Show - X-- — x r" vr f k Av ': r - " pr J t- AA:V' A j- - s' j ' s ' ‘j i A?- - - nv J "a ' -- A i "' 4i : ' 4 - - ': r: - r-- of r: ' V j T : 5 - -- : :'r v i -- ‘ - j : A v' f ' - 'P - - the-matte- : : r-T- r ‘ i- - r-'- ' he ' 1 ' : ‘ 4 — s ” : 1 - vi-xyo- u o w' r ! : ' sus-picio- us - jof-th- and-sjierit'th- - ''- o - - -- f i- - : - 1 " ' : ' - in-bum- ble r j r-- be-fgo- : - - ! - bo 7r " — -- m r- -- -- tg “ - t V t U5 I tiv''1 : Vv V - fe 3 ’ - 1- ACO TB run t r 3 ' ‘ r : when he was in bleep lie rose aud fied the blow Catherine was found by mv-se- lf weut aWay leaving his meal unfinished— soon after the accident and I am sure lie she had lost a little blood aud wasthough indeed scarcely touched dca-not know how often be speaks in his a- time she sbou jgot around wt Cast Bids dlrvctlv Tsmple"ert oi3ce of tbs or Pfai?ed liclifavcnjor- - bringing sleep for I have never mentioned the again O VERLAXD ISTA GE LINE -is rest though ' my destroysubject again— about this bjessed explanatiriji!” ' ed by it And then liis tits of sadness at i “Amen” respouded Catherine and her ' i where than tsks in shoving tbs good ordinary moments’ Hannah! Hannah! husbuudi pinb ef Great bait Lks City and vtoinity7 scais rf tlr f tlur?is Rome mystery under it! Yet" Peace and happiness as ra nch as nsn-aJI- y continued the poor young wife "he is so happens to mortals were the lot of : ' r-o dutiful to Gml and to Catherine and her husband from this time J f He has too much tenderness and forward their man source of inquietude FINEST I STYLES great 1 Hannah what am being thus taken feeling to harm fly The wife even 1 1 think or do for-- I am wretched at loved her husbandaway ’ittbe from the1 disiuore ft : : 7 V: present?’ f I covery that the circumstances which had i was old dame replied to cinsed her distress wero bnt a It long ctc the ’ AND of FANCI PLAIN proof t:ii quetioi) She mused deeply on what hia extreme tenderness of heart and N coni n:-VSv had brenjtold to her und iu the end said science and William was attached the ' to Catlieriue: more strongly to Catherine after 1 finding child I cannot believe “My poor that her to be ftie person whom be had uuwit tii i William is guilty of whut these circum tiiigly injured Anew tie as it were had stances Uy seemingly at his door But if been formed between them iv the worst be true it is better for yon to ' I as this history may appear it EVER OFFERED Strange MA RKETi DfjTHIS know it than to be in this killing suspense is true 5 Go and gain his confidence t Catherine tell bim alt that has come to FRESH ARRIVAL! your ear end say that you do so by my advice 4 r will alia smbrsee fuciies Ik nteaslw Oar stock being Hannah continued to nse persuasions t wbol wage of of tiie same kind for some! time longer s t and at length sent Catherine home firmI follow resolved to the counsel given to ly h sekl-afUTj- — i : - v stun-ned'-f- kijid-hearte- g ' - '- tlie-youn- O O D § if s : -- E IStore ! : n 111 s ng EWi STORE ' d vi-iti- J N : nt 1 t i : - f hr’ C'4 ' 1 r -- r’ t V- ! liii-g- : i J ' pos-Kihi- s -- ! - k : - - ’ - r Is I - ' I A ' : - --- " 'J ‘ - "? :‘tv r womani Oil Hannah perhaps a wopan creature lies at mydoorl” : un 7 deceiverl and killed by himl” r While Hutton wax relating this story As Catherine said this she shuddered he had turned his eyes to the window but ui and buried her face iu that of her babe what was his astouishmeht ss'he was j Wo f Gj which she carried in her jarms concluding to hear old Hannah cry aloud' IV Hannah' was! shocked to hear of this "Thank God!” while his Wifo burst iuto R but her good sense led her at once to sug- hysterical passion ot tears and smiles and A gest for the comfort of the poor