her domineering ' husband Her Jua takeit into codrt unless I am thoroughly failing health —for gently nursed and -tenderly you have the right bn ybur side —I shall cherished as she had ever been the callous j I s The case is the ’first in g ‘None! - ul ’ - ble ing?” ' nr- an cross-examinati- on Let ' Let ifpa4 it paeii - Bid your anger to depart e is-I-c- 1 j- s 1 James o goo-- you’ve token ill ' ' j Let it pas! Oil! be kind aud gentle still 'I Let it pass! Timo at last Makes all things straight Let its not resent lat wait And our triumph haU he great: If fiT Air mar-riage-T- -a - I JV - IS: 'y e -- h re-read- y s' vio-Ien- ce j pc - e ' i mi - -- : - quiet-passiv- n4 lii' be nor will the heavy the Sftt sat-uff- ed e i i in on which while it jliesj-hll- P'rf -- -- i be-pn- r ' ’ more interest than I Supposed and the court compartment eontaiufn" tlie (ffieerraml was very early filled Mary Woodley and her crew from one set'of cargb cmipji rlmcntH to arm- grandfather soon arrived and a murmur of thcr so that it ctai be kept: in instant in!oy compassion ran through tlie anditoiy ns they nient while tho expensive rarg compartments took their seats'by the side of IJarnes Tluw are detained daring the loading unloading or sale was a strong bar urraveil against us and Mr of their cargoes enabling the engine a:hl oiie rfew Silas Thbrndvke 1 noticed was extremely to perform the work f three steamer of theorrlr at length finding all his1 efforts fruitless busy aud in'iportant with 'whisperings and nary rnnstrnetion'snd realize proportional profit the poiut and suggestions to the solicitor and counsel — reIt in iiittmli'il to begin businc! by rnnniijg onb Thomdyke appeared upon this subject at least ceased to hasras ceived of course as such meaningless familiar- steamer C(mmmo!i niul ilireij set ofargo his unfortunate victim ities are with civil indifference coiopartmeni to dcmontraie tHe enormous Frequent private conferences were now-helTO BE CONTIXI ED-- I to le aiiioii liv the fyeqj pro- let wen Thomdyke his two daughters Vmilil to vrl:f?h tho will ectiting proposed leet and Elizabeth Wareing— a woman approachromd-- t of rigliteeti ?frew Meaino PAPER Slurs AXI) TAPER (iUXS eoiiipnrlmenU ami one Junlivd ami ninety-eigliing middle age whom under the specious cargo compart Mrs London The a new Oliserver describes that ments nni will ilelivcr ever one million of tons of preparapretense Thomdyke’a increasing coal to Tendon and over three bfiedred thousand ailments rendered the service of an (experienc- tion of paper of a remarkable character The uses ton-i to Paris's nmialiy be applied were ed matron indispensable s he had lately in- to whk-- this kind of paper-maThore would cetn to bn a prom 're of real econstalled at tl:' farm It quite evident to e a plained at the l’luenix Works Hattersea: omy in this project and the idea f thua making a iiiarine engiue d the work Of several— jiift as one both thfc mother and daughter that a much been There were tubes made of paper which had engim serves everal trains on a rail- - I of subsisted Iwtwecn greater degree intimacy tested iu the most satisfactory manner as rocket-tube- s iQroniotiu be profitably applied to our coasting road — - 1 the master and housekeeper than their renude of paper they are of course trade might which those buvemet with obstacle leing The lative positions warranted and from some ex- very much lighter than tlie ordinary iron tubes 'who have endeavored to apply st mi to our coast- - 4 of the iine madefying pressions heedlessly dropped by the woman and they stand the test of rocket-fi- r hip equally as or has been that the rust to lanll too pxonsive-llo- t aud for still to wait cargo been liavo siisiHeted to ou tliein pncc " they iriaeliim-rXot less remarkable were well tui those of inetal emifi lu- - so used as to one f set if terihs'bf coufidcntal intimacy bur-leiu notion trnuspjirta- louts a of siidis'and iluek These fleet made of boards the paper keep be i:i:iIt' eln'ilpelie-- illul tlierljVf nb- 'iliorudyke T should have mentioned was boards of one inch iu thickness had been tested by tioi not a liatiVoof these parts lie hail answered Mai l to the general iatrodut lio t ol‘ lcd uiNvtmld bullet and ball and the result showed that their disappear' Mr 'Wooilloy’s advertisement as a bailiff and dan haof resistance was equal to ten inches of solid It is niit only on laml'lhat the prnnncea his testimonials appearing satisfactory he had power