Show : j ? LvL -:- k -- - i- ! i' i r- 'V J ACVjti ESS-- THE s New York Y IJAXSE Y a much you IIOIIVI PJJJJ a iu do: but cot B A JV K BUS Ivpluru ‘Vuioodshediii Ibis war ‘So I I I -- a till the la-it- j v 'tiiMnUiiiinn “ ?lf thi?Jp!r4tiun nr ill TVE 'l DEALERS IN EXCHANGE GOLD DC8T - ’at the OVERLAND ' OFFICE OF THE foIU 19 nml fight AND ' ’ ' jj' i BRN1IOLLADAY :j LINE EAST STAGE TEMPLE STREET GSL' CITY x MONTANA TERRITORY CITY VIRGINIA mvui : f ’ -- T I’ ri to and from y' your government And is thiireudyj nearly done? You' arc wholly without nuinev and at the end of your resources Sherman is up iu llichinoiid Oraut'hasIshJtybu before Atlanta'- Had you not then better accept-' honorable itenns while you ctfh retain your' pres’ tine and saji-- the pride of the Southern people?’ ' Mr Davik nmiled‘: T'l respect your ear neatness Colonel but you db hot seem to understand: the hitoation AVq arouot exactly shut up in Rich inond If jour papers tell the truth capSome weeks ago ital that is in danger not ours Grant crossed the itapidan to whip Lee and take ItiChmond Lee drove him in the first battle and ' tiien Grant £aucutcd what your pcople call s£ bril liaat Hank movement1 and fought Lee again Lee drove him a second time and then Grant made another ‘tTank lU1PCtncni and so they kcptn— whippinjand Grant dunking— uijjl Grant got where he is now And what is the net result? Grant has lust 75000 or $0000 men — more than Lee no nearer taking Itlch-- had at the outset "find mond than at the first and Lee whose front has never beetj broken holds him in check and lias men enough to invade Maryland 'and threaten Wasliiugton ! Sherman to be sure isbeftire Atlanta he takes it? You '' but suppose he is'nnd snppo-know that the farther he goesfrom his base of supplies the weaker he grows and the more disastrous delc-a- t will ibe to him And defeut may come So in mlliurv views I should certainly say our position vm bettof thiui yours As to money: we are richer thlii you are1 You smile but 1 ad-- : that our pape'is worth nothing— it answers’ aslait - u we bold it all ourselves (’irculating were lost we should ns we lfcvcrydoliar-or- it Jiave uo foreign debt be none the poorer But it is w ortli something it has-thsolid basis of a While y ours rest on nothing and targe cotlou-croyou'owe all the World As to resources: we' do not lackfor arms or aamiunition' and wc JLiave still it w ide territory froih which to gather 'supplied So you see we ore not in extremities But if we - vrcyii— if we were wi'hont inoiiey without food ' withibut weapon—if our whole couiilfy- were deso- late ’and our armies crushed and" disbanded could we without giving onrioanhood give up our rightto govern ourselves-?- - Iv'ould you not rather die and feel yourseira mantluttTiye aud be subject to a foreign power "From your stand-poithere U force in what you say’ replied ilib Colonel1 “But we did not come here to argue with you Mr Davis S - n K-- i -- e ft jv if j- y' ' r- 4 r r c ''"I ' X Ie i : -- j f FJ Collections madeit Current Rates of - - ICERR & CO SCOTT - M- - ' - ' 9 Jj p f : -- ' ' H -- ii i - ' r I I K Pv -( Route honorable way to peace tQ-fm- 'I 'lr SAjiT LAKE AND ATCHISON - Successors of Powers Newman if Co i ' 5 4 i - - M r- - v--- : - i ‘ : CITY tf ' mJ’1 Iiiria 2fl ii count but it is not all at oar ’ X ' - ' (Godbe’s old Drug ' i of both