Show - The Herald Journal CIO Logon Utah Tuesday November 25 2003 touied in a diet dial gave him almost hlMH) eih'ries a das lii gel he sc calories lie ale a normal Jail) diel of one pound of meal or peas cooked up in a porridge pudding or bread over a pound of butter and cheese and a lull gallon of strong dark ale Simply io meet Ins daily calorie needs a Pilgrim would have to eat a ’I) pound lobster at breakfast lunch and supper" ' When it became ev idem at ' harvest time dial their vas 'and w heal hud tailed and the barley crop was "indifferent good" the Pilgrims realized that their livelihood hinged on " ihe success of tholndian com' Hut true to Sqaantp'sw ordit Pilgrim C’onliniu'd from ('! Oil lln Mi JilV fi’llllK'N iiud Hill ypiaiilyi Ihallirsi was a grueling one" pilgruiis lived on llie Mfv lldwei hui vacij dav men weie new dshoieto w m k oil then ven lenient ol Plymouth Hv vIk1 nine spinisivamc ' ihiiiiiir the seiileiiieiil wii taking s1iJH! but half of the pajiy had died from dliiesy t )ne of the Pilgrims Wj liiiii Bradford recorded vviiiU'i flu- ' - MHT ilimcd I ? commendations he if spoken spuvd tu' pain's night nor day ' ‘ - V " 1 s 'a- ' - ” ' 'T' - ibuidihceof loil and ' ' of luiiul then oh u lieifih ' fetcKl lheiivw‘'‘Hliiude' ilicin iiivv dressed ijieni Liieat1' ' their washed nude ilwir bed' Kuihsonie cloilies-clothe'unclothed them In a wiiul did all ihe honiclv and " nccessiiy offices lor them which dainty and queasy stomachs cannot endure to ' ' hcai named the Pij- n March J b ItO an visited vv'vte by gnmS '' 7 American Indian limned ‘ v ho spoke FnglishSwnosei ' 7 1 le nitosluced the pilgruns 10 ' amnhe'r f nghsh American-hidianamed a ' ' :Sqiim(Ok vyilhoul whom the pilgrinis would have ijoublless ' 1 - f ino'ther ::evpcrieiiced nightmar ' ' i" ' 'rv''” ish w inter I le instructed them - ' vi in the way sOf planting Cof i‘ y ' Using heiiiiig Irom fov'al '? b'roiks as fertiliserJ'!''IHe !’lanied'2tf acres of thg1 nevv'bHdikind wieji harvest mite rolled around yvereglad X'i ? ' ' s t - ' s I" viS ' ' f j ' n - ' sufficiently liberal and very friendly at their tables and w hen they meet they are so merry without malice and plain without inward Italian or French craft and subtlety that it would do a man good to be in company among them” In the autumn of 1621 for neither the first nor the last time food did just as Ander- son said: It brought together vastly different groups of pirn- pie in a celebration of life plentyand good if not a little unlikely company ' J s 4 "Both artificer craftsman and husbandman farmer are Several days into the celebration W American Indians ' ' joined the party bringing with : them venison which delighted the Pilgrims They also intn ' dueed the Pilgrims to some of '’ their dishes including succo- - ' ' tush which consisted of ' “ - v Xi'1 by naps athletics laughter and song One Pilgrim observed the joyful relaxed scene: " us” Anderson said' ' ' J dishes with the new foods they had discovered The oldest reconled American recipe is one for stewed pumpkin a sweet aromatic dish in which pumpkin meat is stewed in dark ale with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg The stew became an extremely popular side dish in their culture "It was to them what hamburgers and french fries are to time that Henry VIII had attacked the numerous feasts that prevented farmers from 'taking ihe opportunity of good and serene weather day” offered upon the same in time The success of the com and the fact that the Pilgrims hud of harvest' So by the late survived were cause for celel5(X)s the holiday was bration but the idea of a forbegun only after the harvest mal religious thanksgiving was safely home Then came w as out of the day after day of revelry sports question because the group Consisted of anil feasts" Soi niost likely iii early ’ two separate religions Puritan and Anglican Whose livid autumn while the weather was would they thank? still warm the Pilgrims hauled tables outside and ate They opted instead for an ' and celebrated together for older inode of thanksgiving known us "Harvest Home" ‘days They ate duck and goose and perhaps turkey though '"Many of them as boys had experienced the secular revel- - ' they had a tough time shooty ing turkey with their unwieldy ryof Harvest Home" Ander son and Dcetz w rite "'w hen - t: muskets They recreated old I SiIU'dlilcil Id Nlll ill lllv siimmci iliv Mav llowcr was delayed inl dul iii'l emkiik - Anderson and I Vet say in die article that each Pilgrim "could look forward to two pounds of corn meal cvcrv K : s '!