is mean no Western It ou the riven used: Iieen by iTLf Imiit i which had passed throiipii a powerful steiimlioat willi two' Iicoh ' sumcwliat preciptutely engagv A oak uiieoinmoii tsee the hoard u to cause a projecting surface at keel-boand sometimes even three or fmr laslri young muu calling himself Edward the son tlie paper the oak would have clean thus inereaaing viry considerably rear side gone ed to her through of Elizabeth Wareing and said to be engagtd Tor burden tlue keijl 1faU are drop the chpaeity in an attorney's office in IJverKol was also fracturing and tearing it in all directions while in the point and other taken up: they priiper a not nnfrequent Visitor at Dale Farm ami tlie paper board the perfoiratioumade was a small ped'at are laden and unladen while the jteamer of which Iscwbere and t once he hail the insolent presumption to ad- clean) round hole they really form u part i extent 'they eruupiiiize ill use of the this There paper board are admfrahfy adapted Tor dress a note to Mary Woodley formally tenengine —fN Y Kve Post The sperific gravity I 'somedering his hand and fortune ! This however the silos of ship did not suit Mr Tliorndykc's views and Mr what less than that of oak aiul they are easily fixed GRANT S EAIlTllWi l ks AKiL'XD 'l'ETERS- 1 Edward Wareing was very effectually rebuk- to the! framework of vessels They have however yi'Kii- ed nnd silenced bv Ids proposed father-in-lathis additional advantage over limber that they Mrs Thqmdykc's health rapidly decliued do no reipiire prevciit fouling The woman Wareing toucheil jiossibly liy-- j they are and neither animal nor wrks eonsirueted by (IraiitVariiv Srouud Pctera- sympathy or reniurse exhibited considerable vegetable life !!oiiri lu s upoii thdir Mir lalCC Os temlerness and conijaission towanjs the in- the cane with timber or iron They have also lids li!rr “Afli-rjilibe l'scriplim given of this bnttle-ceuivalid: made her nourishing drinks' and admin- further advantaee that are incombustible the Xortli who tlii re arc probably few istered the medicine prescribed bv the village Xo amount Of heat will setthey in a lla:c The have a correct iU-- of the positioji as it is Even them practitioner — who after much delay aiul pooh application of great liout will produce ' combustion old soldiers familiar with siege nijcrations coming poohiug by Thomdyke had been called in — iii the immediate neighboriiobd of the flame bid other from here with her own' hamls About three weeks point have been surprised at like tlie out of burning uiid mythiug ordinary what they djd nut sec The saw quite what they previous to Mrs Thorndykc's'death a sort if Onthi extent of' ground occupied is emirmon reconciliation was patched up through her in- question i aVions ami nil addition to In tlie however wife: and husband these between the (all iiXcH good qualities py?tcmatic strumentality and an unwonted expression of kindness and paper ha positively the advantage over timber androrivct to tlm rye of the exper diced engineer) compassion real or simulated sat upon and iron iu the matter uf cost SI Sxei lemy the have the appearance to i casual observer of inThoriulyke’s features cveiy time he approach- inventor well known lor the vuccessfull tkaiuivr in completeness and confiiseil irregularity There i ed the dying woman which he lias arrested tlie decay if certain portions no well defined chain of works with finished fount 'The sands of life ebbed swiftly with Mrs of the exterior of the House of l'arliament hlis as at Rermuda Hundred to be see i from any point Infolded in the gentle but dead- discovered a filge wliieii grows in the southern the parapet stretching in ray in ither diThomdyke with embrace which siezes its whit-ly consumption part of Germanj ami may be converted in- rectum as far as the eye'ean rea h There isno victims she wasted rapidlv away and most to a rough kind of paper at a cost so trifling a to succession of parallels and saps c early tending to perplexing symptoms of ail violent retchings enable him to compete with the builder of timber prominent object of fltiu k a on tlie Morris and nausea especially after taking her medi- aiid Iron ships Island-san- d waste The whole oonntry for mile cine —which according to Davis the village Xot content liow’evcr witli forming the side of dug up 'and sliuviicit over with no surgeon? was invariably of a sedative charact- - ships of paper the iyventor is now in the other purpose than