sides jare aroused CuarraeI m§n an haaged prisoriers are shot down in cold blood bv ourselvcs- Elements of barbarism are' entering the war from both sides that should make us4-- 1 you aadmy as Christian men— shudder to think v'- - of In Goal's name theu let us it Let usi del ' emethiDl concede something stop to bring abbut peaces bu cannot expect 'with oultr four and Hr’ half iniHionw asMr Benjamin says vou have to1 hold out forever against twenty iuilfions” Again Mr Drvis smiled MDoyou suppose there -'ire twenty millions at' the North determined to : I -- - ' - k 1 i - - I Vu GOLD DUST T and tie Time to DENVER Time to ATCHISON iPar Tn tercet on Time Dfpoilt by special agreement ami transact a General Banking Boslneea rexel - A Co Scott Kerr k Ck 62 AUSTIN If CURK Philadelphia: J0 r USX W 1OIT0X XV r I do— to fricnd-beeesonis- your-Governm- ent ' r’ stilflooking irjicredulouj OSI IIALSEY Agent CLAHK - i & - ' the-f- f i - - x : EXTENSIVE CABINET UTAH i moderate prices H DINWOODEY DYE-STUFF- : Vj-- SEASONED LUMBER j CABINET STAPLE -- a :!' i f -- you do you--i- ll only depcn tha Northern peopled They -- £ of generous terms buUeUh?mywU much mpwyiUt were be a dead man in "aa there is now in every village' and thev you no terms—tiey wiii insist on rebel south ’of— Pardon my unss iS e?weT hSnz eTt ofiense” OF FANCY jXD DRY-GOOD- S hits! and shakers - ' i f i 7 1 "j ' i 1 I GEXTS’ Tnos and a splendid lot of 7 ' YOUTHS ii i UNDERTAKERS fT - ''From the TRIMMINGS Sutes which wilf enable me to fhrnish !J CO FFI NS Hava CANNOT BE- - EXCELLED of iio I t tA & ' - i 4 - On first South Streat West vf Mt llfikaf laggae N ’ 66-- tf CLAYTON Yl OPPOSITION VK OFFER to th cltla-aud ritory of Utah the i --- THB tp11 LARGEST AND REST? Iwoki Afti Vsnrttnent of READY MADE CLOTIIINO ever Intu ilia Rucky Mtamtains which we will sell at th£ ’ 1 We have now open a complete i 7hich they offer r timo n i part of the following: Missouri Jean v 1 in Sij Pottonade Tants and Cnnfcr Lin- ts and coats CAsimeru Vests sattinet Vest— of sey every sae aud pattern desirablo - J’-i- gain WINTER' CIsOTIIINii L- M wilo - Fine Leary casstmere Pants maile up in tlie moat fashionable styles all wol French (Assiincre costts: hlufk satin Vests: silk Velvet Vests Yeats twejal — an cxtensivelot 1j:i1V V A v Onr itnfr u ill be t mnd altgclher adapted to the wants' rof the peoiIo— inequality anu price : i ‘ miLi L i 'rfaia w have another trsimon the way herewhich at largely to our already heavy stock QCICK SALEsV V at ' r - v !v- - ' j Deiii - 'dull tGfii Whs x -- - at SljOO -- THIS ty-- EXCELLENT COAL CAN BE ' i PROCURED AT THE MINE - "beh tho or c Ijon le-t- rl' : i" I - 1 1 X: f U: : t V r J ' v 'I - ‘i! h i i ii u i:- - pro VJ-for- ty i - urec meu fum mo? etas ' - I dfid PER TON at t aisova natx Onr friends will And —ns ns happy to allow thedi to EtaAy Blade Clothing r of ae imlsi we I'nt T1iir bmriom shall li be sit srlllbe Cnmdtotcldeemsef th4‘"? gratified to receive their Coin and Currency in exchange Order left at tha TELEGRAPH OFFICE GFL Cit Latest 6tyles and Best Goods ever brought ft t GOODS at the? COLLIERY will bo promptiy attrndod'to to UTAH and see us 73 f us With a call txr GEO W CARLETOV I tivn : ' i over at tl - TELEGRAPH COAE BED ! -- COST and CARRIAGE VERY S3IALL PROFITS - corn com ?with sittej ' j - ’ Onr General Stock of Staples