Show The Herald Journal Logan Utah Tuesday March 5 2002 — A7 World Indian riot 5L9 toll 544 TELAVlV Israel (AP) — A gunman opened fire at a Tel Aviv restaurant early Tuesday killing three people and wounding 25 before he was shot to death officials said A shoe salesman who was eating said he pulled his own gun and shot ' the attacker It wasn’t immediately dear if police also returned fire The A1 Aqsa Martyrs Brigade AHMADABAD India (AP) — Police fined it s mob trying to aet fire to Muslim buildings early Monday killing two people in die latest Hindu- -' Muslim violence in the western Gujarat state where 544 people have died insix days Six other people reportedly were killed overnight in other towns but no details were available Some Muslims were too frightened to leave their homes for food or to return to those they fled even in Ahmadabad where soldiers enforced a tense peace in the state’s laigest city with 35 million people swiiFjg© ©ff CiODDodfl detd linked to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement claimed responsibility for the attack in telephone calls to local TV stations Israel Radio reported The callers identified the attacker as a Palestinian from the Jebalya refugee camp next to Gaza Gty Police said the assault on the restaurant was carried out by a lone gunman but did not further all-nig- ht RJMeasft describe him ‘‘A man fired with an Tel Aviv police commander Uri v told Israel Radio “He also apparently tried to throw a grenade but it did not explode” said police commander Yossi Sedbon also over Israel Radio Sedbon said the attacker also stabbed people with a knife M-1- 6” Bar-Le- : Take the Double Check Challenge We will check bat ycarfi return for free when we prepare your 2001 tax return vd©Dbdiic& The attack came during an especialconly violent period in the flict between Israel and the Palestinians ' In weekend attacks Palestinians killed 22 Israelis and in reprisals Israeli faces killed 16 Palestinians on Monday The attacker was not immediately identified USU Bid Sale Public Invited 678 Time 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Daily Location: 880 East 1250 North - North of Romney Stadium March ' 9 Over 1000 Items Including: Late Model Grand Am Sedans Vans Pickups Buses Metal lathe vertide mill wood and metal desks metal cabinets metal shelving file cabinets floor scrubbers computers printers monitors tables and much more Many items marked as "Cash and Carry" with no bid required Honor Continued from A1 HSR BLOCK the student policy “It’s very wise to have it be general because there are so many different ways to cheat and so I’m going to hold with that So die pledge reads ‘I pledge to conduct myself with the foremost level of honor and academic integrity’” Haws said In the early 1960s cheating violations of Utah State’s reg-ulations came before an “Academic Honor Council” according to Robert Barclay Assistant attorney general at Utah State Some time during the late 60’s or early 70’s the term “honor” was removed from the student handbook he said In the past decade there has been a growing student autonbnnr reviving die “old idea” of honor codes Barclay said the current USU student code has essen- daily been in its present for-mat since the 70s and the proposed honor code contains modifications not substantive changes Tb faculty mepobet who fcaxwleropipoofapthor ty in their classrooms would result with the implementation of the new policy Barclay said they cunently have less autonomy than they would qnder proposed changes Another concern of some members of the faculty was that the proposed revisions to the student code could give students too much dedsion-makin- g power in dealing with violations of the student code Under the new policy a trained student honor board consisting of four students and two faculty members will hear " complaints of chwiting that have been referred by the per- -' petrator’s instructor “I’m concerned about this policing function of this pro posed function — students policing other students — and being a more adversarial relasaid tionship” Dan Mclnerny professor of history ahd Faculty Senate ' memberagreed and elaborated “Quite frankly my main interest is hot looking for a hanging judge: It’s looking for wise awl prudent and carefcl punishment if it’s necessary at alL” he said “I trust my dean I feel ipore comfortable with faculty taking responsibility ' for these acaderpip standards” In a prepared legal analysis of the proppsedshident honor code Barclay said the deleg ' tion of authority to students in resolving confuted cases is an important feature of this poli- cy A grant of such authority dedrion-maproduces better said he since students ing ' have practical insightsinto ' t:- '4: camnus lii'd ws agreed styi student participation promotes higher standards as they see the sonal issues involved fed a heightened sen$e of ) 647 N Main 752-168- Weekdays 1 Sat 9am-5p- 9am-9p- m Check our Web Site at: Logan http:wwwusuedu -- surplus m " Glass-Coffi- n : : - - V k- i uiuxn nuiims campus judi h jV ’ a dal dfficer said die student honor board would beaSmall individgroup of uals who Will beexpectedto S’ consistently and fairly apply die policy He spake in favor ' weU-train- t l xfo ' vvr fairs ' s' ( vv " v r1: ty’"' In Logn v r ' ' m’rJ f 's ' ft 'I ' - WiQBlSondaVBmirtwIMandiandwIMalaSPnnitfnloonl l Cxcha VxSiylfcS Ib f rtl Uta CBy ! 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