Show - :i V r ’ I : v: I- " t 44i r J'i ' i J - - v'i- - : XoRTnJ--fn to Vio Evening November the vicinity ©jf Lq- guif riche countjfrc Ire jjnfonned thxton fjridty Ut the snow was about foot deep $ The pas Elder kany on and the g fSpe through the Box inonntains lntoCaelieTalley ls sail 'to have r m Dmv or y j fnesatra f ' f) ! YW 3S&331 Boise vn f v! pi I-- v i: i - h ' ’! - -- i J- 4 y-- Sr'i?-- ‘ ‘ ’ y " d K 4b - al ’ and OTTER BUSH x E ALL0OL I r Tii Tueatre— This evbhlng the third and l&st ' Jrs'l appearanco of Mr Lyne fla Sir Giles" Overreach — to "Brother Thomas” for innocent- ly supposing' that we had heard that 5 rum' trpm jfor a Cull twelve months The professor as- eures jus that we are no Jndge of music and know uothihg about it that tho thing tfiW smacked' so taph of Itolla and the otticr distingaiBhed living dead was quite "a uew tune”— "only two ' I " l" ‘ chinchillas ' --0- d' 1 ! i y - ' at Nevada - K'J'i- DOUBLE SHOVEL and 4b J I EyS y y Oils : J Nalls if--‘ II E 4b d :! - E J - “ j Tx I C : jrir l'J ! of - ’I ! "i !- H Marat - ' J I ‘ : 4b L FOOLSCAP ‘ - qS E i - i 300 : m f XTnsurpassed f rV 'i- f i W dr Jr :XYi GODBE’S DRUG STORE ir:' WANTED lUUEDIATELvi - t iv ji I JU - ! ' : vr x' - f' : it -- liarnreh AAllen Co U' Paid for f : P”parwl ‘'J ' I " i ’v J - — f A 4- j "t1'1 r' i ’'C i Cily'-J- T ' ' ?£’ ' Y ' " Ir " axitU ' 1 j Pr f J fomiah a ® ' - 'l ' J “l xix- X LAGER BEER Vl ! - - j In quantities to suit pure baser r u &?? a r I ' V' in- j1X ' - ’ WHOLESALE CLOTHIN0 HOUSE T : — SIEGEL & CO ' rC' --- 'Sf'J— -- S'x a f v x- - £- - i ’ 'i'-- ' 4 HA NT A j: U itf'v-V Vi-- - f r1- - Ji S pi: 3lv i hJ il I i iti t Sack d a L qty i -’- r---' GUTTA PERCHA LEATHER ' ‘ i:" HOOPEH j" ' " T ‘ - - ' t i s—: ” vf ef eeie— ' ' A CO “dnpin 4 4il' V r-- BOOTS AND SHOES i -- vUS23'i3g£ BliANKETS : errr rush valley ctar STABLING AND FLED i Hcmea 9T-l- m II A S I m in ed iate fi i 50 i ' ' r ! ueVorF STORE— opposite (north of) " '' : 1 ' i t: ' ' Kr xf4 I - I ‘I- t i - - ! y' ! V :x -- 1 v i :ir Qcggf : i if 'U fr" oat zxz iBoaTsar jreno - iWM JENNINGS 'f - j ! ir L i :i : f tt GEO W UARLFTOS 10-3- '! - r It r - - at the TELEGRAPH OFIICZ OSL Cty or L r I ?- i! ? ir i ? - -- Jr ‘ -- i h l: - t a - S'- aj - ' - n 4 it - £ it f j!- - PROCURED AT THE MINE it' ?i “'J' X - at the COLLIZRT wBl be pramptiy attended to s A y X "! Order left - J " i! Eagle XEmporlnatf Oct — coal THIS EXCELLENT COAL CAN BE ' f ' ! GOODS COMING! call aed see era TELEGRAPH BED : Iy boot and shoe HAKERIt ‘ J i: ' ! p : ’ at the California J - - 5 tie Fid i lvtr WOOLLEN SHIRTS': - o elfli-r- : V 1 t - V the most fob- - f f- x't ' A - x M I every axe and pattern desirable ' DILDI yfci- J ELDREDOE PALIi CLOTltlNO ' i ' j & :r J DRY GOODS AND UQITOEg ' 4 5 and 6 tech: 2 3 and 10 inch Do & Team wanted to haul hay apply ' or W COOLEY OrantevOle Machine Belting BELTING f- LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES Menrt' 'Errfcrt POWERS NEWMAN n Sept 1 ’M GOOD COSKALL