to wake a miiy heaps and a amlltake tip hi? abode with a somewhat needy relative Next Edward Wilford the only son of a neighboring fanner who had been to Mary Woodley several months before her father's death was brutally insulted and forbidden the house All "however failed to shake the mother’s resolution: and be-throth- -- to-yiel- ed - - d : ad-vanta- lo-for-c f tj w-a- c- - - - l - so-fii- 1 r at I -- ‘ Ivi-i- -- ed n costly-jrfeai- w Ile-ti- cnpper-shi-athing't- non-absorbi- io o nt -- 1 l er a -- cinbswiA-iienU- i ah-n- abonV-reem- engaged constrnction :uf light field deces especially adap- ted for monnta in' warfare end these judging fmjn result- already obtained by experiment with paper tubes will be found to answer the jmrpose admirably Tubes have already been formed of this prepared paper and they have stood the test against iron in the most satisfactory-mann- er So far a w? were enabled to aseertaintlie process of inanufaethre it consist in lapping sheets or roll of paper moistened with a solution of Ivhicli -zopissa is the principal ingredient one over the other until the requisite degree of thickness or atrengthi attained and exposing the material for a short time until it become thoroughly hardened Tliis zopissa 1 of the nature of a gum and is found in considerable quantities in Egypt It lias the peculiarity of giving extraordinary hardness to any surface upon which it fsplaced and It was used in the preparation employed for stone in the exterior of the House the preserving " of Commons There appesirs to be no limit to the application of this useful material 'The materials of a house are now In course of construction for the purpose of showing theadaptability of the paper boards to the construction of emigrants' houses temporary churches and barracks Already large quantities of material known as '"Panonfa” or leather cloth is manufactured by the use of tliis extraordinary substance and made up into boots anil shoes which rival inthelr durable qualities the best kind of leather and i equally valuable for pro- serving atone brick works in plaster or any - tf ’ n m ' obtain a moment’s private interview with her mother' until a few minutes before her decease Until then under one pretence or another Elizabeth Wareing one of Thormlyke’s daughters or Thomdyke himself was always present in the sick chamber It was evening darkness had for some time fallen no light had yet been taken into the dying ‘woman's apartment: and the pale starlight which faintlv illuminated the room served as Mary to the Woodley softly approached) on tip-to- e bedside of her as she supposed sleepling parent but to deepen by defining' the shadows thrown by tlie full heavy hangings and the massive furniture Gently and with beating heart Mary Woodley drew back the bed curtain nearest the window Tlie feeble uncertain light flickered upon the countenance distinct in its moral paleness of ' her parent the eves recognized her and a glance of infinite tenderness gleamed for an instant in the rapidly darkening orbs the right arm1 essayed to lifUtself a3 for one last last embrace Vainly ! Ijovo love only strong stronger than death iu the expiring mother’s heart and the arm fell feebly back on the bedclothes Alary Woodley bent down in eager for she felt instinctively that the bitter grief at last was come Their lips met aud the last accents of the mother murmured— “Beloved Mary I— I have been true to you — no will— no’’ A slight tremor shook frame her the spirit that looked in love from windows the of the eye3 departed on its heaven ward journey and the unconscious shell ouly of what had once been her mother remained in the sobbing daughter's arms I will hot deny that tills narrative which I feel I have bqt coldly and feebly rendered from its earnest fearful tenderness as related by Mary Woodley affected me considerably — caschardened ns to use an old bar p“i we -- to : ce ' J bi T s ’ -- f If s - - -- box-cove- -- rs waj- : - T - ‘ if of i therefrom 4 rt--H are possible in a giW space many holes There is a long line of low rifle pits for Our advanced vedettes 15a ck of these tljere is a stronger line of embankments before a wite trench for tlvq There are bonjb proofs Hugo picket reserve l hemisphere-ilheaps of earth and (logs like a Xcw cellar in the outer line for the potato Enghuid vedette to crawl into when shelled by the enemy There are bomb prod in the recjnnd line for the Tli ore is a larger bnmL-profor tho