wife that threw herself into his arm 4 it was perfectly possible for her husband “My dear husband pries! she!' as soon to imagine himsel f a murderer in his sleep as hey voice found utterance “that town and speak of it without the slightest real- was Morpeth!” N S RANS0H0FF thA whole affair v X in "It was”: ity "AhHannah” said Catherine- sadly "Dear William” the wife then r cried? i not are the dreadful result "these sayings 7 "I am that girll ocenr of one nightmare slumber “You Catherine!” Icried the enrapThey often — tco often Besides when l first tured husband as he pressed her to his heard him mntter in his sleep of these hor- bosom We shall ia a frw dsyi pp? ea to him rible thirigs l mentioned old Haniiah from whose "Yes” said ' " v ? Hie morning at onr breakfast land eyes tears or joy were fast "the dropping j laughed at it bnt lie grew much agitated girl whoai you unfurtumitely struck was ‘A’cw and telling me to pay no attention to snch she who rs how your wife the wife of c things lie sometimes talked nonsense yotir bosom but your fears have magniIlls 1 vr from-tnisgivhjg- ' - ' J ‘streaming blood’ that his hand drew from be excited and I should suffer for mur the ‘innocfeiit yictiroV Als! I have heard derl For I fear from the dreadfnl nature enough to know that he speaks of a young of the blow that the death of the poor X X-wonl- ’ : 5 n " you-tOday- j - rfv given to bis naturally good figure an erect manliness which lookeu as well iu one of his sex as the slight' graceful figure and L T Z A' TA- L £- io r the fair ingenuous countenance of Catlier hie was calculate to adorn cine of woman Ona dy- a irbod inab jircars ego kind' Something of this kind was in the womaii nocked at miKobr of r jonn litfH cpttacre ini the snborhs'ofTthe tow'ir thoughts of old jlannah when Catherine ofXeweasile-upon-Tyn- e jrisited the dame’s ' little ITiej knock wa? and her husband ' ' vimtnediately answCred bV th c opcm’ ng of dwelling! the door from within An riged "ouian Many a future! visit was paid by tiie :-' Neatly dressed! and who had evidently lsame parties to ilanhah and on each sue the old woman looked risen froni lier wheel was the sole' inmate ' c as of the little cot j 'unobtrusively as iiiio the sjn!to of tbo young wife’s I '‘Bless yourheart pjrl ” Raid thedame ns she entered with her visitor and1 sat feelings - trith & motherly anxiety to know For though Hannah down to thp wheel njpiain thcre must be fleet iocs to be'deeply ":soqiething particular nboni ' engaged hud madia light of her own early foryou did notice tokrovk1 t r Was afraid atno: oiio nught be with remarks uion the istrange and most uplea-sa7gloom 'occasionally if notj frequently yon mother1 srd the ei j who liad taken in thej look niid manner-- of a po?1 oposite tl e se n ior VViliiaui Hutton tjhe old woman had never rArtd f though" a neighbor bad4' been hcre?-ri)Hateable to t id litjr own rurnii' id'ogelher tl'e d me “tliigiin ly bru For bare frightened voji away- - But Upon the subject Catlu-riit-uflrb ! the mofilhi ia marriage truth yon have got something to many uld Hannah c however continuui to me the Cathtriiie’’ say dncoverjjpuUrng hfl piht-but in i h air i ilca V'ont r open" unalloytjd inv vUir speaker kindly and depend upon the bcst coniiscl xliat old and" cortversa'tioii 'cf-ti- ic youthful wife r Bnt at lengih Haiinah’s anxiouseya did Ilannih can give? ' The ymngwonun blushed' and did not perceive somet j like a clia nge Cat h ferine Feeirn u somciiiue to fall when r immediately speak : tiie cottiige into fits of abstraction "Has William Hutton asked you ito lie h:s wife?? saidthe damipwfio essily and not unlike those wiiicli had been observed a n tie! pa ted the matter