UKAYY LINKN 8ACK8 BALES 40 inclj DUNDEE BURLAPS BALES 40indj C S A STANDARD DUCK BALES 44 SHAKER OSNABURG 3 CoL T era' Newman A Co U this day diaaolred The buai- neee will b continued at the nuneiKNue by ibfir fOCCtN- eon Meeere pentt Kerr A On by whom also the buai- neea of their predeceseot wlll be settled term - f We have nodr open a cmnplete stock of Board by the week or day on reasonable Dye Stuff city j LARGEST AND BSSTr OF COPARTNERSHIP T1!H firm heretofore existing nnder the style of Pow--1 ImSSteteiMir! GROCERIES E it Qnxt bit Xu TTB OFFER to th cltixm and Territory of Utah the i A llillard Ranker CreigbUm A Co rrocxTex H A E TO THE WORLD! i PROPRIETORS O— t Ui'-x- “t ri if- J WE LIT ON LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 3 ’ V-i- t —— e 1 - CALIFORNIA UOUSCf GILT ROSEWOOD pad COMMON variety of Size II 4b y PRODUCE ‘v5 h'iu: l 'e'Jf '' 'i — 'S3??iv X v - s" - ' ‘ DISSOLUTION 1i" J- V' "? - i' Virginia City M T ru t I I O Looking Glass 300 k Jvjs AMvO II A R —— Or ft V i'?Y Adjantagcs in 'll V - M - IT j'V" Jr ' m at Retail US Highest- - Price ) r WMJENKuraiM s retail : - Denver Cityj IN PACKAGES TIC S bA'A iirt 4 vr Ri o hjr vr o I we - TewkemIibecia wagea'wfll be paiA" ''4'!- V' & il-C- mxxeb CANDIES THEik PURCHASES i mv t 'mi r ' a - l !' - - ncOtodey A Halsey Gilbert A Sees Howaril James Bromley Esqf Messm Kim- faWcy candies A f f-- 4J -- DENNEE lr‘Wcbiifl‘ A Lawrence ball OTHER SAWA QUALITY jC MAKING! Gntei' i' :s tv 'v' -- t? s‘- - - the Bute Road 6 miles' eouth of G S L l ST VIRGINIA CITY U T e MAPLE SUGAR ' - 'j1 mSkm "Jr C i JACKSON 62-- tf kt : a 'n Salt Lake (Sty - COUNTRY DEALERS wm find A 4b LICORICE i r 'r EE LOZENGES ! if & uru co: GUM DROPS M: ilf u r- i liM £f good McK Dannea iPpElODTT CEl DOZEN I - ' 'i COTTONWOOD CIUEKK-- TnludJff-4l- i aad all kinds of BRANCH CROOKES AND FROST MILL Do Dd CROSS CUT Dot Do BUCK SPEARS A JACKSON'S and DISSTOVS HAND and OF THE MOST SUPERB HO TOR THE CARPENTERS!! ' f " I OPPOSITION Saw j Jr N'' af 1t X'-- J and BLANK BOOKS "V tinaa if'i t r I CONSIG NMENTS E SPADES SHOVELS PORKS HOES RAKES SCYTHES SNATHS 4b E ! L- WAGES - - 3 PLY la variety AlfP ‘ -- - - Salt Lake City Utah Francisco Cl - - - - San Portland Oregon Advances made bn Ac 'do II understands Working a" Lathe A?TEAT)V ampjeyment at T ' j HOVVAJLD’S BOOT Jt SnOE SHOP lidSul ' ft - I To Farmer t GO ODS tUTt ‘'A--5-- i 1 COMMISSION & k " 'Carpets --n- -J WANTED j' Vi TO-:- WaLeerbros: v --- ' STORAGE NO CAP BILL NOTE TAPER x- MuFor-gqsquj- LEGA FURNISHING t MOST SUBSTANTIAL A PEW GOOD e I j Bia Ta I SLATES INK LETTER BATH and t - i- t Qrocabeek’s Buttdlugi tVAXTEO 1HMEDIATELT y fV' 6 - 4 AD :4' ir'- i A"A - i j Stationerjr FULL LINE OF 1 H0KRAHm '4ciU-- - s H II AD WINTER CLOTHING Y - l I K --O- SCHOOL ' - ' j V BEEB in tho a : ’ ' v£ i1k J i HOcja ft tba Thirsty Sober Citiuui to tho BXflT - - r B M DoRELI'& CO : ’5 FORM A FRO MINENY FART 1 whoiIhsale UNION BAR shall fill ap’ s‘ U t s GENTLEMEN’S I f ! c - y i