Just opened will b Kfid wad add the CORN KIl STORK— opposite (north of ) Gndbe's new store ! W have masked Will A EASTERN MARKETS r Staple Groceries: Sugar Coffee Tea &c Also B fine' Stock of HATS" ' : ' GOODS COMING! call and see us- A ' invit ' not t f!' JUJ-! vour - -- i -- inno wax - -- I 4Coi stock-o-f ' Comparable with viu- - JCall was ' Of varied and substantial thadcs and in quantities to suit purchasers Firsf Quality and Indispensable to Many of onr Good s for the pnrpnse cf securing Fresh and new froth the Eastern Markets comprising the w ) j v following Prints aheetinga aaifcnetts flannels linseya ginghams crock stripes checks ticks BOOTS and SHOE ' have also on hand Tory complete stock of ‘ OP0ll I wa BLANKETS: ' THE LOWEST RATES v ' I v:i: - An endless variety of figures colors and patterns to suit the most lastidions DESERETAVS a few door below Groesbeck's BuUdinga where we offer for eale a stock of Our stock of Ap V L - 9 - wait? of OfMt Salt Lake CHr WOOLLEN SniRTS STAPLE COMMODITIES ST It E E T i o Especially selected for this market consisting n AND GLASSWARE Of Staple Dry Goods On “II - ' TEMPLE n TO Tf E WORLD I PAliL CLOTHING ROC vou liool LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGVKESi G O O D S 1 - j 4 I set4 ‘V VIRGINIA BROWN Agent' 17 1804 'that : tej-rn- a and other CLARK fSEYERAL L tliirti froff FROM D CROCKERYWARE f EAST! v ul --It ' BOOTS AND SIK We have jttst opened OS- away in HARDWARE ETA IL DEALERS IN it pounds ERIE S FANCY ARTICLES! A SIIII‘1’ & CO R A to TEMPLE STREET WEST SIDE G Ciiina'& Qiiecnswavc CIIISLRTT the ''file H haml hal : just received a Magnificent Stock of R D IN THE TERRITORY ' ? i I isxock or M Which for style quality and variety FURNITURE j -- - EAST )1 jnakt throi i- - BOOTS AND SHOES I shall in a few weeks have a complete STOCK of rtMu COyCLYPEP ON SECOND TACE IJ I MILES! AND CHILDREN’S MERCHANDISE lders” thmirV' U City' 5 opt 8 G ¥ i! I iiuh r TIJIE—YirVE HOURS j i Ip lit rlou r leaves Virginia City for Bauhuck on Monday Thursday Sunday aud Wednesday PLAIN AND FANCY HAIR NETS lion jrrowi E TT LINE TO BANNOCK WHICH EMBRACES EVERY USEFUL AND DESIRABLE ARTICLE WARE he repEcd smiling rerv On Short Notice and in the beat Style of Workmanship pleasantly “I wouldn't have you pick Vour wotds This isja frank free talk and I like von the better for saying whst you think Go on” to add that when the l iras merely-gointhern people once really feel the war— they do not feel it yet— they willinaist on hanging every one i " r of your ' y ‘'Well admitting alljrou say I can't see how it Dn East Tempfo Btreet Office Telegraph opposite affects our position There are some' things wors reckon giv than hanging or extermination-- ' We one of those' ing tfp the right ' of ' ‘fYottgive ho offense i Sk T I CLOTUlNG-lIDUS- £J e LADIES’! AND MISSES’ 61-- tf ' tta WHOLESALE or any thing they may chooso to carry Treasure shipped upon the most fetut and the most trustworthy Messengers well known by by j CUTLERY AND HARDWARE J liath river &G-2- m TREASURE ' ‘‘ av°r°r don't M tmf vou cVmi j ept CO’S twenty-fiv- S would rail special ittention to our very Large and excellent stock of remarked T? L City i Passengers Our stock embraces GROCERIES AXD VVars-Kuoni- AAMtt4a G S invsi-- SIEGEL- - & GO And actnallr ahead of any other Line from twiinty-fou- r ' Onrgooih are of