thatws in in her husband 't(The' nged- - dame felt rightly I the mind ofdic yoiifhfnl!lsitor griaily distressed ajt the thought of her t dear Catherine being unhappy but for a w' js tlie repl y- V "Heji s mot old woman began to birr earnestly long time held iter fence upon the subject at the' wheel trusting that the cloud might be a tempo 7 “Well my dear” said she after h short rary one ami would disappear It was uot so unifortunately Though pHUse “ia not this but what you Jaivc lpiig toexpeeted-aye aud wished? -- Ho has in their manner to jeach oilier wlitn atI suppose it needs no gether nothing butt the most cordial your heartj nndsb ' Uuthenne when 'witch to tell what would be the cpd tention wasol5erva)le ' Hannah aitneto cune : sie pep always 7 oir t:? Mcrai imeisiness d'a prey to some which This mijrht tifl be very triie lint fierc was sonWthfn! upon Cathtrine’s mind' nil lfr efforU could not council from her Kvtn erhen she became for which straggled to be out and out' it bid friend tfinc first a mother and with allthe tle "i amS 7' 7 ‘D0rIannah sad she seatinrj her-- I jeautiful pride of a young mother's love elf dose by the dapie and tnkinjr lioH presented her babe to liannah the latter of her himJ "yon have been a kind friend coaid S4e signs of u secret grief imprinted Catherine’s brow Hoping by her coun—a p irent-- :to me since my own poor on sels to bring 7 relief Hannah at last took mofhi? died and I have no one else to - r' -an ’look to for arl v ice btft yo nrsel f I have opportunity tbteil the yOung wife' wlmt not given Willhin an 'iiiisvver and wud die Jnid observed at id sought tier confinot till I had spokeo to yon especially us dence At first Catherine stammered orth a hurried assurance that she was something— -- as yon once said—r— i i anct 4‘ in a few seconds Wjwt' diet Liiiy Catheriu(!n interrupt jerfcctly happy ted the old woman "nothing against the jelied her words by bursting into ttars unhappy man you lore- - surely - He is from till aud owning that site was( very ” she exclaim- Hannah lcsinuor "Bnt d heard seenlind 1 have that cannot tell the cause— uot even to ihnnitriohs and every waj well behaved ”Je? 5 V '“Yes Hinniih' replied j°“-Dont say so my poor Catherine” te- had :onc but iaan‘ you "it is not curiosity that l brought him once or twice to see you thnt pliedilannah bills me iuterfirc!y youdidjiot like those-- those --sort oflowf '4iOb no! H innali repliedthe young vfits that sometimes fa lbup5n him even' in £ know you speak fromr love to wife ! I tuve often them noticed company me 7 "clnce Hannah’ continued Cathcrine with - ‘'Well then continued the dame4open Vto heart me? 4? Plague on ayjold thoughtless tongue ybtir Catherine was silent for saying any inch thing to r my harsh?’’ asked Han"Is'yburbuibuud carelessa speech dearchild- - Heed not-s' : " ’ i Catherine He was a soldier -- you know nah “Xo no ’’ cried the wife "min could r& he good OMjryjrs ago-be- fore He not be kiudt-- to woman than he is to twenty— and fought for his country me may have seeit siglUs then that make him 'Jll the Without least Perhaps he indulges in drink —in prigrave to j think jipon cause foe: blaming himself But what- vate—” "Hamiah yon mistake altogether” ever it mavW i mean not' -- Catherine Catljerine’s reply "my husband is that yoirshonld tiko snfh a’pasing word Wsfree i from such faults us ever man as to "heart If h1 has some little cares was” you will easily soothe them and make him 4My dear child1 almost smiling as the v v : happy” v r As the worthy!da me spoke her visitor’s idea entered her head "you uro not liot jeaiqusl? hr6w cleared and after some further con"1 have never had a moment’s cause versation Catlier in eleft