- ' - ' ' ' ‘ - ta Vi ’ J ' ' i f lp j fuil with - '' v 1 ' - ! v - : ’ 1 '' : ' service vouca n The area was iiial urally pleiilifiil w iilt iisll low job ster eel miisselv "sa(lei ' ' 1 1 ' VVIkmIwHi'V ' spreading'' ' ' Remember sign up or renew y ' 31' er ' luf lay 1'ifile'candy'iiilo cake' hallci: ihe maker of I’ilisbury desseiK and bakiilg mixes': w lulls to hciir alut M‘IS' i ariir food cfeain ms for ils ' '''' ' : '? - tfti-- ljrMevei'"Krds llake il f ull'" voniesiThe natimial eonlesl IliviU's kids ages live to 15 Io submit a plioio and a description id an origo nal sweel baked ireai using Pi baking mixes jor' ' Ifii'iuis' 'I lie'ii ip lOeutriev w ill wni S5(Xf measli and will N: (eiliired on pillsburyhak- kie coin during the month iii 1 ebruary Ah online ballot jw iii be ivajiable lo allow silexisi-iur- iheopporlunity to cast tjieir wiles to help determine wiri- MXi grand ihe prie ' ' ner ' f' To enter the contest kids must create an original treat using Pdlshury brand haking 'iif-je- ss reachout J- ' ' 'mixes aiidor frosluigs a photo of u Then they complete a "Kids Bake if f un!" entry form which asks entrants ro name the treat and write a description of it in SO words or less Completed ' f entry I or ms and photos should and-tak- he mailed to: Kids Bake it Fun Contest VXf Box 3512 2 St CloiidMN56W-3- 5 The entry form and complete rules are at ' pillsfiury baking com Deadline for submission is F riday 1 on the wireless service America Cail l 866 REACHOUT or renew online ATiT WireleSS Scores : 801 SOI 'IIM rt imi So 444 N Mam SI 435 753734S "WWiVWC Virx ¥j'VA4-S- ' J II r ASMMM fLACI iSuite Ai Sul 0 imwasfTVMU 575 E UmwMy Prteay lSmtA-21- 801 1 4264623 ' LATTON VAVUUiaST 'KIMAVWI MAU miliMe uH On iw enii SOI UlYj ' Hewi V TNf GATEWAV 160 So Rn Grandt S( DGDCN Mil!) lanM Htlm 40?5 Prvefdaie M LOGAN MAU ‘Hiysanrj Ij- trusts' SALT LAKE CITY 61 1 S Mam &l XINDAN LANDM6 ' AlbT Wireless at attwi relesscomfreephones GiSCwSiwiilaWetfiMftliTtTNrmlmiMfM'HfMtirMyKcaiieel COTTON WOOO Suite A NONTHOWM SALT LANS CITY W4N Slate Si 0725 SOI ' im SOI SO? 3300 Soum 3 IADOV 10645 S Slate SI SOI 2 1P91 Important Information ' Ar add'donai mosfilir $171 Rufulatorr Rragrami Feu will be added to your bid for uadi Sou ei tarnca to halp fund ATST Wirttaw complianca anch variout gonammant mandttad pragrama wtudi Mtf not jratba avrilabia to tubicribart Thit'it not a tan or a govarinmanc raquirad charga Raewrat $36 activation faa far naw activation cradit approval 9175 tarty termination fao and activation m iH area Roaming additional mmuto and tong dittanca dtarge apply Vanoaia taaa Mirchargat fain and othor on' a qualified plan with a rwo-yaa- r agreament Not ivailabia far purchatt or aifeitmanu It g univt'ul connectivity charge) apply Availability and raliabdiry of Hrvica'ara tubtacx to trannhiion bnutabona Available far' a Imwcad time Other chargei and raicncciont rebate per account avadablo twelve month aftor apply Tou will be bound by the Servica Agreement and pnneed material Free Rhone Evory Year: One free or dneountod phone afior mad-qualified actiradoo arcapunce of any fret or dicouniad phone Phone (election detormmed by ATST WireltH end n iubna to change In order to raceme each free or dmoumod phono jfrer nuii-i- r rebate cuttomer mutt agree to and execute new rwoyver agreement and remain on or iwitch to a qualified plan Oua lifted pirn are determined by ATST Wire lew and may change at ary tune Cuttomer may need to'twiuh plan each year m order to recowe program benefice Program may be terminated at any time Matt-f-a rabata: Phone and awnce muc be aczme far rebate not available m Connecticut may be preceded a meant rebate at 30 day and wren rebate procetted Allow S 10 week for rebate check Sea rebire farm far fuN detail Mad-location SaietXait and other charge may apply C20C3 ATAT Wireiet AILRight Reaerved ue v i f ' V k h v : J ' RIVE ftV " |