f lOldf i Rules squJlres augers chisels : f ' 'i'-i- 1 Amos STAGE'' Palmar w ' ' i! S Rockfeltow Seales my ? ' Judge ParksJ E Lincoln Ohle - M i 5 H ’ Stock CoiBplete ' i4 maVXUL J?T j V j ROCKFELLOW - : Wo -- "V4 JOSEPH ZnQELMULtER CHINA and GLASSWARE article needed a in every comprising Household i “ JOSEPH BARKER i L'i - IV ' ’Ins 0 F Brick Buildingi comer of Maine and Stb Sts Vtcm! BoUe City LT: Sept 201884 Gnccniwarc) Just bAlow the Overland Stags OSes with a ' ? i FUmm : - -- N T CRATES OF CROCKERY s i - ’ £ I J 'j?ri ad of FAIRBANKS PLATFORM YA ' fm IU- K i I Fire-pro- FINI8I ING NAILS all Sliec HUNGARIAN NAUR and TACKS OUR PRESENT HOUSE C Fergkson w STAOX UXlj ABWVALS AT "SALT LAXB MAX j r-- — 0 Friday: —D - T Talbott B M Lockwood H ral and lady J Dunican G E Upson tJj C ' SIS-t- f :r £ ft-- ' 1 ' AUmi A Lewis CUT AND i Upon tho arrival of our train J ' Tnvlt -i 7s t CASH AD VANCES j A j - 'j '! Bettis Mrs 'G ’ ’ Vt A Ca‘ I KZROflEXE LAMPS WICKS AND CHIMNEYS 11 4b St ost j ’ ' AMOiU Memn IlOIladay k Halsey Woeea Ellis To 1 KEROg EXE AND CASTOR OILS - fi r ovriussj mail tin ArrivaIg-Frid4iy:-MaJor- "y ' a” J in the Assortment PROOF refer also by permission I OEPAHtDREI McDermott t r w"h r--1' -- v Denartures—Friday:— wj ll-- Tunnicffe - J TVe CULTIVATORS II STAPLE GOODS k— - 1- Y- ! B?rt in Uce - jT 1 rrtyalMayi-M- M f - k - y j £ ' - on the 2nd T M -- i ' ix : i a j whole range of i - !MajojJ$M'Vasa h T" Khm Call at Howard's somebody vrho an work : S : - SUBSOIL : will also embraee besidm the ' - - ’t-- t Jj)unicafl H 'Y " : i - on CONSIGNMENTS Plows lOO AIOUXK if :1- s' bbg extensive i TTho iIontana Post requests us to copy the j and wfe i - : MARKET IN THIS tki BOISE AXD OR A SHOE NAILS - i ‘?'V !h T p Brown inviteratten-- i overy mihor artlcle onUmsratod la the catalogue of tho COUNTER AND GOLD SCALES t to a choice selection ofjAmorican novels which i II 4b Ea die has' newTix circulation :j Since the postal law y: prohibits the passage of bdbks by mail the novel BEST MERCANTILE HOUSES Carpenter reading population Know where to go and flnd COMPLETE STOCK OP PLANES and PLANE IkOXS their light reading for the 1 ing winter nights 4 ‘ s I Tuif Libb'abv— Mr I ( t - f- ? "if-- : vr- - ! It A E 35 ‘ OVESLARS $ - - SNUFF -- EVE R OFPEB ED per pound stronger bacon at eight bits and strongest bntter at twMve bits and other things in" proportion it must cqrtainlybe malice prepense for anybody to refnsej to live of even to liVq sparingly j'- - 1 ’ 1 CIGARS-an- d O I- Shinm- C M Grimes J A Brower- v - and alM to mak libwal MISSOURI DRESS GOODS js Departures:—E Watkins s? ’ MERGHANDISEr GENERAL merchandise Tobasco t- - 'f i::: h--- -J ' OrdiiTEi LiTE— This city getting a choice Oar stock live in "i Oth eggs retail ataeven bits placejio per urtzen strong cheese at six bits : rr !"' J- I! NATURAL LEAR ' AMD - I -- v v ' j i i : - k- 'ls- v store A"NY i U-- ' ArJ in Idaho Territory ire arc prepined to CASStMERES ! atalqthe ARRIVALS -- i THE f LARGEST