the cottage lights "No my ened at heart with the thought that her Hannah” answered Catherine is one He are of that not nature olcT friend approved of her Wlowlpg the griefs e best and dearest of husbands” : course to which her inclination 'Jed Jier Old Hannah was puzzled by these reCatherine Smith was indeed well entitled as she was distressed by the to pay resfeet to the counsels of Hannah plies as much now open avowal of' Catlierinjar’s having The l after had neverbeen married some hidden cause of sorrow but seeing ‘A ' greater! part of her life in the S'-'service of a wealthy family a SJorpeth that her'young friend could uot make up miud to a disclosure at the time the 'V Whea she was there the widowed mother her of Catherine Had idied in Kewcastlfe and aged dame give up her inauiries and told Jj to think seriously of the propri'on learning ofaJie circumstances Qaunah Catherine ' : of confiding all to her thongh o friend metely and' no relation ety had sent for the Orpnan girl then about !' Hanitiuh conceived that on mature conX ten years of age and' had taken care of sideration Catherine would come to the to maintain herself by conclnsiou of seeking counsel at the cother till she grew fit " ' 7 tage' service v 7 ' She was net wrong In a few days a to continue "y'Xt finding heweir unable after their conversation the young wife working life longer Hannah had retired camei to visit Hannah again and after a to iCewcastle her native place where she and erabarassed talk entered ubseiit little coihfort ou the earnings lived of herlong careen of servitude Catherine upon thg subject which was uppermost in came fcackrwith ber to Newcastle and the minds ot both V- "Hannah” said Catherine "I fear yon immediately went ihio service there two can scrye me nothing— 1 fear no living Hannah and CAtlferiuehad-bee- n can serve me ” years in these respective situations when being ‘‘Oh Hannah good ' as my hosband the dlalogue Which has been here recorded as he is— there is "7 took place" appears to od of her some dreadful weight pressing upon his ' Ou the succeeding expirationmarried to mind which destroys his peace and mine term of service Catherine was sta-te- d too’’ Alsal the gloomy fits which you whose name has been the young man was a and I noticed in him are not withont as being William Hutton V Cause If ear” ‘ 7 Jo’itier by Jrade and bore as Hannah had ' Catherine' wept in silence and contb-y 7 said an excellent character The first visit paid by the new married that I know of this cause arises couple was to the cottage of tfie bld wO- “Allhis expressions— while he is sleeping man-wgazed bn therewith maternal from 7 pridethinkin she had never 'Seen so by my side Hannah he "speaks in bro' of murder— of having comhandsome a paitvrj' TiX X ken language army had mitted AmnrdTer I He mutters about the The few years spent m 1' - i "XOT OUILTC ' ' - i' - - -- sc szu' J j ' : ''X' - T-'-A- ’ -- - vv zV J i A ' 1 ' - ' goiid-l-kinil- ' ’ : l- 11 - i j ''''J - i DRESSfGOODS 1 - i ’ ' ‘ : i fe- - r Oodlie Replenished!! - ' f " her W :' 7- Catherine once On the following day more presented herself at the abode of Hannah and us soou as she had eutered hu STAPLE GOODS GODBE S : Buck plMsurs ia iofon&irf kii ubsmtoss I r 1 minor irticle ennaarated in the avety FfiiproS exclaimed: 7X ' "Dear mother ’I have told him all 'He asd Ilia will be here soon to explain everything-t' us both” PUBLIC GENERALLY The eld woman did not exactly comprehend this' "Hus lie not” said ishe THAT HE IS XUST IN RECEIPT' "given ni explanation 'to you?” of “No Hannah’ said Catherine “but When I had spoken TWO oh! he is not guilty me he was 6i!ent desired as to him you from tbo Eut coototntog o really