picket are There picket headquarters: I write from timt covered ways long trenche tl jirotect passing soldiers from rifledidlets frunt Uid vedette pitS-t- o the reserve and from the reserve to the rear Among these covered way are sniall'16mb-iro6- f dodging'holcs in tlie side walls likujbank swallow’ ' ' nest v e Then there are grave Array at the ‘front-a-singlgrave oii a barren' sand luq two or three grave under a solitary tree haltia dozen grave in a row on the plain low mound' of yellow clay ' with head and foot Iioards of aminuidtion or cracker- rndelv marbM with thq name and reg- and he date of his imentof the falleiv wddier burial 1 Xorest'cven death A' strange place for anil thb rattle of in death The roar of artillery Kcfldier narrow musketry shake continually the bed At time even hi i4ayev cwerlng itself I tom from abovHiimirsthpiirhbc told not right to sleep while the var wtni on Since 1 gut ri- ad exploded in ting here a rebelorshell lias struck a doldier’ a Pennsylvania grave the very centra and right dud opened but a few yards to my front i to arms itonew as ffto call it inmates The line of vedette pit ami of picket trenche are ao: crooked and complex that it' require careful observation to deeme which is Tor friend anil forvm in all way whioh for fo? They soc-forward and baekiover one bill lett right and - now - another throngh aYayioe aroqml a enemy7- - A battefy face the other way: tl Yet they look 'as If 'both" were in the ours as a commer- The failure of tlie Great Eastern een at Tight ' line Other batteries t owners and' builders showed ciaj enterprise ship and left still other? in the fear Covered ways -imfld tritfi abo ve a certain size run from orio line to the ether from me battery to that they could not front one covered way to covered way - i out — at least in the present condition ofthe world’s the ncxCBomU-nrooare verywlu!!te and so ant- f again commerce —-running risk of fktal losses There Is th soldier’s jrraves — a cluster herd aH anoKhcr a limit beyond which wo cannot as yet go on ac- jnst beyond The brave fellows were bur ! count of the costliness of steam machinery the where they fell” -t j ' A NEW “SHIP” PROJECT f fg ly very-extensive- - i- intm! to hear that giisjiicipns cat4 up all the profits Thisi expemuee lra liow-- : lose which pointed to for- evir put some ingeuioui English qliipwrlgiits upon firmness it depended whether the child or him were evoked by tlie sad history Much the ilea of fronsirirtins a vpm 1 rtf the of tliw to whose memoq' she lmd been so fatally for gery innsingUtpon thb strange circumstances thus (treat Kastcrn in several distinct part ti beSast-- r' hcrselft nnlaithful: should iiecast homeless disclosed and profoundly cogitative oil the ened to eacli other when i i uiotioij and t r and penniless upon the world "or inherit the best mode of action to be pursued the “small t — to woiihl turn-rit be ij:rv wealth to which 1y every principle of right hours’ the first of them at least surprised pelted rr perhaps led along— by a lc tavluile-jba’- t which pu! say and equity she was entitled riie in mv arm chair I started up and hast shall contaih the engines and nthef jnnjite pewet Come what may this trust at least should ened to jbed well knowing from evicrieiico A company has been furmod nuidCr the titfe?" not she mentally resolved be betrayed or that a sleepless vigil is a wretched prearutive “The C’nnnertinj Ship OWl!eii Iritii'i ripiulnr paltered wifli Eveir imaginable expedient for a morrow- of active jsxe rtion whether of f000000 to vonstmef a fleet iipqii tiiiprthcTpfe to Vanquish her resolution was resorted to mind or body The prospectus tells us that jn “esaueeting steam1 whs betimes court in next the Thomdyke picked a quarrel with' Ward her morning father bho liad lived at Ihde Farm since the and Mr RarnTs proud as a peudock of figur- ships tlie compartments being ajl of one piage admit of iininediatc diseonnertioh from auif rrV inoiYow of her marriage with Wowlley and ing as an attorney in an important civil suit the bid gentleuian was- - compelled to leave was soon at iny side The case had excited confleetioii to each other and of tlfo transfer jtftho ' ' -- Y Ut soon told - upon will seo you if you please early in the morn-- ’ unhappy creaturo-warn- ed her that Alan-woul-d I then bowed anti hastened on Soon be an orphan nnd that upon’ her 1 swift to take offence Te tut " r I brutality of her husband the SEM k a i f : i'f- - |