the very best quality hare been forty-eifi- jt hours j to meet the want of the people and will be Mold at e allowed ! f J Iiifi TDIE—FOUIt DAYS!! AKSO A iLARGH AND MAGNIFICENT North — from to Bangor t0cV pahis to ascertain Dubuque the feeling "of the Iav-- ' a-- Will CRONYH But if he federated J manSrJB 'QpleVthe 1IoQse will elect a wome S’011- U is more radicajJ: than he U— van I in'tr I OLIVER - HOUSEHOLD 1 IlM-lI- IU11 151LL & LAWRENCE i NEAREST ROUTE BY SEVENTY ESTABLISHMENT And being now engaged in' farther enlarging my works unanimous determination to shops and I take pleasure in announcing save the Union at every to my friends and th public that I am prepared sI? to fill orders to any amount in the line of 7 Lincoln andearlvfoTtiose onnn? 7 Tli pcIloi yiTH J1IEIR CISTOM East : E Y E R B R 0 U GJI T TO reiifr b£ Prm!'lon to Bank of Commerce New York pfexel k Co Philadelphia — sacb issocia-- " effiilff TJnand wor t I want " FAVOR US ajoinin JtnnmJ II A Cotinover J uUoul ISM 1 Oliver inviti v i Virginia City MOnta-n- a lkeCityT every Tnesdyiid Saturday after IStb Sepleiiibr bver the new cut off i e i °er J A i j A’ou tfr-bfforeuMealinnl- : Change of Time?! IIEKCIIAADISE i j know we have' a i in onr large towns At the dose of lectures it is the custom of the FOR THE' MASEFACTUBE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION people to come upon the platform andtalk with thelecturer Thigive him an excellent opportunity Qf learning the Last Winter 1 public r-'- j I But iqe are now receiving and opening one of the Will leave Great Salt MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF CO Bankers do-ceiv- es i Cltr July tlui J 1 hop yer tells you otherwise thrikNorthern sentiment yoii I and I assure you it avstem of lyceuui-lecturin- g X 1 " ' aud we feel confident will give satisfaction to a! I who may ‘ i ’ II 8 RT3IF1ELD Agent - CHISLETT & CLARK ts It”is so itir ’’ i Orncr— First South Temple Street Xew Stort dliv ft Tills Marlsot AT S O'CLOCK A Mi time to connect with the Overland Stage for the A- - e JF- lidlll y - rush A small number of our people a yery small number are The-res- t your differ about measures and candidates but are I united in the deterniination to sustain the Union Whoever is Important Additions to my ahopsrhnd ejected in November must be committed 'to a Haring-mada on LARUE QUANTITY of hand having the prosectioH'of war” Vigorous - II LSCALLY BXlOl'GnT TO Lews SALT ILVKE CITY DAILY CF CLAKK X - 1 Kansas Leavenworth LAKE CJTY ’ : tiiiit "In tfiu - KNjimACING KVKUYTLIIXa i ARRIVE FROM TIIE WEST EVERY MORNING iiu - - ' - i ' Coaches iUVp NOT GOBBLED UP THE TRAINS New York - - - o i - INDIANS EAST CORRESPONDENTS: - line A ND SALT i - 1 : ' a Also BOISE CITY' WEST BANNOCK t Metropolitan Bank i j BETWEEN WALLA WALLA OREGON ROME AND' EOREIGN D BANNOCK CITY - tYhIVEEKLV: 'T ' ! i crush us ‘ ' SALT LAIvE CITY AND VIRGINIA CITY IDAHO r SWva-meut- iriftri M's 111 i i 1 uffaiu fiir ri I I WELD SELECTI D ! i THROUGH TRIP INSIDE OF 7 DAYS! Carrying Fawsengwa Maib and Express Matter between Store) :is I - and: tlieuce by of conveyance to l’larrrvlilv and Sau Fi anebco making the i aiid When 7 adlll1a fejirful ap-- door- - The passions run r lu Our Stoclclis Large made mpM-mean- s COACHES TllI-VVEEKI- iY - 0tw Tlii Line also t GSL EAST TEMPLE STREET ? :t i Mee- - n l ) INSIDE