for u long time and he then took me n his arms Hanuali and kissed me say SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL' 'of 'r ' ‘ "T- A2fD CUSTOMERS 4 :'V - -' eatsiegne ft I- - 7 BEST MERCANTILE HOUSES o ' i sa ’ ' URGE TRAINS Upon -- thaerriira£cfonrdr3kwe xhsSCll p A OUR PRESENT HOUSE ! f - ’ ing: j m ? ‘My darling Catherine I ought to have confided in you long before 1 have been JoU blavhs 9IERCHA1VDISE j f- ' - - 0rlu£Stac with OfflM f r 7 I i Go to kind pirt of which win b bpenal tad Complete Stock of j will follow and I goon liumiuh’s you and i far miud case as as at it can be1 OFFERED FOR SALE ON MONDATNENJ set your t done Had I known bow roih you have !' GENTLEMEN’S FORNISHIHS been suffering I would have done this n 1 long before’ HOOFER ELDREDGE’S 14 l'hee were his words Hannah Ob u he may be unfortunate” Hannah and Catherine said little more I to each other uutil the husband of the lat- which bo will contlao to oecapr ootn tbo coatlctioo of ter came to tho cottage William ' sat !i down gravely by his wife and commenced NEW BUILDING t - unfortunate but not guilty - r k - I OODS G OLD STORE - t i i to telljiis story: which ea&eot to iocaro far him a largo ajiara "The reason of the unhappy exclama- ttpriect OF PUBLIC PATRONAGE tions in sleep” said he "which have weighed so heavily upon your mind my dear S:i goods havabata Mlsetad with grsat car aad araof j' C&U Catherine may be very soon told They arose from & circumstance which has much embittered-mown peace bnt which' I hope is to be regarded as a sad calamity rather than a crime --When I entered the army which I did at tbo age Of nilieteen the recruiting party to which I attached myself was sent to Scotland where we remained for a few months being ordered again to England in "order to be transOno happy ported to the Continent morning os we were passing out of a town where we had rested on oar march southward my companions and I chanced to see a girl apparently about: 'fifteen years of age washing clothes in a tab d Being then the most among d the I took up a large stone with the intention of splashing the water against tiie girl She' stooped hastily and shocking to tell when' I threw the stone it strnck her bn the bead and she fell to the ground with fear her skoll fractured: Stupefied by what I had done I - stood - gajng aft the stream of blood rushing from my poor victim’s bead when my Companions observing that no one had seen it (for ift was early in fthe morning) harried me off We were not pursued and were in a few weeks on the Continent but the image of that bleeding girl followed' me everywhere and since I came home I have never dared to inquire into the result lest suspicion should y tha ry ftoest quality consisting is part of PLAIN V :v In Oreat Variety ' ? '"''J ' ' k CAPS BOOTS & SHOES HARDWARE nails lat " ' X" wh - th wa lot MOST SUBSTANTIAL QUALITY : - Tf CLOTHING - r Vaa ai Sr’ J let ? an ' PAINTS !" Jm i i GEOCEBIES RATS 1 OF THE MOST SUPERB FANCX? DR Y GOQDS 4 -- th tn OILS WINDOW GLASS VARNER Ac COUNTRY! DEALERS tfu of " Ths stock at tbs' - light-hearte- t Will find: Unsurpassed DRLG STORE light-hearte- I' WINTER TCLOTHING will he found replenished with a complete line of genuine i' - : A DYESTUFFS io axd la fret everything necssssry to make it "r : Aenppljof C0 OK ' Remember (ondky perikt '’ IS 1 “ f1- Highest Pries 7:7: 9 A f' I N GA N D 0 T5 E R r- TAc J ! "-I J? J intro Trains on the roadj fhortly Several more El-t- f c P fadA forA t( tl t 'IDIJCE - 1 v 1 ' Ji " : ofe-AL- are expected to C( - :w - next V m ni v 7'7OFlt JS- ic &c ul dc ro m " MAKING : THE I& PURCHASES Ot ALL KINDS PAINTS Advantages 1 DRUGS AND MEDICINES OILS in KINDS- - L i 'jm-- ! I |