FIRE 1 i‘ ' Died ' ' - HAYING Cloths IVewStore foUoWingr 1' h All Style H 4b J-- J - V- PRODUCTS OF UTAH? t - - A-- ' 1 ' - -- 4 of thp t ( ’ amphi-theatric- - : v Ai- - FiRST PART OF ( Wifi pay particular attention to the Sale J i weekiiold" & all GENERAL MERCHANDISE “ lnd - m" mini axo if M - v- - ' ' v 'Sj£ AND COMPLETE ASSORTM WOOL r ¥- - - - - Jr' - -- h : ’ T W'lW v CASSXMEEE j - L sf v ti L - stir's $: ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS Hots best-inform- ed ' M 'i ‘ Clothing s ill - ( beaver t burrs jto their utmost to rilieyo the incessant cry1 i J r V ri forfiqe flour and fro nf the sourced we learn1 that no serious blame' can attach" to the f millowners some I fractions individuals although: R N ANS0H0FF?& " ' C0 S : ' hava been disposed to charge them ' with having morel ' ' ' j to filling mining contracts than the v ‘‘a v-I'fS ' mouthsregard of the good “brethren-an" sisters”bnt we ' f iw'l expert that all concerned wilT survive and flourish j people" of Log&n arid other placeathere- - TVs shall hi a fnr days epes ear "j£ about had been &vdred with some hurdy-gurd-y eleiglit-of-han- d i ATperforgymnastic ' mances— inwhich 'ir they hadbeetfonceortwice and collectively ‘eold’ and will prbba-"- ? malte no very deep lunges Into "their hereafter bly mrtviuonaie in aid of such' persuasions till they T--: febl si little better at least The blind harpist was VMt ide Bast Temple Street directly - opposite the - offles of the at entertaining the innsfc long and danee-loiin- g Loga i -- and ekeWhere and found a not unliberal i v v Vii v i ‘ ' ' ' f d ' welcpme O VJERZANp STAGS LINK Ite 'mvTiNO— iThe wintry perspective of the I ! ’ I past was delightfully relieved byjycaterday’s J rmf j J solstice We saw no £ear orv buckskin frost pre-- j wherh We shall take in shbiring the good people pleasure entires—and even great soats ’ before mid-da- y of Great Salt Lake City and vicinity soma of the became of doubtful utility The change la moBt vfv acceptable'' We have hod more- - than our hands full— jail of us—of toil notj greenbacks— the past STYLES fall ' Snd wanta little indulgence from the storm- - FINEST UBfJ'to pet a better read for his fierccr blasta or Novrlboys roll out into thekanyorisjmd down wtthi'iho wood What tidings from those coal Arai ::M PLAIN AND FANQY 1 1 ELDREDOE 4b i i ip to IVOW OPEIV! ' - - ? ? f pi y - "’ PLANTERS ’ - G O4O in rSli - I - I' IKa v :llarge ' PRIED PEACnE8 ‘ M 'if the s ptllera -- would bo largely dependent ujion V Cacbq Weber JaVIa and JSaltlLake comities for The perplexing unojfnce of limited enppl e mUUn j faeftitie In Cache was a serious hindrance The millowheiv however werfX taxing their "Vt- w w' -- ! j $ flOOPEIi 3: 'tt v i v v : 'D-- - imWEWiSTORE Vjjp j POUNDS : j teaiusL ' mnooth-eho- d - FOREIGN ADYERTISM'TS " ' 'f "v inter-Teoin- exceeding perilous for - i 3000 ISM': SLt Gout Col— 235 Dcst— Virginia ' j ?k5“v ' " r" COMfEBClAL - r 5' ' V n t - — t r A vw v at- - ' ' r — T " i"- ' J - |