OP riVIS DAYSI most Competeut ahd Trustworthy settgers 1 k - vt the in charge grieved loliear you say what you do GREAT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I have seen your voung meu 'dying oil the battle- olil men women and children starrfield: and your mv life PEALCCS n ing In their Loiuev I have felt I cduld-rbto save theqi For that reason 1 am here: aud I grieved griejred that there in no hope-’- ’ “I know yur motives' Col Jajuew'and I honor COIN GOLD DUST AND EXCHANGE S uij but what cun I do more ihau F am yon for the ? wiluljj I life doing give my poor gladly If it would bring peatfb and good will to the two coun- MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT u icsf but it wpuld- not It is with your own people is should labor' It you they who desolate our Lotnesr buraxfur wheat fields break the wheels of wagons carrying away our women and children Bank New York Clark Correspond with Metropol aud deJtroysucpliea maent for our sick aud w ound- - k Co Ieavenworth Clark k Co Denver ' f ed At your jdoor rlie all the misery and 'the utn FOR TIIE TlJIESi SALT LAKE CITY TO VIRGINIA b ' We-cam- 1 - UNIFORM The Coarliiwof thb line are Neat end Commodious and special attention is paid to the cmnfort and cuuveuoiice'f - ' imssengera The Trip from WZEXtT rSTWSEV CXTViltD I BANKERS ! nt V4 IV 1 CAL f Uta-a- t THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC CO 4 i -- i- which we offer to the citbeiu i -- ' CAUFOK- - and returns' promptly remitted Coaches for AtcUaon leave every morning at nine Exchange o’clock j Draw Bills on Liverpool London 'and rarls Collections made In Great Britain aud France I A TUEASl’IlE A FREIGHT EXPRESS Government Voucher purchased e J k PLACERVILLE KANSAS ' and a perfret line of cmunRiatioii'betweA t NW TUROrCII SALT LAKE CITY you-lJv- ‘ - ATl CHI30N V TA---'- i i 1 ' i : r i 'rlH I OVERLAID 3I1ILXO - 31 AIL L1XU KANSAS AND PLACERVILLE 'ATCIIISQN i- II E K CII ANDISE BETWEXX in connection with the i x vl OVERLAND MAIL COMPANVI carrying Salr Lake City L X irjHiA ST tTte MAii m-t iieiJvi-iLuv- l am with connect Shtgii L iw in forms Neva! Lat snd the lVuoer Stage Company West the GllEiTOVERLAD DAILY COACHES I op THE b now running Thia Line 1 £££8 TBS ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC STATES SELL SIGHT AND TIME DILLS ON wWito extern ‘Ve have said — New York UV Sjll'ud HSaa Fnuicbco Cal - u not bitterness between the Northern Virginia City Montana IUnho City Idaho witfoSth IKw face comes it pour money Boise City Idaho hands waste to ti ineaii ind into your repair Denver City Culomdo r::and it would' now welcome the Atchison Kausiia : -- you Backend ferirc you blithe loss and blood-- ‘ Portland Oregon eaused llut we must crushour Victoria Dritish Columbia shed Mn TO VIRGINIA NEVADA TEIUlITOIlts IX 5 DAI'S Froprleter i CARRYING THE GREAT THROUGH MAIL GOLD DUST AXD COIX U :i i - V S QUR FALL STOCK ' i WILL PAY THE HIGHEST: RATES FOR DJ' ARE NOW RECEI' TNG AMI WXortl ff i: a i leiltliad iml due Hod and w ou lov lialifl I can IoonrA Ari this war Ayri tliw I irh-- i II VlTkrtI night and lt WmlnwW nS: bot I our u day to I)rcr6iit - " wa naf anJ K“aii’ iSIwidlct govern it most go Sxvi L & City (rONTINVET) !: : Kl)IBAEL UAtsrr :w'lG8L 1X5 BOLLAPAT t 'hi CO MONT- - ' 1 OVERLAND MAIL OTERLAUD STAGE LIAE BANKERSil TIM nnE VI?IT TO RICH- C j- |